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《河北省邢台市临西一中八年级英语下册《Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf Section A 1 1aGrammar Focus》课件 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《河北省邢台市临西一中八年级英语下册《Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf Section A 1 1aGrammar Focus》课件 人教新目标版(34页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Section A 11a-Grammar FocusWhy dont you get her a scarf?Unit 8 学习目标学习目标1.复习一些礼物的名词。复习一些礼物的名词。2.学习如何给别人提出建议和意见及学习如何给别人提出建议和意见及 发表自己的看法。发表自己的看法。a gift boxcakecamerabicyclescarfDid you get any gifts on your birthday?What did you get?scarfdictionaryCDcameraBICYCLE1a What do you think of these gifts? Wri

2、te these gifts to the chart and add other gifts.(Compare different things and give advice.)CheapExpensiveBoringInteresting tennis ballsscarf CDbicycledictionarycameraflowerspen Tomorrow is my mothers birthday. I want to get her a gift, but I dont know what should I get. Please give me some suggestio

3、ns.1.What/How about?2.Why dont you + 动词原形动词原形?3.Why not + 动词原形动词原形?B: How about a scarf?A: No, thats too boring.C: Why dont you buy some flowers?A: No, thats not special enough.D: Why not buy a camera?A: No, thats too expensive.A: OK, shell like that.E: What about photo album?1.【词条词条】 suggest 【例句例句】

4、 We suggest a visit to the museum tomorrow.我们建议明天去参观博物馆。我们建议明天去参观博物馆。I suggested putting off the sports meeting. 我建议将运动会延期。我建议将运动会延期。 【点拨点拨】 suggest后可接名词或动词的后可接名词或动词的- ing形式作宾语。形式作宾语。 【拓展拓展】 当当suggest后接后接that宾语从句时,宾语从句时,从句中的谓语动词常用从句中的谓语动词常用“should+动词原动词原形形”,should可以省略。可以省略。如:如:Jane suggested that we

5、 (should) arrive there at 7:00 am. 简建议我们早上七点钟到那儿。简建议我们早上七点钟到那儿。1b Listen and number the comments in the order you hear them. _ Thats too expensive._ Thats too boring, too._ Theyre too cheap._ Thats too boring.1234Conversation 1 Conversation 2Conversation 3TeacherSisterFriend2a Listen. In each conver

6、sation about gifts, who is the person shopping for? Put a check () in the correct column.2b Listen again and write the suggestions and comments in the chart below. Conversation 1Suggestion 1Comment 1Suggestion 2Comment 2a CDnot special enoughflowersgood ideaConversation 2Suggestion 1Comment 1Suggest

7、ion 2Comment 2a scarftoo personala calendarsounds goodConversation 3Suggestion 1Comment 1Suggestion 2Comment 2a soccer balla photo albumshell like thatnot creative enoughenough的用法:的用法: 形容词形容词 + enough (enough为副词为副词) enough + 名词名词(enough为形容词为形容词) e.g. Thats not special enough. 那不够特别。那不够特别。 Thats not

8、creative enough. 那没什么创意。那没什么创意。They dont get enough gifts. 他们他们没有得到足够的礼物。没有得到足够的礼物。I dont have enough time to spend with her. 我我没有足够的时间和她在一起。没有足够的时间和她在一起。此外此外, enough还可以用为:还可以用为:Its enough to make her happy. 这这足以让她很高兴。足以让她很高兴。也可以用为:也可以用为:enough for somebody to do sth.足以足以使某人做某事使某人做某事Eight hundred Yu

9、an is enough for me to buy an MP3.800元足以让我买一个元足以让我买一个MP3。Think of a friend or a family member who is having a birthday soon. Then discuss with your partner. Sample: A: Its my sisters birthday soon. What should I get her?B: How about a sweater?A: No, thats not interesting enough.1.A: _ my mom for her

10、 birthday? B: _? A: Yes, thats interesting.What should I get How about a scarf2. A: Why dont you buy _? B: _.a bicycle That sounds good3. A: What should I get my friend for his birthday? B: _ A: No, _.4. A: Its my sisters birthday soon. _? B: How about some _? A: _How about a camera?thats too expens

11、iveWhat should I get herflowersThats a good idea!如何给别人提出建议和意见的常用句型如何给别人提出建议和意见的常用句型1. 询问对方意见:询问对方意见:What shall we do tonight?询问对方意见的说法还有:询问对方意见的说法还有:What should I? (should表示请求、征询对方意见表示请求、征询对方意见)e.g. What should I get my dad for his birthday? Grammar Focus2. 提出建议:提出建议:How about (doing something?) e.g

12、. What shall we do this afternoon? How about going for a walk?提出建议的句型还有:提出建议的句型还有:1) What about? (about是个介词是个介词, 可跟可跟名词或动名词名词或动名词)2) How about?3) Why dont you do something?4) Why not do something?5) You should/could do something.6) You should (not) do something.7) Youd better (not) do something.8) W

13、hat about doing sth.?e.g. How about a watch? How/what about the photo album?e.g. Why dont you buy a sweater? Why not get a digital camera? You should/could take some exercise every day.You shouldnt eat too much.Its very hot today. Youd better stay at home.Youd better not quarrel with others.What abo

14、ut going out for a picnic? 在提出建议做什么事情之后在提出建议做什么事情之后, 就会有就会有人发表看法进行比较。如:人发表看法进行比较。如:How about Star Wars?Thats a great movie! I heard the Star Wars is pretty good.3. 发表看法时可以用发表看法时可以用Thats这个句型。这个句型。e.g. Thats too expensive. Thats too boring.Thats too personal. 那太个性化了。那太个性化了。Thats not interesting enough

15、. Thats not friendly enough.表示看法或意见的说法还有:表示看法或意见的说法还有:Good idea.It sounds good/great.Shell like it. 她会喜欢这个的。她会喜欢这个的。在发表看法时在发表看法时, 还可以用感叹句来表示还可以用感叹句来表示: What a lucky girl! 多么幸运的女孩!多么幸运的女孩!根据所给英文提示根据所给英文提示, 讲述一下你曾经收到过讲述一下你曾经收到过的一份礼物。的一份礼物。提示:提示:1. When did you get the gift?2. Who gave it to you?3. What does it look like? 4. What do you think of it? 要求要求: 提示部分应全部提及提示部分应全部提及, 可适当发挥可适当发挥; 70词左右。词左右。



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