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1、外研版必修四外研版必修四-module1-readingWhat life will be like in the future? Module 1Life in the FutureThe future city Introduction 1-Look at the pictures and answer the following questions.The future house The future bed The Space City The Space City The Space HouseThe Space HouseQuestions:1. What are they?2.

2、 Where do you think they are?3. What materials are they made of ?aluminiumbricksconcrete glassmudplasticrubbersteel stone wood1._ is a very light metal.2. _ is a very strong metal.AluminumSteel3. Both _ and _ come form trees.4. _ is light, strong, very popular, and man-made.5. _ are often used to bu

3、ild walls.6. _ is very strong and used in many modern buildings.rubberwoodPlasticBricksConcrete7. _ is wet earth. 8. _ is a natural hard material.9. _ is used to make windows.MudStoneGlassReading and vocabulary The city of the futureFast-readingRead the passage for the first time. Check whether your

4、 answer in Activity 1 is right.p shoppingp environment p traffic p weather p entertainment p alternative energy p crimep schools p public services OrganizationTry to find out the main idea of each part.What will the city of the future look like?How will the students run a city in the future?clinicdi

5、sabilitymallrun out onlineoutdoorsrecreationnet solarsurgery urban net Reading and Vocabualry -Careful Reading 3 Match the words with their meanings.1. a problem which prevents you from doing something2. not in a building3. from the sun 4. free time activities, such as sport andentertainmentdisabili

6、tyoutdoorssolarrecreation5. You can use this to catch a lot of fish at the same time 6. through the Internet7. a place where you can get medical treatment. 8. to do with town or city life9. A shopping center. 10. to use up or finish completely11. Medical treatment in which the doctor cuts open your

7、body. neturbanrun outonline clinicmallsurgeryAsk and answer the questionsTheyve thought how to run a city in 2025To the sunCriminals Within a citys limitsOn lineTheir telephone number.RecreationThey will be powered by electricitySurgery Anywhere Try to match the words and phrases in the two boxes.An

8、swers arrest criminalscarry out operationload huge spaceshiprecycle materialrely on alternative energywaste natural resource1. a risky business2. outpatient3. get rid of4. senior citizens5. free of charge6. landfillReading and VocabularyCareful Reading 5 Find the words or phrases in the text which m

9、ean these things.Answers What will the city of the future look like?Garbage shipsTelephones for lifeBatman Nets Recreation Forget smokingCars Forget the malls Telesurgery Holidays at home Space travel Garbage ship To get rid of garbage problems, the city will load huge spaceships with waste material

10、 and send them towards the sun.为解决垃圾问题,城市将会用大型宇宙飞船装载废料为解决垃圾问题,城市将会用大型宇宙飞船装载废料朝太阳方向发射,这样做防止了垃圾填埋和环境问题。朝太阳方向发射,这样做防止了垃圾填埋和环境问题。 Police will arrest criminals by firing nets instead of guns.警察警察逮捕罪犯逮捕罪犯时,将会时,将会向罪犯射出网状物向罪犯射出网状物而不是而不是用枪用枪No smoking will be allowed within a future citys limits.在未来城市的范围内将禁止

11、吸烟。在未来城市的范围内将禁止吸烟。All shopping will be done online.mall and catalogues will havevoice commands to place orders.。由声音指令来订购目录。由声音指令来订购目录。将来将来 所有的购物所有的购物将会在网上进行,将会在网上进行,商品目录将会有商品目录将会有语音指令来排序语音指令来排序videophone Everyone will be given telephone number at birth that will never changedno matter where they liv

12、e.All forms of recreation will be provided free of charge by the city.recreationsoftball bowling娱乐,消遣娱乐,消遣所有的娱乐形式将由该城市免费提供car using solar energyAll cars will be powered by electricity, solar energy or wind所有汽车将由电能、太阳能或风提供动力提供动力。Distance surgery will become common asdoctors carry out operations from

13、thousands of miles away. surgery外科手术外科手术 telesurgery远距离手术远距离手术People with disabilitiessenior citizens will be able to go anywhere in the world using high-tech cameras attached to their head. space travelTravelling in space by ordinary citizens will be common.1.In the future , care for the environmen

14、t will become very important as earths natural resources run out.()Care for 爱护,关心()run out用完,用光是不及物动词词组,没有被动语态Run out of 用完,用光主语必须是人Eg. He _(花光了钱)that his mother gave yesterday. When water_(用光了), he stood there helpless.has run out of moneyrun out2、No one knows for sure, and making predictions is a

15、risky business.for sure 肯定地,确切地,毫无疑问地eg: I dont know it for sure. I couldnt say for sure when he will comes.make predictions = predicteg: He made a prediction that the earth was round.3、Well use lots of recycled materials, such as plastic, aluminium such as:像一样的;诸如之类的eg: 他有许多诸如词典、手册之类的参考书。He has man

16、y reference books, such as dictionaries and handbooks. .4、Well also have to rely more on alternative energy, such as solar and wind power. rely on / upon 依赖;信赖,信任eg: We should rely on our own efforts. You may rely on my early arrival.5、To get rid of garbage problems, the city will load huge spaceshi

17、ps with waste materials (1)get rid of 摆脱,去掉,除去 eg: He cant get rid of the cold. You should get rid of your bad habit. (2) rid sb of 使摆脱,使去掉 eg: He has rid himself of smoking.To get rid of garbage problem, the city will load huge spaceships with waste materials and send them towards the sun, preventi

18、ng landfill and environmental problems. ()get rid of 摆脱,除去,去掉翻译:他还没有改掉抽烟这个坏习惯()load.with把装上类似结构的词组: fillwith. coverwith equipwith现在分词做结果状语现在分词做结果状语不定式做目的状语不定式做目的状语He hasnt got rid of the bad habit of smoking.6、No smoking will be allowed within a future citys limits. (1) within在.范围之内,不超过 eg: Do what

19、is within your power! She lives within ten minutes walk. Youd better keep your book within your reach. (2) allow sb to do / allow doing7、All forms of recreation, such as cinemas, bowling and others, will be provided free of charge by the city. (1) provide 提供,供给 provide sb. with sth. / provide sth. f

20、or sb. eg: The firm has provided me with a car. (2) free of charge 免费 In the future we will go to concerts free of charge. 8、Distance surgery will become common as doctors carry out operations from thousands of miles away, with each city having its own telesurgery outpatient clinic. 1. carry out实施,落

21、实,进行 eg: He carried out his promise to give up smoking. Tests have been carried out on the patient.2. with的复合结构:(1)He felt safe with his mum standing behind him.(2)He went to the library with his homework finished.(3)With a lot of homework to do, he isnt free.(4)He is used to sleeping with the windows open.(5)He likes reading with his MP3 on.(6)He went out with a stick in his hand.with + n. + -edwith + n. + doingwith + n. + to dowith + n. + adj.with + n. + adj.with + n. + adv.with + n. + prep.谢谢!



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