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1、R Re ea ad di in ng g & & W Wr ri it ti in ng g聘窘渠臼咙卓亨凳敬臻纷驭及筛贱溯湿冰尖概夜忱肤湛闲岭猾蝴郊灼精聪英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧书面表达检测的能力书面表达检测的能力 审题能力:审题能力:明确写作目的、要传递什么信明确写作目的、要传递什么信 息、要说明什么问题、思想性等;息、要说明什么问题、思想性等; 组织能力:组织能力:处理信息的能力、组织文章的逻处理信息的能力、组织文章的逻 辑性;辑性; 修改能力:修改能力:发现问题、纠正错误、提高文章发现问题、纠正错误、提高文章 档次;档次; 发挥能力:发挥能力:表达简洁、地道、流畅、语言形

2、表达简洁、地道、流畅、语言形 式多样、词汇丰富、有自己的见式多样、词汇丰富、有自己的见 解等解等.臭寅铡称真扇砷溪枪薛叼爆舰谗梢偷洒遇歪恃愤政属会贼菜摇投焰趋直稳英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧第四档:很好地完成了试题规定地任务。能写明全部或绝大部分内容要点;语言基本无误;行文连贯,表达清楚;语言结构和词汇选用恰当、丰富;有效采用不同连接手段,层次清楚,格式和语域恰当。灼箱郁决蔷游驭绿兔足录沮忿猖崇啤匝追痴校寞艺倒茧画坟贰帚脖哦忻酗英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧英语写作要诀英语写作要诀Theme:文章一定要切题,主题突出。Development:主题的发挥充分合理,词汇、句子、段落分







9、合作完成文章。老师可摘录学生习作中的精彩部分让学生传阅。在此基础上,可要求学生阅读一篇短文后,以小组为单位,合作写出一篇一百多字的摘要,以锻炼学生的阅读、概括和表达能力。 3话题写作。话题写作。以教材为中心,围绕所学的课文进行练习,就课文内容写出一连串的问题,再进行笔头回答,或写出课文的中心句,从不同角度、用不同的人称转述课文大意,或概括出课文的主要故事情节。另外结合此单元的内容,写出相应的符合实际的小短文。服删百儿尘耀靡识垢徊概据郡概阜逞赖侮贪掠轿牡勤荧多哥苍码三轧块宛英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧怎样才能写好作文呢?阅读阅读优秀范文优秀范文首先要搞好阅读。阅读是写作的基础,首先要搞好



12、这对提高英语作文也很有帮助,在游泳中学会游泳,只有习,这对提高英语作文也很有帮助,在游泳中学会游泳,只有多练习才能练好。多练习才能练好。伸雄斗锈剪户痢袜亏舔茸桶走呛沥蓖帮涡忻弟孰鲤粮翘官冲寇氓策伤捎夯英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧任务型阅读任务型阅读 填表格,提问填表格,提问 任务型写作任务型写作 阅读阅读 提纲,重点词提纲,重点词 写作写作写作任务写作任务 阅读,找材料阅读,找材料 写作写作头脑风暴头脑风暴 阅读体验阅读体验 学习写作学习写作阅读阅读 头脑风暴头脑风暴 开放写作开放写作读写结合的五种尝试教学模式巢积猫桨望距级咒漏废雨制饲梁窥颂佩剑部愁齐贼卵疙江绩剩旨刽姬扫坞英语综合读写

13、的技巧英语综合读写的技巧 任务型任务型阅读阅读 填表格,答问填表格,答问 任务型任务型写作写作涣税沙颠子憎呢疑咕马捏驹穴娶天辫地瘪疯素胯绣噶骆乐筏删秩桩皆乾植英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧Dave is a student. He likes clothes that are cool. He likes to listen to the music. His favorite band is Guns and Roses because he likes music that is loud and energetic. He cant stand the music that mak

14、es him want to sleep. He likes reading books and watching movies. Titanic is his favorite movie. He thinks it is very romantic. He likes books that are interesting and exciting, so he likes reading Harry Potter. Daves favorite Name ReasonBandBooksMovies喀清领荒窟泄科西哨绵匝贾郑晨胶视傲圭借活方拭陨减怂礼亨候廷稳铁搏英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写

15、的技巧Daves favorite Name ReasonBand Guns and Roses loud, energeticBooks Harry Potter interesting, excitingMovies Titanic romanticDave is a student. He has many interests. He likes to listen to the music. His favorite band is Guns and Roses because he likes music that is loud and energetic. He cant sta

16、nd the music that makes him want to sleep. He likes reading books and watching movies. Titanic is his favorite movie. He thinks it is very romantic. He likes books that are interesting and exciting, so he likes reading Harry Potter. 盎氦丁企歼觅淫捎滩沈异豢趁翱罪炊乖据泛袜右刨忿办慷桃疾钩傍针锥邮英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧 阅读阅读提纲,重点词提纲,重点词

17、 写作写作女削啤雇闰凌槽较闰黔叁搭熔窑廉肮羡阀圃啡姐狸掖矫蓄珍蓬朴丙基党蔽英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧How I learned to learn English Last year my English class was difficult for me . First of all , it wasnt easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked to the class . To begin with , she spoke too quickly , and I couldnt understand every

18、word . Later on , I realized that it doesnt matter if you dont understand every word . Also I was afraid to speak in class , because I thought my classmate might laugh at me . I couldnt always make complete sentences , either . Then I started to English language TV. It helped me a lot. I think doing

19、 lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner . Another thing that I found very difficult was English grammar . So I decided to take lots of grammar notes in every class. Then I started to write my own original sentences using the grammar I was learning. Its a

20、mazing how much this helped . Now I am enjoying learning English and I got an A this term. My teacher is very impressed .忽蒂愈虱琢诈舀瞻奋愿哨涎违邪埃废艾烧扣掌虏尘打蜡之印堆遁帝佯迪贷英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧 How I learned to learn EnglishBeginning (1) Last year (tense)Body (12) Problems Solutions Listening (3) First of all Later on To

21、 begin with Speaking (5) Also Then (supporting) either I think (gains) Grammar (4) Another thing So Then (supporting)3. Ending (2) Now (supporting)168Outline也炙梁乍吮绪抢涨盒岗富忘厕必悍划束葬辊赵域甭拜轴绑售稚蛔漫块孤兴英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧Sequencing: first of all, to begin with, first, second, third ,next, then, later on, at last,

22、 the following day, Exemplifying: thus, for example, such as,Focusing: generally speaking, in my opinion, as for me, I think, I agreeSummarizing: to sum up, in short, in a word, in briefAdditive: besides, also, whats more, moreover, furthermore, on the other hand, Adversative: but, yet, though, howe

23、ver, on the contrary, Causal: so, therefore, because, for this reason, in that case, Key words误破泊静泣咕岭闽交铁泣婿萍扶白腐剑细索桐牺按诬缓塑釉鼠宏策验八俘英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧 It wasnt easy for me to understand The writer found learning English difficult because I think doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of be

24、coming a good language learner.Key words and sentence structures围啄椎谷袍分舟跌蚌改宿盟微发雏簿肖菱审惶劳驻蒜焉碰维轨极怯升贝截英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧 Today Im so happy to stand here to introduce my ways of learning English. Maybe you cant believe that I got 70 points in an English test last year. So I was very worried about my Englis

25、h. To begin with, I couldnt understand people when they talked to me in English, because they always spoke very fast. Later on I began to talk to my oral English teacher. She was very happy when I talked to her. Its a good way to improve my speaking skill. I also found my vocabulary very poor, so I

26、decided to memorize the English words every day to expand my vocabulary. Its amazing hour much this helped! I could always come up with good sentences when I did writing exercises. But another thing I found very difficult was the English grammar, because Ive made a lot mistakes in grammar. Then I be

27、gan to read grammar books and wrote my own original sentence using the grammar I was learning. I also summarized the sentence structures after leaning a unit. I felt I improved a lot! I got 90 in the recent test. Ill keep trying to come top in English. Thank you.乞析飞画设执仕桅疯帽根病涂传辜莱登妙征邯邵梦雪镰献匣桶扣乡否急永英语综合读

28、写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧 English is so important and useful that most people speak English as a second language nowadays. Its especially popular around the world for computer and science . If you are good at English, you can understand many new books and movies . So, we should study English hard. However, some

29、 students dont like English, because they have some problems learning English. Here are some suggestions for you. First, if you cant get the pronunciation right, you should listen to the cassettes. Second, if you always forget new words, you can memorize them by making a vocabulary list. Third, if y

30、ou have some difficulties in learning grammar, you can take grammar notes in every class and try to make sentences by using the grammar you have learned. Also you can write to your pen pal to practice writing. What s more , why dont you join an English club to study English? In short, where there is

31、 a will , there is a way .Im sure that you will get an A this term if you study English that way .Lets enjoy learning English介掣著岛哪抛霖掇誉嫁漠曼膀辈推纤童掸俺恶卵温褥冻且挚曳巡吉公御奴英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧理由型议论文理由型议论文1. Topic Thesis: My attitude2. Thesis (more specific) Reason 1 Supporting detail Reason 2 Supporting detail Reaso

32、n 3 Supporting detail3. Conclusion Outline嘎斯汪脓乡义盈碴但赣绷麦锡朵雇墩芜锥暂净诞纸隋蕴债夜懦畜禹描晚呀英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧随着人们的生活水平的提高,越来越多的人拥有私家汽车。请从下面表格中所给两个题目中选择其中一个题目,写一篇议论文,简述你的观点。字数100字左右。Thecar-ausefultoolConvenient,comfortable,quick,getaroundfreely,savetimeStopusingcars!Expensive,hardtofindaparkingplace,needrepairing,slo

33、winrushhour,causepollutionandaccidentsAsthestandardoflivingisgettinghigher,moreandmorepeoplearebuyingcars._签壹联舍烟庚惊降孙谴镣认禁析芝盅综弦阵蜗踊门别写巍昆娇双妹治芥完英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧比较型议论文比较型议论文1. The subjects to be compared Thesis: your preference for B over A2. Concede As advantages But As disadvantage 1 2 3 Illustrate Bs

34、 advantage 1 2 33. Conclusion Outline墙状俄蚁硒眶刊罚翅溪弱罢熏将地评嫁膛外棘宦内续面商摔辨蒜簧兢络景英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧 As the standard of living is getting higher, more and more people are buying cars. Cars are becoming part of our life. First, its very convenient. You dont have to wait a long time for buses and you neednt suffer

35、 from standing on a crowded bus. Second, we can get around freely by car. Third, its very comfortable. You can get the air condition turned on in summer and you can protect yourself from rain and wind. However, some people think cars cause pollution or accidents. But do you believe there would be no

36、 pollution or accidents without cars? In my opinion, cars have brought us more advantages than disadvantages. I like cars.免般碱豁唱籍状挛嫡碟慎掇总弊院动沏恿血峪拓指坝岛晕疥情底帕娃镶皂英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧 As the standard of living is getting higher, more and more people are buying cars. It seems that the car has become an importan

37、t part of our life. Some people even think that they cant live without it. But I think the car is a great burden rather than a tool for us. Its very expensive to buy a car. Besides, youll spend lots of money repairing the cars. And youll find it hard to find a parking place because more and more peo

38、ple buy cars. Whats more, cares can cause air pollution and accidents. Indeed it is quick. But do you think it can save your time in rush hour? In my opinion, cars bring us more trouble than convenience. Stop using cars, and well have a better life.瞻腔将嗓蚀袱睁适盆巳彰脐平行径钉税伙竹针壹茨偏哨思储拔幼庆蹋辑仕英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧记

39、叙文记叙文说明文说明文议论文议论文书信,演讲,发言,留言,招聘书信,演讲,发言,留言,招聘Outline舆狠拦纺凄塘好杖肆泼妻抖世垢陌家敝旅烤鸿碳布跳缉丙搀纤臃盲拽兵移英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧 写作任务写作任务 阅读,找材料阅读,找材料 写作写作境坚迂迸稠驶求匿爱氛词拓朔伊汲烷赁招绍诽葬悬县哨暮掺徒槛落综题掺英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧请填写下列表格,写一篇关于穿校服的文章,并简述你的观请填写下列表格,写一篇关于穿校服的文章,并简述你的观点。点。Reasons for wearing school uniforms Reasons for most students dis

40、like wearing them What should be done 远蹦棵人亚杯稿腆障掸腊溶赁宛沮剃摔恳麻懦赘邀炊肿豫睁颐挎绕皱砷炒英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧 Although in many countries school uniforms have been abolished , school children in Britain and other countries still have to wear them. This shows that on one can agree on wearing school uniform . It is clear t

41、hen, that there are both advantages and disadvantages to wearing one . There are many good reasons for wearing a school uniform. Firstly , students do not need to concern themselves with what they are going to wear to school every day . Secondly , uniforms cost less than if students had to buy a var

42、iety of clothes . In addition , when students wear a uniform, they feel that they belong to a group and are proud to present their school . However , not everyone likes the idea of wearing a school uniform. One reason why students dislike uniforms is that they are not considered fashionable . What i

43、s more, sometimes uniforms may not be comfortable or even appropriate in extreme weather conditions . They may be too hot to wear in summer or not warm enough in winter . On the whole , there are advantages and disadvantages to wearing a School uniform. In my opinion ,each school should have the rig

44、ht to choose whether its students should have to wear a uniform or not .邮峡墟胶唱拘茁科掠莫浦混闪问煌遥拎勒搪顷隅括吭撬胀戈包伎叠颂拄众英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧 Believe or not , there are good reasons for wearing a school uniform. It makes students feel proud of their school . It builds a common spirit of unity among students and remind

45、s them of the value and history of their school. But for most of the students , school uniforms are not something to be proud at all . They dont like school uniforms because of their simple colors , boring designs and bad quality . I think the quality of school uniforms should be improved . I wish t

46、o wear colorful and good looking uniforms. 坦敛颈蜡争钞睫懦摊站孰湛奢鸳许拼汾吼祥圭呻嘱焊历溢蓖验坯浆陪沽江英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧作文提纲和所需词组vAlthough . This shows , it is clear then , there are both advantages and disadvantages to doing sth; vThere are many good reasons for wearing a school uniform Firstly , Secondly , In addition , .vH

47、owever , like the idea of doing sth., One reason why . Whats more , tooto . Warm enough vOn the whole , there are advantages and disadvantages to doing sth. In my opinion,.估步诸酞珍疙兜扩途念骇八京楞虱玄想靴录毛犀鸦蜗恩瀑剔刊颈价阵俐领英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧Themobilephoneismoreandmorepopular,manyteenagershavetheirownphones.Nowmymobile


49、ashamedforyouroldphone.Butmobilephoneswillharmpeoplesphysicalhealth.Inaword,Iamgladtobelikemyfriendswhoallhavemobilephone.Mymobilephonehelpsmealot.膊倦软冕恤栖撼顾顺楔喘俺讳汞调娩蛇济勿绑腥腑苑计坪将钾进动孽瓶契英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧Dear Helen, (优) I am writing this letter in response to your advertisement. I am a girl of the same age

50、 with you. And I come from a happy and warm family, which includes my father, my mother, my sister and I. I am studying in a key school far from my hometown, but I never regretted for my own choice, for the life here is very colorful and challenging. I am interested in stamp collection and I have co

51、lleted more than three thousand stamps. I also like swimming, playing tennis and some other sports. I wish that one day we could be good friends. Yours Truly, Wang Lin 拎镍蓬争艘坝胰气牢锈熙刹茶施里另跪瘴歉万绩魄噶甲增诌佯酚笨谊恶硼英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧 头脑风暴头脑风暴 阅读体验阅读体验 学习写作学习写作礼百域孙辐会蒸护鲤邱敲郡脚肛姜纪医庭广你茄耘驾坠姨缅豌激蔓晃湿茅英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧红颗芥贷众

52、娘逾戏议乞诣隧急贫叶柿培亏芥教懈培妄财显劝脉涡凑帛扼冲英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧When I was a little girl, I used to be outgoing and lovely. Also, I used to be very happy, Do you think so?揣互营女英丑快轴夜桂教瑟衔沼蹄弗响仿宽伙敬晌教吊套室率休敛浩贰脸英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧When I was in the kindergarten, I was taller than before, but I was still shy.I used to like to li

53、sten to pop music. I used to like to play some games that were very exciting. And I really wanted to be a pathfinder at that time.悉持荣激制矛询慰剑鞋扁抢坝猿鹏事紊私局韩很痞粥屑历伯肪丢凌譬双猫英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧When I was in the primary school, I used to have long hair,I used to be a little childish and I used to be afraid of spe

54、aking in front of a lot of people. Also I used to be afraid of the dark and high places.同酒滤臻毋仪涤靠疼腺研肥蛔亿安怜低拣既悬谆客骆嘱糠睛紧狗征呆抢沃英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧Now I have short hair and I am more outgoing than before. And I dont want to be a pathfinder anymore, and I want to be a translator or a computer programmer.Also

55、I am afraid of being alone, because I dont like being lonely.衡哼赣敖许扔淬籽生归心泄恭悠践窟蓬疯眉损甫阂讳捶罩很逮熙印怜哨榜英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧Everyone expects a bright future, and so do I. Although I know its not easy, I believe myself.Also I must set some aims, right?柳谆亩怖号喷唇盅诌洛随朴步犹矣岗才沉填外镍句漫巫摈伏岛丰咎勾劫洛英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧 阅读阅读 头脑风暴头脑

56、风暴 开放写作开放写作鸯槽苟遥烯疙遏玩船憋站撑句涟袜赚努败耕涪艇占吝冶挣揭纳揭踢貉镶滑英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧织欢拣垣俩壁浮怖幢量认虞泽嘘时基额拓损躇尚棠爷猾缅猖灵此狠际爆梁英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧Hello,everybody,mynameisKanny.See,Imacat,butnotacommoncat.Now,letmetellyousomethingaboutmychildhood.溪疗晃筛诚拴涡乡轻圾唇呐撕讥跑友菜晴挑选踌赠常髓抑衣研滴圈恕敦吞英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧IusedtobealovelykittenIusedtobeverysmal


58、causeIhaveagoodbrother考找自泽加蟹郡轴俯侦赋柿渣避疹脸话圣狄尽萨六穆隙盅晤辅贸少娶呕障英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧WeusedtoruninthefieldunderthelightWeusedtoplayliketwolittleknights驰斩盔漆眺坊武言讽是槽执仕酪月铝柞殷涝绚吱唇哟瘤桅唁扔撂叔气模蚊英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧WeusedtohavehappytimeallHowever,henowbecomesaroundball.Sohesunhappy.吗柬饮弟舟窿泥继靶勿喷淌钠羔昨霹兼薛咱察詹汀呈铸廓浴瑚砚打惶退搔英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧Butwemustsay,”theyallhaspassed.”Imstillahappycat!承岁迅破蔓粤颁建练乎耙四赢栅钾参裴再捅栋判沤跋似诺跋锋敝呀余佳瞅英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧 周记 摘抄 资源渠道多方面 增加阅读量 手抄报 每天一个词汇或句子的积累. e.g. It is never too old to learn. I enjoy making mistakes 深入挖掘 3a内容 3a仿写 口头作文倔皱苦励圆蓑孝才果阀烯厩擦倪挂眉嘛排秽瞥姜七赤辰帛禄倒交恼圣剁唐英语综合读写的技巧英语综合读写的技巧



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