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1、Dialogue One: A. when it comes to the exam B. you need to go over it yourself C. then I can go through it again next timeStudent: I mean I want to do some of these problems.Teacher: Yeah.Student: But its taking time to do them.Teacher:When we cover something in the lesson, (1)_. Work out the exercis

2、es in it. Erm, when you get a little bit stuck, sort it out yourself, and then think.Student: Yeah.Teacher: I know I see how you do it. And maybe if youre totally stuck, (2)_.Student: Yeah.Teacher:Its really the more you do, Mm, on your own. Because (3) _, youre gonna be on your own. Keep working on

3、 it and youll be okay. 【备选项解析备选项解析】A:when it comes to the exam :为时间状语从句when it comes to sth. 一个常用表达句型,意思是when it is a question of sth,“当谈到某事”。come to:谈到;涉及,译:-谈到考试B:you need to go over it yourself为主谓宾齐全的一单句。go over意为“复习”。 译: -你需要再复习一遍。 C:then I can go through it again next time。 为主谓宾齐全的一单句,注意副词的位置。t

4、hrough这个介词有“从头到尾”的意思,go through就是“从头到尾看一遍”。译:下次上课我可以重新讲一遍。【关键词释义关键词释义】 Student: I mean I want to do some of these problems.重点理解do, 就是solve, to find the answer。do the problems就是“解决问题”。Teacher: Yeah.Student: But its taking time to do them.it takes some time to do sth, 这是常用表达,“做某事要花费时间。” 注意it作形式主语,to d

5、o为不定式。Teacher:When we cover something in the lesson, (1)_. Work out the exercises in it. Erm, when you get a little bit stuck, sort it out yourself, and then think.cover: (在演讲、课程或书中)讨论,涉及;The book aims to cover important topics in organic chemistry.本书旨在论述有机化学中的重要问题。和上面的do是同义重复,work out: 解决;算出;弄懂,理解;

6、想出,制定出 get stuck: unable to move,“卡住了”,指“遇到搞不懂的内容”。sort sth out:分类,拣选取,整理;在这里指“把课上讲过的内容自己梳理一下”1B1BStudent: Yeah.Teacher: I know I see how you do it. And maybe if youre totally stuck, (2)_.Student: Yeah.Teacher: Its really the more you do, Mm, on your own. Because (3) _, youre gonna be on your own. K

7、eep working on it and youll be okay.on ones own: alone-依靠自己,独立自主,自食其力eg: Lift a rock only to drop it on ones own toes. 搬起石头打自己的脚。gonna= 美俚 going toKeep V-ing:2C 3A【参考译文参考译文】【答案答案】1B 2C 3A学生:学生:我想自己解决些问题。老师老师:嗯。学生:学生:但这很费时。老师老师:我们在课堂上讲的问题,需要你在复习一遍。把练习题做做。呃,如果遇见搞不懂的,首先要把内容整理一下,然后再思考。学生学生:嗯。老师老师: 我知道你怎

8、么做的。要是确实有搞不明白的地方,下次上课我可以重新讲一遍。学生:学生:嗯。老师老师: 你确实要多动脑。因为考试的时候,你就得靠自己了。努力吧,你能行的。一一 Dialogue Two A. Its been paining me all night. B. Lets have a look and see what theyve done to you. C. Do I take these Sofradex as theyre prescribed here, Doctor? 【备选项解析备选项解析】A:Its been paining me all night. -病人的话pain: t

9、o make sb feel pain译:-这病搞得我整宿整夜的疼痛难忍。B:Lets have a look and see what theyve done to you. -医生说的they指代药片,what theyve done to you说的是“药对你的起的作用如何”译:-让我看看,这些药起到作用没有。C:Do I take these Sofradex as theyre prescribed here, Doctor? -病人的话prescribe,“开处方”。as按照they指代Sofradex译:-我是不是要按照处方上写的服用Sofradex?【关键词释义关键词释义】Do

10、ctor: Well, what can we do for you today?Patient: Oh, Ive an infection in my gum, Doctor.infection: an illness that is caused by bacteria or a virus,由细胞或病毒引起的疾病gum:牙龈Doctor: In your gum?Patient: Up here. Ive some tablets and, er, I dont know.tablet:药片Doctor: (4)_ Aye, the Sofradex is not doing very

11、much for that, is it?do在前面讲过了,这里that,指代的是an infection in the gum.Patient: Ive never taken them. Ive just, I stopped taking them. take a medicine:服药2BDoctor: Aye, I dont think theyre doing very much to you.Patient: (5)_Doctor.Doctor: Aye.Patient: Im just wondering if its my teeth or that its just my

12、blood thats doing it.这里的do,是指cause.Doctor: I think it might be the teeth. Itd be worth getting the dentist to have a look at your plate.be worth V-ing: “值得做”APatient: (6) _ . Doctor: Yes, yes. Keep on with those just now.keep on: 继续;表示“停顿后继续”。Patient: Yes. Aye, two four, one or two four times a day.

13、four times a day,一天四次。 two four times a day, 一天服四次,一次服两片药。Doctor: Yes, one four times a day.Patient: Fine, yeah.fine:用来表示同意接受别人的观点。C【参考译文参考译文】医生医生: 呃,您怎么啦?/哪儿不舒服?我能为您做点什么?病人:病人:哦,我牙龈感染了,医生。医生:医生:你牙龈感染了?病人:病人:就在口腔上部。我吃了一些药片,诶呀,我也说不清。医生:医生:让我看看,这些药起作用了没有。呃,Sofradex对你的病帮助不大吧?病人病人:我没吃过Sofradex呀,我已经停服那个药

14、了。医生:医生:哦,我觉得你吃的药对你的病帮助不大。病人:病人:这个病搞得我整宿整夜的疼啊,医生。医生医生:哦。病人病人:我就是搞不明白,到底是我的牙闹的,还是血液问题导致的。医生医生:我认为可能是牙出了问题。建议你去看看牙医,看看你的整形牙套是不是出问题了。病人病人:医生,我是不是要按照你的处方上写的服用Sofradex?医生医生: 对,是的。你要继续服用这个药。病人病人:嗯。呃,一天服四次,每次服一片还是两片。医生医生:嗯,每天四次,一次一片。病人:病人:好的。【答案答案】4B 5A 6C【备选项解析备选项解析】Section B 完成访谈完成访谈 A:Well, about costum

15、escostume:即“特定场所或特定历史时期穿戴的服装”,这里可以理解为“表演秀show上的展示的服饰”。译:-嗯,关于演出服.B: But you know me with fashion 译:-你是从时尚方面li了解我的。C:I kind of feel that its more about music itself-我觉得这次音乐方面比较突出。kind of:somewhat, slightly, 即“有点儿,略微”。D:So you have to change just enough译:-因此你还真得掌握好“火候”。【关键词释义关键词释义】Interviewer: Does th

16、e show have a concept?concept:概念,主题,思想Interviewee: Well, its going to be much more-(7)_. Not that we didnt do that before. Its putting more emphasis on big orchestra, music, musicians, singers, songs. We want to do music as the purest as possible, like the old days I guess. So if its a concept.not t

17、hat: 并不是说Eg:Not that I dislike her, but that I have no time. 并不是我不喜欢她,而是我没有工夫.Not that Im unwilling to go with you, but that Im busy now. 并不是我不愿意和你去,而是因为现在我很忙。emphasis: 重点put emphasis on:将重点放在上orchestra: 集合名词,“乐团”。“much more”, “put more emphasis on orchestra”与答案中的“I kind of feel that its more about

18、music itself”中的“more about”是同义反复。这也是解题的key.“we want to do music as the purest as possible.”中的“as the purest as possible”,就是“只做音乐,不掺杂其他内容”,这又是确定答案C的另一个支撑点。Interviewer: How about costume?Interviewee: I think it is.Interviewer: How about costume-costume changes?Interviewee: (8)_-yes, I think people lik

19、e to see artists change in different outfits. Again, its a-you have to be careful with that. People want you to change. They want to see outfits. And if you change too much, they say its too much. And if you change too little, they say its not enough. (9)_ .You cant please everybody. But I have a wo

20、nderful stylist, Annie Horth, that Im going to be working with again and who will make sure that we can please as many people as possible. (10)_. I enjoy that very, very much. So I will try to change, not too little and not too much.outfit: 一套服装again: 而且careful:小心谨慎please: 使高兴;使满意;讨人喜欢;就是“让某人高兴,取悦某人

21、”。stylist: 时装设计师make sure: 确保”【参考译文参考译文】记者记者:这次演出有主题吗?被采访者被采访者:嗯,这次演出将更多的侧重于,呃,我觉得这次比较突出于音乐方面。这并不是说,我们之前没有这样做过。这次演出我们重点突出大型乐团、音乐、音乐人、歌手和歌曲。我们想把音乐尽可能做到极致,不掺杂其他内容,就像从前一样。如果这可以称作主题的话。记者记者:谈谈演出服吧。被采访者被采访者:主题也涉及到这个。记者记者:谈谈演出服,服装会更换吧?被采访者被采访者:嗯,关于演出服,是的。我觉得观众喜欢艺人多换服装。这个事,我们真得当回事。观众希望你有所改变,不希望看到一成不变的演出服。 如

22、果服装更换过多,他们就会认为喧宾夺主。如果服装更换的少,观众就是觉得枯燥,不过瘾。因此你还真得掌握好“火候”。你也不可能让所有人满意。不过,我有一个特别棒的造型师,Annie Horth, 我这次还要跟他合作,他可以帮助我们做到让尽可能多的人满意。你是从时尚方面结识我的。我对时尚方面特别有感情。所以我会尝试着变换演出服,变换得恰到好处。(11) Im in a position to think about my future and plan it a little more rather than just waiting for what happens. A. used to B. u

23、nwilling to C. able to D. glad toPart II Vocabulary【词语解析词语解析】position:即“某个人所在的处境,限制他能做什么和不能做什么的处境”。in the position=be able to do sth.eg: I am not in the position to judge. 我无权作出判断。I am not in a position to comment. 我不便发表评论be/get used to V-ing:习惯于; “司空见惯、习以为常”例:I do the dishes every day, so Im used t

24、o it. 我每天都洗盘子,不觉得这事有多难。She quickly got used to the warm weather. 她很快适应了这里暖和的天气。able: 有能力的;例:A viral illness left her barely able to walk. 病毒性疾病使她几乎不能走路。 I didnt feel able to disagree with him. 我觉得自己辩论不过他。rather than: instead of,即“不是”例:Well have the meeting in the classroom rather than in the auditor

25、ium. 我们与其在教室里开会,不如在礼堂开会。He is a man who will spoil rather than accomplish things. 他这个人成事不足,坏事有余。 【参考译文参考译文】我现在完全可以思考自己的未来并为之多做些计划,而不是仅仅等待未来的到来。【答案答案】C(12)The Canadian landscape painters style featured brilliant colors and free brushstrokes.A. furthered B. showedC. replaced D. excludedfurther:促进;推进;增

26、进;即“帮助发展起来”; 例:Well do all we can to further your plans. 我们将尽力促成你们的计划。Education neednt only be about furthering your career. 受教育并不一定只是要推进一个人的事业。replace: 替换;代替;例:All the old carpets need replacing. 所有旧地毯都需要替换。exclude: 将排除在外;不包括; 即“故意不考虑或者不做某事”例:The Academy excluded women from its classes. 该学院不招收女学生。M

27、any of the youngsters feel excluded. 很多年轻人感觉自己被排挤。【词语解析词语解析】landscape: n. 风景;风景画;地形,地貌; 例:The landscape of the Great Wall is like a dragon. 长城的全景像一条龙。The landscape is made up of low, rolling hills. 此地的地貌为低矮起伏的丘陵。feature:特征,特点;容貌,面貌;stroke:可数名词(铅笔、刷子的)一笔,一挥,笔画,即“用钢笔写字或用画刷绘画的动作”。He was putting the fin

28、ishing stroke to the portrait. 他给这幅画作最后的修饰。Fill in gaps by using short, upward strokes of the pencil. 用铅笔向上短短地勾画几道来填充空白。 【参考译文参考译文】这位加拿大景观画家的风格特色是色彩鲜亮和笔风随意。【答案答案】B(13) Milton Hershey was a successful entrepreneur whose open-hearted generosity continues to touch the lives of thousands.A. generation B

29、. kindnessC. faculty D. readinessgeneration: 即“一代人”generation gap代沟generate v. 产生 generator 发生器 This book was handed down from generation to generation. 这本书世代相传。 faculty: 全体教职员; 即“某个学校中所有教职人员”,是集合名词。readiness: 准备就绪;即“准备好,为做好准备”。例:Security tightened in the capital in readiness for the presidents arri

30、val. 首都加强了警备,准备迎接总统的到来。Everyone has doubts about their readiness for parenthood. 大家都怀疑自己是否为老年时代的到来做好准备。【词语解析词语解析】entrepreneur: n. 企业家;主办人;承包人,open-hearted:kind and friendly;和善的; 友善的generosity: n. 慷慨,大方;宽容或慷慨的行为; We adore them for their generosity. 我们钦佩他们的慷慨。touch: 触动;感动, 例:Her story touched us all d

31、eeply. 她的故事深深地触动了我们。He was touched that we came. 我们能来让他很感动。Milton Hershey是一名成功的企业家,他的友善慷慨打动了成千上万人的心。【答案答案】B【参考译文参考译文】(14) Green plants take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen in a food-making process called photosynthesis.A. donate B. checkC. withhold D. releasedonate: 捐赠;捐献,即“给某人钱财、食物、衣服,做慈善”。例:

32、He donated thousands of dollars to charity. 他向慈善机构捐赠了成千上万的美元。check: 检查,核对,即“检查是否正确、安全或者合理”例:Check your work before handing it in. 上交工作内容时要先检查一下。withhold: 拒绝给予例:She was accused of withholding information from the police. 她被指控不协助警方提供信息。release: 释放;放开;从释放出来例:He was released from custody the next day. 第

33、二天他被从拘留所里放了出来。He is expected to be released from hospital today. 他有望今天出院。【词语解析词语解析】take in: 摄入,吸收;吸入体内例:Fish take in oxygen through their gills. 鱼靠鳃吸入氧气。They will certainly need to take in plenty of liquid. 它们当然需要吸收大量液体。take in 摄入,吸收;领会;欺骗; take after 长得像;效仿take away 剥夺;拿开;减去;使停止take off (飞机)起飞;脱下,脱

34、掉(衣物);carbon dioxide: 二氧化碳oxygen: 氧气give off:发出; 放出; 散发出; 放射出,即“产生气味、热、光”。例:The flowers gave off a fragrant perfume. 花朵发出一种宜人的香气。give in 屈服; 投降; 让步; give up 放弃;交出;泄露;宣布无法医治give away 泄露;失去;赠送;photosynthesis:光合作用。绿色植物吸收二氧化碳,在称为光合作用的食物制作过程中释放氧气。【答案答案】D【参考译文参考译文】(15) The discovery of gold fields has lon

35、g attracted large numbers of prospectors and other people because of the traditionally high value of gold.A. searchers B. inspectors C. protectors D. instructorsinspector:检查员;即“检查是否遵循制度,或者标准是否合理的人” protector: 保护者instructor: n. 指导者,教师; a driving instructor 学车教练prospector:n. 勘探者,探矿者;【词语解析词语解析】由于黄金价值居高

36、不下,长期以来金矿的发现吸引了大量的找矿者以及其他谋利者。【答案答案】A【参考译文参考译文】(16) Even our Mitsubishi four-wheel-drive truck gets altitude sickness once in a while, so we like to give her a rest whenever we can.A. sometimesB. usually C. often D. seldomsometimes:adv. 有时,间或;时而some times: 几次Sometime: adv. 将来某个时候;改天some time: 一段时间sel

37、dom: very rarely or almost never,即“很少,罕见;接近于没有”。once in a while: occasionally,即“有时”。altitude sickness: 高海拔缺氧性症状【词语解析词语解析】尽管我们的三菱四轮驱动卡车时不时会出现高海拔缺氧性症状,我们还是愿意尽可能地让它休息一下。【答案答案】A【参考译文参考译文】(17) Sculptors from Pergamum developed a distinct style, which they employed in creating a magnificent altar dedicate

38、d to Zeus, king of the Greek gods.A. set up B. carved up C. devoted to D. led toset out: 动身;开始;set about:开始,着手 set aside:留出,拔出;不理会,置于一边 set down:制定;记下carve up 瓜分、拆分例:They have been accused of carving up the industry for their own benefit. 他们因瓜分行业利润受到指控。be devoted to:献身的;专心于的;将时间、注意力放在” 例:I could onl

39、y devote two hours a day to the work. 我一天只能有两小时可以用在创作上。lead to:导致例:Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems. 吃太多糖有可能引发健康问题。sculptor: 雕刻家,雕塑家;develop: 出现,产生;形成:distinct: 独特的employ: 使用,利用; 例:He criticized the repressive methods employed by the countrys government. 他强烈反对该国政府所使用的镇压式的管理风格。magnif

40、icent: extremely attractive and impressive壮丽的;伟大的,高尚的;华丽的,高贵的;瑰丽的;极其抢眼,引人注目altar:教堂上的圣堂,寺庙里的祭坛。Pergamum :地名 土耳其 帕加马(遗址)【词语解析词语解析】be dedicated to: 即“设立以纪念be dedicated to:从事于;致力于Mornings were dedicated to reading and afternoons to writing. 上午一心读书,下午专门写作。 The monument was dedicated to the memory of the

41、 national hero. 这座碑是为纪念那位民族英雄而建造的。 set up: to create开办;设立;创立:建立;Pergamum的雕塑家形成了一种独特的风格,他们用这种方法雕塑了一个宏伟的祭坛来献给宙斯-希腊众神之王。【答案答案】C【参考译文参考译文】(18) Working where there is no running water causes a lot of suffering. Fortunately we have a cold spring a short distance from our house.A. Forgivably B. Steadily C.

42、 Constantly D. Luckilyforgivably:能够原谅,可以宽恕例:His rudeness was forgivable under the circumstances. 他在那个情况下的失礼是可以原谅的。steadily:“平稳地,固定地”。例:a steady boyfriend/girlfriendWe are making slow but steady progress. 我们的进展速度虽然不快,但一直都在往前走。constantly: all the time; repeatedly 不断地,时常地;例:Fashion is constantly changi

43、ng. 时尚是不断变化的。suffering: n. 受苦,遭难;苦难;令人痛苦的事;即身体或精神上的疼痛例:This war has caused widespread human suffering. 这场战争影响广泛,人们的身心蒙受苦痛。fortunately: luckily,即“幸运地”。【词语解析词语解析】在没有流动水的地方工作会造成很多令人痛苦的事。幸运地是,离我们住处不远的地方有一潭凉爽的泉水。【答案答案】D【参考译文参考译文】(19)The research shows that nearly 130 species of birds are vulnerable to th

44、e predicted effects of climate change.A. easily attacked byB. skillfully adapted toC. comfortably inclined to D. closely involved innearly: almost; 将近,100%vulnerable to: 易受攻击的;易受伤的; 即“易受到不利的影响”例:Old people are particularly vulnerable to the flu. 老年人特别容易感染流感。【词语解析词语解析】研究表明将近130种鸟类可能会受到气候变化带来的影响。【答案答案

45、】A【参考译文参考译文】(20) On the grounds of Wimbledon, a year-round museum is devoted to the joys and history of the sport-and one of their current exhibits showcases Ted Tinling, the popular and controversial designer of tennis dresses.A. conflicting B. well-known C. debatable D. innovativeconflicting: “有冲突

46、的”。debate: 讨论;辩论;争论;debatable: 可争辩的;成问题的; innovative: 革新的;创新的;标新立异的On the grounds of: 以为理由;根据He left on (the) grounds of ill health. 他以有病为由离开了。He was dismissed on the grounds of negligence. 他因渎职而遭解雇。year-round: all yeararound, 整年的,一年到头的; 【词语解析词语解析】exhibit:展览,陈列;展览品showcase:玻璃窗展示、陈列商品In the showcases

47、 were displayed various kinds of goods. 橱窗里陈列着各种商品。controversial:有争议的,引起争议的be devoted to: 献身的;专心于的;将时间、注意力放在” 例:I could only devote two hours a day to the work. 我一天只能有两小时可以用在创作上。【参考译文参考译文】由于有了Wimbledon网球赛,整年都对外开放的博物馆致力于宣传这一运动的成功并展示其发展历史及其它陈列品-其中一个展台就是为Ted Tinling做的,他是一位知名度较高但颇具争议的网球服装设计师。【答案答案】Ccome

48、 to:谈到;涉及,go over复习go through;从头到尾看一遍it takes some time to do sth, ;做某事要花费时间cover: 讨论,涉及;work out: 解决;算出;弄懂,理解; 想出,制定出 get stuck: 卡住了sort sth out:分类,拣选取,整理;on ones own: 依靠自己,独立自主,prescribe,开处方infection: 感染gum:牙龈tablet:药片take a medicine:服药be worth V-ing: 值得做keep on: 继续;表示“停顿后继续”。two four times a day,

49、 一天服四次,一次服两片药costume:表演show上展示的服饰kind of:有点儿,略微concept:概念,主题,思想not that: 并不是说emphasis: 重点put emphasis on:将重点放在上orchestra: 集合名词,“乐团”。outfit: 一套服装please: 使高兴;使满意;stylist: 时装设计师make sure: 确保in the position=be able to do sth.be/get used to V:习惯于;司空见惯、习以为常rather than: instead of,即“不是”faculty: 全体教职员; 是集合名

50、词。readiness: 准备就绪;准备好,为做好准备entrepreneur: n. 企业家;主办人;承包人,open-hearted:kind and friendly;和善的, 友善的generosity: n. 慷慨,大方;宽容或慷慨的行为;touch: 触动;感动, prospector:n. 勘探者,探矿者;inspector:检查员;protector: 保护者instructor: n. 指导者,教师once in a while: occasionally,即“有时”。altitude sickness: 高海拔缺氧性症状seldom: 很少,罕见;sculptor: 雕刻家

51、,雕塑家;develop: 出现,产生;形成:check: 检查,核对, withhold: 拒绝给予release: 释放;放开;从释放出来take in: 摄入;吸收;吸入体内;领会;欺骗; take after 长得像;效仿take away 剥夺;拿开;减去;使停止take off (飞机)起飞;脱下,脱掉(衣物);carbon dioxide: 二氧化碳oxygen: 氧气distinct: 独特的employ: 使用,利用; magnificent: 壮丽的l伟大的,高尚的;be dedicated to: “设立以纪念be dedicated to:从事于;致力于sometime

52、s:adv. 有时,间或;时而some times: 几次Sometime: adv. 将来某个时候;改天some time: 一段时间conflicting: 有冲突的debate: 讨论;辩论;争论;debatable: 可争辩的;成问题的; innovative: 革新的;创新的;标新立异的give off:发出; 放出; 散发出; 放射出, give in 屈服; 投降;让步; give up 放弃;交出;泄露;give away 泄露;失去;赠送;photosynthesis:光合作用set up:开办;设立;创立;建立;set out: 动身;开始;set about开始,着手 s

53、et aside:留出,拔出;不理会,set down:制定;记下carve up 瓜分、拆分lead to:导致fortunately: luckily,即“幸运地”。Forgivably能够原谅,可以宽恕donate: 捐赠;捐献,steadily:平稳地,固定地constantly: 不断地,时常地;nearly: almost; 将近,100%vulnerable to: 易受攻击的;易受伤的; On the grounds of: 以为理由;根据year-round:整年的,一年到头的; controversial:有争议的,引起争议的exhibit:展览,陈列;展览品showcase:玻璃窗展示、陈列商品



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