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1、Elements 表某一次具体的动作表某一次具体的动作表将来表将来表目的表目的to doto do动动词词不不定定式式To do that sort of thing is foolish.I want to see you this evening.All you have to do is to finish it quickly.We found a house to live in.She came here to study English. I warned the patient not to drink cold water after the operation. 主语主语

2、宾语宾语表语表语 定语定语 状语状语 宾宾补补作主语作主语To master a foreign languageTo master a foreign language is really is really important nowadays.important nowadays.= = It It is really important is really important to masterto master a foreign a foreign language nowadays.language nowadays.To give up smoking To give up s

3、moking is right.is right.= = It It is right is right to give upto give up smoking. smoking.1. 1.当今掌握一门外语真的很重要。当今掌握一门外语真的很重要。2. 2. 放弃吸烟是对的。放弃吸烟是对的。作宾语作宾语Fred didnFred didnt have any money, so he t have any money, so he decided decided to look for a jobto look for a job. .He promised not He promised n

4、ot to tell anyone about it.to tell anyone about it.1. Fred 1. Fred 没有钱,所以他决定找一份工作。没有钱,所以他决定找一份工作。2. 2. 他答应不告述任何人这事。他答应不告述任何人这事。hope wish want agree promise hope wish want agree promise demand ask refuse demand ask refuse manage learn decidemanage learn decidepretend choosepretend choosefail dare off

5、er helpfail dare offer help三个三个希望希望两两答应答应两个两个要求要求莫莫拒绝拒绝做到学会做到学会作决定决定不要假装假装在选择选择没敢没敢提出提出来帮助帮助2)2)动词动词 + + 疑问词疑问词 + + 不定式不定式, , 常用动词有常用动词有 know, decide, wonder, learn, remember, know, decide, wonder, learn, remember, see, understand, think, find outsee, understand, think, find out我不知道说什么安慰她。我不知道说什么安慰她

6、。 他们在学习如何修汽车。他们在学习如何修汽车。 I dont knowI dont know what to saywhat to say to calm herto calm herThey are learningThey are learning how to repair carshow to repair cars3) 3) 动词动词 + + 间接宾语间接宾语 + + 疑问词疑问词 + + 不定式不定式, , 常常用动词有用动词有showshow,teachteach, telltell, adviseadvise,informinform那个农夫教我们如何挤奶。那个农夫教我们如何

7、挤奶。克罗克先生教他们怎样打字。克罗克先生教他们怎样打字。The farmer showed usThe farmer showed us how to milk the cowhow to milk the cowMr. Crook taughtMr. Crook taught themthem how to typehow to type作表语作表语My job is My job is to teach Englishto teach English. .我的工作是教英语。我的工作是教英语。他唯一能做的事情就是说出事实真相。他唯一能做的事情就是说出事实真相。你必须做的事就是按一下这个钮。

8、你必须做的事就是按一下这个钮。 The only thing he could do was (The only thing he could do was (toto) ) tell the truthtell the truthWhat you have to do is (What you have to do is (toto) ) press this buttonpress this button 如果主语部分的谓语动词或非谓语动词中含如果主语部分的谓语动词或非谓语动词中含有有 dodo, ,作表语的不定式可省去作表语的不定式可省去 toto。 作定语作定语Do you have

9、anything Do you have anything to sayto say? ?1. 1. 你你有有什么要说的吗什么要说的吗? ?2. Betty2. Betty是第一个知道这真相的人是第一个知道这真相的人 Betty was the first Betty was the first to know the truth.to know the truth.注:作定语的不定式如果是不及物动词,或者不注:作定语的不定式如果是不及物动词,或者不定式所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的地点工定式所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的地点工具等,不定式后面须有相应的介词。具等,不定式后面须有相应的介词

10、。 He is looking for a room to live He is looking for a room to live inin There is nothing to worry There is nothing to worry aboutabout Please give me a knife to cut Please give me a knife to cut withwith 作状语作状语1. 1. To learn English well To learn English well, you have to , you have to practiseprac

11、tise more. more.= = In order to learn English wellIn order to learn English well, you have , you have to to practisepractise more. more.2. Im too tired 2. Im too tired to walkto walk any farther any farther tonight.tonight.目的状语目的状语. .结果状语结果状语作宾补作宾补She asked me She asked me to stay thereto stay there

12、. .1. 1. 她她叫我呆在叫我呆在这儿。这儿。2.2.请允许我介绍请允许我介绍Mr. WhiteMr. White给你们。给你们。 Please allow me Please allow me to introduce Mr. to introduce Mr. White to you.White to you.一感二听三使让,四看一注意半帮助,主一感二听三使让,四看一注意半帮助,主动不带动不带to, to, 被动被动toto复位复位feel; feel; listen to, hearlisten to, hear; let, make, have; ; let, make, have

13、; watch, watch, look at, see, observelook at, see, observe; notice; ; notice; help help I saw her come. I saw her come. She was seen She was seen to to come. come. 1. We passed by the classroom and saw 1. We passed by the classroom and saw the teacher the teacher makingmaking the experiment. the exp

14、eriment. 2. We sat an hour and watched the 2. We sat an hour and watched the teacher teacher make make the experiment.the experiment. 3. She was glad to see her children 3. She was glad to see her children well taken care ofwell taken care of in the nursery. in the nursery.注意注意作简短回答或避免不必要的重复时,动作简短回答

15、或避免不必要的重复时,动词不定式常常省去词不定式常常省去to to 后面后面的动词,只的动词,只保留保留toto 。A:Would you like to come to my party?A:Would you like to come to my party?Mary wanted to use my bike, but I asked Mary wanted to use my bike, but I asked her not her not to to ( use my bike).( use my bike).B: Yes , Id love B: Yes , Id love to

16、 to ( come to your party).( come to your party).不定式还可在句中作独立成分不定式还可在句中作独立成分, , 表示说话人的态度或看法表示说话人的态度或看法, , 此时不定式逻辑主语和句子主语不一致此时不定式逻辑主语和句子主语不一致: :说实话,我不同意你的观点。说实话,我不同意你的观点。_, Sam is the right person for the post_, Sam is the right person for the post坦率地讲,我不同意你的看法。坦率地讲,我不同意你的看法。_,_, I dont agree with youI

17、 dont agree with you老实说老实说, , 你的计划不实用。你的计划不实用。_,_, your plan is not practicalyour plan is not practical首先首先, , 我想谈谈我们的发展计划。我想谈谈我们的发展计划。_,_, Id like to talk about our development Id like to talk about our development planplanTo tell the truthTo be frankTo be honestTo begin with主主 动动被被 动动一般式一般式to doto

18、 doto be doneto be done完成式完成式 to have doneto have doneto have to have been donebeen done进行式进行式to be doingto be doing无无语态语态时态时态不定式的时态和语态不定式的时态和语态一般式一般式( ( to doto do ): ):它表示的动作或状态同时或它表示的动作或状态同时或几乎同时发生,或之后发生。几乎同时发生,或之后发生。We wantWe want to learnto learn English well.English well.I opened the doorI ope

19、ned the door to enterto enter the room. the room. 进行式进行式( ( toto bebe doingdoing): ):如果谓语表示的动作或如果谓语表示的动作或情况发生时,不定式所表示的动作正在进行情况发生时,不定式所表示的动作正在进行时时, ,我们就要用不定式的进行时。我们就要用不定式的进行时。我进去时他恰好在打电话。我进去时他恰好在打电话。He happened_ when I went inHe happened_ when I went in. . 老师看她时,这个姑娘装着在听讲。老师看她时,这个姑娘装着在听讲。The girl pre

20、tended_ when the The girl pretended_ when the teacher looked at herteacher looked at herto be telephoningto be telephoningto be listeningto be listening完成式完成式( ( to have doneto have done): ):如果不定式所表示的动作发如果不定式所表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前。生在谓语动作之前。 我似乎以前在什么地方见过他。我似乎以前在什么地方见过他。 I seemI seem _him somewhere before_hi

21、m somewhere before 收到那么多精美礼物,他很高兴。收到那么多精美礼物,他很高兴。 He was happy _He was happy _ many nice gifts.many nice gifts. 这部小说据说已被译成好几种外语。这部小说据说已被译成好几种外语。 The novel is said _The novel is said _ into into several foreign languagesseveral foreign languagesto have metto have metto have receivedto have receivedto

22、 have been translatedto have been translated下列句子中惯用不定式主动语态下列句子中惯用不定式主动语态: : The house is The house is to letto let. . 这房子待出租。这房子待出租。 He is not He is not toto blameblame他不该受责备。他不该受责备。他不喜欢当众被表扬。他不喜欢当众被表扬。 He dislikesHe dislikes _沙漠中惟一可以看到的动物是骆驼。沙漠中惟一可以看到的动物是骆驼。The only animalThe only animal _ was the

23、was the camelcamelto be praised in publicto be praised in publicto be seen in the desertto be seen in the desert1) 1) 不定式被动式的意义不定式被动式的意义如果不定式的逻辑主语是动作的承受者如果不定式的逻辑主语是动作的承受者, ,不定式需不定式需用被动语态用被动语态 to be +to be + 过去分词过去分词。(2) (2) “形容词形容词 + + 不定式不定式”结构中结构中, , 如不定式与句子如不定式与句子主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系, , 不定式多用

24、主动语态不定式多用主动语态, , 这是因为人们往往认为形容词后省去了这是因为人们往往认为形容词后省去了forfor oneone或或forfor peoplepeople 这架飞机开起来很危险。这架飞机开起来很危险。The plane is dangerous _The plane is dangerous _这台机器不好控制。这台机器不好控制。The machine is hard _The machine is hard _toto controlcontroltoto flyfly1.There was nothing I could do but 1.There was nothing

25、 I could do but _(wait)_(wait)2.There was no choice but _ (wait)2.There was no choice but _ (wait)3.She could do anything except _ 3.She could do anything except _ (clean) the floor.(clean) the floor.介词介词butbut或者或者exceptexcept后跟不定式做宾语,且后跟不定式做宾语,且butbut或或exceptexcept前面是动词前面是动词dodo的任何形式,不定的任何形式,不定式符号式

26、符号to to 要省略要省略waitwaitto waitto waitcleancleanParticipleParticiple被动、完成、被动、完成、感到感到的的主动、进行、主动、进行、令人令人的的donedoingThere are many There are many sleepingsleeping students in class.students in class. (主语)(主语)/(表语)(表语)(定语)(定语)FeelingFeeling the lesson is the lesson is boring, the students are boring, the

27、students are sleepy.sleepy.The students feel the The students feel the lesson lesson boring.boring.HavingHaving lessons is lessons is boring.boring.(宾补)(宾补)(状语)(状语)a running athletea running athletea promising young man.a promising young man.an exciting eveningan exciting eveningan interesting an in

28、teresting crosstalkcrosstalk有前途的年轻人有前途的年轻人跑步运动员跑步运动员激动人心的夜晚激动人心的夜晚有趣的相声有趣的相声定语The teacher The teacher teachingteaching us English us English is Mr. Sunis Mr. Sun=The teacher=The teacher who teaches / is teaching us who teaches / is teaching us EnglishEnglish is Mr. Sun.is Mr. Sun.The people The peop

29、le sittingsitting behind us are all teachers. behind us are all teachers.=The people =The people who are sitting behind uswho are sitting behind us are all teachers. are all teachers. 1. We 1. We saw saw some studentssome students_ 2.They 2.They havehave the fire the fireburningburning all night. al

30、l night. playingplaying basketball on basketball on the playground.the playground.宾补V-ingV-ing形式作宾语补足语的常见动词:形式作宾语补足语的常见动词:小小 结结 :1) 1)表示感觉和心理状态的动词,常见的有表示感觉和心理状态的动词,常见的有 see, hear, see, hear, 2)2)feel, smell, find, notice, observe, look at, listen to feel, smell, find, notice, observe, look at, liste

31、n to 等。等。2) 2) 表示指使意义的动词,常见的有表示指使意义的动词,常见的有have, have, set, keep, get, catch, leaveset, keep, get, catch, leave等。如:等。如:V-ingV-ing形式作宾语补足语时,形式作宾语补足语时,往往同宾语存在逻辑主谓往往同宾语存在逻辑主谓关系。关系。 当我们回到学校时当我们回到学校时, , 发现一个陌生人站在大门口。发现一个陌生人站在大门口。 When we returned to the school, we When we returned to the school, we _at t

32、he entrance. _at the entrance. 我看地板上放着一个包。我看地板上放着一个包。 I _on the ground. I _on the ground. 那老板让工人整夜地工作。那老板让工人整夜地工作。 The boss _the The boss _the whole night. whole night. found a stranger found a stranger standingstandingsaw a bag saw a bag lyinglyingKept / had the workers Kept / had the workers worki

33、ngworkingPracticeComplete the sentences: - -inging形式作表语时放在系动词之后,形式作表语时放在系动词之后,现在分词多现在分词多表示主语所具有的特征或属性;过去分词多表示表示主语所具有的特征或属性;过去分词多表示主语所处的状态。主语所处的状态。 表语The film is interesting / touching / moving.The film is interesting / touching / moving. We are interested / touched / moved.We are interested / touche

34、d / moved. V-ingV-ing词组可以在句中充当时间、词组可以在句中充当时间、原原 因因、目的目的、结果结果、条件条件、伴随伴随 、让步等状语。让步等状语。状语- -inging短语作时间状语一般置于句首。如:短语作时间状语一般置于句首。如:Hearing the bad newsHearing the bad news, they couldnt help , they couldnt help crying. crying. =When they heard the bad news=When they heard the bad news, they couldnt , th

35、ey couldnt help crying. help crying. 1. 1. 作时间状语作时间状语_, I decided to write _, I decided to write back.back.收到他的信后,我决定给他回信。收到他的信后,我决定给他回信。 =_ I decided to =_ I decided to write back. write back. Having received his letterHaving received his letterAfter I had received his letterAfter I had received hi

36、s letter因为他已经去过长城许多次,上周他就没去。因为他已经去过长城许多次,上周他就没去。_, _, he didnt go last week.he didnt go last week. _, he didnt go last week. _, he didnt go last week. - -inging短语作原因状语一般置于句首。如:短语作原因状语一般置于句首。如:Being so angryBeing so angry, he couldn, he couldnt go to sleep.t go to sleep.=Because he was so angry,Becau

37、se he was so angry, he couldn he couldnt go to t go to sleep. sleep. 2. 2. 作原因状语作原因状语Having been to the Great Wall many timesHaving been to the Great Wall many timesBecause (As) he had been to the Great Wall Because (As) he had been to the Great Wall many timesmany times-ing-ing作条件状语置于句首或句末。如:作条件状语置

38、于句首或句末。如:Working hardWorking hard, you will succeed. , you will succeed. =If you work hardIf you work hard, you will succeed. , you will succeed. 3. 3. 作条件状语作条件状语注意:注意:_,_, and you will succeed.and you will succeed.Work hard- -inging短语作让步状语,可置于句首或短语作让步状语,可置于句首或 句末,句末,常与常与even if, though even if, tho

39、ugh 连用。如:连用。如:4. 4. 作让步状语作让步状语Though working from morning till nightThough working from morning till night, his , his father didnt get enough food.father didnt get enough food.=Although his father worked from morning Although his father worked from morning till nighttill night, he didnt get enough f

40、ood. , he didnt get enough food. They came into the classroom, They came into the classroom, singing singing and laughingand laughing. . =They sang and laughedThey sang and laughed; they came ; they came into the classroom.into the classroom. 5. 5. 作伴随状语作伴随状语喜欢考虑不可免喜欢考虑不可免(enjoy ,consider ,escape, a

41、void)(enjoy ,consider ,escape, avoid)停止放弃太冒险停止放弃太冒险(stop ,give up, risk) (stop ,give up, risk) 承认理解很值得承认理解很值得(admit ,understand, be worth)(admit ,understand, be worth)反对想象莫推迟反对想象莫推迟(object to, imagine, delay, put off)(object to, imagine, delay, put off)要求完成是期望要求完成是期望(require, finish ,look forward to

42、)(require, finish ,look forward to)建议继续勤操练建议继续勤操练(suggest ,go on , (suggest ,go on , practisepractise) )不禁原谅要坚持不禁原谅要坚持(cant help, excuse ,insist on)(cant help, excuse ,insist on)继续介意便成功继续介意便成功(keep on, mind, succeed in) (keep on, mind, succeed in) 宾语宾语I have just finished I have just finished doingd

43、oing my home my home work. work. I suggested I suggested askingasking his brother for some his brother for some money.money. He keeps He keeps buyingbuying expensive maps. He expensive maps. He must have more than 200 by now.must have more than 200 by now.英语中有些动词可以接英语中有些动词可以接- -inging 也可以接也可以接to to

44、do ,do ,但含义不同但含义不同. .rememberrememberforgetforgetgo on go on to do to do ( 未做的事)未做的事)doing doing (已做的事)(已做的事)to do(to do(遗憾要做某事遗憾要做某事) )doing(doing(后悔做了某事后悔做了某事) )regretregretto do(to do(继续做另外一件事继续做另外一件事) )doing(doing(继续做同一件事继续做同一件事) )stopto do(to do(停下手中的事去做另外一件停下手中的事去做另外一件) )doing(doing(停止做正在做的事情停

45、止做正在做的事情) )英语中有些动词可以接动名词也可以接英语中有些动词可以接动名词也可以接不定式不定式, ,但含义不同但含义不同. .trytryto do(to do(设法设法)doing(doing(尝试着做尝试着做)meanmeanto do to do (打算(打算)doing doing (意味着)(意味着)considerconsiderto do to do (认为(认为)doing doing (考虑)(考虑)cant helpcant helpto do to do (不能帮助)(不能帮助)doing doing (情不自禁地(情不自禁地 忍不住地)忍不住地)1. 1.Ple

46、ase stop talking.Please stop talking.2.2.Having worked long, he stopped to rest.Having worked long, he stopped to rest.3.3.Please go on reading.Please go on reading.4.4.After learning history, we went on to After learning history, we went on to learn English.learn English.5.5.I remember seeing you s

47、omewhere before.I remember seeing you somewhere before.6.6.Please remember to post the letter.Please remember to post the letter.7.You7.Youve got it? Ah, yes. I forgot posting it.ve got it? Ah, yes. I forgot posting it.8.Don8.Dont forget to do it.t forget to do it.9.I regret not watching the match.9

48、.I regret not watching the match.10.I regret to tell you that I can10.I regret to tell you that I cant go.t go.11.Please try doing it in another way.11.Please try doing it in another way.12.I tried to do it but failed.12.I tried to do it but failed.13.I13.Im considering moving.m considering moving.1

49、4.I consider him to be my best friend.14.I consider him to be my best friend.间或可以用一个分词短语来解释整个句子。间或可以用一个分词短语来解释整个句子。Generally speakingGenerally speaking, the book is not very , the book is not very difficult. difficult. 总的来说,这本书不太难。总的来说,这本书不太难。Judging by his accentJudging by his accent, he must be fr

50、om , he must be from America. America. 从口音看,他一定是美国人。从口音看,他一定是美国人。时时 态态 和和 语语 态态 类 别 及及 物物动动 词词不及物动词不及物动词形式主主 动动被被 动动主主 动动一般式一般式 doing doing being done being done doing doing 完成式完成式 having donehaving done having been having been donedonehaving donehaving done现在分词的时态和语态:现在分词的时态和语态:Having been to the G

51、reat WallHaving been to the Great Wall many times many times, He , He didnt godidnt go there yesterday. there yesterday. 分词的动作发生在谓语动词分词的动作发生在谓语动词的动作之前的动作之前WalkingWalking in the street, I saw a friend of in the street, I saw a friend of mine.mine.Not having receivedNot having received an answer, I wr

52、ote to an answer, I wrote to him again.him again.完完成成体体的的分分词词一一般般不不作作定定语语,若若要要表表达达完成意义最好用定语从句。如:完成意义最好用定语从句。如:The The girl girl having having won won the the race race is is my my deskmatedeskmate. . The The girl girl who who has has won won the the race race is is my my deskmate. deskmate. He insis

53、ted on being sent to hospital.He insisted on sending her to hospital.对比下列句子对比下列句子过过去去分分词词作作定定语语在在意意义义上上有有两两种种可可能能:表表示示被被动和完成,或只表完成动和完成,或只表完成, , 或只表被动。如:或只表被动。如:the question the question discusseddiscussed yesterday yesterday 昨天讨论的问题昨天讨论的问题 (既表示被动也表示完成)(既表示被动也表示完成)the the fallenfallen leavesleaves 落落

54、下下的的树树叶叶 ( (只只表表示示完完成成,不不表表示被动示被动) )Is this the book Is this the book recommended by our teacherrecommended by our teacher? ?I hate to see letters I hate to see letters written in pencilwritten in pencil. . 一般说来,现在分词所表示的动作一般说来,现在分词所表示的动作往往正在进行,而过去分词所表示往往正在进行,而过去分词所表示的动作往往已经完成。试比较:的动作往往已经完成。试比较: the

55、the changingchanging world world 正在变化着的世界正在变化着的世界 the the changedchanged world world 已经起了变化的世界已经起了变化的世界 过去分词做过去分词做宾语补足语宾语补足语。 Last year they had the house Last year they had the house rebuiltrebuilt. . When When you you speak speak English, English, be be sure sure to to make make yourself yourself

56、understoodunderstood. . Youd better have your shoes Youd better have your shoes mendedmended. .注:过去分词做宾语补足语表示动作完成结注:过去分词做宾语补足语表示动作完成结果,并有被动意义。果,并有被动意义。 过过去去分分词词短短语语作作状状语语,可可以以修修饰饰谓谓语语,说说明明动动作作发生的背景或情况发生的背景或情况。 1. 1. BuiltBuilt in 1192, the bridge is over 700 years old. in 1192, the bridge is over 70

57、0 years old.2. 2. LedLed by by the the party, party, the the people people have have improved improved their living conditions greatly.their living conditions greatly.3. 3. SurroundedSurrounded by by a a group group of of pupils, pupils, the the old old teacher walked into the room.teacher walked in

58、to the room. 4. 4. The The trainer trainer appeared, appeared, followedfollowed by by six six little little dogs.dogs. need / want / require doing= need / want / require to be doneYour house needsYour house needs repairing / to repairing / to be repaired.be repaired.The problem requiresThe problem r

59、equires solving / solving / to be solved immediately.to be solved immediately.With With 的复合结构的复合结构 “withwith宾语宾语补足语宾语宾语补足语”1. He went home, 1. He went home, with with nothing nothing to doto do. .2. The children looked at us, 2. The children looked at us, with their eyes with their eyes opening open

60、ing widewide. . 3. We cant go on, 3. We cant go on, withwith the plan the plan refused refused by our by our governmentgovernment. .4. The river 4. The river with grass and flowers with grass and flowers on both sideson both sides runs runs through our schoolyard.through our schoolyard.5. With the e

61、xaminations 5. With the examinations overover, we had a long time to , we had a long time to rest.rest.6. He lay there thinking,6. He lay there thinking, with his hands with his hands behind his headbehind his head. .非谓语做题步骤非谓语做题步骤一、分析句子结构一、分析句子结构, ,辨别辨别“谓与非谓谓与非谓”1. _many times , but he still couldn

62、t 1. _many times , but he still couldnt understand it .understand it .2. _many times , he still couldnt 2. _many times , he still couldnt understand it .understand it .A.A.Having been told Having been told B.B.Told Told C. He was told C. He was told D. Though he had been toldD. Though he had been to

63、ldCA 非谓语动词虽不能作谓语,但仍具有动非谓语动词虽不能作谓语,但仍具有动词特点,词特点,其逻辑上的动作执行者就叫做其逻辑上的动作执行者就叫做逻辑主语逻辑主语。二,找逻辑主语二,找逻辑主语_ these pictures, _ these pictures, I I couldnt help couldnt help thinking of those days when I was in Beijing .thinking of those days when I was in Beijing . _ from the top of a thirty- _ from the top of

64、 a thirty-storeyedstoreyed building, building, BeijingBeijing looks more magnificent. looks more magnificent. ( see) ( see) Seeing Seeing Seen Seen 三、分析语态三、分析语态分析语态就是在确定逻辑主语之后,分析语态就是在确定逻辑主语之后,分析非谓语动词和逻辑主语在搭配分析非谓语动词和逻辑主语在搭配使用时是使用时是主动主动还是还是被动被动关系。关系。1. The dirty clothes _ , the girl 1. The dirty cloth

65、es _ , the girl hung them up outside .hung them up outside .2. _ the dirty clothes ,the girl 2. _ the dirty clothes ,the girl hung them up outside .hung them up outside .A.A.was washed was washed B.B. washed washed C.C.C.were washed C.were washed D.D.D.having washedD.having washed_B_D四、分析时态四、分析时态1.

66、The building _now will be a 1. The building _now will be a restaurant .restaurant .2. The building _ next year will be 2. The building _ next year will be a restaurant .a restaurant .3. The building _last year is a 3. The building _last year is a restaurant.restaurant.A.A.having been built having been built B.B.to be built to be built C.being built C.being built D. built D. built _C_B_D



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