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1、学习目标学习目标知识目标知识目标: 通过合作探究,突破难点,总结提炼,掌握本模块重点词汇的用法。能力目标:能力目标: 通过反复练习培养自己应用词汇的通过反复练习培养自己应用词汇的能力,并总结词汇学习方法。能力,并总结词汇学习方法。情感目标:情感目标: 保持健康,平衡饮食。保持健康,平衡饮食。Our Body and Healthy HabitsProverbs:1 You are _ you eat.2 Healthy mind in a _body.3 Early to bed, early to rise makes a man _, _ and _. 4 An apple a day _

2、 the doctor _.Step 1:自我检测自我检测I believe you know more than you forget!机遇总是垂青于有所准备的人。机遇总是垂青于有所准备的人。 Step 2 Discussion 1.Discuss and complete the tasks.2.One in each group show and explain your answers.有大局意识有大局意识 有争先精神有争先精神 有和谐氛围有和谐氛围 有不凡境界有不凡境界展示小组展示小组展示小组展示小组展示内容展示内容展示内容展示内容G1G1fitfitGG2 2 rarerareGG

3、3 3 anxiousanxiousGG4 4 injureinjureG5G5headheadGG6 6connectconnect亮剑出鞘谁与争锋1.a / 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. D Step 4 Step 4 检查巩固检查巩固提升提升 答案答案世界属于充满活力的人。世界属于充满活力的人。The world belongs to the energetic.词汇学习方法小结词汇学习方法小结语音助记联想拓展语境助记背诵经典联想拓展_ adj. 不健康的 _ adj. 健康的 _ n. 健康_ adj. 正常的n. 正常状态_adv._adj. 不正常的_ a

4、dj. 超重的,肥胖的_ v. 重,称重,权衡 _ n. 重量, 体重_ v. 呼吸, 呼气_ n. 呼吸, 气息, 一口气_ adj. 吓人的,糟糕的,难受的 _ adv. 非常awfulness n. 课文重现课文重现Zhou Kais mother always _(确保) her family eat _(健康地). Fresh fruit and vegetables are a very important part of their diet, and they dont eat much fat or sugar, so they never have to _(节食) lik

5、e others. Zhou Kai is quite heathy and he _(很少) gets colds, even though almost all his classmates got _(流感) last winter. Zhou Kai is very _(健康的) not only because his mother feeds him well, but also because he takes a lot of _(锻炼). He _(迷恋) football and he is _(队长) of the class team at school and hes also a member of the Senior High team. Two years ago he broke his arm playing football. The _(受伤处) was quite painful and he couldnt move his arm for a month.Health is over Health is over weath!weath!



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