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1、M4U2readingM4U2reading知识点剖析知识点剖析词组1. 扮演重要的角色2. 国际奥委会3. 很高兴应邀前来贵校4. 奥运会的历史和重要性5. 留有提问的时间1.play an important role2.the International Olympic Committee3.be delighted to have been invited to your school4.the history and significance of the Olympic Games5.have time for questions6. 根据传统7. 允许做某事8.为了纪念9. 无论

2、国籍10. 现代的奥运会11. 转交6. by tradition7. allow doing/allow sb to do8. in honour of 9. no matter what nation10. contemporary Olympics11. pass sth on to11. 使复活12. 使各国人民友好相处成为可能 13.实现梦想14. 著名的运动员15. 有史以来最著名的拳击运动员11.bring back to life12. make it possible for people of all countries to live side by side in pe

3、ace13.realize one dream14. well-known athletes15. the most famous boxer of all time16. 引起关注17. 赢得金牌18. 以原名19. 世界重量级拳击锦标赛20. 点燃火炬16. come to attention17. win the gold medal18. under one birth name19.World Heavyweight Boxing Championship20.light the Olympic flame21. 在开幕式上22. 为金牌而战23. 对作出重大的贡献24. 一定已经做

4、了某事25. 使整个亚洲人为之激动21.at the opening ceremony22. compete for medals23. make great contributions to24. must have done25. excite people all over Asia26.在男子110米跨栏27. 领先28. 坚持29. 在决赛中30. 把快乐带给人们31. 尝试做某事32. 推动人类成就的极限33. 跟往日的荣光相媲美26. in the mens 110-metre hurdles27. lead the way28. hang on to29. in the fin

5、al match30. bring joy to people 31. attempt to do32. push the boundaries of human achievement33. match ones past glory34.和讨论35. 和某人谈论关于36. 和分享37. 每四年38. 参加39. 一起,共同40. 继续赢41. 返回42. 了解43. 期盼44.加入某人一起做某事34. discuss with35. talk to sb. about36. share with 37. every four years38. take part in 39. side b

6、y side40. go on to win41. return to42. know of43. look forward to doing44. join sb in doing1delighted adj.愉快的;高愉快的;高兴兴的的As a member of the International Olympic Committee, I am delighted to have been invited to your school to talk to you about the history and significance of the Olympic Games.(教材教材P

7、22原句原句)作为国际奥委会的成员,我很高兴应邀前来贵校跟大家作为国际奥委会的成员,我很高兴应邀前来贵校跟大家讲述有关奥运会的历史及其重要意义。讲述有关奥运会的历史及其重要意义。(1) 对对感到高兴感到高兴 be delighted to do sth. 很高兴做某事很高兴做某事 be delighted that . 很高兴很高兴be delighted at/with/by(2) delight nU 快乐,高兴快乐,高兴 C 使人高兴的事,乐事使人高兴的事,乐事 vt.& vi. (使使)高兴高兴take delight in 高兴做某事;以高兴做某事;以为乐为乐to ones deli

8、ght 令某人高兴的是令某人高兴的是(3) delightful adj. 令人愉快的令人愉快的Delightfully adv. 高兴地;快乐地高兴地;快乐地点睛点睛delighted表示表示“感到愉快的,高兴的,欣喜的感到愉快的,高兴的,欣喜的”,如果要表示如果要表示“(事物事物)令人愉快的;令人愉快的;(人人)讨人喜欢的讨人喜欢的”,用,用delightful。We were all delighted at the news that Shenzhou was successfully launched.听到神舟八号成功发射的消息,我们都很高兴。听到神舟八号成功发射的消息,我们都很高兴

9、。To my delight, my sister will come back from Canada this weekend.令我高兴的是,我妹妹这周末就要从加拿大回来了。令我高兴的是,我妹妹这周末就要从加拿大回来了。多维演练多维演练A用用 delight 的适当形式填空的适当形式填空The teacher seemed to be with the results.There is a little garden behind the house.B完成句子完成句子他似乎以让我难堪为乐。他似乎以让我难堪为乐。He seemed embarrassing me.享受生活在乡村的乐趣吧。享

10、受生活在乡村的乐趣吧。Enjoy living in the wuntry.delightedto take delight indelightfulthe delights ofC:单项填空:单项填空 with what his students had done, the teacher praised them.ADelighted BDelightingCTo delight DBeing delighted解析:解析:此处用形容词短语作原因状语。句意:由于对学此处用形容词短语作原因状语。句意:由于对学生们所做的事情感到高兴,这位老师表扬了他们。生们所做的事情感到高兴,这位老师表扬了他

11、们。答案:答案: A2compete vi.比赛;竞争比赛;竞争At the ancient Olympics, by tradition the athletes were all men and they had to compete wearing no clothes.(教材教材P22原句原句)根据传统,古代奥运会的运动员都是男性,而且他们必根据传统,古代奥运会的运动员都是男性,而且他们必须裸体竞技。须裸体竞技。(1) .(为某物为某物)和某人竞争和某人竞争compete in 参加参加比赛比赛/竞争竞争compete to do sth. 竞争做某事竞争做某事(2)competiti

12、on n. 比赛比赛competitive adj. 有竞争力的有竞争力的competitor n. 比赛者;对手比赛者;对手compete with/against sb.(for sth.)They found themselves competing with/against foreign companies for a share of the market.他们发现自己在与外国公司争夺市场份额。他们发现自己在与外国公司争夺市场份额。Several advertising agencies are competing to get the contract.几家广告公司在竞争这份合同

13、。几家广告公司在竞争这份合同。多维演练多维演练A用用 compete 的适当形式填空的适当形式填空We are in with four other companies for the contract.Graduates have to fight for jobs in a highly market.Over 200 entered the petitioncompetitivecompetitorsB介词填空介词填空Hes hoping to compete the London marathon.Kids in the kindergarten often compete their

14、 teachers favor.inforC:单项填空:单项填空In the past 800 years Oxford and Cambridge universities in everything from Nobel prizes to boat races.Acompeted Bhad been competing Chave competed Dcompete解析:解析:句意:八百年来牛津大学和剑桥大学在一切方面句意:八百年来牛津大学和剑桥大学在一切方面都进行着竞争,从诺贝尔奖到划船比赛。都进行着竞争,从诺贝尔奖到划船比赛。“in the past一段时间一段时间”常和现在完成时连

15、用。常和现在完成时连用。答案:答案: C3. Today, athletes from around the world can take part in the Olympic Games.今天,来自世界各地的运动员都能参加奥今天,来自世界各地的运动员都能参加奥运会运会 .“take part in” “参加(某个大型的活动)”。e.g. How many of you are going to take part in the coming sports meeting? 你们中多少人准备参加即将召开的运动会你们中多少人准备参加即将召开的运动会?辨析:辨析:take part in/ jo

16、in/ join in/ attendtake part in 多指参加大型的群众性活动并在活动中发挥一定作用,part之前出现修饰词时要用不定冠词(take an active part in )。join 加入党派、团体或组织,成为其中一员。join后还可以接表示人的名词或代词,指加入到这些人中参加某活动。e.g. join the army 参军 join a club 参加一个俱乐部 join the party 入党 join a union 参加工会join in sth. 参加(活动),相当于take part in。attend 指参加会议、仪式、婚礼、葬礼、上课、上学、听报告

17、等,有“出席,到场”的意思。考考你:用 take part in/join in/join/attend填空:1. Around 2,300 athletes from nine countries _the East Asian Games.2. In the following year he_ the Communist Party.3. He decided to _the conference in person.4. Some leaders _the opening ceremony of the East Asian Games. 5.He will_us _our discu

18、ssion. joined attendattended took part injoinin4.honour nU尊敬;节操;荣誉;尊敬;节操;荣誉; 单数单数荣幸荣幸vt. 尊敬,尊敬, 尊重尊重(某人某人)Single women were allowed to take part in their own competition, at a separate festival in honour of Hera, the wife of the Greek god Zeus.(教材教材P22原句原句)为纪念希腊主神宙斯的妻子赫拉,未婚女性可以在一个为纪念希腊主神宙斯的妻子赫拉,未婚女性

19、可以在一个单独的节日里参加她们自己的比赛。单独的节日里参加她们自己的比赛。do sb.the honour of doing sth(2)be honoured for 因因而受到而受到 尊敬或获得荣誉尊敬或获得荣誉be honoured as 被尊为被尊为 被授予被授予feel honoured to do sth. 做某事而感到荣幸做某事而感到荣幸be honoured with There is a party tonight in honour of our new manager.为了庆祝新经理上任,今晚我们举行一个晚会。为了庆祝新经理上任,今晚我们举行一个晚会。Would you

20、do me the honour of dancing with me?可否赏光和我一起跳舞?可否赏光和我一起跳舞?Israeli scientist Daniel Shechtman was honoured with the 2011 Nobel Prize for chemistry.以色列科学家达尼埃尔以色列科学家达尼埃尔谢赫特曼被授予谢赫特曼被授予2011诺贝尔化诺贝尔化学奖。学奖。多维演练多维演练A用用 honour 的适当形式填空的适当形式填空It is a traditional virtue of the Chinese people the elderly and take

21、 care of children.The old doctor deserved for a lifetime of unselfish work among the sick natives.to honourto be honouredB完成句子完成句子Earlier this year I (有幸做有幸做) meeting President Obama.I think it (很大的荣耀很大的荣耀) to accept your invitation. had the honour of a great honorC单项填空单项填空I feel greatly honoured in

22、to their society.Ato welcome BwelcomingCto be welcomed Dwelcomed解析:解析:句意:被欢迎加入他们的社团,我觉得很荣幸。句意:被欢迎加入他们的社团,我觉得很荣幸。feel honoured to do sth.“做某事感到很荣幸做某事感到很荣幸”,I 与与welcome 之间是被动关系。之间是被动关系。答案:答案: C5He dreamt that the Olympics would make it possible for people of all countries to live side by side in peace

23、.他梦想奥运会能让所有国家的人民和平并肩相处。他梦想奥运会能让所有国家的人民和平并肩相处。(1)make it possible for sb. to do sth. 是是“make复合宾复合宾语语”结结构,意为构,意为“使成为可能使成为可能”。当不定式用作宾语且其后跟有。当不定式用作宾语且其后跟有宾语补足语时,常用宾语补足语时,常用it作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语放作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语放在宾语补足语的后面。句式为:主语动词在宾语补足语的后面。句式为:主语动词itadj./n.(for /of sb.) to do sth., it是形式宾语,其后的是形式宾语,其后的adj. 或或n.是宾

24、语补足语,而不定式是真正的宾语。是宾语补足语,而不定式是真正的宾语。This made it hard for the driver to control the car.这使得司机很难控制这辆汽车。这使得司机很难控制这辆汽车。He made it a rule to get up at six every morning.他把每天早晨他把每天早晨6点起床作为一项制度。点起床作为一项制度。(2)在在“make宾语宾补宾语宾补”结构中,能作宾语补足语的有:结构中,能作宾语补足语的有: 名词名词/形容词形容词/不带不带to的不定式的不定式/过去分词过去分词/介词短语。介词短语。点睛点睛当当“mak

25、e宾语宾语do sth.”用于被动语态时,不定用于被动语态时,不定式符号式符号“to”应还原。应还原。The police made them stand up against the wall.They were made by the police to stand up against the wall.警察强迫他们靠墙站着。警察强迫他们靠墙站着。思考归纳思考归纳常用于常用于“主语动词主语动词itadj./n.(for/of sb.) to do sth.”句型中的动词还有哪些?句型中的动词还有哪些? 。think, believe, suppose, consider, feel, m

26、ake, find 等等多维演练多维演练A句型转换句型转换I believe its impossible to persuade him to join us.I persuade him to join us. believe it impossible toB完成句子完成句子我认为在限定时间内回答所有的问题是不可能的。我认为在限定时间内回答所有的问题是不可能的。I all the questions within the time given.他没有来,这使我们感觉到晚会很难进行。他没有来,这使我们感觉到晚会很难进行。His not coming for us to go on with

27、 the party.think it impossible to answermade it hardC单项填空单项填空(2010辽宁高考辽宁高考) The fact that she was foreign made difficult for her to get a job in that country.Aso BmuchCthat Dit解析:解析:考查代词辨析。此处考查代词辨析。此处it 用作形式宾语,代替后面的用作形式宾语,代替后面的动词不定式短语,形式主语和形式宾语只能用动词不定式短语,形式主语和形式宾语只能用it,不用其,不用其他代词。他代词。答案:答案: D6absenc

28、e n缺席,不在场;不存在缺席,不在场;不存在At the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, the Peoples Republic of China returned to the Olympics after 32 years absence.(教材教材P23原句原句)1984年洛杉矶奥运会上,中华人民共和国在阔别年洛杉矶奥运会上,中华人民共和国在阔别32年后重年后重返赛场。返赛场。in the absence of .be absent from .Peters absence of mind during driving nearly caused an acci

29、dent.彼得开车时心不在焉,差点出车祸。彼得开车时心不在焉,差点出车祸。In my absence, Robert will take over the position.我不在时罗伯特接管这一职务。我不在时罗伯特接管这一职务。A good student would not be absent from school.好学生是不会旷课的。好学生是不会旷课的。多维演练多维演练A选词填空:选词填空: absent, absencePlease look after my house during my .How many of them are without permission?absen

30、tabsenceB完成句子完成句子缺乏责任感,没有什么工作可以完成。缺乏责任感,没有什么工作可以完成。 , no work can be accomplished.彭尼两天没来上班了,我不知道是为什么。彭尼两天没来上班了,我不知道是为什么。Penny for two days, and I dont know why.has been absent from workIn the absence of responsibilityC:单项填空:单项填空He was blamed for his absence the meeting he was supposed to have made a

31、 speech.Aat; which Bof; whereCfrom; which Dfrom; where解析:解析:句意:他因为缺席那个会议受到谴责,而他本应在句意:他因为缺席那个会议受到谴责,而他本应在那个会议上发言的。那个会议上发言的。absence “缺席缺席”,与,与from搭配。搭配。where at which 表示地点,指表示地点,指“在会议上在会议上”。故选。故选D项。项。答案:答案: D7. Chinese athletes have also made important contributions to the Olympic Games.中国运动员同样为奥运会作出了

32、重要的贡献。中国运动员同样为奥运会作出了重要的贡献。make contributions / a contribution to为为作贡献,作贡献,to为介词。为介词。Thomas Edison made great contributions to the world. 托马斯托马斯 爱迪生为世界做出了巨大贡献。爱迪生为世界做出了巨大贡献。 It is our duty to make a contribution to protecting the environment.为环保做贡献是我们的责任。为环保做贡献是我们的责任。The East Asian Games has made gre

33、at contributions to the cultural exchange of different countries.东亚运动会为促进各国间的文化交东亚运动会为促进各国间的文化交流做出了巨大贡献。流做出了巨大贡献。(v.)contribute toHe offered to contribute to the Red Cross. 他主动向红十字会捐款他主动向红十字会捐款。He was one of the writers contributing to the publishing house他是向出版社投稿的作家之一。他是向出版社投稿的作家之一。His carelessness

34、 contributed to the accident.他的粗心导致了这场事故。他的粗心导致了这场事故。A proper amount of exercise contributes to good health. 适度的运动有益健康。适度的运动有益健康。(1)捐献,捐助捐献,捐助(2) 投稿,撰稿投稿,撰稿(3) 促进,导致,有促进,导致,有助于助于 接介词接介词to 的短语归纳:的短语归纳:be used to 习惯于;习惯于; ; be related to 与与关;关; get down to着手做;着手做; lead to 导致;导致; ;put ones mind to 全神贯注

35、于;全神贯注于; be equal to 胜任;胜任; devote oneself to 献身于;献身于; look forward to 盼望;盼望; pay attention to 注意;注意; stick to 坚持;坚持; attend to 处理,照处理,照料;料; lead to 通向;通向; see to 负责;负责; access to 接近,接近, 进入(某地的)方法;进入(某地的)方法; be addicted to 沉溺于,对沉溺于,对上瘾上瘾 8hang on( hold on) (在逆境中在逆境中)坚持;坚持;(打电话时打电话时)不不挂断;紧紧握住挂断;紧紧握住Y

36、et, she hung on to win the gold medal in the final match.(教材教材P23原句原句)然而,她坚持在最后一场比赛中赢得了金牌。然而,她坚持在最后一场比赛中赢得了金牌。I know you are tired, but try to hang on a bit longer.我知道你累了,但是再坚持一会儿。我知道你累了,但是再坚持一会儿。The line was engaged and the operator asked if Id like to hang on.电话占线,接线员问我是否愿意等一下。电话占线,接线员问我是否愿意等一下。 .

37、 抓紧某物;保留某物抓紧某物;保留某物hang up 挂断电话挂断电话hang up on 突然挂断某人的电话突然挂断某人的电话hang about/around (在附近某处在附近某处)等待;逗留;闲等待;逗留;闲荡荡hang oneself 上吊自杀上吊自杀hang on to sth语境串记语境串记Last weekend, I phoned Mary and hung on for several minutes, but in the end she hung up on me, which made me angry. I had to hang around in the str

38、eet to calm down.上个周末,我打电话给玛丽,等了几分钟,但最后她挂了上个周末,我打电话给玛丽,等了几分钟,但最后她挂了我的电话,这让我非常气愤。我不得不在街上闲逛以平静我的电话,这让我非常气愤。我不得不在街上闲逛以平静下来。下来。多维演练多维演练A介词填空介词填空Hang please, and Ill just see if hes here. Some kids are hanging in the street to find things theyre interested in. B完成句子完成句子抓紧那根绳子,别松手。抓紧那根绳子,别松手。 that rope an

39、d dont let go.如果你看到有人在这儿闲荡,就叫他们走开。如果你看到有人在这儿闲荡,就叫他们走开。If you see anyone here, tell them to leave.Hang on tohanging aroundon aboutC单项填空单项填空(2012宁夏质检宁夏质检) If we believe something is good and true we should to it.Ahold up Bkeep onChold on Dhang up解析:解析:考查动词词组辨析。考查动词词组辨析。hold on to sth.“抓住某物不抓住某物不放,坚持下去

40、放,坚持下去”。hold up “使耽搁,使停顿使耽搁,使停顿”; keep on “继续做某事继续做某事”; hang up “挂断电话挂断电话”,这三项都不与,这三项都不与 to 搭配。搭配。答案:答案: C9attempt n& vt.尝试,努力,试图尝试,努力,试图These are some of the Olympic athletes who have brought joy to people across the world with their attempts to push the boundaries of human achievement.(教材教材P23原句原句

41、)以上是努力推进人类成就极限,给世界人民带来快乐的奥以上是努力推进人类成就极限,给世界人民带来快乐的奥林匹克运动员中的一部分。林匹克运动员中的一部分。(1)attempt to do sth.尝试尝试(做做)某事某事(2)make an attempt to do/at doing sth. 试图做某事试图做某事in an/ones attempt to do sth. 试图做某事试图做某事 首次尝试首次尝试(3)attempted adj. 尝试的,企图的尝试的,企图的an attempted murder/escape 谋杀谋杀/逃跑未遂逃跑未遂at the first attemptIn

42、stead, let him attempt to solve things by himself.(选自选自2010年高考新课标全国卷年高考新课标全国卷阅读阅读D)相反,让他自己试着来解决问题。相反,让他自己试着来解决问题。The paper is unable to reach a clear conclusion about whether Iran has attempted to develop nuclear weapons.该文件未能就伊朗是否试图研发核武器得出一个清晰的结论。该文件未能就伊朗是否试图研发核武器得出一个清晰的结论。She made an attempt to le

43、ave for camping with her classmates but was stopped by her parents.她想和同学们去野营但被父母阻止了。她想和同学们去野营但被父母阻止了。多维演练多维演练A介词填空介词填空Two factories were closed an attempt to cut costs.I passed my driving test the first attempt.inatB用所给动词的适当形式填空用所给动词的适当形式填空They struggled in their desperate attempts (escape) but head

44、ed in the wrong direction.They attempted (reach) the peak of the mountain but failed.to escapeto reachC单项填空单项填空He to escape from prison, but he couldnt find anybody to help him.Asucceeded BattemptedCadvised Doffered解析:解析: succeed in doing sth.“成功地做某事成功地做某事”;advise doing sth.“建议做某事建议做某事”;offer to do sth.“主动帮忙做主动帮忙做某事某事”;attempt to do sth.“企图,试图做某事企图,试图做某事(不一定成不一定成功功)”。由第二分句所述可知,。由第二分句所述可知,B项符合语境。项符合语境。答案:答案: B结束结束



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