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1、Lower limb金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college JGeneral introductionlThe lower limb is divided into four parts:lGluteal regionlThighlLeglFootlFunctionlSupport the body weightlLocomotion 金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college JGluteal regionlMuscleslSuperficial grouplGluteus maximuslGluteus mediuslGluteus minimuslTensor

2、 fasciae lataelDeep grouplPiriformislObturator internuslGemellus superior and inferiorlQuadratus femoris金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college JGluteal region (continue)lNerves and vesselslGreater sciatic foramen above piriformislSuperior gluteal nerve, artery and veinl Greater sciatic foramen below piriformis

3、lSciatic nervelPosterior cutaneous nerve of the thighlInferior gluteal nerve and arterylPudendal nerve and internal pudendal arteryPass through the lesser sciatic foramen to enter the perineum金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college JThigh-anterior and medial region (1)lSuperficial fascialArteries:lSuperficial e

4、pigastric arterylSuperficial iliac circumflex arterylExternal pudendal arterylGreat saphenous veinlSuperficial inguinal lymph nodeslCutaneous nerveslIlioinguinal nervelFemoral branch of the genitofemoral nervelLateral femoral cutaneous nervelAnterior cutaneous branches of the femoral nerve金联洲 Wenzho

5、u Medical college JThigh-anterior and medial region (2)lDeep structureslFascia lata: thick and strong laterallylMuscles:lAnterior group: quadriceps femoris and the sartoriuslMedial group:PectineusAdductor longusGracilisAdductor brevisAdductor magnus金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college JThigh-anterior and med

6、ial region (2)lDeep structureslGap between the inguinal ligament and the hip bone (divided into two parts by iliopectineal arch)lLacuna musculorum: laterallyIliopsoas, femoral nerve, lateral femoral cutaneous nervelLacuna vasorum: mediallyFemoral artery, femoral vein, femoral canal.lFemoral triangle

7、lBoundarieslContents: femoral nerve, artery, vein, canal (from lateral to medial)金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college JThigh-anterior and medial region (2)lDeep structureslContents of the femoral trianglelFemoral nerve:Muscular branch: anterior group of the thighCutaneous branch:Anterior femoral cutaneous ne

8、rveSaphenous nerve (accompanies the femoral artery at thigh, and accompanies the great saphenous vein at leg)lFemoral artery:Muscular branchesDeep femoral artery: lateral and medial femoral circumflex a.Perforating arteries: 3 or 4 arteries金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college JThigh-anterior and medial regio

9、n (2)lDeep structureslContents of the femoral trianglelFemoral sheath and femoral canalFemoral canal is the medial compartment of the femoral sheath, contains deep lymph nodes and fat tissue. Its superior opening called femoral ring. Boundaries:Laterally: femoral veinMedially: lacunar ligamentAnteri

10、orly: inguinal ligamentPosteriorly: pectineal ligament (of Cooper)Femoral hernia: contents of abdomen protrude through the femoral ring into the femoral canal金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college JThigh-anterior and medial region (2)lDeep structureslAdductor canal (of hunter): deep furrow on the medial side o

11、f the thighlBoundaries: Anterior: sartorius and the adductor laminaLateral: vastus medialisPosterior: adductor longus and adductor magnuslContents: from superficial to deepSaphenous nerveFemoral arteryFemoral veinlObturator vessels and nerve: supply the medial compartment of the thigh.金联洲 Wenzhou Me

12、dical college JThigh-posterior region (3)lSuperficial structures: posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh. lDeep structures:lMuscles:lBiceps femoris: lateral sidelSemitendinosuslSemimembranosuslNerve: sciatic nervelArteries: perforating branches of the deep femoral artery.金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college

13、JThigh-posterior region (3)lPopliteal fossalBoundarieslUpper lateral: tendon of the biceps femorislUpper medial: semitendinosus and semimembranosuslLower lateral and lower medial: gastrocnemiuslContents:lTibial nerve and common fibular (peroneal) nervelPopliteal veinlPopliteal artery金联洲 Wenzhou Medi

14、cal college JLeg-anterior and lateral regionlSuperficial structureslSuperficial vein: great saphenous veinlCutaneous nerve: saphenous nerve medially and the superficial fibular nerve laterallylDeep structureslDeep fascialSuperior and inferior extensor retinaculumlSuperior and Inferior peroneal retin

15、aculum金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college JLeg-anterior and lateral regionlDeep structureslMuscles of anterior grouplTibialis anteriorlExtensor hallucis longuslExtensor digitorum longuslMuscles of lateral grouplFibularis longuslFibularis brevislNerves and vesselslDeep fibular nerve and the anterior tibial v

16、esselslSuperficial fibular nerve金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college JLeg-posterior regionlSuperficial structurelSmall saphenous veinlCutaneous nerveslMedial sural cutaneous nerve: from tibial nervelLateral sural cutaneous nerve: from common fibular nervelSural nerve金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college JLeg-posterior

17、 regionlDeep structureslDeep fascia: flexor retinaculumlMuscles:lSuperficial groupGastrocnemiusPlantarisSoleuslDeep groupPopliteusFlexor digitorum longusTibialis posteriorFlexor hallucis longuslTibial nerve and the posterior tibial artery金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college JTarsal tunnellIs formed by:lTarsa

18、l boneslFlexor retinaculumlContents from anterior to posterior:lTendon of tibialis posteriorlTendon of flexor digitorum longuslPosterior tibial artery and the tibial nervelTendon of flexor hallucis longus金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college JThe floor of the footlSkin and superficial fascialPlanter aponeuros

19、islMuscles:lAbductor hallucis, flexor digitorum brevis, abductor digiti minimilTendon of flexor digitorum longus, quadratus plantae, lumbricales, tendon of flexor hallucis longuslFlexor hallucis brevis, adductor hallucis, flexor digiti minimi brevislTendons of the fibular longus and the tibialis pos

20、terior and the seven interosseilMedial and lateral plantar artery and nerve金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical co

21、llege J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲

22、 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou M

23、edical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical col

24、lege J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J金联洲 Wenzhou Medical college J



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