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1、What other rules do you know in our school? Unit 4Dont eat in class.Section ALearning aims 1:Words: rule, arrive, (be) on time Hallway, hall, dining, listen, listen to,fight ,sorry2:grammar : 祈使句的肯定和否定形式3会用祈使句表达校规校纪.4我们要遵守校规校纪,养成良好品德习惯What can you do at school or in the classroom?What cant you do ?(

2、可以)(可以)Can you fight? No, we_. Dont _.cant fight fight_eat in class.Dont have long hair for boys.男生不准留长发。男生不准留长发。 Dontrun in the hallwaysDont_.run in the hallwayslisten to music in class_in class.Dont listen to musicDont fight . Dont eat in class .Dont have long hair for boys. Dont run in the hallwa

3、ys.Dont listen to music in class下划线单词是动词原形下划线单词是动词原形1.祈使句祈使句是表示请求、命令、建议、叮嘱、是表示请求、命令、建议、叮嘱、号召、劝告等的句子号召、劝告等的句子; 通常省略主语通常省略主语you,祈使句有祈使句有肯定肯定和和否定否定两种:两种:肯定的祈使句以肯定的祈使句以_开始;开始;否定的祈使句在否定的祈使句在_ 前加前加_ Grammar动词原形动词原形动词原形动词原形DontStop!1. Sit down.2. Come in.3. Eat in class.4. Listen to music outside. 5. Play

4、sports in class.Dont sit down.Dont come in.Dont eat in class.Dont listen to music outside.Dont play sports in class .改否定的祈使句改否定的祈使句 (10秒秒)2354What is the rule?SCHOOLRULESDont arrive late for class.SCHOOLRULESDont run in thehallways.What is the rule?SCHOOLRULESDont eat in theclassroom.What is the rul

5、e?SCHOOLRULESDont listen to musicin class.What is the rule?SCHOOLRULESDont fight.What is the rule?组句组句 (30秒)秒)Stop!1. late, dont, for school, arrive 2. music, listen to, in the classroom, dont 3. eat, cant, in the classroom, we Dont arrive late for school.Dont listen to music in the classroom.We can

6、t eat in the classroom.Make school rules校规校纪我来定 vWork in groups ,write as many rules as possible in a limit time .vWhich group is best .(小组成员合作,比比哪组在规定的时间内写出的校规校纪最多。)v句型:We can ;We cantvDont +动词原形 2分钟分钟stop修改标准1 有完整的句子结构,一句话结尾要加.2 数数你所修改的rules有几条,有几条得几分(如果句子中有单词等错误时,该条校规不得分。)No rules no standards(没有

7、规矩不成方圆)We should (应该)love our school .Dont do the bad(不好的) things to school.Do our best(尽最大努力) to make our school great.Do our best to be good students.Many school rulesSummary(总结)(总结) What do we learn this class?祈使句的结构祈使句的结构New words遵守校规校纪,爱护校园遵守校规校纪,爱护校园Homework vRead the words .vPreview P20.vWrite the school rules .



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