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1、StandardForForeignLanguageLearning美国21世纪外语学习标准1美国C外语学习标准The Five Cs:Knowing how, when and why to say what to whom 2美国C外语学习标准COMMUNICATIONSReflections3美国C外语学习标准COMMUCATIONS Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opin

2、ions.(Interpersonal Communication) Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. ( Interpretive Communication) 翻译 阅读 听 阅读能力先于听快速口语的能力 图书 阅读视频Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on

3、 a variety of topics. (Presentational Communication) 思考:对我们教学有何启示4美国C外语学习标准Sample Progress Indicators for interpersonal communicationGrade 8: Students exchange information about personal events, memorable experiences, and other school subjects with peers and/or members of the target cultures.Grade 1

4、2:Students exchange, support and discuss their opinions and individual perspectives with peers and/or speakers of the target language on a variety of topics dealing with contemporary and historical issues. 5美国C外语学习标准Sample progress indicator for interpretive communicationGrade 8:Students use knowled

5、ge acquired in other settings and from other subject areas to comprehend spoken and written messages in the target languages.Grade 12: Students demonstrate an increasing understanding of the cultural nuances of meaning in written and spoken language as expressed by speakers and writers of the target

6、 language in formal and informal settings.6美国C外语学习标准Sample Progress Indicators for presentational communicationGrade 8:Students prepare tape or video recorded messages to share locally or with school peers and/or members of the target cultures on topics of personal interest.Grade 12: Students prepar

7、e a research-based analysis of a current event from the perspective of both the U.S. and the target cultures.7美国C外语学习标准CULTURESStandard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.(Practice of Culture) ( 文化习俗:包括社会交往方式 文

8、化观念:含义态度价值观观点等)Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied. (Product of Culture) (文化产品:书籍食品工具法律音乐游戏)8美国C外语学习标准CONNECTIONSStandard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through

9、the foreign language.(Making Connections) (社会科学课 数学课 音乐 美术等视频,TED, 各大学校课程)Standard 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.( Acquiring Information)(新闻观点)9美国C外语学习标准COMPARISONSStandard 4.1: Student

10、s demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own. (Language Comparisons)Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. (Cultural Comparisons )10美国C外语学

11、习标准COMMUNITIESStandard 5.1: Students use the language both within an beyond the school setting. (School and Community) (field trip, Chinese festivals)思考:我们老师如何教 学生如何学Standard 5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment (Life

12、long learning).( movies trips friends)11美国C外语学习标准SamplelearningScenario:NewscastIn the Spanish class in Williamston High School, a small, rural community in Michigan, students worked in groups to write, produce, and videotape a fifteen-to-twenty minute Spanish Language news show that included news e

13、vents; a live, from-the scene report; weather; sports; and commercials. The news events included items from the Spanish-speaking world, the United states, the state, and local areas.12美国C外语学习标准Standard Targeted1.1 interpersonal Communication1.3 Presentational Communication2.1Practices of Culture3.1F

14、urtheringConnections5.1 School and Community5.2 Life-long learning13美国C外语学习标准Reflections1.1 students work cooperatively in groups using the language to produce the newscast. (interpersonal communication)1.3 students produce the newscast in the language studied. (presentational communication)2.1Stude

15、nts present news stories that reflect a perspective from the culture studied.( practices of culture)3.1 students develop news items on a variety of topics. (furthering connections)5.1Students use the language in the classroom. (School and community)5.2 Students develop insights necessary for media l

16、iteracy. (life-long learning)14美国C外语学习标准资料来源 National Standard in Foreign Language Education a collaborative project of ACTFL, AATG, AATI, AATSP, ACL/APA, ACTR, CLASS/CLTA, &NCSTJ/ATJ.15美国C外语学习标准SuggestedBooksDr.Seuss苏斯博士自1937年出版第一本书到现在一共创作了48本图画书。销售量达2亿册,有20种语言的译本,美国图画书最高荣誉凯迪克大奖、普立兹特殊贡献奖.,还有两座奥斯卡金像奖!苏斯博士相信,学英语即是学生活方式,其中有规矩,也有创造。于是他用200个左右的单字,有趣而古灵精怪的图画,创造出许多极富创意及想像力的故事。英文在他手里,该长则长、该短则短,变化无穷,有绕口令,有动物声音的模拟,有数字、字母的游戏,还有脑筋急转弯等。从此阅读与学习变成了游戏,英语再也不是枯燥的功课了!可见他在这个领域是神一般的存在.FancyNancybooksbyJaneOConnor16美国C外语学习标准17美国C外语学习标准18美国C外语学习标准此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!19美国C外语学习标准



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