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1、湖北省鄂湖北省鄂州州市市 20232023 年中考英年中考英语语真真题题(音(音频暂频暂未未更更新新)一一、听听下下面面 5 5 个个问问题题。每每个个问问题题后有后有三三个个答答语语,从从题题中中所所给给的的 A A、B B、C C 三三个个选选项项中中选选出出最最佳佳选项选项。(共共 5 5 小小题题;每每题题 1 1 分分,满满分分 5 5 分分)1.听问题,选出最佳选项()A.Its black.BIts sunny.CIts his.【解析】【听力原文】Hows the weather in Beijing?【分析】句意:北京的天气怎么样?句子是特殊疑问句,询问天气状况,用 its+

2、表示天气的词汇,sunny,晴朗的,符合语境。故选 B。【点评】考查情景反应。注意分析问句类型和所问内容,选择正确答案。2.听问题,选出最佳选项()A.Two kilometers.BTwo days.CTwo dollars.【解析】【听力原文】How much are these socks?【分析】句意:这些袜子多少钱。句子是特殊疑问句,询问价钱,用数字+金钱单位(yuan/dollar.),故 选 C。【点评】考查情景反应。注意识记 how much 询问价格。3.听问题,选出最佳选项()A.They are cheap.B.They are on the table.C.They a

3、re Toms.【解析】【听力原文】Where are the keys?【分析】句意:那些钥匙在哪里?句子为特殊疑问句,询问地点,用主语+be+方位介词短语,They are on the table,符合,故选 B。【点评】考查情景反应。注意识记 where 询问地点。4.听问题,选出最佳选项()AYes,I can.BYes,I am.【解析】【听力原文】Can you speak Chinese?CYes,I do.【分析】句意:你会说汉语吗?句子是一般疑问句,开头是情态动词 can,回答应用 can,故选 A。【点评】考查情景反应。注意识记一般疑问句的回答要与问句开头单词保持一致。5

4、.听问题,选出最佳选项()ABy bus.BWith pleasure.CAt 7:00.【解析】【听力原文】How do you get to school?【分析】句意:你怎样去学校?句子是特殊疑问句,询问交通方式,故选 A。【点评】考查情景反应。注意理解句子内容,根据问句选择正确的答句。二二、听听下下面面 6 6 段段对对话话或或独白独白。每每段段对对话话或独或独白白后后有有几个几个小小题题,根根据据所所提提的的问问题题,从从 A A、B B、C C 三个三个 选选项项中中选选出最出最佳佳答答案案。(共(共 1515 小小题题;满满分分 2020 分)分)听下面对话,回答问题。6How

5、long is the coming holiday?AA week.BTwo weeks.7How many times has the man been to Hainan?AOnce.BTwice.CThree weeks.CThree times.【解析】【听力原文】M:What do you plan to do during the coming holiday?W:Im excited to have two weeks off,but I havent decided yet.What about you?M:Im going to travel around China.Wo

6、uld you like to go with me?W:Id love to.But where?M:How about Hainan?The weather there is warm.W:Great.I have never been there.Have you ever been there before?M:Yes.I only went there with my parents last year.I enjoy the beach there.W:I cant wait to go there.【分析】对话大意:对话中的两人在讨论假期的计划。【点评】考查长对话理解。注意识记理

7、解对话内容,抓住关键信息选出答案。6.根据听力原文中的句子Im excited to have two weeks off可知假期有两周,故选 B。7.根据听力原文中的句子W:Great.I have never been there.Have you ever been there before?M:Yes.I only went there with my parents last year.可知男士去年去过一次,故选 A。听下面对话,回答问题。8.Whats the matter with the woman?A.She has a cold.B.She has a sore throa

8、t.C.She has a backache.9.What does the woman do?AA writer.BA teacher.CAn actress.10.Whats the doctors advice?ATo take some medicine.BTo drink more water.CTo have a rest.【解析】【听力原文】W:Good morning,doctor.M:Good morning,madam.Whats the matter with you?W:My back is badly hurt.I always feel tired and I ca

9、nt see things clearly.M:Whats your job?W:Im a writer.M:Do you work on the computer for a long time and often stay up late?W:Yes.M:Thats the reason.Youd better have a rest every two hours.W:Thank you,doctor.M:Youre welcome.【分析】对话大意:对话主要是医生和患者的对话,患者背部疼痛,医生询问情况。【点评】考查长对话理解。注意理解对话内容,根据对话内容选择正确答案。8.根据听力原

10、文中的句子M:Good morning,madam.Whats the matter with you?W:My back is badly hurt.可知这位女士背部疼痛厉害,故选 C。9.根据听力原文中的句子M:Whats your job?W:Im a writer.可知这位女士是一个作家,故选 A。10.根据听力原文中的句子Youd better have a rest every two hours.可知医生是建议每两个小时休息,故 选 C。听下面对话,回答问题。11.What does the boy often do after school?A.He often plays f

11、ootball.B.He often does housework.C.He often listens to music.12.When will they play ping-pong?A.On Friday afternoon.B.On Saturday morning.C.On Saturday afternoon.【解析】【听力原文】W:What do you often do after school?M:I often help mum do some housework.If I have time,I will play sports.W:Whats your favorit

12、e sport?M:Football.I also like running in the evening.What about you?Do you often play sports?W:Yes.I often play ping-pong with my brother.M:I like playing ping-pong,too.Can we play together someday?W:What about this Friday afternoon?M:All right.【分析】对话大意:对话主要在谈论放学后的事情以及爱好的运动。【点评】考查长对话理解。注意先看问题内容,根据问

13、题内容听短文,抓住关键信息从而选出答案。1 1根据听力原文中的句子 W:What do you often do after school?M:I often help mum do some housework.可知男孩通常在放学后帮助做家务,故选 B。12.根据听力原文中的句子 M:I like playing ping-pong,too.Can we play together someday?W:What about this Friday afternoon?M:All right.可知他们周五下午会去打乒乓球,故选 A.听下面对话,回答问题。13.Why does the woma

14、n look worried?A.Because she is ill.B.Because her daughter is ill.C.Because she forgets her daughters telephone number.14.Where is the Peoples Hospital?A.Behind the supermarket.B.Next to the supermarket.C.Across from the supermarket.15Which bus will the woman take?ABus No.8.BBus No.19.CBus No.10.【解析

15、】【听力原文】M:You look so worried,what can I do for you,madam?W:Oh,my daughter is ill in the Peoples Hospital,I am new here,could you tell me the way?M:Sure,but it is far from here.W:How can I get there?M:You can take Bus No.19,and get off at the supermarket.The hospital is across from it.W:Bus No.19?M:Y

16、es.You can take the bus over there.It comes every 10 minutes.W:Hmm,I see.Thanks!M:Youre welcome.【分析】对话大意:对话主要是一位母亲担心女儿病情,询问去医院的路。【点评】考查长对话理解。注意先看题干,根据问题内容去听原文,抓住文中的关键信息选出答案。13根据听力原文中的句子M:You look so worried,what can I do for you,madam?W:Oh,my daughter is ill in the Peoples Hospital可知是因为女儿病了,所以很担心,故选 B。14.根据听力原文中的句子M:You can take Bus No.19,and get off at the supermarket.The hospital is across from it.可知医院在超市对面,故选 C。15.根据听力原文中的句子W:Bus No.19?M:Yes.You can take the bus over there.可知可以乘坐 19 路公交 车到达医院



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