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1、小升初英语复习之时态小升初英语复习之时态How many tenses do you know?The simple present tense. 一般一般现在在时The present continuous tense 现在在进行行时The simple past tense 一般一般过去去时The simple future tense 一般将来一般将来时一般现在时the Simple Present Tense 一般一般现在在时1.表示表示经常的或常的或习惯性的性的动作,常与表示作,常与表示频度的度的时间状状语连用。用。 Peter usually goes to school by b

2、ike.2.表示主表示主语具具备的性格、能力和特征。的性格、能力和特征。 Miss Zheng teaches English.3.表示表示现在的状在的状态。 It is cold.4.表示客表示客观事事实和普遍真理。和普遍真理。 The earth moves around the sun. Grammar结构:标志语:主主语+ 动词原形原形/第三人称第三人称单数数often, always, usually, sometimes, once a week等表示频度的副词和时间状语Simple present tense第三人称单数The present continuous tense 现

3、在在进行行时The present continuous tense 现在进行时根本用法根本用法1. 1.表示现在正在进行的动作和发生的事表示现在正在进行的动作和发生的事Eg. -What are you doing? Eg. -What are you doing? -I am reading a book. -I am reading a book.2. 2.有时表示现阶段正发生的事有时表示现阶段正发生的事, ,但此刻动作不一定但此刻动作不一定正在进行正在进行Eg. He is teaching at the school.Eg. He is teaching at the school.

4、 We are learning Unit5 these days. We are learning Unit5 these days.3. 3.现在进行时的句子中常有现在进行时的句子中常有now,now,或在句首常出现或在句首常出现Look! Listen!Look! Listen!等提示词等提示词Eg. Listen! Danny is singing in the room.Eg. Listen! Danny is singing in the room. He is doing his homework now. He is doing his homework now.结构结构: b

5、e+doing ( be: be+doing ( be要根据主语作人称和数的变化要根据主语作人称和数的变化) )句型转换句型转换1. 1.肯定句转换成否认句肯定句转换成否认句, ,要在要在 be be 后加后加 not not 构成构成eg. We are reading English now.eg. We are reading English now. We are not reading English now.We are not reading English now.2. 2.陈述句转换成一般疑问句陈述句转换成一般疑问句, ,把把bebe动词提到句首动词提到句首eg. The s

6、tudent is drinking. eg. The student is drinking. Is the student drinking? Is the student drinking?3. 3.陈述句转换成特殊疑问句陈述句转换成特殊疑问句, ,由由“ “疑问词疑问词+ +一般疑问句一般疑问句构成构成eg. He is working. eg. He is working. What is he doing? What is he doing?walkingridingdrawingjumpingdivingdancingclimbingplayingWhat is he/she d

7、oing? Hes/Shes v.+ingsleepstandsweepwashsleeping standing sweeping washing clean jump walk docleaningjumpingwalkingdoingrunningswimswimmingrunsitsittingdancingclosing riding having双写+ing 以动词闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的,应双写此字母,再加 ing danceclosee+ing 动词末尾有不发音的e ,则去e加 -ingridehave 口诀教你学doing 进行时很好记,be加动词-ing; 直加

8、双写去哑e,分词构成须仔细; 别说 be 无词义,主语和它最亲密; 变疑问 be 提前,否认 not 再后添; 何时要用进行时 look,listen,now标记.The simple past tense一般一般过去去时一般一般过去去时(simple past tense)表示表示过去某个去某个时间里里发生的生的动作或状作或状态;过去去习惯性、性、经常性的常性的动作、行作、行为;过去主去主语所具所具备的能力和性格的能力和性格。 The simple past tense根本结构: 主语+动词过去式+其他 The simple past tense时间状语ago-two hours ago,

9、three days agoyesterday, the day before yesterdaylast week/year/night/monthjust now, long ago, once upon a time.The simple past tense否认形式 was/were+not; 在行为动词前加didnt,同时复原行为动词 一般疑问句Did+主语+do+其他+? She often came to help us last year. I was not a teacher five years ago.I didnt know you were so busy just

10、 now.Did you go to school yesterday?动词变化化规那么那么规那么变化: 1.直:直接加ed: work- worked , 2.去:以e结尾的,去e加ed: live - lived 3 双:以重读闭音节结尾的,双写加ed: stop stopped 4 改:以辅音字母+y结尾的,变y为i加ed: study-studied 直去双改动词变动词变化化规规那么那么 -不不规规那那么么变变化:化: have/has - hadeat-ateseesawam/iswasareweregowentdodidtaketookrunransit-satfeel-feltg

11、etgotmeetmetcatchcaughtbuyboughtthinkthoughtsaysaidgivegaveputputwritewroteswimswamkeep- keptsleep- sleptread- readThe Simple Future Tense 一般将来一般将来时 一般将来时 (the future tense) 一般将来时表示在将来某一时间将要发生的动作一般将来时表示在将来某一时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态,也可表示将来某一段时间内经或存在的状态,也可表示将来某一段时间内经常发生的动作或存在的状态。它常与表示将来常发生的动作或存在的状态。它常与表示将来的时间状

12、语如的时间状语如: : soon, tomorrow, next week, in a few days, the soon, tomorrow, next week, in a few days, the day after tomorrow, this eveningday after tomorrow, this evening等等 结构:be going to +动词原形 will +动词原形be going to 结构:1定义:3结构:2标志:4例句:表示将要发生的动作,含有“打算的意思。tomorrow , next week/Sunday , this evening主语主语 +

13、 be going to + 动词的原形动词的原形She is going to play football.He is going to go fishing.It is going to do its homework.next weekWhat is he going to do next week?He is going to go fishing.What is the boy going to do this evening?He is going to play computer.He is going to do his homework.this eveningWhat is

14、 the cat going to do this evening?It is going to watch TV.What is the girl going to do tomorrow?She is going to dance tomorrow.What are they going to do tomorrow ?They are going to play basketball. 我们除了用“be going to动词原形表示一般将来时外,我们还可以用表示一般将来时“will动词原形动词原形 will 引导的一般将来时:表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态,最根本的结构: will +

15、动词原形 e.g. I will go to university after six years . 六年后我将上大学了。一般将来时的标志:willFinish the sentences肯定句肯定句 Students will go to school in the future.主主语+ will +动词原形原形+宾语+其他其他改改为否否认句:句:_在在will 的后面加的后面加not即可。即可。will not 可可缩写写为 wont改改为一般疑一般疑问句:句:_把把will 提到句子主提到句子主语之前,之前,结尾尾变问号。号。针对Students改改为特殊疑特殊疑问句:句:_特殊疑特殊疑问词+will +主主语+动词原形原形+其他?其他?Students wont go to school in the future.Will students go to school in the future?Who will go to school in the future ?



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