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1、Sentence Structure句子结构句子结构主语:名词、代词、数词、主语:名词、代词、数词、doing/to do1.We often speak English in class.2.American country music is very popular.3.One-third of the students in this class is girls.4.To swim in the river is a great pleasure.5.Smoking does harm to the health.1. Action speaks louder than words.

2、2. The chance may never come again. 3. Mary has been working at the dress shop since 1994. 谓语:有时态、人称、单复数变化的动谓语:有时态、人称、单复数变化的动词词She covered her face with her hands. We havent heard from her for a long time. Do you mind opening the window? I didnt meant to hurt you.宾语:谓语动词或介词后宾语:谓语动词或介词后My father is a

3、 professor. The match became very exciting. The goal of my life may be to help others.Seeing is believing. 表语:表语:be动词、联系动词之后动词、联系动词之后The best fish swim near the bottom. I left the village five years ago. I arrived late because of the traffic jam . Well send a car to fetch you. The students came into

4、 the classroom, singing and dancing.状语:时间、地点、原因、目的、伴随状语:时间、地点、原因、目的、伴随等状语等状语They are woman workers. Mary is a beautiful girl.Toms father didnt write home until yesterday.The play has three acts. This is her first trip to Europe. China is a developing country. I have nothing to eat. 定语:起修饰或限定作用的定语:起修

5、饰或限定作用的a boy in the picturea boy who is smilinga lovely boyattributive clauseattribute The Attributive Clause定语从句定语从句Grammar Attributive Clause定语从句定语从句修饰、限定修饰、限定(modify)某一名词或代词的从句某一名词或代词的从句(clause)先行词先行词(antecedent):被修饰的名词或代词被修饰的名词或代词He is an English teacher who likes singing songs.定语从句定语从句先行词先行词关系词

6、关系词relative word关系词关系词关系代词关系代词 relative pronoun关系副词关系副词 relative adverb关系代词:指代关系代词:指代(refer to)被修饰词,在从被修饰词,在从句中作主语、宾语、表语句中作主语、宾语、表语(predicative)、定语定语(attribute),放在从句句首,放在从句句首that:指代被修饰的:指代被修饰的物、人、人和物物、人、人和物which: 指代被修饰的指代被修饰的物物who,whom (宾格宾格): 指代被修饰的指代被修饰的人人whose + 名词名词: 指代指代“某人、某物的某人、某物的”关系副词:在从句中作

7、状语关系副词:在从句中作状语(adverbial),放在从句句首放在从句句首where作从句的地点状语,从句修饰地点、作从句的地点状语,从句修饰地点、情况、境况等名词情况、境况等名词when作从句的时间状语,从句修饰时间作从句的时间状语,从句修饰时间名词名词why作从句的原因状语,从句修饰作从句的原因状语,从句修饰reasonThe teaching building looks nice.The building was put up last year.The teaching building which was put up last year looks nice.关系代词关系代词:

8、 whichThis is the house.Lu Xun once lived in the house. This is the house which Lu Xun oncelived in.指代被指代被修饰的修饰的物物,在从句中充当在从句中充当主语或宾语主语或宾语关系代词关系代词 : who指代被指代被修饰的修饰的人人在从句中充当在从句中充当主语或宾语主语或宾语The boys are from Grade One. The boys are playing basketball. The boys who are playing basketball are from Grade

9、One.The young man is a famous writer. You saw the young man yesterday. The young man who you saw yesterday is a famous writer.关系代词关系代词: whom指代被指代被修饰的修饰的人人在从句中在从句中充当充当宾语宾语Where is the girl?You talked with her last Sunday.Where is the girl whom you talked with last Sunday?关系代词关系代词: that指代被修饰指代被修饰的的人或物

10、人或物在从句中充当在从句中充当主语或宾语主语或宾语The woman is a teacher.The woman lives next door.The woman who/that lives next door is a teacher. The book is very interesting. I read the book yesterday. The book which/that I read yesterday isvery interesting.The man whose legs were badly hurt was quickly taken to hospital

11、.The man was quickly taken to hospital.The mans legs were badly hurt.I know the doctor.His daughter studies abroad.I know the doctor whose daughter studies abroad.关系代词关系代词: whose 指代指代“人的人的”或或“物的物的”,从句中充当从句中充当定语定语She lives in the house. The windows of the house face south.She lives in the house whose

12、 windows face south.Have you seen his book?The cover of the book is red.Have you seen his book whose cover is red?He talked about the places and people.He visited the places and people in China. He talked about the places and people that he visited in China.Note 1:that在从句中作主语、宾语,在从句中作主语、宾语,同时修饰同时修饰“

13、人和人和物物”,这时不用,这时不用which, who, whomNote 2:that, which, who, whom在从句中作在从句中作宾语宾语时,时,可以省略可以省略The young man you saw yesterday is a famous writer.This is the house Lu Xun once lived in.Where is the girl you talked with just now?Mike used to be a lazy person.He is no longer a lazy person.迈克不再是迈克不再是(他)以前(是)的

14、(他)以前(是)的那个懒汉了。那个懒汉了。Mike is no longer the lazy person _.that he used to beNote 3:that在从句中可充当在从句中可充当表语表语,这时不用,这时不用which, who, whom先行词先行词关系代词关系代词 在从句中充当在从句中充当的成分的成分人人物物人的人的/物的物的注意注意 who/ that 主语主语/宾语宾语 whom 宾语宾语 定语定语1. whom只充当只充当宾语宾语Conclusion: which/that 主语主语/宾语宾语 whose2. 关系代词充当关系代词充当宾语时可省略宾语时可省略3.

15、关系词充当关系词充当表语表语时用时用that4.先行词先行词既有人也有物既有人也有物时用时用thatThe scientist (that/who/whom) we met yesterday is very famous in the world. (2) The dress is new. She is wearing it.The dress (that/which) she is wearing is new. (1) The scientist is very famous in the world. We met her yesterday.Practise(3) He is a

16、nice person. I prefer to work with him. He is the nice person (that/whom/who) I prefer to work with. 1. The girl _ is sitting in the chair is a good singer.2. The skirt _ Mary bought two years ago is old.3. Is this the novel _ you introduced to me?4. Where is the boy _ broke the window?5. Luckily no

17、ne of the people_I know were killed in the earthquake is forgotten.who/that(which/that)(which/that)who/thatwho/that5.This is the factory _ I visited last year.6.This is the house _ I lived in ten years ago.7.I dont know the girl _ Jack is talking with now.8.This is the factory _ makes toys.9.Do you

18、remember the days _ we spent together at the seaside?10.Sorry, I forgot the reason _ you told me just now.11.Dont think about the people and things _ make you angry any more.(which/that)(which/that)(who/whom/that)which/that(which/that)(which/that)that成分问题:成分问题: 改错:改错:The machine I had it repaired ye

19、sterday is working well.主谓一致问题主谓一致问题1.Anyone who _ (keep) working hard will succeed sooner or later. Those who _ (keep) working hard I, who _ your teacher, will try to help you.2.He is one of the boys who _ (be) good at physics. He is the only one of the boys who _ (be) good at physics. keepskeepare

20、isam解题技巧解题技巧: 定语从句的人称和数必须与定语从句的人称和数必须与先行词保持先行词保持一致一致the way 引导的定语从句引导的定语从句I dont like the way.He treats his parents in the way.in whichthat/省略省略the way在从句中充当在从句中充当方式状语方式状语时;时;(in which/that/省略省略)I dont like the way _ he treats his parents.1. I dont like the way _you speak to your mother. (in which/t

21、hat)2. I dont like the way _ she thought of. (that/which)3. I dont like the way _ is not practical. that/which解题技巧解题技巧:分析分析the way 在从句中的成分在从句中的成分PractiseIs this school _ you visited last week? A. where B. that C. which D. the oneThis school is _ you visited last week.解题技巧解题技巧: 将疑问句转换成陈述句将疑问句转换成陈述句(w

22、hich)the oneIs this the museum _ you visited last week?(which/that)注意:注意:先行词为物,先行词为物,只只用用that而不用而不用which的情的情况。况。(1) 先行词为先行词为all, everything, nothing, something, anything, little, few, much 等不定代词时。等不定代词时。 I am sure she has something special that will interest you.(2)先行词被先行词被the only, the very, the sa

23、me, the last, just 修饰时。修饰时。 This is the only dictionary that the student has. (3)当先行词是当先行词是序数词或者被序数词序数词或者被序数词修饰时。修饰时。 This is the first English book that I have read. (4)当先行词是当先行词是最高级或者被最高级最高级或者被最高级修饰时。修饰时。 This is the best film that I have ever watched.(5) 在主句以在主句以who, which开头的句子中,为了避免开头的句子中,为了避免 重

24、复,关系代词用重复,关系代词用that。 Which is the computer that was bought yesterday?(6)当先行词有两个,当先行词有两个,一个指人一个指物时一个指人一个指物时。 Later they talked of schools and persons that they visited. (7) 当当关系关系词在在句中句中作作表表语时用时用that。 My village is no longer the poor place that it used to be.who和和that在指人的情况下一般都可以互换在指人的情况下一般都可以互换, 但以但

25、以下情况不可互换。下情况不可互换。1. 在以在以who 引导的特殊疑问句中引导的特殊疑问句中,为了避免重复为了避免重复, 一般用一般用that而不用而不用who。nWho is the girl that is standing behind the tree?2. 当先行词为当先行词为those/he明显指人时明显指人时, 宜用宜用who 而不而不用用that。nThose who have understood this may leave now.nHe who laughs last laughs best. 关系代词关系代词as的用法的用法当先行词有当先行词有the same, so

26、, such 修饰时,关修饰时,关系代词用系代词用as, as在从句中充当主语或宾语在从句中充当主语或宾语asasShe is wearing the same dress _ I am wearing.He is such a good teacher _ we all like.He is so good a teacher _ we all like.as as和和that的区别的区别5. Look! Mary is wearing the same dress _ you are wearing. You are using the same pen _ I lost yesterda

27、y. Where did you get it?解题技巧解题技巧:判断是否同一物体判断是否同一物体asthat同类不同物同类不同物同类同一物同类同一物先行词被先行词被the same修饰,表示修饰,表示“相同的同一个人相同的同一个人或物或物”。Thats the same man that asked for help yesterday.the same as 【相同的另一个相同的另一个 】the same that 【相同的同一个相同的同一个】This is the same factory _I visited last year. I bought the same book _you

28、 lost yesterday. thatasas 虽然作宾语,但不省略虽然作宾语,但不省略 as和和that的区别的区别4. He is such a teacher _ we all like him. He is such a teacher _ we all like.解题技巧解题技巧:判断从句是否完整判断从句是否完整thatasso/suchthat结果状语从句结果状语从句so/suchas定语从句定语从句先行词被先行词被such修饰时,关系代词用修饰时,关系代词用as : such asLets discuss such problems as need to be solved

29、at once.such that 【如此如此.以致于以致于】This is such a difficult problem _ no one can work out. 【从句不完整,缺宾语从句不完整,缺宾语】This is such a difficult problem _ no one can work it out. 【从句完整,连词只起连接作用从句完整,连词只起连接作用】He is such a lazy man _ nobody wants to work with.He is such a lazy man _ nobody wants to work with him.as

30、thatasthat1.There is nothing _ can prevent him from doing it .2.The first place _ they visited in Guilin was Elephant Trunk Hill.3.This is the best film _ I have ever seen.4.Mr Smith is the only foreigner _ he knows.5.He talked of the man and the books _ interested him.that(that)(that)(that/ who/ whom)that6.All _ I want is peace and quiet.7.Any boy _ wants to succeed must work hard.8. This is the biggest lab_ we have ever built in our university.9. Who is the girl _ you are talking about?10. Which is the movie _ you are watching?(that)that/ whothat(that)(that)



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