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1、TL9000基础知识培训http:/ Industry Drivers电讯行业的驱动力电讯行业的驱动力Shorter cycle time and velocity in the Shorter cycle time and velocity in the marketsmarkets产品生命周期变短、市场快速变化产品生命周期变短、市场快速变化Speed to market is key, creating risksSpeed to market is key, creating risks快速应对市场是关键快速应对市场是关键Huge consortiums are being formed

2、Huge consortiums are being formed巨大联盟正在形成巨大联盟正在形成http:/ Industry Needs电信行业的需求电信行业的需求High ReliabilityHigh Reliability 高可靠性高可靠性 Software Life Cycle ManagementSoftware Life Cycle Management软件生命周期管理软件生命周期管理Quality Of Supplier ServicesQuality Of Supplier Services 供应商服务质量供应商服务质量Customer - Supplier Communi

3、cationsCustomer - Supplier Communications客户与供应商的沟通客户与供应商的沟通http:/ is QuEST Forum?什么是什么是QuEST Forum?The Quality Excellence for Suppliers of Telecommuniations (QuEST) Forum is a unique partnership of telecommunications suppliers and service providers. QuEST Forum电信业优质供应商论坛电信业优质供应商论坛Pls See Website: ww

4、w.questforum.orghttp:/ It was was founded founded in in April April 1996 1996 by by a a core core group group of of telecommunications service providers.telecommunications service providers.19961996年年4 4月月,电电信信业业主主要要服服务务供供应应商商发发起起,希希望望建建立立业业内更好的质量体系要求内更好的质量体系要求, It was formed in October 1997.It was

5、formed in October 1997.19971997年年1010月正式成立;月正式成立;Work Work began began at at the the inaugural inaugural meeting meeting in in January January 1998. 1998. 19981998年开始工作。年开始工作。now has more than 100 has more than 100 members.目前世界范围的会员超过目前世界范围的会员超过100100个;个;When did QuEST Forum begin?何时建立Qu

6、EST Forum?http:/ quality systems thatFoster quality systems that protect the integrity and protect the integrity and useuse of telecommunication products and servicesof telecommunication products and services培育质量体系以培育质量体系以保证保证电信行业产品和服务电信行业产品和服务完整性和有效性完整性和有效性Establish aEstablish a common setcommon se

7、t of quality systemof quality system requirementrequirements s建立质量体系建立质量体系要求要求的的通用框架通用框架Define performance and cost basedDefine performance and cost based metrics metrics to guide andto guide and evaluate evaluate results of quality system implementationresults of quality system implementation定义基于定义

8、基于测量指标测量指标的绩效和成本,以指导和的绩效和成本,以指导和评价质量体系运评价质量体系运行的效果行的效果QuEST Forum Goals QuEST Forum 目标目标(1)http:/ Continuous ImprovementContinuous Improvement推动推动持续改进持续改进EnhanceEnhance customer-supplier relationshipscustomer-supplier relationships增强增强客户客户- -供应商的关系供应商的关系Enhance quality of telecommunications products

9、 andEnhance quality of telecommunications products and improve cost of ownership throughout supply chainimprove cost of ownership throughout supply chain 提高电信行业产品质量,并提高电信行业产品质量,并改进整个供应链的成本改进整个供应链的成本QuEST Forum Goals QuEST Forum 目标目标(2)http:/ Is TL 9000?什么是什么是TL9000?TL 9000TL 9000 is a common set of

10、is a common set of quality system requirements and quality system requirements and metrics designed specifically metrics designed specifically for the Telecom Industry, for the Telecom Industry, encompassing ISO 9001 and other encompassing ISO 9001 and other best practicesbest practices TL9000 TL900

11、0 是电信行业通用的质量体系要是电信行业通用的质量体系要求,并专设衡量指标,同时包含求,并专设衡量指标,同时包含ISO9001ISO9001及其他好的实践经验;及其他好的实践经验;http:/ 9000 Quality SystemTL9000质量体系质量体系TL 9000Supplier供应商供应商Registrar认证机构认证机构Customer客户客户Results/结果结果Feedback/反馈反馈Registration Scheme认证计划认证计划Bench-Marking标杆管理标杆管理MetricsRepository指标库指标库http:/ Forum Focus AreaI

12、SO9001ISO9001国际标准国际标准TL9000的通用要求的通用要求TL9000硬件特殊要求硬件特殊要求软件特殊要求软件特殊要求服务特殊要求服务特殊要求硬件特殊硬件特殊测量指标测量指标软件特殊软件特殊测量指标测量指标服务特殊服务特殊测量指标测量指标 TL9000通用测量指标通用测量指标TL 9000 Model TL9000模型模型http:/ 9000 Quality System RequirementsTL 9000 Quality System RequirementsTL9000TL9000质量体系要求质量体系要求ISO 9001:2000Requirements81 adde

13、rs/增加增加20 procedures20个程序个程序5 processe5个过程个过程7 plans/programs7个计划个计划/方案方案11 methods11个方法个方法http:/ TL9000 concernWhat TL9000 concernTL9000TL9000关注的要点关注的要点Supplier-Customer relationship互利的供应链关系互利的供应链关系More focus on planning更注重策划更注重策划Life Cycle Model导入产品生命周期的概念导入产品生命周期的概念Measurements应用衡量指标应用衡量指标http:/

14、Cycle ModelLife Cycle Model产品生命周期产品生命周期 “The processes, activities and tasks The processes, activities and tasks involved in the development, operation involved in the development, operation and maintenance of products, spanning and maintenance of products, spanning the life of products.the life of

15、products.” 涉及到产品开发、运作和维护的过程、涉及到产品开发、运作和维护的过程、活动和任务应涵盖产品整个寿命。活动和任务应涵盖产品整个寿命。Cradle to graveCradle to grave从摇篮到坟墓从摇篮到坟墓http:/ language共用的语言共用的语言Consistent measures across industry行业内一致性的指标行业内一致性的指标Means for Industry Benchmarking行业标杆的平均值行业标杆的平均值Why Measurements?Why Measurements?(1 1)http:/ 9000 Metrics

16、 Example(范例范例)Goodhttp:/ for management 为管理者提供信息为管理者提供信息Provides objective evidence 提供目标证据提供目标证据Identify improvement opportunities鉴别改进机会鉴别改进机会 Enables effective use of resources使资源充分发挥效益使资源充分发挥效益Why Measurements?Why Measurements?(2 2)http:/ 9000 MetricsTL 9000 MetricsTL9000TL9000衡量指标(衡量指标(1 1)Common

17、 measurements/Common measurements/通用测量指标通用测量指标 Number of Problem Reports(NPR) Number of Problem Reports(NPR) 问题报告数问题报告数 NPR=NP*12/SNPR=NP*12/S Problem Report Fix Response Time(FRT) Problem Report Fix Response Time(FRT) 问题报告修理响应时间问题报告修理响应时间 FRT=(Fr/Frd)*100%FRT=(Fr/Frd)*100% Overdue Problem Report Fi

18、x Responsiveness(OFR) Overdue Problem Report Fix Responsiveness(OFR) 延误问题报告修理响应延误问题报告修理响应 OFR=(Prc/(Pro+Prp)*100%OFR=(Prc/(Pro+Prp)*100%http:/ 9000 MetricsTL 9000 MetricsTL9000TL9000衡量指标(衡量指标(2 2)Common measurements/Common measurements/通用测量指标通用测量指标On Time Delivery(OTD)On Time Delivery(OTD) 准时交货准时交货OTI=(Si/Ci)*100%OTI=(Si/Ci)*100%http:/ 9000 MetricsTL 9000 MetricsTL9000TL9000衡量指标(衡量指标(3 3)Hardware-specific Hardware-specific 硬件的特殊指标硬件的特殊指标 Return Rates (RR) Return Rates (RR) 返还率返还率RR=(R/S)*12*100%RR=(R/S)*12*100%http:/ question?http:/



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