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1、waswas: is和am的过去式werewere: are的过去式diddid: do的过去式wentwent: go的过去式表示在过去时间发生的动作或者状态,或者是过去所具备的能力和性格。表示过去过去时间的词例如yesterday昨天the day before yesterday前天last week/month/year 上周/上月/去年in 1949 在1949年on May 4th, 1989 在1989年5月4号其他.肯定句:主语+was/were+其他 例如: I was thin at that time.否定句:主语+wasnt/werent+其他 例如: I wasnt

2、thin at that time.一般疑问句:was/were+主语+其他 例如: Were you thin at that time? 肯定回答: Yes, I was. 否定回答: No, I wasnt.特殊疑问句:疑问词+was/were+主语+其他? 例如:How was she yesterday?be动词的句法结构:am/is-was are-were肯定句:主语+动词过去式动词过去式+其他 例如: I went to school yesterday.否定句:主语+didnt+动词原形+其他 例如: I didnt go to school yesterday.一般疑问句:

3、Did+主语+动词原形+其他 例如: Did you go to school yesterday? 肯定回答: Yes, I did. 否定回答: No, I didnt.特殊疑问句:疑问词+did+主语+其他? 例如:What did you do yesterday? Where did you go yesterday?实义动词的句法结构:动词变过去式规则:1. 一般情况加ed:比如work-worked2. 以不发音的e结尾,词尾加d:比如live-lived3. 以辅音+y结尾,变y为i再加ed:比如study-studied4. 以重读辅元辅结构结尾,双写词尾辅音再加ed: 比如

4、stop-stopped5. 以ic结尾的动词,词尾加ked: 比如picnic-picnicked6. 不规则: 比如have-had, go-went,read-read,buy-bought, take-took,eat-ate,ride-rode等一、写出下列单词的过去式1. have_ 6.see_2.read_ 7.sleep_3.clean_ 8.wash_4.stay_ 9.drink_5.go_ 10.are_hadreadcleanedstayedwentsawsleptwasheddrankwere二、选出每组中不同类的一项( )1. A. washed B.slept

5、C.watches D. stayed( )2. A. last week B.yesterday C. today D. last night( )3. A. am B. was C. is D. are( )4. A. long B. younger C. shorter D. smaller( )5. A. Monday B. last C.Sunday D. Saturday C CC CB BA AB B三、选择题( )1. Did you do _else? A. something B. anything C. some ( )2. I _TV last night. A. wa

6、tched B. watches C. watch( )3. -_ was your holiday? -It was fine. A. What B. Why C. How( )4. Did you_ your clothes yesterday? A. washes B. washes C. wash( )5. -Did you stay at home yesterday? -Yes, I_. A. did B. didnt C. doB BA AC CC CA A( )6. Lisa_busy last weekend. A. is B. was C. are( )7. What _y

7、ou _yesterday? A. did;do B. did; did C. do;do( )8. Did you_ swimming last Sunday? A. went B. goes C. go( )9. He didnt_the room yesterday. A. clean B. claened C. cleans( )10. -What did Tom do last night? -He_TV. A. saw B. watched C. watchB BA AC CA AB B四.从B栏中选择与A栏相对应的句子。A. How was your holiday?B. Wha

8、t did you do?C. Did you stay at home?D. Was it interesting?E. What are you going to do tomorrow?1. Yes, I did.2. Yes, it was.3. I am going to go fishing.4. It was good.5. I watched TV.五、给下列图片选择合适的短语( )1. washed my clothes( )2. went fishing( )3. went to the park( )4. read a book( )5. made the bedBCAD

9、E六、用所给词的正确形式填空1. Tom is _(tall) than me.2. -What did you do last night? - I_(read)a book.3. My mother _(have) a cold yesterday.4. Wu Yifan_(wash) the clothes last night.5.How_(heavy) are you?6. I am_(old) than you tallerreadhadhadheavyolder七、选择句子补全对话A:1._B: It was good.A: 2._B: I stayed at home and did my homework.3._A: I was very busy, but I was happy.B:4._A: I visited my grandparents with my parents.B:5._A: By bus.BEADC八、阅读短文,给图片排序12345八、阅读短文,选择答案CACBBTHANK YOU欢迎各位老师指导



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