1、大学英语(1)考前辅导 大学英语作业大学英语作业三次网络作业(在三次网络作业(在“在线作业在线作业”栏中)栏中)占总评占总评30% 大学英语网络作业评分注意事宜大学英语网络作业评分注意事宜1平时作业成绩为三次网络作业的平均成绩,平时作业成绩为三次网络作业的平均成绩,占期末总评成绩的占期末总评成绩的30% 即:如你的三次作业成绩分别为即:如你的三次作业成绩分别为70分,分,80分,分,90分,期末考试成绩为分,期末考试成绩为60分,那么你的期末总分,那么你的期末总评成绩为:评成绩为: (70+80+90)/330% + 6070% = 662. 作业以附件形式提交的最高只评作业以附件形式提交的最
2、高只评65分分 大学英语网络作业评分注意事宜大学英语网络作业评分注意事宜3. 作作业业答答案案没没填填入入答答卷卷纸纸表表格格上上的的,最最高高只评只评 65分分4.已已批批改改评评分分的的作作业业不不能能重重新新提提交交、修修改改或重新评分或重新评分5.如下提示的可以重新提交如下提示的可以重新提交(评分为(评分为0分)分)你你的的作作业业没没有有提提交交成成功功,可可以以在在作作业业截截至至日日期期前前在在答答疑疑栏栏中中申申请请重重新新提提交交,申申请请时时请请注注明明第第几几次次作作业业,但但不不能能直直接接提提交交在在答答疑疑栏栏中中,待待批批示示后后,将将在在答答疑疑栏栏中中通通知知
3、你你重重新提交到该作业区新提交到该作业区 大学英语网络作业评分注意事宜大学英语网络作业评分注意事宜需要从需要从“下载区下载区”下载的文件名:下载的文件名:1大学英语(大学英语(1)考前辅导讲义)考前辅导讲义2部分课后练习答案及课文译文部分课后练习答案及课文译文3大学英语各次网络作业答案大学英语各次网络作业答案(作业截作业截止日期后三天内公布止日期后三天内公布)考卷答卷上的四个信息请填写完整:考卷答卷上的四个信息请填写完整:教教学学中中心心_专专业业_姓姓名名_学号学号_ 考试客观题样卷考试客观题样卷一阅读:阅读:30%(如如例例所所示示,将将所所选选的的选选项项用用钢钢笔笔或或圆圆珠珠笔画上一
4、横线)笔画上一横线)例:ABCD1. ABCD 2.ABCD 3.ABCD 4.ABCD5.ABCD 6.ABCD 7.ABCD 8.ABCD9. ABCD 10.ABCD 大学英语考试范围:大学英语考试范围:大学英语大学英语1 1 1-10 1-10单元单元大学英语期末考试题型大学英语期末考试题型一、阅读一、阅读(选择题)(选择题)30%二、语法与词汇:二、语法与词汇:(选择题)(选择题)40%三、交际用语三、交际用语:10%四、四、英译汉:英译汉:20%各个题型复习范围各个题型复习范围:一。阅读:一。阅读:30%(一篇从三次网络作业中抽取一篇从三次网络作业中抽取,其余两篇课外其余两篇课外)
5、(网络作业答案将在作业截止日期后的三天(网络作业答案将在作业截止日期后的三天内公布在内公布在“下载区下载区”)二。语法与词汇:二。语法与词汇:40%第一册课本每课课后第一册课本每课课后PartFour:PickupYourGrammar部分的语法练习中抽取部分的语法练习中抽取Unit 1Unit 4、unit 5(1-15小题)、unit 6(1-15小题)三、交际用语三、交际用语 :10%(从从课课本本课课后后练练习习中中的的Quiz1,Quiz2,Quiz3中抽取中抽取)(各次各次Quiz的答案在书本的最后两页)的答案在书本的最后两页)四。英译汉四。英译汉:20%(Unit1,Unit4)
6、部分课后练习答案讲解部分课后练习答案讲解PartFour:PickupYourGrammarPartFour:PickupYourGrammarUnit5课后课后(P142-144)1. This company was the first _ portable radios as well as cassette tape recorders in the world.A. producing B. to produce C. having produced D. produced 2. The purpose of new technology is to make life easier
7、, _it more difficult.A. not making B. not make C. not to make D. nor to make PartFour:PickupYourGrammarUnit5课后课后(P142-144)3. Helen had to shout _above the sound of the music.A. making herself hear B. to make herself hearC. making herself heard D. to make herself heard 4. I dont know whether you happ
8、en_, but I am going to study in the U.S.A this September.A. to be heard B. to be hearing C. to hear D. to have heard PartFour:PickupYourGrammarUnit5课后课后(P142-144)5. The news reporters hurried to the airport, only _the film stars had left.A. to tell B. to be told C. telling D. told 6. You were silly
9、not _your car.A. to lock B. to have locked C. locking D. having locked PartFour:PickupYourGrammarUnit5课后课后(P142-144)7. The teacher asked us _so much noise.A .dont make B. not make C. not making D. not to make8. An army spokesman stressed that all the soldiers had been ordered _clear warnings before
10、firing any shots.A .to issue B. being issued C. to have issued D. to be issuedPartFour:PickupYourGrammarUnit5课后课后(P142-144)9. Id rather have a room of my own, however small it is, than_ a room with someone else.A. to share B. to have shared C. share D. sharing10. The bank is reported in the local ne
11、wspaper_ in broad daylight yesterday. A. robbed B. to have been robbed C. being robbed D. having been robbedPartFour:PickupYourGrammarUnit5课后课后(P142-144)11. A number of paintings in the castle are believed _in a fire. A. being destroyed B. having been destroyed C. to be destroyed D. to have been des
12、troyed12. The meeting _ next week is sure to be a great success.A. to take place B. to be taken placeC. to have taken place D. being taken placePartFour:PickupYourGrammarUnit5课后课后(P142-144)13. As a result of my laziness, I failed _ my work in time.A. and finished B. to finishC. and finishingD. to fi
13、nished14. I am sorry _ written you a letter at the time.A. to have notB. to not haveC. not to haveD. not having PartFour:PickupYourGrammarUnit5课后课后(P142-144)15. Will you lend him a magazine _?A. to be read B. for readingC. to readD. he readPartFour:PickupYourGrammarUnit6课后课后(P174-176)1. Mark often a
14、ttempts to escape _ whenever he breaks traffic regulations. A. having been finedB. to have been finedC. to be finedD. being fined2. My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate _ from you sometime. A. to have heardB. to hearC. for hearingD. hearingPartFour:PickupYourGrammarUnit6课后课后(P174-176
15、)3. The thief took away the womans wallet without _. A. being seenB. seeingC. him seeingD. seeing him4. People appreciate _ with him because he has a good sense of humor. A. to workB. to have workedC. workingD. have workingPartFour:PickupYourGrammarUnit6课后课后(P174-176)5. Ive enjoyed _ to talk with yo
16、u. A. to be ableB. being ableC. to been ableD. of being able6. No one can avoid _ by advertisements. A. to be influencedB. being influencedC. influencingD. having influencedPartFour:PickupYourGrammarUnit6课后课后(P174-176)7. They are considering _ before the prices go up. A. of buying the houseB. with b
17、uying the houseC. buying the houseD. to buy the housePartFour:PickupYourGrammarUnit6课后课后(P174-176)8. He thought that _. A. the effort doing the job was not worthB. the effort was not worth in doing the jobC. it was not worth the effort doing the jobD. it was not worth the effort by doing the jobPart
18、Four:PickupYourGrammarUnit6课后课后(P174-176)9. If I had remembered _ the door, the things would not have been stolen. A. to lock B. locking C. to have lockedD. having locked10. Your shirt needs _. Youd better have it done today. A. ironB. to ironC. ironing D. being ironedPartFour:PickupYourGrammarUnit6
19、课后课后(P174-176)11. You cant help _ commercials; every few minutes the program is interrupted to give you one advertisement or another. A. to hearB. to be heardC. hearing D. with hearing12. My transistor radio isnt working. It _. A. need repairingB. needs to repairC. needs repairingD. need to be repai
20、redPartFour:PickupYourGrammarUnit6课后课后(P174-176)13. It is no use _ me not to worry. A. you tell B. your tellingC. for you to have told D. having told14. He is very busy _ his papers. He is far too busy _ callers. A. to write to receiveB. writing to receiveC. writing receivingD. to write for receivingPartFour:PickupYourGrammarUnit6课后课后(P174-176)15. The suspect at last admitted _ stolen goods but denied _ them. A. receiving sellingB. to receive to sellC. to receiving to sellingD. to have received to have sold