Unit 3 Weather PartA

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《Unit 3 Weather PartA》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 3 Weather PartA(27页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 WeatherA Lets talk Lets chant:Brrr,its cold.Its cold outside.Put on a hat.Cold, bye-bye!Mmm! Its warm.Its warm inside.Take off your shoes.It feels so nice.coolcoldhotwarmcoolcoldhotwarmChant:Cool, cool, its cool in Lhasa.Cold , cold, its cold in Harbin.Warm, warm, its warm in Beijing.Hot , ho

2、t , its hot in Hongkong.Can I go outside now?-No, you cant. Its very cold today.Can I go outside now?-Yes, you can. Its warm today.Can I go outside?-Yes, you can. Its cool today.Can I go outside now ?-No, you cant. Its very hot today.Its time for breakfast.8:30 a.m.Can I drink some milk?Yes, you can

3、.Its time for breakfast.8:30 a.m.Can I drink some milk?Yes, you can.Its time for breakfast.Can I have some chicken?No, you cant.8:30 a.m.Can I go home?10:25a.m.No,you cant.Listen,read and answer: 1、 What time is it?2、Can Mike go outside now? Why?3、Can Mike have some soup?Its 11:00.No,he cant. Becaus

4、e its cold outside.Yes,he can.Mum, what time is it?Its 11:00.Can I go outside now?No,you cant. Its cold outside.Have some lunch, Mike.OK! Can I have some soup?Yes,you can.Be careful! Its very hot.Mum, what time is it?Its 11:00.Can I go outside now?No,you cant. Its cold outside.Have some lunch, Mike.

5、OK! Can I have some soup?Yes,you can.Be careful! Its very hot.Mike: Mum,what time is it ?Mike:Can I _now?Mum:Its _.我会填我会填Mum:No, you cant.Its _. Mike: OK. Can I _? Mum:Have some _ ,Mike.Mum:Be careful ! Its very_.Mum:Yes, you can.11:00go outside cold outsidelunchhave some souphotA Lets playCan I go

6、outside?No, you cant. Its cold outside.找出不同类的词找出不同类的词( )1. A.Beijing B.Lhasa C.Canada( )2.A.warm B.first C.cool( )3.A.weather B.go C.eat( )4.A.boy B.cold C.girl( )5.A.hot B.he C.sheCBABARead and choose:( ) 1. Can I go outside? I A. Yes, you cant. B. No, you can. C. No, you cant. Its cold outside. (

7、) 2. I have some soup? A. Am B. Can C. hot( ) 3. 你想说外面很冷,你可以这样表达:你想说外面很冷,你可以这样表达:A.You cant go outside. B.Its cold outside. C.Its hot outside.CBB Summary(总结):Can I ?句型是用来征求句型是用来征求对方方许可的。可的。如果如果对方同意就用方同意就用Yes, you can.来回答,来回答,如果如果对方不同意就用方不同意就用No, you cant.作答。作答。 )( 1 1、我们要知道自己是家庭的一员,、我们要知道自己是家庭的一员,有责

8、任做点家务活,懂得这也是爱父母有责任做点家务活,懂得这也是爱父母和长辈的表现和长辈的表现, ,要从小培养做家务活的要从小培养做家务活的好习惯。好习惯。 2 2、外出时一定要告诉家人,并且、外出时一定要告诉家人,并且要得到家人的允许。外出一定要注意安要得到家人的允许。外出一定要注意安全,并且随时注意天气的变化。全,并且随时注意天气的变化。同学们:Homework1.Read the talk 3 times,and try to remember it. 课文读3遍,并试着背下来。 2. Make 2 dialogues with the new sentences: Can I ? Yes,you can./No,you cant. 用新学的句型做2个对话。



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