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1、 英语总复习 数词数词 数词(Numeral)基数词基数词序数词序数词表示数量表示数量表示顺序表示顺序有多少有多少第几个第几个注意1、“有有s,有,有of;无;无s,无,无of”即即twohundredbookshundredsofbooks2、分数:分数:分子分子用用基数词基数词,分母分母用用序数词序数词;分子分子大于大于一,一,分母分母加加s三分之一的书是我的。三分之一的书是我的。十分之三的水不见了。十分之三的水不见了。 3、如如eight-year-old的词后面要加名词的词后面要加名词4、“在某人几十岁时在某人几十岁时”用用inones+整十的复数整十的复数如:如:inherfifti

2、es,intheirthirties5、表示表示“多高、多宽、多长、多深,年龄少大、多高、多宽、多长、多深,年龄少大、距离多远距离多远”时,用时,用“数量数量+单位单位+形容词形容词”如:如:twomonthsold,twentymetersdeeptwo hundred students hundreds of studentsone-third of the students /water a ten-year-old boyThe boy is ten years old. He is a ten-year old boy.请记住下列短语和句子:请记住下列短语和句子:( ) 1.Weve



5、太人)ladywasprotectedbyalocalfamilyinShanghaiinher_.(2005)A.fiftiesB.fiftyC.fiftiethD.thefiftiethDDA 介词 介词是一种虚词介词是一种虚词, ,因为介词不能单独在因为介词不能单独在句中充当成分句中充当成分. .介词必须和后面的介词宾介词必须和后面的介词宾语一起构成介词短语后语一起构成介词短语后, ,才能在句中充当才能在句中充当成分成分. . at ,on ,in ,with ,by ,for ,from ,toat ,on ,in ,with ,by ,for ,from ,to 介词介词本身用法本身

6、用法固定词组固定词组in: in 2006, in March, in spring, in the morningon: on Tuesday, On March 20, On the afternoon of March 20at: at six oclock , at noon, at nightlaugh at, on ones way to, in addition, by ferryfor many years, since 2000, until ten oclock,be bad for, be careful with, be worried about, be proud

7、of, be keen on, be fond of, be pleased with, be interested in, be good aton: on Tuesday, on March 20, on the afternoon of March 201.at时间时间 atsix/night/themoment 地点地点 athome/thesupermarket对象对象 laughat 其它用法其它用法 atonceatpresent2. on 时间时间 on May4th/Monday/Sunday morning 地点地点 on the wall/the third floor/

8、the shelf 其它用法其它用法 on ones way to ,on foot3. in 时间时间 intheafternoon/May/winter/1993地点地点intheroom/thehousingestate其它用法其它用法inred/addition/time/English4. with方式方式dosth.withsb.,具有具有aplanewithanengine用用withonesowneyes,其它其它somethingwrongwith5. by 时间时间 by 1990 方式方式by ferry /airmail 地点地点by the river 强调强调 by

9、 oneself 其它用法其它用法 by the way 被被 be done by sb.6. for 时间时间 formanyyears对象对象aletterforsb.其它用法其它用法forexample,forthetimebeingaticketforSundayseveningshow7. from时间或地点时间或地点 fromto 距离距离 farawayfrom 其它用法其它用法 be/comefrom8. to 方向方向 go to the library 对象对象 givesth.tosb./thekeytothedoor 其它用法其它用法 toonesjoy/surpri

10、se9. 其它介词其它介词 about, across,after,against,along,among, a(round),before,behind,below,beside,between, during,except,into,like,near,of,over,opposite, since,through,under,without,because of, in front of, out of atnightatnooninthemorningonFridayonFridaynightonthenightofJune1stonacoldspringmorningovertheh

11、eadunderthetreeabovetheheadbelowthehillbetweenthetwoamongthestudentsalongtheriver aroundthelake请记住下列短语请记住下列短语 gotoschoolonfoot-walktoschoolgotoschoolbybus-takeabustoschool gohomebybike-rideabikehomegotothefactoryinahurry-hurrytothefactory bybus-onthebus;takeabustoschool-gotoschoolbybus/onthebus byli

12、ft;inthelift;getonthebusgetintothetaxi请记住下列短语请记住下列短语真题演练:( )1. A tsunami happened in some Southern Asian countries _ December,2004. A. at B. on C. in D. by( )2. My parents are pleased _ my school work and they are proud _me. A. ofwith B. withfor C. forof D. withof( )3. Teenagers are very fond_ carto

13、ons. A. in B. of C. on D. with( )4. Teenagers are very keen_ cartoons. A. in B. of C. on D. with CDBC ( )5. We usually get up _six _the morning. A. atof B. forin C. atin D. afteron ( )6. We traveled all night to London and got there_ Monday morning. A. in B. at C. on D to ( )7. My parents said that

14、they were pleased _my progress. A. in B. to C. with D. at ( )8. Many teachers believe that children also learn_ life, not just from their textbooks. A. of B. from C. for D. with ( )9. It was said that something terrible happened here _ the snowy spring. A. in B. at C. on D.byCCCBA( )10. Our school i

15、s _the end of the street. A. in B. on C. at D. of( )11. People in Korea will bow when they meet _ the first time. A. in B. on C. at D. for( )12. Since the supermarket isnt far from here.Lets get there_foot. A. by B. on C. with D. in( )13. There was no airline _the two countries ten years ago. A. bet

16、ween B. with C. among D. inside( )14. On Mothers Day,Mike and I want to invite mum to have dinner_us at Shanghai Restaurant , which is famous_its seafood. A. withof B. withfor C. forto D. toforCDBAB()15.Ifyouareabletogetthetickets,pleasetellme_phone.A.atB.byC.onD.through()16.Moreandmorepeopleareable

17、totalkandwrite_Englishthesedays.A.forB.withC.inD.to()17.Thestoryhappened_12thMarch.A.onB.inC.atD.with()18.Mumisworried_hersonswork.A.forB.aboutC.ofD.over()19.ThetraintoBeijingleaves_eighto”clock.A.inB.onC.atD.fromBCABCExclamatory Sentence感感叹叹句句What+n.(adj.+n.)+陈述句陈述句(主语主语+谓语谓语)!Whatfineweatheritis!

18、= It is fine weather. = How fine the weather is!Whatacleverboyheis! = He is a clever boy. = How clever the boy is! Whatbigapplestheseare! = These are big apples. = How big the apples are!How+adj./adv.+陈述句陈述句(主语主语+谓语谓语)!Howclevertheboyis! = The boy is very clever.Howfastheruns! = He runs very fast._n


20、B.WhatC.HowaD.How_finedayitis!A.HowB.What C.WhataD.Howa_fineitistoday!A.HowB.WhatC.WhataD.Howa_beautifultheflowerslook!A.HowaB.HowC.WhataD.WhatBBCAB_tallbuildingstheyare!A.HowaB.How C.WhataD.What_tallthebuildingsare!A.HowaB.How C.WhataD.What_deliciousthefoodis!A.HowB.HowaC.WhatD.Whata_luckyyouwereto

21、seeYaoMingattheairport!A.WhatB.How C.WhataD.HowaDBAB将下列句子改为感叹句将下列句子改为感叹句。 1The fried fish tastes very delicious _ _ the fried fish tastes! 2New York is very beautiful _ _ New York is! 3The book is very useful _ _ _ book it is! 4Thats an interesting film _ _ interesting film that is! 5The babies are playing happily _ _ the babies are playing! 6The information is very important _ important information!How deliciousHow beautifulWhat a usefulWhat anHow happilyWhatThankyouforyourco-operation!



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