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1、1上海移动上海移动Shanghai Mobile 上海移开工作文化工程阶段性汇报上海移开工作文化工程阶段性汇报Management Presentation on the“Work Culture ProjectHay Group June 25, 20022目录目录Table of Content 战略驱动力战略驱动力Strategic Drivers 公司的使命和远景公司的使命和远景Company Mission and Vision工作文化工作文化Work Culture 公司核心价值观公司核心价值观Company Values 公司核心素质公司核心素质Core Organization

2、al Competency 对员工的承诺聘用理念,职业理念对员工的承诺聘用理念,职业理念Employment Philosophy3战略性驱动力战略性驱动力通过研讨会,上海移动领导层确定了通过研讨会,上海移动领导层确定了6个对公司的开展至关重要的战个对公司的开展至关重要的战略性驱动力略性驱动力:最大限度地满足客户的需求最大限度地满足客户的需求提升公司品牌的市场美誉度提升公司品牌的市场美誉度实现业务和效劳的双优实现业务和效劳的双优 保持与稳固市场主导地位保持与稳固市场主导地位增强本钱效益,提高营运效率增强本钱效益,提高营运效率创立学习型、知识型组织创立学习型、知识型组织4Strategic Dr

3、iversThe top management team lead by Hay summarised and confirmed Shanghai Mobiles 6 strategic drivers: Build brand and increase market recognition Maximize customer satisfaction Pursue for excellence both in network reliability and in service Nurture a learning, knowledgeable organizationMaintain a

4、nd reinforce market dominant position Improve cost effectiveness and operational efficiency5公司的使命和远景公司的使命和远景Company Mission and Vision6使命与远景使命与远景Mission and VisionMission is the purpose of a organization or fundamental reason for existence. It answers “why does the organization exist?使命是一个公司的目的和存在的根

5、本理由。它答复了使命是一个公司的目的和存在的根本理由。它答复了“为什么公司要为什么公司要存在?的问题存在?的问题Vision is a future state of success of an organization 阐述公司未来的成功状态和画面阐述公司未来的成功状态和画面7公司的使命公司的使命(第一局部第一局部Mission StatementPart I) 沟通自由,表达公司业务的内涵特点及追求,同时,也可以提供足够广阔的想象空间;引领,表达地区行业领导,积极带动行业开展的使命。价值,不同的客户个人,机构,社会,政府等对价值有不同理解:这些价值可能是沟通的愉悦,自由的扩展,对事业和个人

6、开展的帮助,对员工的回报,及对信息社会的支撑等。8公司的使命公司的使命(第二局部第二局部 Mission Statement Part II) 成为上海地区通信行业的首选品牌。一家公认的创新和领先的、能为股东、员工和社会持续创造最优价值的、最值得信赖的通信整体方案运营商。To be the brand of choice in mobile telecommunication in Shanghai by being recognized as the most reliable providers of total telecommunication solutions to the cus

7、tomers and for innovation and technological excellence, and for providing superior returns to shareholders, employees, and the communities9对于公司使命的第二种观点对于公司使命的第二种观点建议不设地方性的使命,统一使用集团公司使命建议不设地方性的使命,统一使用集团公司使命 鉴于集团使命在界定时就立意颇高,是一个公司的目的和存在的根本鉴于集团使命在界定时就立意颇高,是一个公司的目的和存在的根本理由。如果一定要表达出地方性,又似乎违背了企业使命大气的根本理由。如

8、果一定要表达出地方性,又似乎违背了企业使命大气的根本要求。要求。目前已有福建移动等地方性公司在推出子公司的理念体系时采用集团目前已有福建移动等地方性公司在推出子公司的理念体系时采用集团公司统一的使命。建议上海移动也可以参考这种做法。公司统一的使命。建议上海移动也可以参考这种做法。 10公司的远景公司的远景Vision通过持续创新,提供高品质的产品和效劳,成为上海地区最具品牌优通过持续创新,提供高品质的产品和效劳,成为上海地区最具品牌优势及国际竞争力的综合通信运营商势及国际竞争力的综合通信运营商 To be the most internationally competitive player

9、and the brand of choice in telecommunication in Shanghai by continuous innovation, and by providing high quality products and services to customers11公司工作文化公司工作文化Work Culture 12工作文化是关于企业在以下几个方面的综合:工作文化是关于企业在以下几个方面的综合:工作的构成工作的构成;人们在组织中的行为方式和互动方式人们在组织中的行为方式和互动方式塑造组织的使命、远景和战略目标的核心价值观和动因塑造组织的使命、远景和战略目标的核

10、心价值观和动因可以通过改变工作设计的方法和通过人力资源系统及流程的再造来改进可以通过改变工作设计的方法和通过人力资源系统及流程的再造来改进工作文化工作文化工作文化有很多种,但是四种典型的文化模式可以反映出目前塑造组织工作文化有很多种,但是四种典型的文化模式可以反映出目前塑造组织的几种主要力量的几种主要力量什么是工作文化?什么是工作文化?13It is the dynamics on:-qhow work is organised;qhow people behave, interact, and relate to the organization; andqwhat values and f

11、orces shape the organizations vision, mission, and strategic goals.It can be changed through the way work is designed, and through human resource systems and processes.There are many different types of culture but 4 models of culture reflect the forces that are currently shaping organizations.Work C

12、ulture 14上海移动理想文化上海移动理想文化以客户为中心,崇尚高品质的效劳和产品,倡导员工和客户的良性以客户为中心,崇尚高品质的效劳和产品,倡导员工和客户的良性多维互动多维互动客户导向将通过以下方面实现:客户导向将通过以下方面实现:工作的设计围绕流程;流程以满足客户的需求和持续提高产品和效工作的设计围绕流程;流程以满足客户的需求和持续提高产品和效劳质量为宗旨劳质量为宗旨以客户为中心,整合方案、实施和控制过程以客户为中心,整合方案、实施和控制过程围绕与客户互动的要求,设计工作团队围绕与客户互动的要求,设计工作团队强化、提升与效劳和团队意识相关的素质强化、提升与效劳和团队意识相关的素质产品和

13、效劳的高质将通过以下方面实现:产品和效劳的高质将通过以下方面实现:保持和提升关键的技术技能保持和提升关键的技术技能通过资源积累,增强提供高质产品和效劳的能力通过资源积累,增强提供高质产品和效劳的能力强化与纪律、平安和秩序有关的素质强化与纪律、平安和秩序有关的素质15Shanghai Mobiles Target Work CultureThe emphasis on customer focus would be achieved by:Designing work around processes for meeting obligations to customers and contin

14、ually improving quality.Integrating planning, execution and control as close to the customer as possible.Teams are formed around the key customer-facing processes.Emphasize the competencies associated with valuing service and being part of a team.16Shanghai Mobiles Target Work CultureThe emphasis on

15、 reinforcing reliability would be achieved by:Retaining and developing key skills and techniques.Accumulating resources of applied, leading-edge, technology and achieving a competitive edge by ensuring highly reliable serviceability.Emphasize the competencies associated with discipline, security and

16、 order in technical areas.17上海移动理想文化上海移动理想文化我们倡导:我们倡导:客户满意是一切工作的出发点:客户满意是一切工作的出发点:首先是倾听客户的声音,理解客户的需求和期望,并以最快的速度反响首先是倾听客户的声音,理解客户的需求和期望,并以最快的速度反响到公司的决策层;到公司的决策层;根据客户的需求不断地开发新的产品和效劳;根据客户的需求不断地开发新的产品和效劳;方案决策和实施控制以是否能满足客户的真正需求为依据。方案决策和实施控制以是否能满足客户的真正需求为依据。以客户为中心设计工作流程以客户为中心设计工作流程公司内部的工作流程将以如何满足客户的需求来组织;

17、公司内部的工作流程将以如何满足客户的需求来组织;根据完善的流程,将决策权下放到适当层级,并向员工提供各种必要的根据完善的流程,将决策权下放到适当层级,并向员工提供各种必要的资源以加快决策速度,提升客户满意度;资源以加快决策速度,提升客户满意度;为了满足客户的需求,主要采用团队的工作方式。为了满足客户的需求,主要采用团队的工作方式。18Shanghai Mobiles Target Work Culture1.Putting customer first:2.Listen to customers to understand customers needs and expectations, a

18、nd feed this information back to decision making centers in timely manner.3.Develop and provide new products and services to meet customers needs and expectations.4.“Providing customers with what they want is the top priority in planning, decision making, and implementation 19Shanghai Mobiles Target

19、 Work Culture2. Designing process close to customers Internal working processes are designed around meeting customers needs;Pushing decision making down to appropriate levels and providing employees with resources to speed up decision making and to satisfy customers A team approach to work dominates

20、 the culture20上海移动理想文化上海移动理想文化3. 不断提高产品和效劳质量不断提高产品和效劳质量制定严格的流程,并根据流程中的责任进行授权,岗位责任应充分考制定严格的流程,并根据流程中的责任进行授权,岗位责任应充分考虑流程中的内部客户关系虑流程中的内部客户关系 ;总结和积累经验保证产品和效劳质量;总结和积累经验保证产品和效劳质量;不断发现问题,解决问题,持续地改进流程和方法。不断发现问题,解决问题,持续地改进流程和方法。4. 不断提高素质和技能不断提高素质和技能不断提升与产品和效劳质量相关的素质;不断提升与产品和效劳质量相关的素质;培养和提升跨部门的知识和技能以保证流程的高效顺畅

21、;培养和提升跨部门的知识和技能以保证流程的高效顺畅;培养和提升持续学习和创新的能力。培养和提升持续学习和创新的能力。21Shanghai Mobiles Target Work Culture3. Continuously improving quality and reliabilityEstablishing clear, well documented work processes; job accountabilities should be designed around supplier-customer chainsUsing proven methods to ensure q

22、uality standards are met Identifying and solving problems and continuously improving operations4. Enhancing and improving competencies and skills Building and improving competencies associated with customer service and quality of service Building cross-functional knowledge and skills baseEnhancing c

23、ontinuous learning and innovation capabilities 22上海移动理想文化上海移动理想文化我们反对并坚决遏制:我们反对并坚决遏制:条块分割,推诿责任:条块分割,推诿责任: 工作中视部门利益至高无上,缺乏整体观工作中视部门利益至高无上,缺乏整体观念和客户效劳意识,封锁信息和资源;面对问题,推诿责任。念和客户效劳意识,封锁信息和资源;面对问题,推诿责任。工作中以部门流程、规章和利益为导向;封锁信息;推诿责任;工作中以部门流程、规章和利益为导向;封锁信息;推诿责任;缺乏方案,被动应付:缺乏完善的预防方案和统筹规划,使用救火式缺乏方案,被动应付:缺乏完善的预防方

24、案和统筹规划,使用救火式管理管理因循守旧,不思进取:多做多错,遏制创新;缺乏主动学习、不断改因循守旧,不思进取:多做多错,遏制创新;缺乏主动学习、不断改进和超越的意识;进和超越的意识;过度保障,因人设岗:人员能进不能出,岗位能上不能下,薪酬能高过度保障,因人设岗:人员能进不能出,岗位能上不能下,薪酬能高不能低。不能低。资源独享,不计大局:资源独享,不计大局:23核心价值观核心价值观Core Values 24核心价值观核心价值观为了支持上海移动的使命、远景,并帮助公司实现其理想文化,以为了支持上海移动的使命、远景,并帮助公司实现其理想文化,以下核心价值观是至关重要的:下核心价值观是至关重要的:

25、客户优先:工作中,首先理解客户需求和期望;提供客户真正需要客户优先:工作中,首先理解客户需求和期望;提供客户真正需要的产品。的产品。珍视员工:尊重、支持、并开展员工。珍视员工:尊重、支持、并开展员工。追求卓越:持续改进,勇于创新,不断超越。追求卓越:持续改进,勇于创新,不断超越。精诚合作:与同事分享知识和经验,主动提供帮助,协同工作。精诚合作:与同事分享知识和经验,主动提供帮助,协同工作。日学日新求知假设渴:主动学习新知识、新经验,并学以致用。日学日新求知假设渴:主动学习新知识、新经验,并学以致用。奉献社会:积极认真地承担各项社会责任奉献社会:积极认真地承担各项社会责任 25ValueTo s

26、upport Shanghai Mobiles mission and vision, and to help Shanghai Mobile move to the target work culture, the following values are important for all Shanghai Mobile employees.Put the customer first: First seek to understand customers needs and expectations;provide customers with what they wantValue e

27、mployees: Respecting, supporting and developing employeesDrive for excellence: Continuously improving performance, and striving for breakthroughs Work with others: Be willing to share knowledge and experience, and to work with othersDesire to learn: Desire to learn, and apply learnings back to workB

28、e socially responsible: Be accountable for all social obligations 26公司核心素质公司核心素质Core Organizational Competency27公司核心素质公司核心素质Core Organizational Competencies 公司核心素质是能够有力地支持和强化公司的使命,远景,和战略方公司核心素质是能够有力地支持和强化公司的使命,远景,和战略方向的行为标准,因此,它将适用于公司所有部门和层级向的行为标准,因此,它将适用于公司所有部门和层级. Core competencies describe those

29、behaviors which strongly reinforce an organizations mission, vision, and strategic directions and therefore are relevant, at the appropriate level, for all employees regardless of the function and level 公司核心素质来源于并支持公司的使命,远景,战略驱动力,及公司公司核心素质来源于并支持公司的使命,远景,战略驱动力,及公司文化文化Core competencies derive from and

30、 support the company mission, vision, strategic drivers, and work cultures. 28Recommended Core Organizational Competencies for SM求实进取求实进取 Achievement Orientation (ACH) 客户导向客户导向 Customer Service Orientation (CSO) 忠诚敬业忠诚敬业 Organization Commitment团队合作团队合作 Teamwork and Cooperation (TW)关注质量关注质量 Concern f

31、or Order/Quality (CO)29求实进取求实进取 求实进取:求实进取:注重绩效,具有创新和追求高标准的具体愿望和行动。该素质的核心特征是必须有客观标准来衡量这些愿望和行动是否代表进步和提高,而不仅仅是依靠主观判断和个人的口头表示,客观标准可以有多种表现,例如,个人过去的工作水平(有改进),具体结果(重实效),比别人做得更好(竞争意识),达到自我确立的高标准(自我激励),追求独特的成就也是求实进取的表现。 1.表现出把工作做好的愿望表现出把工作做好的愿望:想把工作做好或做对,对浪费和低效率表现出不满和挫折感 。2.主动为自己订立绩效标准主动为自己订立绩效标准:不是被动适应别人规定的

32、检验标准,主动考虑以新的或更精确的方法去完成下达的任务 。3.改进绩效改进绩效:对工作程序,规章制度,或自己的工作方法做具体的修改以提高工作成绩(如:降低成本,提高效率,改进质量,客户满意度上升,提高士气,增加销量等)。4.制定具有挑战性的目标并采取行动实现目标制定具有挑战性的目标并采取行动实现目标: “挑战性”是指成功的可能性为80左右的目标。5.对行动或决策的后果做成本效益分析。对行动或决策的后果做成本效益分析。在对投入产出进行测算的基础上做决策,确立优先次序,选定目标等,明确考虑潜在的利润,投资回报或成本效益。6.审慎的冒险审慎的冒险,为了提高效益(改进绩效或实现挑战性的目标),在成功的

33、可能性不十分确定的情况下,敢于投入相当数量的人力,物力,和财力。30Achievement Orientation A concern for working well or for surpassing a standard of excellence. The standard may be ones own past performance(striving for improvement); an objective measure(results orientation); outperforming others(competitiveness);challenging goals

34、 one has set, or even what anyone has ever done (innovation). 1. Wants to Do Job Well: Tries to do the job well or right. Express a desire to do better; May express frustration at waste or inefficiency.2. Creates Own Measures of Excellence: Keeps track of and measures outcomes against a standard of

35、excellence not imposed by others; May focus on new or more precise ways of meeting goals set by management. 3. Improves Performance: Makes specific changes in the system or in own work methods to improve performance (e.g., does something better, faster, at lower cost, more efficiently; improves qual

36、ity, customer satisfaction, morale, revenues) without setting any specific goal. 4. Sets and Works to Meet Challenging Goals: “Challenging” means there is about a 80% chance of actually achieving the goal.5. Makes Cost-Benefit Analyses: Makes decisions, sets priorities or chooses goals on the basis

37、of inputs and outputs; makes explicit considerations of potential profit, return-on-investment or cost-benefit analysis. 6. Takes Calculated Entrepreneurial Risks: Commits significant resources and/or time (in the face of uncertainty) to increase benefits(I.e., improve performance, reach a challengi

38、ng goal, etc.)31客户导向客户导向客户导向:客户导向:具有帮助客户和为客户服务的愿望及行动,努力发现并采取行动满足客户需要。 (客户包括内部和外部客户)1.有问必答。有问必答。对客户的询问,要求,和抱怨作出答复,使服务对象了解到项目进展的最新情况(但是没有表现出为客户服务的主动性)。2.保持沟通。保持沟通。清楚了解客户提出的要求,主动让客户了解自己提供的服务内容,注意观察客户对服务的满意程度,主动为客户提供自己认为有用的资料和信息,保持友好热情的服务态度。3.亲自负责。亲自负责。主动采取行动解决为客户服务中出现的问题,主动承担责任,迅速及时地解决问题。即使不是自己的过错造成的问题


40、益(因为把自己看作客户的长期伙伴,客户得益,自己最终也会得益)。作为值得信赖的伙伴,主动介入客户的决策过程,提出自己关于客户的需要、所面临问题、潜在机会、及可采取行动的独立见解,并付诸行动。32Customer Service Orientation Customer service orientation: Focusing ones efforts on discovering and meeting the customers or clients needs1. Follows Up: Follows through on customer inquiries, requests, c

41、omplaints. Keeps customer up-to-date about progress of projects. 2. Maintains Clear Communication: Maintains clear communication with customer regarding mutual expectations, monitors customers satisfaction. Distributes helpful information to customers. Gives friendly, cheerful service. 3. Takes Pers

42、onal Responsibility: Takes personal responsibility for correcting customer-service problems. Corrects problems promptly and undefensively. 4. Acts to Make Things Better for the Customer: Makes self fully available, especially when customer is going through a critical period. Makes concrete attempt t

43、o add value to the client; Takes actions beyond normal expectations. 5. Addresses Underlying Customer Needs: Knows the customers business and/or seeks information about the real underlying needs of the customer, beyond those expressed initially. Matches these to available or products or services. 6.

44、 Uses a Long-Term Perspective: Works with a long-term perspective in addressing a customers problems. May trade off immediate costs of the sake of the long-term relationship. Looks for long-term benefits to the customer. Acts as a trusted advisor; becomes involved in customers decision-making proces

45、s. Builds an independent opinion on client needs, problems, or opportunities and possibilities for implementation. Acts on this opinion, e.g., recommends approaches which are new and different from those requested by the client. 33忠诚敬业忠诚敬业忠诚敬业: 调整自己的行为使其符合组织要求和组织利益的愿望及能力,它包括采取行动来推进和保护组织的目标及利益,该素质可表现

46、为优先考虑组织利益,并为此愿意牺牲个人利益。1. 融入公司:努力使自己融入组织,尊重组织的优良传统;做符合期望的事情。2. 示范忠诚:愿意协助别人完成他们的工作,尊重并认同上级认为是重要的事情;作为公司的一员,表现表现出自豪,愉悦,和忠诚;对外表现出支持和保护公司声誉的行为。 3. 支持公司:以行动支持公司的使命和目标;根据公司的使命和目标来决定自己的工作的目标及其轻重缓急;同时积极与他人合作以实现公司的目标。 4. 牺牲个人:个人利益服从集体利益(个人利益可以包括专业,个人喜好,家庭问题等);在对本部门的短期利益有损害或不被大家喜欢的情况下,支持对整个组织有益的决定和做法 34Organiz

47、ational Commitment Shows an ability and willingness to align ones own behavior with the needs, priorities and goals of the organization. It involves acting in ways that promote organizational goals or meet organizational needs. It may appear as putting an organizational mission before ones own prefe

48、rences. Tries to Fit In: Respects the ways things are done in the organization, and does what is expectedModels Loyalty: Helps others to get job done; respects and accepts what authorities see as important; expresses pride, pleasure, and/or dedication about being part of this organization; promotes

49、and/or defends the companys reputation with outsiders.Supports the Organization: Acts to support the the organizations missions and goals; makes choices and sets priorities to meet the organizations needs and fit with the organizational mission; cooperates with others to achieve objectives in the la

50、rger organization Makes Sacrifices for the organization: Puts organizational needs before ones own needs, such as ones professional identity, preferences, and family and individual concerns; Stands by decision that benefit the larger organization even if they are unpopular or undercut the work units

51、 short-term good 35团队合作团队合作 团队合作:团队合作:作为集体的一分子,表现出和大家一起工作的意愿,与独往独来或互相竞争形成对照,要使这个素质发挥有效的作用,合作的意愿必须真诚。任何由具体任务或某种运行程序结合在一起的人群组合都可称做团队。 1. 愿意合作:愿意合作:愿意帮助他人,支持团队决定,做好自己分内的事; 及时向团队成员交流团队内发生的事件;与他人分享相关有用的信息。2. 信任团队信任团队: 对团队其他成员的能力和贡献报着积极的态度;用积极的口吻评价群体成员。3. 虚心求教:虚心求教:尊重他人的才能和工作;愿意向他人学习(包括下级和同事);在做出决定和计划时,向他

52、人征求意见和建议。4. 鼓励他人:鼓励他人:当他人做出贡献或实现目标时给予公开的表彰和鼓励。通过授权和鼓励,使他人感觉到自己的重要性,并发挥更大作用。6. 树立团队精神:树立团队精神:以行动倡导良好的团队氛围,鼓舞士气及建立合作关系;摒除团队中存在的矛盾和冲突,维护及提升团队荣誉。36Teamwork Teamwork:Implies the intention to work cooperatively with others, to be part of a team, to work together, as opposed to working separately or compet

53、itively. 1. Cooperates: Supports team decisions, is a good team player, does his share of the work. As a member of a team, keeps other team members informed and up-to-date about what is happening in the group; shares all relevant or useful information. 2. Expresses Positive Expectations of Team: Exp

54、resses positive expectations of others in terms of their abilities, expected contributions; speaks of team members in positive terms.3. Solicits Inputs: Genuinely values others input and expertise, is willing to learn from others (including subordinates and peers). Solicits ideas and opinions to hel

55、p form specific decisions or plans. 4. Encourages Others: Publicly credits others who have performed well. Encourages and empowers others, makes them feel strong and important. 5. Builds Team Spirit: Acts to promote a friendly climate, good morale and cooperation. Resolves team conflicts. Protects o

56、r promotes group reputation with outsiders. 37关注质量关注质量关注质量:关注质量:具有内在的保持和提高质量标准和秩序的驱动力。体现为保持信息的明晰性,监控和复核工作和计划的准确性,质量,和安全标准1. 规范有序:规范有序:保持工作空间整洁,明确工作职责,保持数据的清晰明了。以上内容应有成文规定。2.严格自检:严格自检:严格按标准检查自己的工作和信息,确保其达到预先规定的标准。如:“零事故”3. 监控他人的工作:监控他人的工作:监控他人工作的质量;检查以确保对工作流程的遵循和质量标准的达成。对各种活动保持详细记录。4. 监控项目:监控项目:根据项目的

57、阶段和计划监控项目进展。检查数据的准确性和完整性;在现有的制度体系下,提升工作的准确性。5. 建立新制度:建立新制度:建立并实施新的制度以组织和监控信息,确保计划,质量和标准与规章制度的一致性。38Concern For Quality/OrderConcern for Quality/Order: Reflects an underlying drive to maintain and improve the standard of quality/order. It is expressed in such forms as insisting on clarity of informat

58、ion, monitoring and checking work, schedules, to ensure accuracy, quality, or safety standards. 1. Show Generic Concern for Quality/Order: Wants working space, roles, expectations, tasks, and data to be crystal clear-and often in writing 2. Check Own Work: Believes in prevention rather than detectio

59、n. Double-check the accuracy of information or quality of own work to be in line with pre-determined standards, eg. “zero accident”3. Monitor Others Works: Monitors quality of others work; checks to ensure that procedures ate followed and standards are met; keep clear detailed records of others acti

60、vities.4. Monitors Data or Project: Monitors project progress against milestones and deadlines; Monitors data to ensure the accuracy and completeness; Takes steps to increase order and accuracy within current systems5. Develops Systems: Develops and uses systems to organize and keep track of informa

61、tion, to monitor compliance with rules and regulations for purpose of maintaining schedule, quality, and standards39Competency Model Under The Process Culture Strongly Supported by Functional Culture Customer Service OrientationTeamworkConcern for Quality/OrderProcess EfficiencyBuilding CommitmentOr

62、ganizational Commitment Achievement Orientation.Personal MasteryCompany Mission, Vision, Strategic Drivers, and Work CulturePersonalMasteryBuilding CommitmentPeopleProcessCustomersProcessEfficiency40理想文化下的公司核心素质模型理想文化下的公司核心素质模型 客户效劳导向客户效劳导向 团队合作团队合作 关注质量关注质量流程效率流程效率培养动力培养动力敬业精神敬业精神 求实进取求实进取 个人能力个人能力

63、公司的使命,远景,公司的使命,远景,战略驱动力及工作战略驱动力及工作文化文化提高能力提高能力培养动力培养动力人员人员流程流程客户客户流程高效流程高效41公司核心素质公司核心素质Core Organizational Competency岗位族群岗位族群Job Family核心素质核心素质Core Competency 岗位族群素质岗位族群素质Job Family Specific Competency 技术类技术类 市场与销售市场与销售客户服务客户服务 管理支撑管理支撑 领导力素质领导力素质Technical S & M Customer Service Supporting Leadersh

64、ip求实进取(Achievement Orientation), 客户服务导向(Customer Service Orientation), 团队合作(Teamwork) , 关注质量(Concern for order)敬业精神(Organizational Commitment)-42对员工的承诺聘用理念,职业理念对员工的承诺聘用理念,职业理念Employment Philosophy43对员工的承诺聘用理念,职业理念对员工的承诺聘用理念,职业理念Definition of Employment Philosophy 对员工的承诺聘用理念,职业理念是对公司和员工关系的本质的对员工的承诺聘用

65、理念,职业理念是对公司和员工关系的本质的描述描述An employment philosophy is a description of the nature of the employment relationship between employer and employees. 职业理念应该表达公司追求经营结果的理想,同时表达员工对于公司职业理念应该表达公司追求经营结果的理想,同时表达员工对于公司给予他们的重视、回报和开展的期望给予他们的重视、回报和开展的期望It should encompass the employerss aspirations for the business o

66、utcomes, and the employees expectations of how the organization values, reward, and develop them 对员工的承诺聘用理念,职业理念来源于公司的战略驱动力和公对员工的承诺聘用理念,职业理念来源于公司的战略驱动力和公司核心素质司核心素质Employment Philosophy comes from strategic drivers and core organization competency44对员工的承诺聘用理念,职业理念对员工的承诺聘用理念,职业理念Employment Philosophy1

67、.上海移动将成为人们的首选择业对象之一。上海移动将成为人们的首选择业对象之一。SM will be an employer of choice 2.上海移动将通过内部培养和海内外招聘的方式,吸引和留用最正上海移动将通过内部培养和海内外招聘的方式,吸引和留用最正确人才。确人才。SM will attract and retain the best available talent either by developing internal talent or recruiting the most appropriate talent from china or abroad 3.上海移动将通过

68、充分开发员工潜力和鼓励员工的职业开展赢得员上海移动将通过充分开发员工潜力和鼓励员工的职业开展赢得员工对公司的忠诚。工对公司的忠诚。SM will earn the loyalty of its employees by committing to develop their full potential and employability both within and outside of the organization. 45对员工的承诺聘用理念,职业理念对员工的承诺聘用理念,职业理念Employment Philosophy4. 上海移动认为公司经营的成功有赖于敬业、创新、高素质且自我

69、鼓上海移动认为公司经营的成功有赖于敬业、创新、高素质且自我鼓励的员工;上海移动公司将根据员工的绩效而不是年资进行考核励的员工;上海移动公司将根据员工的绩效而不是年资进行考核和回报。铁饭碗不再存在。和回报。铁饭碗不再存在。 SM recognizes that its commercial success depends on committed, innovative, highly skilled and self-motivated employees and will therefore reward performance (rather than the length of serv

70、ice) . No more “iron rice bowl 5. 上海移动将营造一种求实进取、相互信任、团队协作、坦诚开放的上海移动将营造一种求实进取、相互信任、团队协作、坦诚开放的组织气氛;在这种气氛中员工将因为他们对公司的敬业和奉献而得到组织气氛;在这种气氛中员工将因为他们对公司的敬业和奉献而得到尊重尊重SM will foster a climate of achievement, mutual trust, teamwork and openness in which employees are respected for their commitment and contribut

71、ion to the companys success46对员工的承诺聘用理念,职业理念对员工的承诺聘用理念,职业理念Employment Philosophy6. 上海移动将紧跟经营管理和科学技术开展的步伐,从而提升和加强上海移动将紧跟经营管理和科学技术开展的步伐,从而提升和加强公司的市场竞争力,实现公司对员工的承诺。公司的市场竞争力,实现公司对员工的承诺。SM will develop and enhance its competitive advantages to fulfill its commitment to employees by keeping abreast of the

72、 commercial and technological changes in wireless telecommunication industry47举例:薪酬战略与对员工的承诺聘用理念,职业理念的联结举例:薪酬战略与对员工的承诺聘用理念,职业理念的联结Sample: What a Pay Strategy Consistent With This Employment Philosophy Might Look Like薪酬战略四要素薪酬战略四要素Four Elements of Remuneration Strategy对员工的承诺聘用理念,职业理念的界定对员工的承诺聘用理念,职业理

73、念的界定Definition of employment philosophy 根本工资包括变动的局部根本工资包括变动的局部Base salary (including variable element)奖金完全变动的局部奖金完全变动的局部Incentives (totally variable)福利福利Benefit48薪酬要素与公司核心素质的联结薪酬要素与公司核心素质的联结This Elements Should Be Linked Back to the Core Organizational Competencies 敬业精神敬业精神Organizational Commitment

74、对员工的承诺(聘用理念,职业理念): 上海移动将通过充分开发员工潜力和提升员工的市场竞争力赢得员工对公司的忠诚,铁饭碗不再存在。Employment Philosophy:SM will earn the loyalty of its employees by committing to develop their full potential and employability both within and outside of the organization, no more “iron rice bowl”求实进取求实进取Achievement Orientation 基本工资需包括

75、根据绩效好坏而定的变动部分Base salary need to include variable component based on performance 需建立以绩效为基础的奖金计划A performance based incentive plan needs to be introduced 福利需弱化或以现金的形式转化为基本工资The provision of benefits will be de-emphasized and/or cashed-up and included in base salary客户服务导向,团客户服务导向,团队合作,及关注质队合作,及关注质量量CSO, TW, CO这些素质需将为基本工资的变动部分提供依据These competencies will provide the criteria for moving through the variable elements of base salary



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