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1、大自然是人类之母大自然是人类之母0 Nature is the mother of mankind. We get almost everything from her. We live on natural materials. We make clothes from natural materials. And we build our houses of stone and wood. However, with the development of human beings, man has destroyed the balance of nature. Water, air an

2、d soil have been polluted. Some kinds of animals and plants have died out completely. As a result, man is being punished by nature, many people suffer a lot from all kinds of diseases caused by pollution. We should treat nature well and she will look after us.3. Farming (A)要点:要点:1、我爷爷有个小农场,他把农场照料得很好

3、。2、他养了许多鸡,出售鸡和蛋。3、周末我常去农场帮他喂鸡拾蛋,很有意思。爷爷还给我一些钱。4、母鸡下蛋,叫个不停,我不太喜欢他们,我喜欢小鸡。 My grandfather has a small farm. He takes good care of it. He keeps a lot of chickens there. He sells chickens and eggs. On weekends I often go to his farm and help him. I feed the chickens and collect the eggs. Its very enjoya

4、ble, and my grandpa pays me a little money for my work. My grandpas hens lay eggs, but I dont like them very much. They are noisy, I think. But I like the baby chickens.3. Farming (B)要点:要点:1、春天来了,树木开始生长。2、为使家乡更美丽,上星期天我们去植树。3、植树的过程:挖洞、放进幼树、填土、压紧、浇水。4、那天共栽了25棵树,虽然很累,但很愉快。5、树木很有用,我们要保护树木。6、种植更多的树将会使环境得

5、到很大改善。 Spring is on the way. Its the season when the plants begin to grow. To make our home town more beautiful, we went to plant trees last Sunday. First we dug a deep hole in which we put the young tree. Then we filled the hole with earth and pressed it firmly. Finally we watered the young tree. T

6、hat day we planted 25 trees. Though we were tired, we felt very happy. Trees are very useful to people. All of us should protect them. If we plant more trees, our environment will improve greatly.4. At the doctors (A)要点:要点:1、今晨李先生感到心脏有问题,去医院检查。2、医生给他作了全面检查,并建议他去照X光。3、李先生很担心,但医生说没有大问题。4、医生建议他减肥,停止抽烟、

7、喝酒,保证充足的睡眠。5、医生指出抽烟、喝酒有害于健康。6、李先生决定按照医生的话去做。 Mr. Li had heart trouble this morning. He went to the hospital to have his heart examined. After a complete examination the doctor advised him to have an X-ray. Mr. Li was very worried. The doctor told him that nothing was serious. He suggested that Mr. L

8、i should lose some weight, get plenty of sleep and stop smoking and drinking. He pointed out that smoking and drinking are very harmful, especially do great harm to peoples health. Mr. Li decided to follow the doctors advice.要点:要点:1、如今以瘦为美,许多人都想减肥,我也不例外。2、上周去医生处“取经”。3、听了我的话,医生感到迷惑,说:“你不太胖,不必减服。”4、我坚

9、持已见。医生劝我不必赶时髦,以听其自然为好,可增加一些户外活动。4. At the doctors (B) Nowadays people think the more slender, the more beautiful. Many people want to lose weight. Im among them though Im not that fat. Last week I went to see a doctor. I asked him for some advice about losing weight. The doctor looked at me, puzzled

10、. Then said, “Its unnecessary for you to lose weight, and youre not too fat.” But I stuck to my view. The doctor advised me not to follow the fashion all the time and he said I had better be myself. He suggested that I should have more exercise in the open air.5. Teachers Day (A)要点:要点:1、9月10日是教师节,我仍

11、然记得去年教师节的情景。2、那天早晨我们到校比平时早,到校后就打扫教室,把教室布置得漂漂亮亮,还在教室后黑板上写了“教师节愉快”几个字。3、下午我班举行庆祝活动,邀请全体任课老师参加。我们给每位老师送了一件小礼物,他们笑着说:“谢谢!”4、老师希望我们好好学习,天天向上。 September 10th is Teachers Day. I still remember something about the last Teachers Day. In the morning, we got to the school earlier than usual. We made the classr

12、oom very clean and beautiful. On the back blackboard, we wrote “HAPPY TEACHERS DAY”. In the afternoon, our class held a celebration. All our teachers were invited to join us. We gave each of them a little present. They said “Thank you” with big smiles. They hoped all of us would work hard and make p

13、rogress each day.要点:要点:1、王老师是一位语文老师,已在某高中任教25年。他对学生要求严格,但非常友好。2、今天,王老师比平时起得早,因为他要搬家。3、搬家意味着他和他妻子有许多事要做,王老师很担心。4、班长打电话说他和同学们将来帮忙,这对王老师夫妇来说真是好消息。5. Teachers Day (B) Mr. Wang is a Chinese teacher. He has been teaching at a senior middle school for 25 years. He is strict with his students but very frien

14、dly to them. Today Mr. Wang got up a bit earlier than usual, because he was going to move into a new flat. It means a lot of work for him and his wife to do. Mr. Wang was worried. Just then the telephone rang. The caller was the class monitor. The monitor said he and some other students would come t

15、o help him. This was really good news for Mr. Wang and his wife.6. Shopping (A)要点:要点:1、许多学生喜欢在闲暇时去购物,我也如此。购物是我生活中的一大乐趣。2、有钱去买东西是容易的,但花最少的钱买最需要的东西却不那么简单。3、现在我学会了还价,学会了怎样才能买到既好又便宜的东西。昨天我花了很少的钱买了一辆很实用的自行车。4、我最希望将来用自己的钱买东西。 Many students enjoy shopping in their spare time. So do I. I consider shopping a

16、s one of my interests in life. Shopping is easy if you have enough money. But it is not so easy to buy the thing you want most for the least amount of money. Now Ive learned how to buy good and cheap things, and Im good at cutting down prices. Yesterday I paid a little money to get an old useful bik

17、e. But what I want most is to buy things with my own money in the future.要点:要点:1、昨天购买的一台录音机今天早晨出了毛病,我去商店交涉。2、营业员问我是否按产品说明正确使用,我给予肯定的回答。3、营业员试了试录音机,认为是厂方的问题。4、我要求退钱,营业员不同意。他建议我换一台。换来的新录音机情况良好。6. Shopping (B) Yesterday I bought a recorder in the shop, but this morning I found that it just didnt work.

18、So I went back to the shop with it. The shop assistant asked me if I had followed the instructions and used it properly. I said “Yes”. Then he tried it and also found it didnt work. He said it was the fault of the factory. I asked him to give me my money back. The shop assistant refused. He suggeste

19、d that I should change it for another one. Finally I got a new recorder and it works well.7. Life in the Future (A)要点:要点:1、让我们设想一下未来的生活。2、可能没有拥挤的街道,人们不必去购物或去银行,这些事情可以通过电话和电脑完成。3、人类将不必居住在污染的世界上,每天都会有干净的食物、清洁的饮用水和新鲜的空气。不必为缺少能量而担心,可大量使用太阳能。4、这种生活已为时不远,只要努力,很快就会实现。 Lets imagine life in the future. Maybe

20、 we wont see crowded streets any longer. It will be unnecessary for us to go shopping or to go to the bank. Telephones and computers will do those jobs for us. In the future, we wont have to live in a polluted world. Every day well have clean food, clean water and fresh air. We neednt worry about th

21、e problem of lack of energy. We can make plenty of energy from the sun. This is not very far off. It will soon be a reality, if we work hard.要点:要点:1、将来,电脑在个人生活中的用途将越来越广。2、你不必每天去公司上班,只要在家在电脑上工作就行了。3、孩子也可在家学习。4、如果你出门在外,在工作或在回家的路上,你可打电话回家,电脑将会接受你的指令,当你到家时,取暖器开了,饭煮好了,水也开了。7. Life in the Future (B) In th

22、e future, computers will be used more widely in peoples lives. You neednt go to work in the company every day. You can stay at home. You just turn on your computer and do your work for the company at home. Your children can study at home, too. If you are away, at work or on your way home, you can te

23、lephone home. Your instructions will be passed onto your computer. So when you get home, you will find the heating is already on, meals and water are already for you.8. Healthy Eating (A)要点:要点:1、人活着需要能量,能量来自食物,人天天要吃东西。2、中国人一天三餐吃米饭、面条、面包、肉、鱼、蛋等,还吃许多水果和疏菜。水果和疏菜富含纤维、低糖、低脂肪。3、与其它许多国家相比较,中国人吃糖少。中国饮食是世界公认

24、的最健康的饮食。 People need energy to live. Energy comes from food, so people eat all kinds of food every day. We Chinese people usually have three meals a day. We eat rice, noodles, bread, meat, fish, eggs and so on. We often have a lot of fruit and green vegetables at meals. Fruit and vegetables are rich

25、 in fibre and low in sugar and fat. The Chinese eat less sugar and fat than people in many other countries. The Chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest in the world.要点:要点:1、人人需要健康饮食,食物中应包含脂肪、纤维、盐等等。2、欧洲人和美国人常吃薯条、奶油和巧克力,喜欢吃糕点、饮料、糖果等。这些食物有丰富的脂肪和糖,容易使人发胖。3、最糟的是许多西方人由于心脏病而早死。4、人们需要健康的饮食。8. Healt

26、hy Eating (B) Every person needs a healthy diet. These foods should contain some fat, some fibre, a little salt and so on. People in Europe and the USA usually eat a lot of potato chips, cream and chocolate. They also like cakes, soft drinks, sweets and so on. These foods are rich in fat and sugar.

27、As a result ,they put on weight easily. Many of them become very fat. The worst thing is that many westerners die at an early age from heart disease. They do need to have a healthy diet.9. Jobs (A)要点:要点:1、世界上的职业多种多样,如教师、医生、工程师、工人、农民等。2、科学家和公司里的领导人中男的比女的多,但并不说明女人就不如男人。3、有些工作女人可以比男人做得更好,例如,电话公司宁愿多雇用妇女

28、,因为她们比男人更细心。4、每个人都想做自己喜爱的工作,人人都有选择职业的权利。 There are various kinds of jobs in the world. People may become teachers, doctors, engineers, workers, farmers and so on. There are more men than women scientists and heads of companies, but that doesnt mean women cant do these jobs as well as men. Women can

29、do some jobs even better than men. For example, telephone companies prefer to employ women because they are more careful. All people want to do jobs they like. Everybody has a right to choose his or her favourite job.要点:要点:1、从新华日报得知你们需要一名日语教师,本人愿任此职。2、本人情况:23岁,今年7月将毕业于苏州大学。日语好,懂英语,去年在校日语口语竞赛中获一等奖,与人

30、相处好,擅长打篮球。3、随时可以面谈。9. Jobs (B) Ive learned from Xinhua Daily that you need a Japanese teacher. I would like to apply for this post. I am 23 years old. Ill graduate from Suzhou University this July. Im good at Japanese. I can speak Japanese very well and can also under- stand English. Last year I got

31、 the first place in the Japanese speech contest at our university. I get along well with others. Im good at playing basketball. Im ready for an interview at any time. Thank you!10. Famous People (A)要点:要点:1、林肯 (Abraham Lincoln) 出生于肯塔基的一个贫穷的家庭,年轻时学习法律,做过律师。2、政治上很活跃,强烈反对奴隶制度,1860年第一次任总统,为全体人民的自由而努力工作。3

32、、美国内战后,国家重新统一,奴隶得到了解放,于1864年连任总统。4、人民爱他,敌人恨他,1865年在戏院被枪杀。5、是美国历史上取伟大的总统之一。 Abraham Lincoln was born in a poor family in Kentucky. As a young man, he studied law and later became a lawyer. He was active in politics and strongly against slavery. He became President in 1860. he worked hard for the free

33、dom of all the people. After the American Civil War, the country was reunited and slaves were set free. He was elected President for the second time in 1864. The people loved him, but his enemies hated him. He was shot at a theatre in 1865. today he is considered one of the great- est presidents of

34、the United States.要点:要点:1、马丁路德金 (Martin Luther King Jr.) 于1929年生于亚特兰大,年轻时喜欢篮球、网球,特别是足球,于15岁上大学。2、为黑人的政治权利而斗争,于1963年8 月28日对数万黑人发表演讲,名扬世界,于1964年获诺贝尔和平奖,全部款项捐赠给自由运动。3、人民爱他,敌人恨他,于是1968年4月4日他被枪杀。4、被认为是美国的一位重要的政治领导人。10. Famous People (B) Martin Luther King Jr. was born in 1929 in Atlanta. As a boy, he enj

35、oyed basketball, tennis and especially football. At the age of 15 he went to a college. He fought for political rights for black people. On august 28, 1963 he made a speech to thousands of black people that immediately became world-famous. In 1964 King received the Nobel Prize for Peace. He gave all

36、 the money to the freedom movement. The people loved him but his enemies hated him. He was shot on April 4, 1968. Today he is still considered an important political leader in the US.oWlThQeNbJ8G4D1A-w*t$qYnVjSgPdLaI7F3C0y)v&s#pXmUiRfOcK9H5E2B+x(u%rZoWkThQeMbJ8G4D1z-w*t!qYnVjSgOdLaI6F3C0y)v%s#pXlUiR



















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