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1、中考专项复习之数词课件一一. .基数基数词、序数、序数词二二. .数数词的表示法的表示法基数基数词 1. 基数基数词表示数目的表示数目的词称称为基数基数词。其形式如下:。其形式如下:A110one,two,three,four,five,sixseven,eight,nine,tenB 1119eleven,twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen,eighteen,nineteenC 2199 表示几十几时,在十位和个位之间添加连字符“-”21 32435465768798twenty-oneforty-threethir

2、ty-twofifty-foursixty-fiveseventy-sixeighty-sevenninety-eightD百位数百位数三位数以上的基数三位数以上的基数词,在百位和十位一般,在百位和十位一般要用要用 “and”连接。接。 101 320 648 E千位数以上千位数以上从数字的右端向左端数起,从数字的右端向左端数起,每三位数加一个逗号每三位数加一个逗号“,”。从右开始,第一个。从右开始,第一个“,”为thousand,第二,第二个个“,”为million,第三个,第三个“,”为billion。如:如:1,234,567,890one / a hundred and onethre

3、e hundred and twentysix hundred and forty-eightone billion two hundred and thirty-four million five hundred and sixty-seven thousand eight hundred and ninety“ 1509 ”(1)If it is an amount(数量)(2)1,509 reads like this (3)one thousand five hundred and nine(2) If it is a date(日期)15 09 reads like this fif

4、teen zero ninefifteen zero nine(3) If it is a telephone number(电话号码)1509 reads like this 15101510one five o nineone five o nine “0” 在英在英语里里读成成 “o” or “zero”1. hundred thousand (表示具体数字表示具体数字) million billion2. hundreds thousands (表示概数表示概数) millions billions三三. .基数基数词的用法的用法数数词twotwo( (several)+)+ ofso

5、me / many hundreds of1)基数词表示确切的数时,不用复数形式. 2)表示不确切数,如成百、成千上万,则用复数。There are hundreds of people in the hall320 three hundred and twenty3人的不确切岁数或年代,用几十的复数形式。He became a professor in his thirtiesIt was in the 1960s4基数词的句法功能可作主语、宾语、定语、表语、同位语。The two happily opened the box(作主语)They three tried to finish t

6、he task (作同位语)1. If a = 3, b=4, whats the answer to the problem, a+2ab+1=? the answer is_. A. twenty eight B. twenty-eighth C. twenty-eight2. In our school several _ students are able to search the Internet . A. hunderd of B. hunderds of C. hundred3. Many _ sheep were killed in the accident. A. thou

7、sands of B. thousand C. thousands4. There are over nine _ workers in the factory, but _ of young people hope to work in it. A. hundred; hundreds B. hundreds; hundreds C. hundreds; hundred 月日年月日年 在在2008年年10月月1日日四四. .数数词的表示法的表示法 年月日年月日on Octorber the first, two thousand and eight日日the + 序数序数词月月(首字母大写)

8、(首字母大写)月日与年之月日与年之间用用 ,分开,分开年年(两位两位(两位两位读)on August the ninthin May, two thousand and ten有日用有日用 on 无日用无日用inon Oct. 1st , 2008 月日月日 在在8月月9日日 月年月年 在在2010年年5月月1. The accident happened on_. A. April 5, 2001 B. 2001, April 5 C. April 2001, 52. I was born _. A. in March 8, 1993 B. on July 9, 1994 C. on May

9、, 199520世纪90年代in the 1990s在他50多岁时in his fifties四四. .数数词的表示法的表示法 年代世年代世纪in thein ones + 整十基数词复数在某人几十岁时nineteennineties1. There will be more chances in _ century than in _ century. A. twenty-one, twenty B. twenty-first, twentieth C. the twenty-first, the twentieth2. The city changed a lot _. A. in 198

10、0s B. in the 1980s C. in the 19803. He graduated in _ of _ century. A. the sixtieth; twenty B. sixty; the twentieth C. the sixties; the twentieth4. He got the prize _. A. in his fifties B. in fifties C. in his fifty时间和和钟点点时间的表达方式的表达方式 1直接表达法。即先直接表达法。即先读小小时,再,再读分分钟 如:如:4:10 读成成 8:36 读成成2逆逆读法。即先法。即先读分

11、分钟,再,再读小小时分分钟小于小于30的用的用“past”,中文,中文译为“过”。即分即分钟+past+时钟,中文,中文译为“几点几点过几分几分”如:如:5:10(5点点过10分)分)读成成 2:02 (2点点过2分)分) 读成成four teneight thirty-sixten past fivetwo past two分分钟超超过30(不包括(不包括30分分钟)用)用 “to”(中文(中文译为“差差”)即即“60-分分钟数数 +to+钟点数点数+1” (中文(中文译为:几点差几分):几点差几分)如:如:7:45 (八点差(八点差15分)分) 读成成 1:58(两点差(两点差2分)分)

12、读成成3半小半小时用用“half”, 一刻一刻钟用用“quarter”。注意:一刻注意:一刻钟 a quarter 三刻三刻钟 three quarters 如:如: 4: 30 读成成 9: 45 读成成 a quarter to tentwo to twohalf past fourfifteen to eight特特别注意:一个半小注意:一个半小时的表达方式:的表达方式:one / an hour and a half one and a half hoursCan you read them?1:30 2:15:3:456:387:259:50one thirtyhalf past o

13、netwo fifteena quarter / fifteen past twothree forty-fivea quarter/ fifteen to foursix thirty-eighttwenty- two to seventwenty five past sevenseven twenty-fiveten to tennine fifty三年半的两种表达方式三年半的两种表达方式:three years and a halfthree and a half years1. Its already 7:40 now. When will the film start? _. We

14、still have five minutes. A. A quarter to seven B. Seven past forty-five C. A quarter to eight15分子分子 基数基数词分母分母 序数序数词one fifth27分子分子 1分母分母 + stwo sevenths14分子分子 a分母分母 quartera quarter34three quarters12a half13three and one third3基数基数词 + and + 分数分数四四. .数数词的表示法的表示法 分数百分数分数百分数分数、百分数、小数的表达方法分数、百分数、小数的表达方法

15、 (以分数考法(以分数考法较为常常见)1. 分数分数: 分子用基数分子用基数词,分母用序数,分母用序数词,分子大于一,分母加,分子大于一,分母加s1/2 读作作 2/3 读作作1/13 读作作 3/4 读作作2小数小数,百分数的百分数的读法法:小数点小数点读成成point 3.6 读作作百分号百分号% 读成成 percent 50%读作作one second(a half)two thirds 或者或者 two- thirdsone thirteenththree fourths或者或者three - quartersthree point sixfifty percent80 %基数基数词

16、+ percenteighty percenthalf / (百百)分数分数 + of + 可数名可数名词复数复数 谓语动词用复数用复数half / (百百)分数分数 + of + 不可数名不可数名词谓语动词用用单数数3.78three point seven eight1. _ of the students _ boys in Class A. Two three; are B. Two thirds; are C. Two thirds; is2. _ of her money _ spent on clothes. A. Two three; are B. Two thirds; is

17、 C. Two third; is3. _ the teachers in our school is about one hundred, and _ of them are women teachers. A. The number of; two third B. The number of ; two thirds C. A number of; two thirds一个半小一个半小时两个半小两个半小时 two and a half hours= two hours and a half one and a half hours= one hour and a half四四. .数数词

18、的表示法的表示法 半的表示法半的表示法1. The boy always stays there for _. A. one and half hour B. one and a half hour C. one and a half hours2. The old man drank_ beer. A. two bottles and a half B. two and a half bottle C. two bottle and a half一倍一倍 once,两倍,两倍 twice,三倍三倍 three times (三倍或以上三倍或以上 基数基数词times)四四. .数数词的表示法

19、的表示法 倍数倍数 This box is five times as big as that one.=This box is four times bigger than that one. A + be + 倍数倍数 + as +adj.原原+ as +B. A是是B的的 倍倍 C + be + 倍数倍数 + adj.比比+ than +D. C比比D 倍倍1. This building is _ that building. A. three time as tall as B. twice taller than C. three times as taller as2. 我的箱子

20、比你的重六倍我的箱子比你的重六倍! My box is _ yours. six times heavier thanseven times as heavy as The winner is _. He is an _ boy . A. eight-year-old; eight years old B. eight years old; eight-year-old C. eight-years old; eight-year-old He came to China _. A. at the age of 20 B. when he is 20 C. at age of 20四四. .数

21、数词的表示法的表示法 年年龄 The river is about _. A. 6,000 meters long B. 6,000-meters-long C. 6,000-meter-long四四. .数数词的表示法的表示法 计量量be + 数数词 + 量量词 + 形容形容词10. He went down to the village which was _miles away from the city.A. three hundreds B. three hundredC. three hundreds ofB. three hundred6The wall is_.Afour me

22、ters long Bfour meter long Cfour-meter long7Whats the date today? Its_AMarch the eight BMarch eighthCeight,March8It happened in the 1040sA in the forties of the eleventh centuryB in the forties of the tenth centuryC in the forty9About_ of the earths surface is covered with water.A. three-fours B. th

23、ree-fourth C. three-fourthsAfour meters longBMarch eighthA in the forties of the eleventh centuryC. three-fourths选择填空。1March is _month of a yearA a three B the third C a third2We will have a meeting at 8:05_Afive to eight Beight five Ceight o five3Eight plus eight is_.Asixteen Bsixty-four Cone4He is

24、 an _boyAeight years Beight-year-old Ceight-years-old5We will have a_ walkAten minutes Bten minutes Cten-minutesB the thirdCeight o fiveAsixteenBeight-year-oldBten minutes四、加减乘除表示法1. “加加”用plus,and或add表示 How much is two plus three? It is fiveTwo and three is equal to five2. “减减”用 minusHow much is ten

25、 minus six?3. “乘乘”multiply3X4? How much is three times four?4. “除除”用divide的过去分词形式表示164=? How much is sixteen divided by four?2more还可与a little,a few,a lot,several等词连用(1)There are many more dictionaries on the desk课桌上有许多词典。 (2)Would you like some more tea?再喝点茶好吗? 4. 名词省略 如果前后意思清楚,another或more后面的名词可以省去

26、。如: 1I climbed the stairs slowly,carrying a big suitcase,my father following with two more1Tony is going camping with _boys next SundayAlittle two other Btwo little other Ctwo other little Dlittle other two 3Do you know where he found the other two photos?另外两张照片 3. more 1more1)She has got five more

27、electric fans她还有五台电扇。 another, other, more修修饰数数词的用法的用法1. another A) another+名词单数 B)表“另外的、额外的、附加的时,+few或具体数字的复数 1Have you finished your report yet? No,I will finish it in 10 minutes Aanother BOther Cmore Dless 2The strike may last another three days罢工可能还要持续三天。2. other +复数名词,置于数词之后B)但与定冠词the连用时,other要

28、放在数词前。 序数序数词1. 序数序数词词一般由基数一般由基数词词后加后加th构成,前面一般加定冠构成,前面一般加定冠词词the。第第18第第2002. 以以y结结尾的基数尾的基数词词构成序数构成序数词时词时,先把,先把y改成改成i,再加,再加eth。第第50 第第203. 不不规则规则的序数的序数词词有以下几个有以下几个first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth,twelfth(一定要(一定要记住)住)the eighteenththe two hundredththe fiftieththe twentieth first 1st second 2

29、nd third 3rd fourth 4th fifth 5th sixth 6th seventh 7th eighth 8th ninth 9thtwelfth 12thtwentieth 20ththirtieth 30thfortieth 40thfiftieth 50thsixtieth 60thseventieth 70theightieth 80thninetieth 90thC序数词的缩写形式:阿拉伯数字后加上th。irstlst second2nd third3rdfourth4th twentieth20thtwenty-third23rdD序数词的句法功能序数词在句中可

30、作主语、宾语、定语和表语。The second is what I really need(作主语)He choose the second(作宾语)We are to carry out the first plan(作定语)She is the second in our class(作表语)4. 表示第几十几表示第几十几时,十位用基数,十位用基数词,个位用序数个位用序数词,十位和各位用,十位和各位用连字符字符-连接接第三十一第三十一第六十五第六十五 第七十四第七十四 第九十九第九十九第八十二第八十二thirty-firstsixty-fifthseventy-fourthninety-n

31、intheighty-second5. 编号的三种表示法号的三种表示法1)名)名词词基数基数词词 Lesson Three2)the序数序数词词名名词词 the third lesson3)名)名词数字数字 Lesson 3如:如:5班班Class Five = the fifth class = Class 5一般一般编码用用 名名词 + 基数基数词207房房 三年三年级一班一班第五部分第五部分第一第一课3 号汽号汽车第一中学第一中学Room 207 Class one Grade threepart five = the fifth partlesson one = the first l

32、esson Bus No.3 = the No.3 busNo. 1 Middle School四四. .数数词的表示法的表示法 编号号1、This is Mr Whites _ visit in Beijing. He has been there twice before.A. two B. second C. three D. third2、There are _ months in a year. October is the _ month.A. twelve, ten B. twelfth , tenthC. twelve, tenth D. twelfth, ten3、There

33、 are _ people in Peters family. They live on the _ floor in tall building.A. six, eighteen B. six, eighteenthC. sixth, eighteenth D. sixth, eighteen4、 _ is the easiest of all.A. Lesson one B. The Lesson oneC. Lesson First D. The first lesson5、 The foreign guests stayed in _ last night.A. Room 608 B.

34、 the Room 608C. the 608 room D. 608 the room注:通常前面要加定冠词 the;但出现不定冠词a或an时,则表示“再”,“又”。Well go over it a second time特特别说明:明:1、世、世纪、年代、年份、月份、年代、年份、月份时,用介,用介词in2、某一天、星期前用介、某一天、星期前用介词on3、某一天早晨、下午或晚上、某一天早晨、下午或晚上时,用介,用介词on。1、_ a cold morning,the old man died lonely in his house2、The girl was sent to hospita

35、l _ the morning of March 20.3、My son was born _ October 2010.4、People are very poor _ the fifties.Ononinin 分数,小数,分数,小数, 百分比百分比热门考点一:考点一:hundred、 thousand、 million、 billion的考的考查方法方法1和和“of”连用,前面不能有具体的数用,前面不能有具体的数,而且而且这四个四个词的本身必的本身必须用复数。如用复数。如 hundreds of 数以百数以百计的的 thousands of 数以千数以千计的的 millions of 数以

36、百万数以百万计的的 billions of 数以十数以十亿计的的 many hundreds of students. 好几百个学生好几百个学生2当它当它们的前面有具体的数修的前面有具体的数修饰时,其本身即不能用复数,其本身即不能用复数,不能和不能和“of”连用。用。two thousand students 两千名学生两千名学生 five hundred cars 五百五百辆车 1、By the end of last year, we had planted about five _ trees.A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundred

37、s of2、_ books must be produced for the children.A. many thousands B. many thousands ofC. many thousand of D. many thousand热门考点二:其它重要表达方式的考法考点二:其它重要表达方式的考法1. 在某人多少在某人多少岁 in + ones + 几十的复数形式几十的复数形式 eg: My parents are in their fifties.2a five-year-old boy an eight-year-old girl3100-meter-long bridge (1

38、00米米长的的桥) 10 meters deep (10米深米深)4ten-minute walk = ten minutes walk5. two more hours= another two hours.( )1、The has written a _ compositionAthree-hundred-word Bthree- hundred- wordsCthree hundreds wordsDthree hundreds word ( )2、Every day the old woman sits here for _.A. one and half hour B. one an

39、d a half hourC. one hours and a half D. one and a half hours ( )3、He became very rich _.A. in his fortyB. in the fortiesC. in his forties D. in the forty ( )4、Mary is _ girl.A. an 8 year- oldsB. an 8-year-oldC. an 8 -years -old D. a 8-year-old ADCB( )5、Guangzhou Tower is almost _A600 meter high B600

40、 meters highC600-meters-highD600-meter-high ( )6、Have you got enough books? No. I need _.A. ten more B. more tenC. ten another D. other tenBA选择填空。1March is _month of a yearA a three B the third C a third2We will have a meeting at 8:05_Afive to eight Beight five Ceight o five3Eight plus eight is_.Asixteen Bsixty-four Cone4He is an _boyAeight years Beight-year-old Ceight-years-old5We will have a_ walkAten minutes Bten minutes Cten-minutesB the thirdCeight o fiveAsixteenBeight-year-oldBten minutes谢谢!



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