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《oracle hrms training》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《oracle hrms training(202页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Oracle HRMS TrainingSteven YuOracle HRMS/PAY 11i日程 人力资源管理介绍Oracle ERP架构OHRMS系统本地化介绍ORACLE中国版工资管理系统介绍(Payroll)实施实施关键考虑 人力资源管理介绍Oracle ERP架构OHRMS系统本地化内容介绍ORACLE中国版工资管理系统介绍(Payroll)实施实施关键考虑 日程Proposed ModulesHumanResourcesTime& LaborAdvancedBenefits Business Intelligence Self-servicePayrollVertical Ext

2、ensionsTrainingAdmin-istrationiLearningiRecruitmentOracle HRMS Balanced ScorecardLocalizations日程 人力资源管理介绍Oracle ERP架构OHRMS系统本地化内容介绍ORACLE中国版工资管理系统介绍(Payroll)实施实施关键考虑 Oracle HRMS Information Model工作结构工作结构(Work Structure) 组织组织 职务和职位职务和职位 能力能力 目标目标 等级等级人员人员(People) 员工、应聘人员员工、应聘人员 临时工临时工 年龄、服务年限年龄、服务年限

3、资格资格 联系联系 家庭成员家庭成员工资和福利工资和福利(Compensation) 基本工资基本工资 福利福利 奖金奖金 缺勤缺勤分配分配分配分配( (Assignment)Assignment)人人员员管理管理组织组织管理管理薪酬管理薪酬管理报报表和事表和事务处务处理理岗位成批更改岗位成批更改薪资成批更改薪资成批更改Oracle HRMS Information Model工作结构工作结构(Work Structure) 组织组织 职务和职位职务和职位 能力能力 目标目标 等级等级人员人员(People) 员工、应聘人员员工、应聘人员 临时工临时工 年龄、服务年限年龄、服务年限 资格资格

4、联系联系 家庭成员家庭成员工资和福利工资和福利(Compensation) 基本工资基本工资 福利福利 奖金奖金 缺勤缺勤分配分配分配分配( (Assignment)Assignment)Enterprise Work Structures 企业工作结构本章节目标本章节结束后,学员应该可以:能够理解和识别不同类型企业的业务模式并可以运用到OHRMS中能够描述企业工作结构所包含的内容并理解和运用到OHRMS中本章节议题企业工作架构业务组地点组织结构层职务、职位等级和等级标准组成本核算、能力弹性域设置 Overview企业工作架构各个企业有其各自的风格,也就是我们俗称的“culture-企业文化”

5、, 主要体现在工作组织、人员管理等方面。 “Culture-企业文化”也反映在企业的运作机制上,例如,系统业务流程、系统控制和系统运行等方面。Typical Types of Enterprise典型的企业类型本章节我们将考虑从三个层面介绍企业类型,以及他们的特点:1. Project Based(基于项目)2. Rule Based(基于角色)3. Hybrid(复杂型)Project Based Enterprise基于项目Oracle Solution此类型的特点是考虑采用职务、组织的灵活定义来满足此类型企业的需要。使用组织作为报表分析单元使用职务来定义每个人员的角色,职务独立于任何特定

6、的组织。人员组织变更后并不影响职务。使用“Elements”来记录项目中所花的时间分配分配组织组织职务职务职务定义定义:定义:N-工作结构工作结构-职务职务-说明说明分配:分配:N-人员人员-输入和维护输入和维护-分配分配Rule Based Enterprise基于角色 Oracle Solution此类型的特点是考虑采用职位(岗位)来展示企业的架构。职位/岗位(Position)比职务管理更加详细、具体地管理人员信息和人员汇报关系。采用组织(Orgs)来表示部门层级关系信息。在企业工作结构管理中采用职务(Job)来体现企业具有共性的类型。AssignmentOrganizationJobP

7、osition职位定义定义:定义:N-工作结构工作结构-职位职位-说明说明分配:分配:N-人员人员-输入和维护输入和维护-分配分配Hybrid Enterprise 复杂型 Oracle SolutionPositions for managersJobs for other employeesPersonOrgJobPersonOrgJobPositionAssignmentAssignmentProduction DirectorProductionDirector .1UnionA.Engineer.1Production企业工作架构案例思考企业模式 描述你所在企业或者你所了解的企业,他

8、们的企业类型是哪一种?如果你有机会成为一个企业的人力资源管理部门负责人,你将如何搭建企业架构?Enterprise Work Structures Components(内容)本章节议题企业工作架构业务组地点组织结构层职务、职位等级和等级标准组成本核算、能力弹性域设置业务组Business Group基于业务组内定义完整的与HR相关的操作和处理数据每一个业务组与一个法规代码(国家代码)相关联,此法规代码蕴含着本地相关法律内容,例如:薪资系统、人力资源管理本地化内容等地点Location为实际工作的场所定义工作地点本地或者国际性可以特指为一个业务组内,或者定义为全球性地址 在某些国家本地化的开发

9、中,有可能引用“地点”作为税的规则定义 也可以为外部组织定义地址例如保险公司、税务局等1400 First Street New YorkUSA150 Victoria StreetMelbourneAustralia33 EastcheapLondonUnited Kingdom组织Organizations任何小于业务组(business group)的工作单元均可称为/定义为组织公司部门、分部业务实体组织可以为内部组织或者外部组织例如:HR顾问咨询公司、保险公司Organization Hierarchies组织结构DEMO演示地点的定义组织的定义业务组的定义组织层结构定义1案例思考业务

10、组定义你的企业在一个国家的多个城市设有办事机构,其组织机构、人员数量简单,运作模式基本一致,你将考虑在系统中如何设置业务组?你的企业在一个城市注册,其组织机构复杂、人员数量庞大,你将如何在系统中设置业务组?OneManyOneManyOO案例思考业务组定义(续)你的企业在多个国家、多个城市设有办事机构,其组织结构各异,人员规模数量各异,运作模式多有区别(地方型差异),你将考虑在系统中如何设置业务组?OneManyMany本章节议题企业工作架构业务组地点组织结构层职务、职位等级和等级标准组成本核算、能力弹性域设置Jobs and Positions职务和职位使用职务或职位来体现企业中人员的不同角

11、色Oracle HRMS 提供以上设置来满足不同企业的需要Senior EngineerConsultantPayroll ManagerPayroll ClerkJobs职务在业务组的架构中职务是具有普遍的、一般性角色职务独立于任何单一组织例如: 在多个组织中都有经理和顾问职务 Oracle HRMS 运行用户定义适合自己企业的职务架构Job Key Flexfield职务架构设置采用关键性弹性域设置职务架构系统中具有30个段可使用 为每一个段可设置相关的值同时,可以设置此值是可选项还是必输项Manager.1JobTitleManagerLevel1Job Key FlexfieldPos

12、itions职位职位是一个特定的职责或功能,一个职责在一个组织中只有一个。职位/岗位(Position)比职务管理更加详细、具体地管理人员信息和人员汇报关系。职位的定义包含职务和组织Positions and Organizations职位和组织使用职位来表示组织中的岗位一般大型企业利用职位来显示管理职位使用“职位控制”功能来管理职位(岗位)编制Org : HR DepartmentPostAdditional Information for Jobsand Positions其他信息预定义的信息类型:有效等级职务评估信息工作选择技能要求用户可定义无限多的特殊信息特殊信息Position Hi

13、erarchies岗位层次结构使用层次结构来管理岗位之间的汇报关系比组织层管理更加详细在岗位层次结构中每一个岗位有一个上级主管可定义无限多的层次关系日期和版本复制和管理多个版本的层次关系可以使用岗位层次结构来控制用户权限安全性配置文件报表DEMO演示定义职务架构定义职位架构定义职位层次结构组织层结构定义本章节议题企业工作架构业务组地点组织结构层职务、职位等级和等级标准组成本核算、能力弹性域设置等级等级显示一个企业的级别层次或者资历可以按照群体划分,例如:管理层, 行政管理层, 技术等.通常与薪资级别有关联通常与职位、职务有关联通常与一个群体有关联Assembler.1Engineer.SnrC

14、lerk.JnrDirectorGrade Key Flexfield等级架构设置使用关键性弹性域定义等级架构系统中具有30个段可使用 为每一个段可设置相关的值Job GroupEngineerLevel3Grade Key FlexfieldUnionTGTGWU.Engineer.3GradeWork StructuresGrades and Pay等级和支付Oracle HRMS 在等级和支付中支持直接关系和间接关系Direct (直接关系)使用评级标准(Grade Rates)定义最高值、中间值和最低值Indirect(间接关系)使用工资标准(Pay Scales)累进点和值评级幅度和

15、增量Work Structures Grade Rates评级标准每一个等级有一个范围值通常运用于与薪资关联的处理薪资管理单位可以是货币、小时和数字A.125000200003000040000等级等级值值最低值最低值中间值中间值最高值最高值A.227000230003300043000Grade Steps and Progression Points工资标准和累进点876512349130001265512250117001000010550109751145013400A12312CB1342PointsPayPay ScaleGrade A - Steps 1,2,3Grade B -

16、 Steps 1,2,3,4Grade C - Steps 1,2DEMO演示定义评级标准定义工资等级职位层次结构的定义本章节议题企业工作架构业务组地点组织结构层职务、职位等级和等级标准组成本核算、能力弹性域设置Payroll Groups for HR Users工资单使用HR用户权限定义工资单( payroll group):可用于薪资福利适应范围规则定义可用于与等三方薪资软件集成可用于安全性设置使用工资管理系统定义支付频率定义薪资支付日历支付期间选项People Groups人员组人员可以采用地点、组织、职务、职位、等级和工资单定义等方法分类同时, Oracle HRMS 提供另外灵活的

17、方法定义人员类型人员组可用于报表分析可定义薪资福利的适应范围可用来扩展人员分配的信息例如:工会成员等 People Group Key Flexfield人员组的设置People Group Key FlexfieldPensionYesCar UserEssentialUnionNoneNone.Yes.Essential.SalesGroupComp GroupSales使用关键性弹性域定义人员组架构系统中具有30个段可使用 为每一个段可设置相关的值本章节议题企业工作架构业务组地点组织结构层职务、职位等级和等级标准组成本核算、能力弹性域设置Parallel Reporting Struct

18、uresHR and GL并行的报表架构Are the HR organization reporting lines and GL Cost Center hierarchies exactly the same in your own enterprise?HR Reporting:Organizations in a hierarchyGL Reporting:Cost centers in a hierarchy 01012101220110122 HierarchiesHR DivisionEmployeeServicesRecruitingRegion ARegion BRegio

19、n CCost Allocation Key Flexfield成本核算设置Cost Allocation Key FlexfieldSalaries7350 - HR DevVision USSelf-Service CompanyProjectCost CenterAccount CodeQualifiers control where a user can allocate values for each segment使用关键性弹性域成本核算架构系统中具有30个段可使用 与GL共享数据为每一个段可设置相关的值Mapping Options科目映射当定义成本分配关键弹性域,需定义将哪些段

20、映射到某个帐套的段中选择帐套和段Oracle HR holds the allocation of cost informationHR中将不会显示成本中心结构,成本中心结构是GL的组成部分DEMO演示成本分配架构的定义能力架构的定义职位层次结构的定义练 习练习内容:定义职务架构(Job)定义职位架构(Position)定义等级架构定义人员组架构 定义地点:(N) Work Structures Location 定义业务组:(N) Work Structures Organization Description 定义组织:(N) Work Structures Organization De

21、scription 定义组织层次结构:(N) Work Structures Organization Hierarchy 定义职位层次结构:(N) Work Structures Position Hierarchy Practice: Grant User Access to a New Business GroupUse the System Administrator responsibility:1. (N) Security Responsibility Define 2. (N) Profile System 3. (N) Security User Define Special

22、 Information Type(SIT)Extra Information Type(EIT)特殊信息、额外信息OverviewSIT/EIT 使用SIT/EIT用户可以自己定义企业相关的人员信息类型,是Oracle HRMS提供的一种功能可定义无限多的信息类型系统中具有30多个段可使用说明性弹性域每一类型的信息允许多条录入Overview(续)SIT/EIT 在以下区域可以定义SIT/EIT地点组织职位职务人员分配DEMOSIT/EITOracle HRMS Information Model工作结构工作结构(Work Structure) 组织组织 职务和职位职务和职位 能力能力 目标

23、目标 等级等级人员人员(People) 员工、应聘人员员工、应聘人员 临时工临时工 年龄、服务年限年龄、服务年限 资格资格 联系联系 家庭成员家庭成员工资和福利工资和福利(Compensation) 基本工资基本工资 福利福利 奖金奖金 缺勤缺勤分配分配分配分配( (Assignment)Assignment)本章节目标本章节结束后,学员应该可以:能够理解OHRMS雇佣管理的主要概念能够理解和定义人员分配的概念能够描述人员管理所包含的内容并理解和运用到OHRMS中本章节议题介绍雇佣关系的相关内容搭建雇佣关系模型OverviewOracle HRMS 除可以记录企业中员工的基本信息,也可以维护企

24、业中员工行为、过程信息进行跟踪管理系统允许你: 录入、维护、分析所有有关人员的信息Hiring and Deploying People人员聘用和调动PeoplePay andbenefitsThe assignment is the central concept that relates to the structures in which an employee works. EmploymentRelationshipAssignmentDetailsWorkstructures录入和修改人员基本信息人员维护窗口人员维护窗口姓名姓名国家标识国家标识家庭地址家庭地址合同合同电话号码电话号

25、码照片照片联系人联系人性别性别人员类型人员类型出生日期出生日期Person Types人员类型通过人员类型将不同状态下的人员按一定的规律区分,例如:员工、离职人员、临时工等系统通过人员类型对人员分类安全性设置允许基于人员类型查询不同状态下的人员信息Person Types Oracle HRMS 系统预设定了人员类型系统允许用户定义自己的用户类型,并且与系统类型匹配系统允许用户定义自己的用户类型,并且与系统类型匹配SystemUserAssignments in Oracle HRMS分配分配体现了员工在企业中的状态、其担当的角色等信息每一个分配具有唯一的分配标识(分配号)来识别业务组中员工的

26、每一次有效分配分配涵盖以下内容:有效日期当前状态员工信息用户自定义的员工信息Single Assignments in Oracle HRMS一人一岗当员工工作内容变更,例如:升职、部门间调动等,可以维护分配的变化。采用系统提供的 日期跟踪功能(datetrack)可以保留变更前后的历史记录。也可以使用日期跟踪功能对变更有效日期灵活的定义Employees and AssignmentsAsgPersonEmployeeEx-EmployeeCompensationTerminationHire DatePeriod ofServicePromotionRelocationPeriods of

27、 Service andMultiple Assignments一人多岗如果企业中有员工兼职其他岗位,并且不同岗位的福利内容不同,此时可以采用在单个服务期多个分配但是,必须有一个分配是主要分配其他分配是次要分配Periods of Service andMultiple AssignmentsAsg-01PersonEmployeeHire DatePeriod ofServiceEnd of Asg-01Asg-02PrimaryPrimaryAssignment Statuses分配状态系统提供四种分配状态:Active(有效)Suspended(暂停)Terminated (终止) 可进

28、一步处理薪资Ended (结束) 不能进一步处理薪资通过日期范围管理各时段信息今天是今天是9/4/2024获得获得MBA学位学位2001-4-1起至今起至今结婚结婚2002-1-18起至今起至今职位变动职位变动2004-9-1起执行起执行工资调整工资调整2004-9-1起执行起执行管理过去、现在和将来的信息管理过去、现在和将来的信息DEMO演示人员信息维护人员分配雇员合同信息人员其他信息雇员终止雇员终止1LocalizationLocalization for ChinaGlobalGlobalHRMSHRMS1. Multi Language (28 Languages)3. Time-Zo

29、ne Service4. Local Reporting, Statutory Rules, Cultural Processes2. Multi Currency & Date FormatHRLocalization法律规定的个人信息法律规定的个人信息身份证、社会保险号、户口、民族、服兵役记录、个人档案、暂住证、工作许可证、护照信息、报税所在地、奖惩记录、参加工作日期法律规定的雇主信息法律规定的雇主信息公司名、公司代码、公司类别、经营许可证号码、上级主管部门、社会保险号、住房公积金帐号中国特定的信息格式中国特定的信息格式姓名表达方式、拼音名、地址格式、合同信息PAYROLL 住房公积金信息

30、和计算住房公积金信息和计算 各种社会保险项目各种社会保险项目,包括养老保险、失业保险、医疗保险、工 伤保险等 个人所得税计算个人所得税计算(支持各种类型包括双薪计税、奖金计税、佣金计税) 离职工资及所得税计算离职工资及所得税计算 银行文件银行文件 工资单工资单REPORT 生成工资银行报盘程序生成工资银行报盘程序 个人所得税申报表个人所得税申报表 住房公积金和社会保险的各类报表住房公积金和社会保险的各类报表基数申报表,每月缴费情况表,每月员工变动情况表总结 此章节描述了OHRMS员工管理的关键概念此章节描述了OHRMS员工分配分配状态的识别练 习练习内容: 录入和维护人员信息:(N) Peop

31、le&maintain 人员分配: (N) People&maintain -Assignment人员特殊信息: (N) People&maintain Oracle HRMS Information Model工作结构工作结构(Work Structure) 组织组织 职务和职位职务和职位 能力能力 目标目标 等级等级人员人员(People) 员工、应聘人员员工、应聘人员 临时工临时工 年龄、服务年限年龄、服务年限 资格资格 联系联系 家庭成员家庭成员工资和福利工资和福利(Compensation) 基本工资基本工资 福利福利 奖金奖金 缺勤缺勤分配分配分配分配( (Assignment)A

32、ssignment) 人力资源管理介绍Oracle ERP架构OHRMS系统本地化内容介绍ORACLE中国版工资管理系统介绍(Payroll)实施实施关键考虑 日程本章节目标本章节结束后,学员应该可以:定义薪资福利项(要素项)定义薪资福利项支付规则理解Oracle工资管理系统工资管理建立报酬结构货币非货币建立工资规则支付方法支付期间发放流程Elements in Oracle HRMS要素项Earnings, Deductions and Benefits收入项、扣除项和福利项收入和扣除项:工资、奖金、津贴税, 借款福利项:各类社会和企业保险假期轿车配备,等Element Classifica

33、tions要素项分类OHRMS采用分类(Classification)将相同处理流程的要素归纳为一类含税工资不含税工资税和保险信息雇主负责,等主要分类和次要分类主要分类为系统定义,不能修改次要分类,对于系统预定义的也不可以修改,同时用户可以自己定义次要分类Balance Feeds and Element Classifications余额结转使用要素分类可以基于要素分类自动计算余额要素要素要素要素要素要素分类分类余额余额定义定义输入输入要素需要体现什么信息?名称输入值是否需要验证机制?是否是福利类要素?是否是运行薪资处理?How it works - 1Define Elements考虑因素

34、考虑因素要素要素分类分类类型类型输入输入Defining ElementsKey Attributes定义要素项关键要素名称分类类型(循环和不循环)输入值:15支付值默认 - Hot and Cold范围 - MIN and MAX公式验证报错或警告Recurring and NonrecurringTypes of ElementRecurring(循环/经常性) 每个薪资支付期支付的工资项,反复出现在所有支付期期间例如:基本工资、PHF/SI等Nonrecurring(不循环/非经常性)临时性的工资项,仅在一个工资支付期有效例如:防暑降温费等Termination Processing R

35、ules要素终止处理流程应计终止(实际):解雇当日终止要素最后标准处理:在付款期的最后一天结束最终关闭:输入工资处理单的最后一天 Pay Value支付值 使用支付值存储每个要素项的处理结果,每一个要素必须有一个支付值定义要素时系统默认创建每个要素项可定义15个支付值支付值单位字符、日期、数字、小时、整数可定义校检规则最大/最小范围查找集公式定义定义要素要素分类分类类型类型输入输入链接链接资格资格规则规则输入输入Enter InformationHow it works - 2Define Links哪些人员有资格享受此要素?基本规则的分配标准标准或高级规则的资格配置文件考虑因素考虑因素成本计

36、算规则未计算成本(Not Costed):无需分摊要素成本固定成本(Fixed Costed):将要素的所以成本记录分摊到同一个账户已计算成本(Costed):在最底层可以修改账户已分配(Distributed):将间接费用成本分摊到其他要素 Cost Code 成本代码Cost Code CriteriaOrg LevelPayroll LevelElement Link LevelAssignment LevelElement Entry Level Element LinksBasic Eligibility Rules For Elements要素链接规则Assignment Crit

37、eriaOrganizationsLocationsJobsPositionsGradesPayrollsGroupsEmployment CategoriesSalary Bases录入录入联机联机批处理批处理定义定义链接链接输入输入Enter InformationHow it works - 3Enter Values如何维护要素项支付值?如何维护要素项支付值?在线手工录入适应规则自动生成 BEE 成批导入.等考虑因素考虑因素要素要素分类分类类型类型输入输入资格资格规则规则Three Steps to Set up an Element要素项定义定义要素信息定义要素处理规则要素项链接定义

38、要素项适应范围定义要素项成本核算要素项输入定义要素项值Batch Element Entry(BEE)批处理任何要素项可通过批处理导入数据为单项分配输入多个要素为单个要素输入多个分配 DEMO演示要素项定义要素项链接批处理批处理工资管理建立报酬结构货币非货币建立工资发放规则支付方法支付期间发放流程薪金管理Payroll Overview工资单定义将一组支付日期、支付频率一样的员工组合在一起周薪, 月薪.Oracle Payroll 允许一个批流程处理所有员工的工资Oracle Payroll 允许使用分配集、要素集处理部分员工的工资例如:按照地点、组织定义有效支付方法付款方法付款方法直接存款直

39、接存款支票支票现金现金支付支付员工员工个人付款方法个人付款方法分配比例或者总额分配比例或者总额个人账户信息个人账户信息定义支付期间定义支付期间公司账号公司账号定义有效付款方法定义有效付款方法Processing Pay CalendarsWeekly PayrollStartTax YearStartPay Period Numbers01-JanCalendarYearQ1Q2131427Processing PayThe Pay Period CycleRegular PayOnce per periodData-EntryBatch Process处理处理计算计算预付款和支付预付款和支付

40、合计转账合计转账Data EntryStartEndCut-off Payroll Run Pre-payment Payment CostingConsolidation SetsA default Consolidation Set is created for each payroll you defineUse Consolidation Sets to collect results of many payroll runs into a single set for further processingConsolidate results from QuickPay and Ba

41、tchConsolidate results from multiple assignment set runsUse a special Consolidation to keep results separate for further processingDEMO演示付款方法工资单说明批处理LocalizationLocalization for ChinaGlobalGlobalHRMSHRMS1. Multi Language (28 Languages)3. Time-Zone Service4. Local Reporting, Statutory Rules, Cultural

42、 Processes2. Multi Currency & Date FormatHRLocalization法律规定的个人信息法律规定的个人信息身份证、社会保险号、户口、民族、服兵役记录、个人档案、暂住证、工作许可证、护照信息、报税所在地、奖惩记录、参加工作日期法律规定的雇主信息法律规定的雇主信息公司名、公司代码、公司类别、经营许可证号码、上级主管部门、社会保险号、住房公积金帐号中国特定的信息格式中国特定的信息格式姓名表达方式、拼音名、地址格式、合同信息PAYR OLL 住房公积金信息和计算住房公积金信息和计算 各种社会保险项目各种社会保险项目,包括养老保险、失业保险、医疗保险、工 伤保险等

43、 个人所得税计算个人所得税计算(支持各种类型包括双薪计税、奖金计税、佣金计税) 离职工资及所得税计算离职工资及所得税计算 银行文件银行文件 工资单工资单REPORT 生成工资银行报盘程序生成工资银行报盘程序 个人所得税申报表个人所得税申报表 住房公积金和社会保险的各类报表住房公积金和社会保险的各类报表基数申报表,每月缴费情况表,每月员工变动情况表练 习练习内容: 定义支付方法定义支付期间定义要素项:(N) 链接要素项: (N) 工资管理建立报酬结构货币非货币建立工资发放规则支付方法支付期间发放流程Payroll Processing ConceptsSet Processing in Orac

44、le Payroll使用分配集运行为一组员工运行工资, (sub-groups of employee)例如:按照工作地点按照员工组使用要素集为一组要素项运行工资(sub-groups of elements)E.g. For a Bonus runWeekly PayrollSite BBonusBonus& 401KSite AProcessing OptionsBatch Submission全体员工分配集要素集QuickPay(快速支付)新员工离职员工PayrollgroupOneemployeeCalculatePayConsolidateQuickPayQuickPay(快速支付)

45、Instant calculation of pay for one assignment.Select earnings and deductions for inclusionStart QuickPayInclude in regular paymentsRecord manual check paymentsRollback QuickPayDisplays as a QuickPay action for the Payroll.薪资流程总帐总帐过过至至总帐总帐奖奖金、福利金、福利员员工工资资料料薪酬薪酬处处理理Post调调整整工工资资、津、津贴贴、扣、扣缴缴报报表表/工工资单资单与

46、与银银行接口行接口报报表表Retry-重试运行重试运行Rollback-回退运行回退运行Reversal 撤销运行撤销运行Retropay-追溯运行追溯运行调整调整BeforeAfterPayroll Process DiagramChequeWriterTransfer to GLPayrollProcessCostingPrePaymentsDataEntryBACSHow RetroPay WorksAccurate recalculationUse date-effective changes to personal, work, time, compensation and bene

47、fit detailsUse date-effective changes to formulasxElement (NR)ClassificationAmountxStart DateRetroPayxEnd DatePayProcessing RetroPayfor One Employee or a GroupAssignment Set+ +ElementRetroPay Set1.By Run2.By Aggregate3.By ElementProcessEntryEntryEntryCreating Adjustment ElementsYou can use existing

48、elements to adjust balancesFor example: Use an Allowance element to make an adjustment for an allowance. This will automatically adjust all balances associated with the elementYou can create additional elements to adjust one or more balances directlyDefine the element and use the balance feed option

49、 to associate the results with the balancesUse the Adjustment Only checkbox to control the use of the elementDEMO演示工资单运行工资管理建立报酬结构货币非货币建立工资发放规则支付方法支付期间发放流程薪金管理薪金管理-Salary AdministrationIntroductionSalary Administration enables you to manage efficiently the basic remuneration employees receive.key co

50、ncepts:Salary Basis(薪金基础)Salary Elements(要素)Salary Changes(变更)Salary Approval(审批)Mapping Salary Surveys(调研)Salary AdministrationSalary AdministrationUse this if you handle salaries on an individual basisProgression PointsUse Progression Point values if you administer salaries in groups using grade a

51、nd pay scalesPay PlansUse Pay Plans if you administer salaries using tables based on group structures For example, location and union affiliationSalary AdministrationSalary BasisSalary ElementAssignmentcomponentcomponentcomponentSalary AdministrationSalary Value45Salary Entry45Grade RateDefining Sal

52、ary AdministrationFollow these steps to setup Salary Administration to meet the needs of your enterprise.Plan your salary elementsCreate salary elements and validate salary entriesLink salary elementsDefine grade ratesDefine salary basisReview existing salary components, if necessary create new ones

53、Add function salary administration:Approve to the menu of the appropriate responsibilitySalary ElementsA salary element is required for each group of employees sharing the same salary basisFor example, Wages (hourly) or Salary (weekly/monthly)WagesNonrecurringEarningsHourlyRateSalaryRecurringEarning

54、sAmountLinking Salary ElementsLink the salary elements to establish employee eligibility rules.NOTE: Avoid using Salary Basis as the linkLinking Salary ElementsThe Salary Basis determines which element is used for each employee assignmentEligible employees receive these elements only when a salary a

55、mount or hourly wage is entered on the Salary Administration windowSalary BasisThe Salary Basis establishes the rules for administering pay. These include:The Salary Basis is not necessarily the same as the pay periods associated with a payrollOnly one Salary Basis is associated with an individual s

56、alary element For example, a newly created earnings element or Regular Salary and Regular Wages in the USAdministering Salary ChangesSalary ComponentsYou can set up and record different reasons for a salary change using salary componentsThese may include:Cost of livingPerformancePromotionUsing Salar

57、y ComponentsYou can approve each component of a proposal separatelyYou can create as many additional components as you require for use in the Salary Review window through the PROPOSAL_REASON Lookup Type练 习练习内容: (N) Report 工资运行运行预付款流程运行成本计算运行传送至总帐薪金管理设置假期管理 Absence Management and PTO AccrualsAbsence

58、Management enables you to record employees paid or unpaid time off from work. You can:Maintain information on reasons for absence for analytical and reporting purposes.Reference absent time taken in payroll runs.Using PTO Accrual Plans you can permit employees to accrue paid time off as they work, w

59、hich can be used for many purposes. This may form part of an absence management strategy for your enterprise.Absence ManagementIntroductionAbsence Management enables you to maintain information on employee absences for analysis and reporting. You can:Define as many absence types as required to track

60、 employee time offControl which groups of staff are eligible to take each type of absence using Absence ElementsIf appropriate, reference absent time taken in payroll runsAbsence Management ComponentsAbsence Category:Absence Types:Absence Reasons:Dependent CarePaid Maternity/PaternityBirth of a chil

61、dAdoptionChild careDisabled CareFamily LeaveAbsence Management ComponentsMaintainsrunning totalDefines eligibilityAccrualsRecurringAbsence TypeAccrual PlanInput ValueAbsenceNRInfoInput ValueDefines rules such asentitlementSetting Up Absence ManagementFollow these steps to set up Absence Management:1

62、.Define and as lookups.2.Define and link absence elements.Ensure this is completed before the Accrual Plans are set up3.Define absence types, associating each with an element.Practice: Adding Lookup ValuesFollow the demonstration, or use the notes provided, to add Lookup values to ABSENCE_CATEGORY a

63、nd ABSENCE_REASON.Query the Lookup Types ABSENCE_CATEGORY and ABSENCE_REASON.Navigate to the Application Utilities Lookup window using your local Super HRMS Manager Responsibility(N) Other Definitions Lookup TablesPaying for AbsencesSicknessNREarningsHoursGross to NetPayFORMULAPTO Accrual PlansIntro

64、ductionPTO Accrual plans provide a flexible way of:Creating a plan structure to reflect the needs of your enterpriseConfiguring your accrual rules using accrual plan formulasUnderstanding the Accrual Plan StructureAccrual Plan StructureAccrual plans reflect the needs of your enterprise by allowing c

65、omplex calculations to be performed. You can:Decide whether your Accrual Plans for paid time off (PTO) will be measured in hours or days.Configure your own accrual rules through the use of accrual plan formulas, if appropriate.PTO Accrual Plan RulesA formula determines the plan rules, including:Star

66、t date of accrualFor example, annual or anniversary dateLength of accrual periodFor example, a year or 14 monthsFrequency of accrualFor example, monthly or weeklyAmount of accrualPTO Accrual Plan RulesYou can define PTO Accrual Plan rules to meet the needs of your enterprise. The most frequently enc

67、ountered rules deal with:Periods of ineligibility (waiting periods)Maximum Carry OverPart-time employees and suspended assignmentsAccrual CalculationsGross accrual is normally calculated by a formulaThe accrual amounts can be fixed within the formula, or taken from a table if the amount varies by:Le

68、ngth of serviceGradeJobOracle Payroll users may elect to store gross accrual in a payroll balanceThis achieves faster accrual calculation by batch processesAccrual CalculationsNet accrual is calculated by adding or subtracting element entries.Absence entriesCarry Over entriesAny other entries you de

69、fineFor example, adjustments for employees transferringfrom another plan, or vacation bought and soldNet Accrual CalculationGross accrual 20Absences - 4Carry Over + 2Other entries 0Net accrual 18AbsenceselementOtherelementCarry OverelementsCarry OverelementsCarry OverelementsAccrualformulaSetting Up

70、 PTO Accrual PlansSetting Up PTO Accrual PlansDefine a PTO accrual plan to meet the needs of your enterprise. You can:Determine start datesDefine ineligibility periodsDefine accrual bandsUse Batch Element Entry to enter absencesUse a payroll balance to store gross accrualsAccrual Start Date for New

71、HiresYou can determine the start date within your accrual formulasORPredefined PTO_PAYROLL_CALCULATION formula takes its value from the Accrual Start field on the Accrual Plan windowPredefined values are:Hire DateBeginning of YearSix Months after HirePTO Accrual Plan Setup Steps1. Define an absence

72、element.2. Link the absence element according to your eligibility criteria.For example, salary basis, employment category or payroll3. Define an absence type associated with the element.4. OPTIONAL: define new accrual start rules by entering additional values for the lookup type US_ACCRUAL_START_TYP

73、E.Remember to define how you determine the accrual start date for new hiresPTO Accrual Plan Setup Steps5.Decide which Accrual and Carry Over formulas to use for the plan. You can use the predefined formulas as supplied, customize them, or write your own.The predefined formulas are:PTO_PAYROLL_CALCUL

74、ATIONPTO_PAYROLL_BALANCE_CALCULATIONPTO_SIMPLE_MULTIPLIERPTO_SIMPLE_BALANCE_MULTIPLIERPTO_ROLLING_ACCRUALPTO_HD_ANNIVERSARY_BALANCEAdministering Accrual PlansAdministering Accrual PlansThe day to day activities involved in administering accrual plans include:Enrolling employees into your planDetermi

75、ning the accrual amounts based on length of service criteriaRecording time takenViewing absence informationRunning the Carry Over processRecording Accrued Time TakenYou can enter time taken in the Absence Detail window together with other absence details such as a reason for the absence and the pers

76、on authorizing the absenceThe window shows:Net accrual at the start of the absenceProjected net accrual at the end of the accrual term. This takes into account any future absences already recorded with actual start datesThe system warns you if the absence will reduce net entitlement below zeroViewin

77、g Accrual InformationUse the Accruals window to view how much time an employee has used and accrued under an accrual plan.You cannot change net entitlement in this window.You must define an adjustment element and add it to the Net Calculation Rules if you want to make manual adjustmentsCarry Over Pr

78、ocessIf carry over days or hours are part of your PTO Plan, you must run the PTO Carry Over Process at the end of your accrual term.MTWTFSSCarry Over ProcessWhat is the purpose of the Carry Over Process?Calls Accrual formula to calculate gross accrual at the end of the plan termCalculates net entitl

79、ement using Net Calculation RulesCalls Carry Over formula to obtainMaximum accrual to carry over Date the carry over is effectiveExpiry date by which the carry over must be usedCarry Over ProcessWhat is the Purpose of the Carry Over Process?Compares net accrual with maximum carry over allowed.Record

80、s unused time available for carry over in the Accrual Elements of your plan.Records residual time unavailable for carry over in the Residual Element of your plan.For Example:Net Accrual = 10Maximum Carry Over = 8Carry Over = 8Residual = 2When to Run The ProcessThe best time to run the Carry Over Pro

81、cess depends on whether your start dates are fixed or variable. The optimum times are:At the end of each accrual term for Accrual Plans with a fixed term start dateNightly for accrual plans with variable term start dates (hire date or seniority date)Fast Formula 快速公式本章节目标本章节结束后,学员应该可以:理解和编写快速公式运用快速公

82、式本章节议题编写公式公式结果运用Writing Formulas - Part 1公式类型使用公式可以:计算工资结果规则验证要素录入值定义跳过规则(Skip )为各类福利定义业务规则定义要素集标准 Input Values from ElementsInputs are formulas run with input values from an element entry.ExampleInputs are hours, rateEntry ValuesHoursRateEasy Access to Data in FormulasDatabase Items make it easy fo

83、r you to access the other information in your database without knowing the database structure or a programming language.HR DataExampleIf PER_AGE 30 then Show ItemsFormulaDatabase ItemsPER_AGEASG_LOCATIONEasy to Return Formula ResultsFormulas can return any number of results or messages.Example Input

84、s are hours, ratePayment = hours * rateReturn PaymentReturn ResultsEntry ValuesHoursRate公式语句AliasasDefault for isInputs are,If.then()else()Return, AliasesSome database items have long namesUse an Alias statement to set up a shorter name to use within the formulaIf you use an Alias statement, it must

85、 be the first statement in the formulaALIAS asg_last_proposed_salary_change as salary_changenew_salary = old_salary + salary_changeExample IF StatementIF clauseChecks a condition to control whether a sequence of statements is executedTHEN clauseDefines what to do if the conditions are trueELSE claus

86、e (optional)Defines what to do if the conditions are not trueExampleIF per_age 20THEN training_allowance = 30ELSE training_allowance = 10The Return StatementThe results of a formula are returned to the application using the RETURN statementReturn any number of results, of any number, character or da

87、te typeReturn Msal, Message1, Message2The formula automatically stops processing as soon as it completes a Return statementThere is no Stop or End command to worry aboutReturned ResultsIn the Formula you DefineThe inputs to the formulaThe calculation to execute,Any conditions using If. Then() Else()

88、 statementsThe values to returnYou define what to do with the results elsewhereTypes of InputThere are several ways for a formula to get values for variables:Element Entry ValuesUse inputs are statementDatabase ItemsPredefinedGenerated as you configure the systemUser definedGlobal ValuesIndependent

89、items used in many formulas.Example: Contribution LimitsDatabase ItemsINPUTS ARE hours_workedwage = hours_worked * grade_hourly_rate_valueRETURN wageSimply select the name of the item from a list. FastFormula will work out all the contexts to get the correct valueDatabase item created from Grades Ra

90、tes windowGlobal ValuesThese are independent values that store reference type data for the enterprise.For example, you might want to reference a contribution limit value for employer contributions.Use the Globals window to enter and maintain values.Values are DateTrackedFunctions函数在OHRMS快速公式中可使用简单的函

91、数例如:GREATEST(.)TO_CHAR(.),TO_NUMBER(.)ROUND(.) FunctionsExampleHeres an example using the ROUND function to round a calculated value to 2 decimal placesEach function has its own syntaxExampleDefault for Amount is 0INPUTS ARE Amount Msal = ROUND(Amount/12),2) RETURN Msal本章节议题编写公式公式结果运用公式结果要素项与处理规则的关联

92、可以为一个要素项定义多个处理规则可以为一个处理规则定义多个结果 Formula Result TypesThis is the elements run result. There can only be onedirect result per formulaThis result passes as an element entry to a nonrecurring element. A formula can have any number of indirect results. These are messages the formula issues under certainc

93、onditions.This result uses the effective date of the payroll run toend the entry of this or another recurring entryThis result updates recurring entries of this or anotherelement. The element must be a recurring entry type with multiple entries not allowed.This result updates the subpriority of the

94、element you select in the Element field. Direct ResultIndirect ResultMessageStopUpdate RecurringEntryOrder IndirectRepresent Elements and Formula ResultsSee The Whole Picture PaySourceRepresent Formula Calculations FlowchartsStartInputsList ItemsIf.If.CalcCalcCalcReturn resultsList ItemsResultsList

95、ItemsEndYYNNEnd快速公式关键考虑Outputs - 输出期望公式输出什么结果Inputs - 输入公式中引用什么样的参数是否参数已存在数据库项什么样的参数值需要设置Calculation-计算计算的逻辑关系 Begin at the EndDEMO演示编写公式公式结果运用LocalizationLocalization for ChinaGlobalGlobalHRMSHRMS1. Multi Language (28 Languages)3. Time-Zone Service4. Local Reporting, Statutory Rules, Cultural Proce

96、sses2. Multi Currency & Date FormatHRLocalization法律规定的个人信息法律规定的个人信息身份证、社会保险号、户口、民族、服兵役记录、个人档案、暂住证、工作许可证、护照信息、报税所在地、奖惩记录、参加工作日期法律规定的雇主信息法律规定的雇主信息公司名、公司代码、公司类别、经营许可证号码、上级主管部门、社会保险号、住房公积金帐号中国特定的信息格式中国特定的信息格式姓名表达方式、拼音名、地址格式、合同信息PAYROLL 住房公积金信息和计算住房公积金信息和计算 各种社会保险项目各种社会保险项目,包括养老保险、失业保险、医疗保险、工 伤保险等 个人所得税计

97、算个人所得税计算(支持各种类型包括双薪计税、奖金计税、佣金计税) 离职工资及所得税计算离职工资及所得税计算 银行文件银行文件 工资单工资单REPORT 生成工资银行报盘程序生成工资银行报盘程序 个人所得税申报表个人所得税申报表 住房公积金和社会保险的各类报表住房公积金和社会保险的各类报表基数申报表,每月缴费情况表,每月员工变动情况表练 习练习内容: 编写公式公式结果运用Oracle HRMS Security 安全性认证用户认证用户 安全管理 (Security Management)登录登录 ( (Sign On)Sign On)用户名/密码 检查User Id/Pass Word Chec

98、k用户用户(User)根据用户职责 定义 责任Define ResponsibilityBy Users Job 责任责任(Responsibility)根据责任控制 可访问的界面Form Accessing Controlled by Responsibility菜单菜单(Menu)控制 报表和计算程序Report & Calculation processing Controlled并发并发(Concurrent)控制可访问的 组织和人员Target Organization &Person Controlled安全安全配置配置文件文件 组织架构/ 职位体系/ 工资组 / 管理架构/ 客户

99、化配置文件 (SQL) 安全配置文件安全配置文件(Security Profile)完全保障你的人力资源信息完全保障你的人力资源信息Oracle HRMS Solution MapIntegration with other ERP Module3. Oracle HRMS Value PropositionAccountsPayablesPurchasingFixedAssetsHumanHumanResourcesResourcesProjectsProjectsGeneral LedgerEmployeesOrganizationsJobs and PositionsHierarchie

100、sLocationsCompetenciesTime and LaborEmployeesCompensationPayrollEmployeesLocationsSet of BooksEmployeesJobs & PositionsLocationsCustomerRelationshipmanagementEmployeesCompetenciesSalesmanagementEmployeesAssignmentsInventoryHumanResourcesAccounts ReceivableEmployeeOrganizationsMRPEmployeesAssets OHRMS Value PropositionOHRMS 11.5.10介绍OHRMS实施方法论介绍人力资源管理介绍OHRMS系统本地化内容介绍ORACLE中国版工资管理系统介绍(Payroll)实施实施关键考虑 日程实施关键考虑在设置前确认企业架构的设计业务组企业特色的人员信息设计薪资福利内容的合理规划与其他相关系统集成数据的规划



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