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1、X射线双星中SPL态的X射线起源问题王建成云南天文台Black Hole BinariesThermal (High/Soft) state Disk fraction f75% QPOs absent or very weak with a0.005 Power continuum level r0.05Hard (Low/Hard) state Disk fraction f80%) 1.40.1 Spectral cutoff near 100KeVSteep Power Law (SPL) (Very High) Presence of power-law component with

2、 2.4 Power continuum level r0.15 Either f0.01 or disk fraction f50%) Unbroken PL component out to MeV=2.5-3.0MeV0.1-30Hz QPOsModel High/soft state: Standard disk Low/Hard & SPL states: debate Low/Hard state:Truncated-disk: Corona-and-disk: Corona: Large dissipation(50%), ? Disk: Small contribution t

3、o X-raysSPL态的X射线起源IC in Nonthermal Corona(Zdziarski04)Question: Nonthermal electrons,QPOs?Magnetically Arrested Disk (MAD)Igumenshchev (2008,ApJ,677,317;2009,ApJ,702,L72)The central magnetic bundle arrests accretion flow and forms a truncated diskThe central magnetic bundle disappear because of the

4、annihilation with the incoming inverted magnetic fieldLow/hard state Strong vertical magnetic field arrests flow and form a truncated disk. The accretion is not suppressed, but takes the form of thin spiral streams through a highly magnetized, hot, low density plasma. The spiral stream twists vertic

5、al magnetic field and produces powerful Poynting jets. The radiation is dominated by hard X-rays emitted by the hot plasma and includes a radio component from the jets.High/soft state The magnetic field at outer boundary is inverted. An annihilation of this field carried by the flow causes a disappe

6、arance of MAD. Standard disk extends to the last stable orbit and no jets are produced.SPL state This state and associated High-frequency QPOs develop at the period of intensive annihilation of the inverted field, which precedes high/soft state. How?Scenario of our modelThe region of Hard X-rays:nea

7、r black hole constrained by high-frequency QPOsEmission mechanism: Synchrotron radiation, a hard spectrum extends to above MeV.Hard X-rays: down-scattered by the surrounding plasma, forms an observed steep spectrumSynchrotron radiation: effectiveDoppler factor 2Electron accelerationShockElectron spectrumSpectral index: S=2.5-3.0Syn spectrum: =1.7-2.0Hard spectrumHard photons are down-scattered by surrounding plasma CompotonizationConclusionpX-ray: Synchrotron, MeV, ComponizationpRegion: close to ISCO, QPOpCompact: RRgpHigh magnetized, efficient synchrotronpHigh LuminosityThank you



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