六年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles 复习课件 鲁教版

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《六年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles 复习课件 鲁教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles 复习课件 鲁教版(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 10 Id like some noodles.A: What kind of noodles do you have?B: Oh, a medium bowl, please.C: Ok, Id like mutton and potato noodles, please.D: Id like some noodles, please.E: What sizes do you have? 1: Can I help you?_2: What kind of noodles would you like? _3: We have beef, chicken, mutton, cabb

2、age, potato, tomato _4: Sure. And what size would you like?_5: We have large, medium and small bowls. _3aDACEBComplete the conversation below.A: What kind of would you like?B: Id like. A: What size bowl of noodles would you like?B: Id like a small bowl of noodles.3b Pair work!Make a dialogue with yo

3、ur partner:What size bowl of noodles would you like?Id like a small bowl of noodles.What size bowl of noodles would you like?Id like a medium bowl of noodles.What size bowl of noodles would you like?Id like a large bowl of noodles.I work in a restaurant. We have many kinds of noodles for you to choo

4、se. Wele to our restaurant.Special 1Special 2Special 4Special 34A: What kind of noodles would you like?B: Id like beef and tomato noodles.Special 1Special 2Special 3Special 41. Id like some noodles. Id like = I would like would like 动词短语意为 “想要, 愿意”, 相当于 want, 但比 want 语气委婉, 没有人称和单复数的变化, would 可以和主语缩写

5、成 “d” 的形式。Explanation它比较固定的搭配有三种: (1) would like sth. 跟名词或代词作宾语表示想要某物。 Id/ I would like some noodles. 我要些面条。 (2) would like to do sth. 想干某事 Hed/ He would like to talk with you. 他想和你谈谈。(3) would like sb. to do sth.想要某人干某事Theyd/ They would like me to stay here.他们要我留下来。2. What size bowl of noodles woul

6、d he like? size 名词, 意思是 “尺寸、尺码、大小” 既可以表示物体的大小, 又可以用来表示服装、鞋帽等的尺码、号码等。常以 large, 简写为 L (XL 超大号的), medium 简写为 M (中号的), small 简写为 S (小号的) 来表示。如: What size shoes do you wear? 你穿多大的鞋? I wear size 7. 我穿七号的。3. tomato 和其他以 o 结尾的名词的复数。 以 o 结尾的名词复数有的要加 es, 有的要加 s, 一般来说无生命的名词变复数时加 -s, 有生命则加 -es, 同学们不妨记住下面两句话:(1)

7、 小马虎弹着钢琴 (piano) 听着收音机(radio), 又到动物园 (zoo) 照了张相(photo), 但考试得了个大鸡蛋 (零分zero), 一律加 s。(2) 黑人 (Negro) 英雄 (hero) 爱吃土豆(potato) 西红柿 (tomato), 全部加 es。4. We have large, medium and small bowls. big 与 large 都有 “大” 的含义, 但 big 侧重表示一个物体的块、重量, 含有 “庞大、笨重” 之意, 其反义词是 little。如: The elephant is very big. large 用来指体积、面积、

8、容积及范围之大, 其反义词是 small。如:large family 大家庭a large man 一个肥胖的人在口语中 big 与 large 可互换, big 较为口语化。Exercises1. Id like mutton and potato noodles. (对划线部分提问对划线部分提问) _ _ _ noodles would you like?请按要求完成句子请按要求完成句子, 每空一词每空一词 (含缩写含缩写)。What kind of2. Shed like a large bowl of dumplings. (对划线部分提问) _ _ bowl of dumplings would she like? 3. I like chicken and cabbage noodles. (改为否定句) I _ like chicken _ cabbage noodles. What sizedontor4. Rose would like a cup of coffee. (对划线部分提问对划线部分提问) _ _ Rose like?5. What can I do for you? (改为同义句改为同义句) _ I _ you?What wouldCanhelp



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