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1、ChinesetraditionalfestivalDouble Ninth Festival九月九日忆山东兄弟九月九日忆山东兄弟独在异乡为异客独在异乡为异客每逢佳节倍思亲每逢佳节倍思亲遥知兄弟登高处遥知兄弟登高处遍插茱萸少一人遍插茱萸少一人OnDoubleNinthDayThinkingofMyBrothersatHome IstayaloneasavisitorinaforeigncountryIthinkofmyrelativeswithadoublecare.Iknowfromafartheheightswheremybrothershaveascended(上升上升,登高登高)Wit

2、hdogwoods(茱萸)ontheirheadsbutwithoutmeaccompanied.Double Ninth, Missing My Shandong Brothers Wang Wei , Tang DynastyOriginOne day a man named Huan Jing believed that a monster bringing pestilence(瘟疫) was coming. He told his countrymen to hide on a hill while he went to defeat the monster. Later, peop

3、le celebrated Huan Jings defeat of the monster(怪物) on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month.The9thdayofthe9thlunarmonth Yin阴阴Yang阳阳6999=久久久久=foreverChong Yang. Yang means masculine(阳刚) and positive;The number nine is regarded as yang The ninth day of the ninth month is a double yang daySo ,the luna

4、r calendar on September 9, is the traditional Double Ninth Festivalgo to the mountainwatchchrysanthemum eat cakes drink wine wear zhuyu send love to the old 老人节老人节Number nine is the largest number, with the meaning of longevity. The Double Ninth Festival is called as “Old People Festival “in 1989. T

5、he chrysanthemum has the meaning of the longevity, and enjoying the chrysanthemum is an important part of Double Ninth Festival, therefore, Double Ninth Festival is called as “Chrysanthemum Festival”. ClimbingmountainsClimbingmountainsOne of most important custom on Double Ninth Festival is climbing

6、. Therefore the Double Ninth Festival calls “the climb up festival”. Certainly, people climbing mountain is not only climbing, but also watching the red leaves and the wild flowers, drinking wine and eating the meat. This makes hiking and picnic together.The featured drink on The Double Ninth Festiv

7、al is chrysanthemum wine. It is said ,it can dispel the disaster.据说驱邪驱邪chrysanthemum wine吃重阳糕吃重阳糕The featured food on The Double Ninth Festival is the double-ninth cake. In the north, it is more popular than the south. DoubleNinthCakecake=gaoChrysanthemum(菊花菊花)different kinds of foodOn double ninth

8、festival people also like to wear the chrysanthemum. 茱萸雅号“辟邪翁”,菊花又名“延寿客”。 插茱萸插茱萸The The double ninth festival has double ninth festival has wears zhuyus custom, wears zhuyus custom, therefore is called “the zhuyu therefore is called “the zhuyu festival”. The zhuyu is double festival”. The zhuyu is d

9、ouble ninth festivals important ninth festivals important symbol. The people thought symbol. The people thought that inserts the zhuyu in double that inserts the zhuyu in double ninth festival this day to be ninth festival this day to be possible to seek asylum the possible to seek asylum the disapp

10、earing disasterdisappearing disaster 重阳节有佩茱萸重阳节有佩茱萸zhyzhy的风俗,因此又被称为的风俗,因此又被称为“ “茱萸节茱萸节” ”。茱萸是重阳节的重要标志。茱萸是重阳节的重要标志。人们认为在重阳节这一天插茱萸人们认为在重阳节这一天插茱萸可以避难消灾。可以避难消灾。vThe Double Ninth Festival is also a time when chrysanthemum blooms. China boasts diversified species of chrysanthemum and people have loved them since ancient times. So enjoying the flourishing chrysanthemum also becomes a key activity on this festival.Thank you !



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