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1、LOGO 筝是中国传统民族乐器宝库中最古老的乐器之筝是中国传统民族乐器宝库中最古老的乐器之一,是中国乐器中的瑰宝。一,是中国乐器中的瑰宝。Zheng is one of the most ancient musical instrumentZheng is one of the most ancient musical instruments s in Chinese traditional ethnic Musical Instruments in Chinese traditional ethnic Musical Instruments treasure-house ,and is th

2、e treasure of Chinese national treasure-house ,and is the treasure of Chinese national instrumental musicinstrumental musictips: tips: 宝库:宝库:treasure-house treasure-house 民族的:民族的:ethnicethnic早在二千多年前的战国时代,筝就已成为当早在二千多年前的战国时代,筝就已成为当时广泛流传的重要乐器。时广泛流传的重要乐器。 由于筝的历史久由于筝的历史久远,发音古朴典雅,所以人们习惯把它称为远,发音古朴典雅,所以人们习惯

3、把它称为古筝。古筝。As early as As early as 2000 years ago in the warring 2000 years ago in the warring states period, states period, zheng haszheng has become an important become an important instrument instrument that isthat is widespread widespread at that time. at that time.Due to the long historyDue to t

4、he long history and its primitive and its primitive simplicity simplicity and elegent soundand elegent sound, people used to , people used to call it the guzhengcall it the guzheng. .tips: tips: 战国时代:战国时代:warring states periodwarring states period自秦、汉以来古筝从我国西北地区逐渐流传到全自秦、汉以来古筝从我国西北地区逐渐流传到全国各地,并与当地戏曲、

5、说唱和民间音乐相融会,国各地,并与当地戏曲、说唱和民间音乐相融会,形成了各种具有浓郁地方风格的流派形成了各种具有浓郁地方风格的流派。 S Since the ince the Q Qin and in and H Hanan Dynasty, Dynasty,guzheng guzheng gradually spread out across the countrygradually spread out across the country from from the the northwestnorthwest of of China, and China, and was merged

6、 was merged with the local with the local opera, rap and folk musicopera, rap and folk music,and ,and formed a variety of formed a variety of genres with strong local genres with strong local stylestyle. .筝筝有有山东山东筝,筝,河南河南筝,潮州筝,客家筝,浙江筝,潮州筝,客家筝,浙江筝,内蒙筝六个派系筝,内蒙筝六个派系, ,现在简称南北派。其筝曲现在简称南北派。其筝曲及演奏方法各具特色。及演

7、奏方法各具特色。Zheng includesZheng includes S Shandong zheng, handong zheng, H Henan zheng, enan zheng, C Chaozhou zheng, haozhou zheng, hakkahakka zheng, zheng, Z Zhejiang zheng,hejiang zheng, and and Inner MongoliaInner Mongolia zheng zheng six factions, which six factions, which are called the north and

8、 south now for short.are called the north and south now for short.Their music scores and method of playing all Their music scores and method of playing all have their own characteristic.have their own characteristic.tips: tips: 客家:客家:hakkahkhakkahk 内蒙:内蒙:Inner Mongolia muli Inner Mongolia muli 乐谱:乐谱:music scoremusic score



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