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1、Validity :quality of measures“Does this test measure what is supposed to measure?”菌坏合掺垄旗辕枢称鸡组仁物狠挡甲镑椭有匡叛褐棠灌状综允勒斤律骨秃人力资源效度案例分析人力资源效度案例分析AB“match”movemove Attribute(属性)属性)Eg: Knowledge of photography.Measure(测量工具或方法)测量工具或方法)Eg:objective test of Knowledge of photography.Validity: The degree of B match A

2、厅稀俩现拔奈匹兔茸束份手帽攻柄乾晓义嵌刽廊扇赠盎穿堰挽拨欢母宴脓人力资源效度案例分析人力资源效度案例分析The bigger, the more valid (阴影部分越大,测量越有效度)阴影部分越大,测量越有效度) (没有测量到的属性和特征)(没有测量到的属性和特征)(不需要测量的部分)(不需要测量的部分)CDE悠陶贰厦疥年案稍尔争戴奎针谅烃编又叛顾唱妓晋换播躯臭胸贮版善粕世人力资源效度案例分析人力资源效度案例分析A attribute(属性)属性) Lack thinking a problem “Which attributes should be measured to match t

3、he specific opening like this?”In our case: It is just measured some general characteristics which are not related to the ENG , such as knowledge, willingness to learn . Problem:The company lack detailed job analysis to analyze which characteristics be required by the position. Consequence:So the co

4、mpany confused about which attribute should be measured.惋邮汰笺羽蛇巧瘦团舞赢医仍南朽朋玄柑口剿膳胞栈控昌什术临仲驯深映人力资源效度案例分析人力资源效度案例分析B measure(测量工具方法)测量工具方法)In this case: Developing a rating system that had been used In evaluation of all employees. Method: Graphic rating scale(twelve general traits such as effort, knowledge

5、, willingness to learn. Problem: 1.Method of performance measurement: graphic rating scales standards are unclear.幻灯片幻灯片 7 2.This method will lead halo effect(光环效应)光环效应) bias(个人偏见)个人偏见)幻灯片幻灯片 6 3. The lack of related attributes.幻灯片幻灯片 4 艰屹复涵部囱钓嚼恩溜傲铬瀑秒席蓄捻刹狸抉陀盗哮搂合颁骏俘汽臂吞锦人力资源效度案例分析人力资源效度案例分析BIn this ca

6、se: rater: two managers (supervisor ) Halo effect: Occurs when one positive performance characteristic causes the manager to rate all other aspects of performance positively.Horns error: the adverse of halo effect.Bias: Bias because of the specific purpose (select to fill Position) 募熬喊阅浦次蛤篡等偶氮撂赊商玩岛范

7、严辕些擒额这吾讶镁榨纹以授乃身人力资源效度案例分析人力资源效度案例分析Example of Graphic Rating Scales幼咆盖莫慌如雕懈制芥漫秽祥群沪姑昂乳腆佰港皇天幂焦茸扮拄火咸懈卸人力资源效度案例分析人力资源效度案例分析ABUnrelated and secondary attributes Unsuitable measurement toolmovemove蹈婉工农俱棚恬座机闸吝礁间民持宣啸凰曹澜桃妇脯渡译佛检衔韵乓培阻人力资源效度案例分析人力资源效度案例分析CDSome competency to the specific position:Such as: Knowledge of photography(摄摄影能力)影能力) word processing(文字处理技能)文字处理技能) computer skill Other attributes that have not close relation with this specific position.EEEValidity: low!溜积臂听仁萄遮涅愈瓤侯疆檬擅貌骗桌开狸实绦宋蕉赂辨椭丫欺卯呢卓蒙人力资源效度案例分析人力资源效度案例分析



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