导游英语unit 10 Jiangmen

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《导游英语unit 10 Jiangmen》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《导游英语unit 10 Jiangmen(86页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 10 JiangmenI. Lead in :General introduction Jiangmen City covering 9418000 sq meters is situated in the mid-south of Guangdong Province, west of the Pearl River Delta. Among the 290 thousands of population, 90% of them are overseas Chinese from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan constituting about 10%

2、 of the total overseas Chinese of China, so it is a very famous overseas homeland of China. Jiangmen area is the subtropical zone monsoon climate, its annual precipitation is 2000 millimeters and the annual average temperature is 21.8. Jiangmen is the hub of communications of the south part of Guang

3、dong Province and the water-land transshipment station between Guangzhou, Zhanjiang and Hainan. The Jiangmen port is the second biggest river port of Guangdong. Xijiang and Tanjiang waterways in the area provide the convenience of river-sea transport: there is a navigable way to Guangzhou, Wuzhou of

4、 Guangxi, Hong Kong and Macao, 95 nautical miles to Hong Kong, 53 nautical miles to Macao. State Highway 325 running from Guangzhou to Zhanjiang crosses the city. Foshan-Kaping Expressway, and Jiangmen-Heshan Expressway have been put to traffic. vJiangmen is a fine city for tourism in China with maj

5、or tourist spots like Donghu Amusement Park, Baishuidai Tourist Holidaying Area, Chen Baisha Memorial Hall, Cha An Temple, Guyuanzhou, Hongsheng Temple, the Birds Paradise of Xinhui, Yamen Fort, Ciyuan Temple of Yashan, the Old Residence of Liang Qichao, the scenic spots of Guifengshan, Chishi Touri

6、st Scenic Spot, Gudoushan Tourist Scenic Spot, the Tourist Holidaying Areas of Shangchuan and Xiachuan Islands, Taishan Hot Spring, Shihuashan Scenic Spot, Aofengshan Tourist Spot of Enping, Jinshan Hot Spring, Didu Hot Spring Dayanshan Scenic Spot of Heshan, Li Garden of Kaiping and Liangjinshan To

7、urist Spot, etc.Scenic Spot Areav Kaiping Diaolou and Villagesv Liyuan Gardenv Guifeng Mountain National Forest Parkv Xinhui Birds ParadiseKaiping Diaolou and VillagesvKaiping Diaolou and Villages, located in Kaiping City, Guangdong Province, were approved as a national cultural heritage site in 200

8、1, and were listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in June 2007. The Kaiping Diaolou are fortified multi-storied tower-like structures that exquisitely integrate the Western architectural style with the Chinese architectural style.Kaiping Diaolou & VillagesKaiping DiaolouThe beautiful DiaolouThe m

9、ajestic Diaolou of Kaiping with square windows is tinged with rosy sunshine.Beautiful DiaolouThe Diaolous of Kaiping with Roman domes touch the floating cloudsThe Unique Features of DiaolouThe unique Ruishi Diaolou of Kaiping features a Byzantine style roof and a Roman dome supported by walls and pi

10、llars.Typical Structure in KaipingRuishi Diaolou of Kaiping with square windows and the top three floors of pavilions and winding corridorsThe Reflection of DiaolouThe simple gray Diaolous of Kaiping stand against the blue sky like old men telling what had happened in the past.Diaolou Structure in K

11、aipingThe simple Diaolou of Kaiping blends perfectly with the rustic landscapeTour GuidevBuilt in the late period of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), the Kaiping Diaolou is a special complex representing a mixed style of Chinese and western architecture. With the development of the overseas Chinese cul

12、ture in the early 20th century, the Kaiping Diaolou and Villages became a highlight of the regional culture. Actually, the blockhouse-like constructions used to be the sheltering harbors of the local residents. On average, each village has at least one Diaolou building and there are totally 1,833 bu

13、ildings. It is suggested that the best way to travel the villages is by bike. Here are two itineraries for visitors to choose: the first one, to go through the Chikan Town, Baihe Town and Xiangang Town; the other one, to visit the Tangkou Town.vEspecially, when you travel in Tangkou Town, the Liyuan

14、 Garden of Kaiping is worth visiting. It was a private garden built by an overseas Chinese man named Xie Weili in 1926 and it took ten years to complete the entire garden. Covering an area of over 4.8 acres, the garden has the feature of Chinese traditional garden and the western architecture.Liyuan

15、 GardenvLi Garden was a built by an Overseas Chinese American,Mr.Xie Wei Li,around 1926 and finished in 1936.The garden blends harmoniously the elements of Chinese traditional gardening,Southern China water-town style landscaping and Western architecture.The garden is arranged in three main areas:gr

16、and garden,mansions and small garden .Each area is carefully separated by man-made canals while connected elegantly by footbridges and pathways.The design of the garden reflects the idea of isolation and integration.vThe entrance of the grand garden has a stone arched-gate which declares the residen

17、cy of the Xie family in two large,handwritten characters, “Li Garden”.The grand garden incorporates a walk-in size birdcage,a small pond and a flower pavilion along with various trees and plants.Standing in the grand garden are two steel poles called the “tiger whip”which were built to scare away ev

18、il spirits.Liyuan GardenvThe small garden is a naturalistic garden bulit at the foot of Tiger Hill and filled with the rich foliage of trees and plants.The small garden is used for relaxation and as a family playground for children.Vine pavilion Tiger MoutainvThe State council placed Li Garden on th

19、e list of the National Cultural Relics.Li Garden was rated an AAAA grade tourist site by the National Tourist Bureau. Stairs in PanLi Mansion Evening SceneDiaolou ClustersvThere are many diaolou clusters in Kaiping, including Chikanzhen Yinglong Lou, Jinjiangli Diaolou Cluster, Zilicun Diaolou Clust

20、er and Fangshi Denglou.vChikanzhen Yinglong Lou is the oldest preserved diaolou in Kaiping. It was built during the reign of Emperor Wangli of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). It is located in Sanmenli Village, Chikanzhen Township, about six kilometers (about four miles) east of downtown Kaiping. Yingl

21、ong in Chinese means welcoming or greeting dragons. In the Chinese culture, the dragon is the symbol of auspiciousness. The name Yinglong implies that the construction of the diaolou will bring people safety, fortune and happiness. Yinglong Lou retains the primitive model of diaolou. It is a traditi

22、onal square structure and is not influenced by western architectural styles.Diaolou ClustersvZilicun Diaolou Cluster consists of nine diaolous. It is located in Zilicun Village, Tan Gkou Township, Kaiping City. Its residential houses are compatible with the surroundings.vThe most exquisite diaolous

23、in Kaiping are located in the Jinjiangli Diaolou Cluster. It is situated at Jinjiangli Village, Xianggang Township, northeast of Kaiping. Behind the village stand Ruishi Diaolou, Shengfeng Lou, and Jinjiang Lou. Ruishi Diaolou is the tallest diaolou in Kaiping.vThe diaolou, a unique structure, not o

24、nly symbolizes the fusion of Chinese and Western architectural styles, but also embodies the assimilation of two different cultures.Zili Village and the Fang Clan Watch TowervZili Villagelies in Tangkou Township, Kaiping City, about 25 kilometres east of downtown Kaiping.It is situated on the west b

25、ank of the Zhenhai River, a tributary of the Tanjiang River, in the middle of a flat, irrigated plain. The village consists of three separate sub-village areas. There are 82 village houses, occupying (with their intervening areas of open space, lanes, etc) 83,224 square metres. Of these, the first H

26、eanli has 19 houses, occupying 17,550 square metres, the second Heanli has 50 houses occupying 56,730 square metres, and Yonganli has 13 houses occupying 8,944 square metres. The present resident population is 179, in 63 households, with 248 villagers currently living overseas, mostly in the U.S.A,

27、Canada, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Most of todays farming households in Zili Village have relatives living overseas. Remittances from abroad are an important economic element in the life of the residential household. The life-style of the villagers is simple, honest, dignified, o

28、ptimistic, open-minded, and unsophisticated. The Fang Clan Watch TowervThe Fang Clan Watch Tower is built about 1.5 kilometres south of Zili Villageon top of a hill. It was built communally by Zili Village and several other Fang clan villages in the vicinity of Zili Village in the 9th Year of the Re

29、public (1920). These various villages all donated money to the construction. the Diaolou in Zili Village Mingshi Lou, Zili VillageThe hall in the 1st floor of Mingshi Lou The Yunhuan LouThe Distant view of The Fang Clan Watch TowerThe Historic Town of ChikanvChikan is ancient town established during

30、 the Qing Dynasty under the governance of Emperor Shunzhi . with 350 years of history chikan evolved from a country market place into the business competition between the Guan and situ families . Memorial family libraries were built by each family and both libraries became landmarks of chikan.vThe s

31、treets and buildings in chikan, as they currently exist, were mostly built during the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th cenruty and by Overseas Chinese returning to their villages. The overseas Chinese incorporated elements of Western architecture into their new homes . The buildings

32、 were three-story structures with a store front on the street level and two residential upper floors. Although the buildings did not have much decorative details,each building was built with a balcony facing the Tanjiang River which flowed along and divided the town . the balcony called Qilou in loc

33、al dialect became a prominent architectural feature in chikan .Hightlights:vWhile chikan evokes fond memories of a past glorious life ,it is still very lively with delicious local foods , folk arts, fishing boats, old banyan trees ,600 old Qilou builings and friendly people , it is a town with a uni

34、que presence in the middle of the surrounding crop fields and Tanjiang River.Tanjing River and Streetscape of Qilou BuildingsThe Bridge beyond Tanjiang RiverForeign Family in ChikanThe Family in ChikanII. Clear the way :Language points 1.township n. a town or town and the area around it, that has ce

35、rtain powers of local government 市镇2.nominate v. (for, as) to suggest or name (someone) officially for a position, office, duty, honour, etc. 提名,推荐;3.application n. (for, to) (the act of making) a request, esp. officially and in writing (尤指正式和书面的) 申请,请求4.world cultural heritage 世界文化遗产5.demonstrate v

36、. to show or describe clearly 表明,示范,演示6.representative a. (of) typical; being an example of what other members of the same group 典型的,代表性的7.booming a. growing rapidly in activity, value or importance 繁荣的,兴盛的8. combine v. (with) to join together, to form a single unit or whole; unite (使)结合,(使)组合,(使)合并

37、9. indicate v. to point out, draw attention to; to show or make clear, esp. by means of a sign 表示;指明10. various a. of (many) different kinds 各种各样的11. value n. the usefulness, helpfulness, or importance of something; the worth of something in money 重要性,益处;价值12. defence n. the act or process of defend

38、ing 防御,防卫,保护13. dwelling n. fml or humor a house or flat, etc., where people live 住所,住处,寓所14. joint defence 共同防御15. function v. I (esp. of a thing) to be in action; work; operate 发挥作用,运行16. funds n. a supply or sum of money set apart for a special purpose 基金,专款17. bandit n. an armed robber, esp. one

39、 of an armed band who attack travellers in wild places 强盗,土匪18. seal v. to fasten or close (as if) with a seal 封装,封19. symbol n. (of) something which represents or suggests something else, such as an idea or quality 象征;标记,符号,记号20. colonnade n. a row of pillars (=upright stone posts) usu. supporting

40、a roof or row of arches 柱廊21. terrace n. a flat area next to a house usu. with a stone floor, used as outdoor living area平台,阳台;屋顶平台22. receding a. sloping backwards; moving back or away 向后倾斜的;后退的23. over-hanging a. hanging over (something) or sticking out over (something) 悬在之上; 突出于之上24. lime-sand-cl

41、ay towers 泥楼,夯土楼25. reflect v. to express, make clear, or be a sign of; show 反映26. aesthetic a. of or showing a highly developed sense of beauty, esp. in art 美学(上)的; 美感的27. impact n. (on) an esp. strong or powerful influence or effect caused or produced by an idea, invention, event, etc. 作用, 影响28. e

42、xternal a. (to) on, of, or for the outside; foreign 外国的;外面的29. reinforce v. to add strength or support to; make stronger or firmer 加强, 加固30. cement n. a grey powder, made from lime and clay 水泥III. Discussion 1.Whats the administrative division of jiangmen?2.What are the main attractions of Jiangmen?

43、3. What are the features of Kaiping Diaolou and villages?Kaiping Diaolou and VillagesRuishi WatchTowerThe Tianlu LouLiyuan Garden Ruishi WatchtowervThe Ruishi Watchtower is located behind Jinjiangli village, Xiangang town. Covering an area of 92 square meters, Ruishi Watchtower was constructed in 19

44、23 and has nine floors, making it the highest watchtower in Kaiping City. Each floor has delicate window decorations; on the top three floors there are pavilions and winding corridors. You can see the unique Byzantine style roof and Romanesque dome supported by walls and pillars. Ruishi WatchTower R

45、uishi Watch TowerSanmenli VillageThe Majianglong Village ClusterJinjiangli VillageJinjiangli VillagevThe Ruishi Lou is built close to the east side of the Jinjiang Lou and is close to the main access path to the village. It was built by Huang Bixiu, a villager of Jinjiang Lou, in the 12th Year of th

46、e Republic (1923). He returned from Hong Kong to build it. The tower is nine storeys (28.37 metres) high. With the courtyard in which it stands it occupies 232.36 square metres, and its built floor area is 552.21 square metres. vThe Ruishi Lou is built of reinforced concrete. The cement, steel bars,

47、 glass, timber, and other materials used in the construction were all imported from Hong Kong. The total cost came to HK$30,000. IV. Additional scenic spots :1. Xinhui Bird Paradise Birds Paradise in Xinhui of South Chinas Guangdong Province is a place where hundreds of thousands of birds flock thro

48、ughout the year. The tropical natural scenery at Xinhui Birds Paradise offers urban dwellers peace of mind. The year-long warm climate offers an ideal refuge for birds from north China and the nearby South China Sea. The area has in recent years become a well-known ecological travel spot thanks to t

49、he flourishing birds habitat and lakeside landscape. About 380 years ago, a banian with more in the river has been multiplied for a long time, and now it forms a natural beautiful scenic spot. Its branches and leaves cover some 10,000 square meters, there are thousands of bird live in the banian. In

50、 1933, a renowned literti - Mr. Bajin had written a lyric prose. The Birds Paradise after he visited such marvelous scenery by boat. The Birds Paradise is named after that nowadays, and it was later selected as a text book for primary students. Since then, Birds Island has gone from strength to stre

51、ngth in the popular imagination. Visitors are not allowed to set foot on the island.Xinhui Paradise for BirdsA 500-year-old banyan tree with luxuriant foliage covers a hectare in area, making it an ideal home for more than ten species of birds, most of which are the white cranes and the gray cranes.

52、Rongyin WaterwayGiant Banyan TreeGuanniao CorridorGuanniao LouBirds ParadiseBirds ParadiseBirds paradiseBirds Paradise2. Guifeng Mountain The mountain is situated in Xinhui District and this famous scenic spot has elevated to a national forest park and ranks as one of the famous tourist zones in Gua

53、ngdong. The lofty mountains, emerald forest and lakes give the mountain endless vigor. There are regular buses passing by the mountain in Jiangmen General Bus Station and Xinhui General Bus Station in Xinhui District.vSituated in Xinhui district in Jiangmen City, Guifeng Mountain National Forest Par

54、k is ranked as one of the most famous mountains in Guangdong Province. The scenic spots worth visiting include Yutai Temple, Jade Lake, and Palm Art Garden. The red autumn leaves of Guifeng Mountain are comparable to those of Fragrant Hills Park of Beijing because there are extensive areas of maple

55、trees. Every fall, the mountain is covered with scarlet leaves and the magnificent view attracts numerous visitors. Scenic Spot Area 1. Yutai Temple Yutai Temple is one of the four most famous temples of Guangdong. It was built in the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220) and reached its heyday in the Tang D

56、ynasty (618-907). The sublime temple has many imposing Buddhist structures, including the Hall of Heavenly Kings, Bell Tower, Drum Tower, Hall of Great Hero, Sutra Depository, Kwan-yin Hall and Zendo. The Tianwang (Heavenly King) Pagoda, built during the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368), is the only Lama pa

57、goda of Guangdong Province. Ruquan (Milk Spring) Well is a miracle of the Guifeng Mountain and you can find it not far from the Yutai Temple. The constant spring is cool and sweet, and it is a mystery that the ivory-white water has the taste of milk, which is especially obvious in winter.Scenic Spot

58、 Area2. Jade Lake The Jade Lake is the main tourist resort and a place of recreation. A delicately elegant pavilion, which resembles a blooming flower, lies in the center of the lake. There are arch bridges among the rockworks in the lake, and tourists can swim and boat in the lake or have a walk al

59、ong the banks to appreciate the picturesque scenery. The lake becomes especially charming at night with sparkling bonfires and colorful shining lights. The national forest park also has a well-equipped sports park on a grand scale, providing ice-skating, rowing, grass-skiing, rock-climbing, go-karti

60、ng and other popular sports, as well as barbecues.3. Palm Art Garden The Palm Art Garden is the only garden in the world which features palm art. The garden represents the more than 1,000-year history palm art of Xinhui City. Watching the live production of palm art handicrafts, you will experience

61、the intricacy of palm art and appreciate the outstanding creations.Tour Tips: v1. Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport has opened the Airport Express which greatly shortens the trip to the airport to circa 110 minutes. Visitors can check in ahead of time in the airport terminal established by the

62、Baiyun Airport in Jiangmen City. In addition, the completion of the Jiangmen-Zhuhai Expressway makes the journey to Zhuhai Airport reduce from previous two hours to one hour. All these greatly facilitate the transport getting in and out of Jiangmen. v2. Jiangmen to Hong Kong and Macau ferry terminal

63、 lies in the Jiangmen Hi-tech Development Zone. Every day, there are three ships to Hong Kong and one to Macau. Due to the public holidays of Hong Kong, ships between the ferry terminals of Jiangmen and Hong Kong will rearrange the ships.Yutai TempleYutai TempleJade LakeJake LakeGuifeng Mountain Nat

64、ional Forest Park in Jiangmen Guifeng Mountain National Forest Park in Jiangmen Maple TreesJade LakePalm Art Garden V. In- class acvitity: Translation 1. 这些是开平碉楼建筑鼎盛时期最古老、最具代表性这些是开平碉楼建筑鼎盛时期最古老、最具代表性的碉楼。的碉楼。2、开平碉楼的主要功能是防御和居住,按使用功能、开平碉楼的主要功能是防御和居住,按使用功能可以分为更楼,众楼和居楼三种类型。可以分为更楼,众楼和居楼三种类型。3、更楼大多建在村口,村外的山

65、岗或河岸,主要起、更楼大多建在村口,村外的山岗或河岸,主要起到预警的作用。到预警的作用。4、碉楼的建筑造型反映着楼主人的经济实力、审美、碉楼的建筑造型反映着楼主人的经济实力、审美情趣和受外来建筑文化影响的程度,这是开平碉楼情趣和受外来建筑文化影响的程度,这是开平碉楼最引人入胜的地方。最引人入胜的地方。5、若从建筑材料和结构来分,碉楼可以分为四种:、若从建筑材料和结构来分,碉楼可以分为四种:石楼、夯土楼、砖楼、混凝土楼。石楼、夯土楼、砖楼、混凝土楼。6. The five nominated places listed for application for world cultural her

66、itage are located in these four townships. 7. Such towers well combine the two purposes. High, spacious and nice-looking as well as convenient for living, they are usually the symbols of a village.8. The upper part of the Diaolous is built in the form of colonnade, terrace, receding terrace, over-ha

67、nging, castle and mixture of different styles.9. The Communal Towers were built in the rear part with the funds raised by all villagers or many households. Each family had one room to hide themselves in case of bandits attack. Such towers were built in a sealed and simple way for the purpose of defe

68、nce. 10. The early brick towers were of brick-wood structure. Later, they were mostly of brick-concrete structure. The steel reinforced concrete buildings were mostly seen in the plain areas.Keys to the Exercises 1.These are the earliest and most representative Diaolous built in their most booming t

69、ime.2. The Kaiping Diaolou mainly served the purposes of defence and dwelling. According to their functions, Diaolous are divided into three types: Night Watchtowers, Communal Towers and Dwelling Towers.3. The Night Watchtowers were mostly built at the entrance of the villages, on the hill or beside

70、 the river outside the village.4. The appearance of Diaolous reflects the economic strength of the owner, aesthetic taste and the impact of external culture. This is the most interesting part of the Diaolous.5. From building materials and structure, Kaiping Diaolous can be divided into stone towers,

71、 lime-sand-clay towers, brick towers and steel reinforced concrete towers.6. 五个已申报世界文化遗产名录的碉楼就座落在这四个乡镇。7. 它们很好地结合了碉楼的防卫和居住两大功能,楼体高大,空间较为开敞,造型美观大方,生活设施比较完善,起居方便。它们往往成为村落的标志。8. 根据上部造型,可以将开平碉楼分为柱廊式、平台式、退台式、悬挑式、城堡式和混合式等多种式样。9. 众楼则建在村后,由全村人家或若干户人家集资共同兴建,每户分房一间,为临时躲避土匪使用。其造型封闭、简单,外部的装饰少,防卫性强。10. 早期的砖楼是砖木结

72、构。后来,大部分就改用砖泥结构。混凝土楼在平原地区多见。VI. Match the two columns 1.lime-sand-clay tower2.world cultural heritage 3.joint defence 4. Communal Towers5. steel and cement6. Night Watchtowers7. booming time 8. Dwelling Towersa.众楼b.繁盛时期c.更楼d.世界文化遗产e.居楼f.共同防御g.钢筋水泥h.泥楼VII. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of g

73、iven wordsvnominate demonstrate representative function various impact symbol reflect reinforce applicationv1.The full _ of the news hit us several days later.v2.The book _ the authors own thoughts on the matter. v3.His abilities were very great and very _.v4.The tiger is a common _ of the cat famil

74、y.v5._ concrete has metal embedded in it to make it stronger.v6.The fireman _ great courage in saving the child.v7.The lion is often used as a _ of courage.v8.They _ four people for president.v9.He had no choice but to approve the _ for membership.v10.When her mother was ill, the girl had to _ as both cook and nurse.Keys to the ExercisesVI. 1.h 2. d 3. f 4. a 5. g 6. c 7. b 8. eVII. 1.impact 2. reflected 3. various 4. representative 5. Reinforced 6. demonstrated 7. symbol 8. nominated 9. application 10. functionThe End



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