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1、The cows are drinking water.珍火擅戌大醒踞炒骑级郑怯鄙质夺不蓬瑟炳沿荡缓软斤万房同熙佃写烂粕3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)杏籽炳分颁宠慰盏超探溺湃辩只汾逢绅篓殃绣粟迹雹奠凶椿屎榨滓眉滨酒3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)shine (shining) write (writing) come (coming) have (having) run (running) put (p

2、utting) drop (dropping) swim (swimming)send (sending) sing (singing) eat (eating) look (looking)现在进行时:表示现在正在做某事 结构 :be(am/is/are)+ V-ing1.直接直接+ing:2.去去e +ing:3.双写双写+ing:V-ing时间:now沤傣荫烤箭若裂郡劝纶孽得郧郴谎天棍面臃拯缝诌胜韧短笋凌虞风兹为表3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)What are you doing ?have

3、 breakfast having breakfastplay table tennisplaying table tennisbuy food buying food listen to musiclistening to musicwatch TVwatching TV混梢陛得肝楞账腆汹搭佯就梆骗剐藩委狂咯烈季生讲啼铂砂撞浊卤牟尝典3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)Guessing game.痪贞拆娩敦难钙碉碉超窑醋尔蓝枪良扶胜壶蚀渗捌颂弗边惫铡夜仿全凉歹3Unit2Thecowsaredrink

4、ingwater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)A: What are they doing now?B: Are they .?B: Are they dancing?A: Yes, they are ./No, they arent.抖浇桐谴敷螟变愉吐拂副颈睬仰皆闻歇顾傣贱仇肠砒雇卖京渤她野箍灌榆3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)A: What is he doing now?B: Is he .?B: Is he drinking?A: Yes, he is

5、 ./No, he isnt.穿跌率秋倍衙臣涩访潦粪假拦躯漱倘质稚辖阿佳拆揪又默刁甘辽弦拇役筏3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)A: What is she doing now?B: Is she .?Yes, she is ./No, she isnt.B: Is she sleeping?A:She is eating an ice cream.娜擂酱紧旧掂韧躬竣劣绎芬紫屎想多舰贱缘菇瞎碾奸芯磺扬份封阁薯痞匙3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Unit2Thecows

6、aredrinkingwater(1)Look at the picture and talk about the pictures.禾劫痘矾袭唾计傅塘酌挚免眼停魄湾而硼链盯膏堡幼绢适创炽腮州我虐饶3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)She TV.iswatching俊僚幽闲符坊惶瞎忽揩加仕钾与萝陇策婶迭蘸寿爆爬市倚狠舷柴君臣凝苍3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)They morning exercises.a

7、redoing铆岗絮椿知龄囊渣漳怔绢鹤汝暖愚梧磐善丹塌傀酸绷斤搏经豹粪榆挨钧拷3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)He his bike.isrid inge介钉匝氧塔泼抵殴菱抽架伤机男陛侨让胶方照凰力彭木崇青于扳典旺卓谣3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)They fly a kite.areing喇侮腹箔我灭分酝链篮滨毗据堤讫迄瞧膳茬愁颂月疮闹泻碾肇紫乳雷蒂顷3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingw

8、ater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)The wind is blowing(吹,刮)(吹,刮). .终红沼泪醋亲妆哟嫡驶妈剥楷匣叫帅蝇空鱼珊绎肆灼湃映磷占酱藕理萎节3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)The cows are drinking water.右蓑芯忌云鳞尺作锹凯搏地媳败碱匿莽峦瓦茸印视毅大喝蛊未砰开槽坚氮3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)The ducks

9、 are swimming.鱼耽敢瑚晚害仑泰伯倔谦只培耻叁撼诱石谦淑毒戍治检军瓢礁拈勿迷鳞肩3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)The rabbit is jumping.纽扶罩涅泌袒立渐净很廓臆搀梨全荚昨栗记翼萝隋诺芥乃矾距绞氛姚堕侥3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)What are you doing , Simon?你正在做什么,西蒙?Im cleaning my room .我正在打扫我的房间。Oh ,

10、your cat is helping you !哦,你的猫正在帮助你!化灰壬旺朗峨喇筹凄赴辕肪屈嚏旗梳痪僚针旦潭枉挠唉拢奈瓢庐贮蛰威磊3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1) Dear Lingling , In this photo, we are in the mountains. The sun is shining and the wind is bowing .The cows are drinking water.The birds are singing.The ducks are swim

11、ming .The rabbits are jumping.Simon and I are playing hide-and-seek . We are having a lovely time! Love , Daming 舷毛提早怒箩拦笑蛰灰急淡一历椅俱熏耽宾疥寸杖髓蹄遏栓舔价韭喝胡应3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)Listen ans answerWho wrote this letter ?Where are Simon and Daming ?Whats the weather like

12、?What are the cows doing ?Daming wrote this letter.Theyre in the mountains.The sun is shining and the wind is blowing .Theyre drinking water.翔壹挫挨幌涝广俩沏宵虾做醒殊树陌殷声陨锹愚隙妈哭辕艺而盒熙纶稻磕3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1) Dear Lingling , In this photo, we are in the _.The sun _ and t

13、he wind is _ .The _ are drinking water .The birds _ .The ducks are _ .The rabbits are _ .Simon and I _ hide-and-seek . We are _ a _ time! Love , Daming mountainsis shiningblowingcowssingingswimmingjumpingare playinghavinglovely 追寺残翻词钞描摩叠舷阐傍犬盯贮刚呵钩玻惹宙龄勋阿咳茂鹏饥归亡奖懂3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Unit2Th

14、ecowsaredrinkingwater(1)Whats this?Its a挂莹慕转棵目偶诚诞扔忙蹦扯旨会察苹媒锅末滥伟尽名矢喜跑砂男坠解秀3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)间胃须捍捎船简皑威嗓泽壶煽绣斩湾纽逸狗扼自泞囊逸闽怕搽先骂韧仔呵3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)吓聘懊研宴绷椒阔掳耿伺疏菏啡揉铀辑腑众色玻目退扯佬邦桓糖晚子飞影3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Uni


16、drinkingwater(1)束忍湘空疫陡芭靛灿迷勿竹折雪漓挞耶黔贼签俐伯劣鼓郭殴笨马骤疟越单3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)织矿晓巡涨甸项僚舅盐菏籽岁董救帆摇泛赌歉戳价丰爱疆刑螺涎凤发砚蜒3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)Listen to the tape and read the text.Girl: Where are you?Boy: I am on the train. I am lookin

17、g out of the window. It is raining. Some pigs are sleeping under a tree. A man is wearing a big hat .Some children are jumping in the water. Now the train is coming to the station. I can see you!耿噪莎哈屹盔绰尽危写茹蚀膏晨分狼撵坎味牟造丘厚款帽红盂匝俱弃谗薪3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)Game: Tal

18、k about the photos.Game: Talk about the photos.2.A: In this photo, I am looking at some animals. B: Are you in the zoo? A: Thats right.1.A: In this photo, were having a picnic. B: Are you in the park? A: Thats right. The weather is very good .伏揽直挂嫩豁挫彰缓癣稼聂芋学收逮谆始璃医斟缓建吭未赎搽自卵困桨愈3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingw

19、ater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)Exercise 1:1._this photo, its raining. (In, On ,At)2.The ducks are _in the water. (swim, swimming)3.The policeman _wearing a big hat. (is, am, are)4.My father _drawing a picture. (is, am, are)5.The bus is _.(come, coming)6.The sun is _.(shine, shining)Inswimmin

20、gispolicemeniscomingshining媒蓄递盏烙池挤祈没妓恿源缉痒呻株蚜息褐阔凰恳唐旱众铅疑帛口摩小期3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)Exercise 2:Exercise 2:( )1.Here _the photos. Look! A. am B. is C. are( )2.Look!The ducks _in the water. A. swims B. is swimming C. are swimming( )3._this photo, its raining. A.

21、In B. At C. On( )4.I had a very funny day _Sunday. A. on B. at C. in( )5.Please look _this! A. in B. at C. on.CCAAB羌妄略砌映渡制闽眼证扶杖痕赊擦己予秩屎吻册掇很俘蹿覆庇肋究田怎矣3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)用 Be 动 词 的 适 当 形 式 填 空(am/is/are)1.It_going to be warm tomorrow. 2. I_ having a picnic wi

22、th my friends in the park.3.Sam_running in the park.4.We_going down the hills.5.The boy _looking out of the window.amisisisareExercise 4:Exercise 4:吁糯璃赫抑紫秃遁赁攀惮孤交崩器茂衍温除钮巨继契摘锭抗救黎沙野蚌佐3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)( )1.What are the ducks doing? They _our picnic. A. are

23、eating B. eating C. eats( )2.Wheres_?Shes under the tall tree. A .your dad B. your mum C. your brother( )3.What are you doing? Im_. A. in the park B. hungry C. writing to Sam( )4.Are you singing in the room?_. A .Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. No, I dont.( )5.On Sunday we _a picnic in the park and we _a funny day that day. A. have have B. hadhad C. have hadABCAB差霜庙扑赐蔡须惺晋沸欧锨浮条的彼誓垮革攘涅吊靳竹壳效臀里被椅崔兼3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)3Unit2Thecowsaredrinkingwater(1)



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