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1、如何教小诗一、小诗教学的现状二、小诗教学的目的三、小诗教学的主要步骤四、小诗教学课例分析一、小诗教学的现状1. 目的不明确 1)只停留在表层的愉悦层面 2)仅仅作为提高兴趣的手段2. 方法单一(听录音机或教师跟读)二、小诗教学的目的1. 提高兴趣2. 巩固单词和语法(a happy family, point, . )3. 语音学习 1)连读和失去爆破 2)弱读和同化 3)语调和节奏 三、小诗教学的主要步骤1. 通过图画介绍小诗所描述的内容,学习相关词汇;2. 通过游戏等活动巩固词汇和句型;3.听录音理解小诗大意;(a happy family)4. 教师通过提问等方式,帮助学生进一步理解和记

2、忆小诗;5. 学生分组练习小诗;6.表演;7. 仿编小诗。四. 小诗教学课例分析Dad and CatDad, dad, dad, Dad, dad, dad,The cat is fat, Look at the cat.Fat, fat, fat, Its a fat cat,The cat is bad. Its a bad cat.1. 教师出示Lets chant 的挂图,图中有一张爸爸的图,一张胖猫和一张碰倒杯子的猫的图,用看图问答的方式复习或学习小诗中的单词,引导学生理解小诗含义。 T: Whats this? Ps: Cat. T: You read it, please. P

3、s: Cat. T: Is it fat or thin? (教师可用动作演示) Ps: Fat. T: Fat. So its a fat. Ps: A fat cat. T: Good! Read it again. 练习,检测。T: Look at the picture. Is the cat good or bad?(教师用手势)Ps: Bad.T: Yes. So its a .Ps: A bad cat. T: Right. Try again.Ps: A bad cat.T: Its a fat cat. Its a bad cat. 2. 适当延伸,练习a+形容词+名词的构成

4、方法。 如: a fat dog/pig/cow. a thin chick/horse. a bad wolf/fox/. a good rabbit/3. 用图画将每句小诗的内容表示出来与文字相配,并将小诗打乱顺序,如: fat,fat,fat, (三张表示胖的图画) Dad, Dad, Dad, ( 三张爸爸的图画) The cat is bad. (一只摔坏杯子的猫) The cat is fat. (一只胖猫)4. 学生听音,理解小诗大意,然后将其按正确顺序排列。5. 让学生边看挂图边跟读小诗,注意这首小诗中发音相似的这几个词的读音和辨别。如:cat, fat, dad, bad.6

5、. 将学生分成四人小组,做接龙游戏,熟记小诗。7. 请各组学生轮流表演。8. 教师让学生发挥想象,仿编小诗。Lets chant.I Am, I CanIm a peacock,I can dance.Im a bird,I can fly.Im a fish,I can swim.Im a rabbit,I can jump. 1. 通过“I say, you do”的游戏复习所学动词,包括小诗中出现的动词和仿编中所需动词,如 drive, jump, fly, swim, sing, dance, run, act, laugh, climb, sit, stand, sleep 等。2.

6、 通过“Look and say” 的游戏复习动物类单词,包括小诗中出现的和仿编中所需的动物类单词,如peacock, bird, fish, rabbit, duck, monkey,frog, wold, fox, elephant 等。3. 教师提出问题: T:Who can dance? Who can fly? Who can swim? Who can jump? 4. 教师将多种动物卡片贴在黑板上,学生听录音,将小诗中所提到的动物按出现的正确顺序排列。 peacock monkey fish rabbit goose bird ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )5.

7、学生再听小诗,将动物与他们能做的事配对 peacock bird fish rabbit ( 图片图片) dance run jump swim sing fly climb6. 将有配图的小诗打乱顺序,学生再听录音,并按正确顺序排列7. 教师再放一次Lets chant 的录音,让学生边听边表演。8. 把学生分为peacock, bird, fish, rabbit 四大组,练习小诗。9. 学生两人组,根据前面所复习动词和动物类单词仿编小诗。10. 教师请几位同学上台表演,其它同学跟着录音为表演者朗读。 小诗是学生在理解的基础上,在“听听做做”的过程中学会的,而非“教”会的。 Clap, Y

8、ou and I I clap one,You clap one, You and I clap one, one, one.I clap two,You clap two,You and I clap two, two, two.I clap five,You clap five, You and I clap five, five, five. 1. 如已学过,用做练习,复习2. 如是新内容,要有一个学习过程 1,2,3,4,5(点数,唱歌,排球,击掌) you I (point, 相反动作)Apple, apple,a round apple.Apple, apple, a red ap

9、ple.Apple, apple, A juicy apple. Apple, apple, a sweet apple.Apple, apple, I like you. Apple, apple, I like to eat.Apple round, apple red, apple juicy ,apple sweet, apple apple I love you, apple sweet I love to eat. 小诗试教Lets chant I have a ruler.Me too! I have a pencil. Me too! I have a crayon. Me t

10、oo! I have an eraser. Me too!Lets chant Jump!Jump!Jump! One, two, three! Jump!Jump!Jump! Three,two, one! Four and five!Four and Five! Jump up high! Jump up high! Five! Four! Three, two, one! Jump!Jump!Its so fun! 大小声Simon says五问猜人十个问题Manuscript Form 1. Arrangement writing the title leaving the margi

11、ns paragraphing capitalizing dividing wordsHow to standardize the titles?1. my first visit to the palace museum.2. the people without a country. 3. rules to abide by.4. dickens and david copperfield.5. what can the artist do in the world of today.6. what reform means to china.7. the English-speaking

12、 people in Quebec. 2. Word Division3. Capitalization4. HandwritingPunctuationPunctuate the following sentences1. After eating the child left the table2. Inside the dog was growling3. What do you think I mend for nothing and give you two dollars4. Happily he died5. Dr. Johnson our family doctor cannot come today谢谢观赏



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