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1、(湘少版)五年级英语上册(湘少版)五年级英语上册Unit 11 I Im m sorry.sorry.Be able to talk about the feelings: sorry, sad, angry, shy, tired, happy, have fun, scared, scold Understand and use the sentences: The boy feels sorry / sad / shy. The girl is angry / tired / happy. He feels scared. She feels happy.sorrysorrysadsad

2、angryangryshyshytiredtiredhappyhappyhappy sorrysad angryshy tiredscaredHe is happy.He is scared.He is sorry.The teacher is not here.The teacher is not here.He is He is happyhappy. .The teacher comes in.The teacher comes in.He feels He feels scaredscared. .The teacher The teacher scoldscolds Peter.s

3、Peter.He feels He feels sorrysorry. ._feels _feels _is_is The girl is happy.The girl is happy.She feels sad.She feels sad.The boy is _. (sad happy )happyXiaohongs mark is low.She is _. (sad angry)sadMrs Lin has lost her ring. She is _. (happy sad)sadThe dog barks at the girls.The little girl is _. (angry scared)scaredShe feels sorry.She is shy.He is happy.He feels angry.Choose 3 words to make a story.Homework:



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