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1、Integrated skills Unit 7International charitiesWorld Wide Fund for NatureIt can protect the wildlife, nature and environment. UNICEFIt works to provide children with food, house, medicine and education.It can help poor families and children. ORBIS It works to help people who are unable to see. Oxfam

2、 It can make our world become fair.ORBISOxfamUNICEFWorld VisionWorld Wide Fund for Nature奥比斯奥比斯乐施会乐施会联合国世界儿童基金会联合国世界儿童基金会世界宣明会世界宣明会世界自然基金会世界自然基金会Charities around the world Help! I want to be healthy!Water, please!Food, please!War, when will you go away? We need a better world! UNICEFIt works to prov

3、ide children with food, house, medicine and education.联合国儿童基金会合国儿童基金会( United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund;简称称UNICEF),),1946年年12月月11日日在在联合国大会合国大会上成立。上成立。联合国儿童基金会的合国儿童基金会的总部部设在在美国美国纽约,对发展中国家的母展中国家的母亲和孩子和孩子进行行长期的人道主期的人道主义和和发展援助。作展援助。作为一个志愿性的一个志愿性的基金机构,基金机构,联合国儿童基金会依靠政府和私人的合国儿童基金会依靠政府

4、和私人的捐助。他的捐助。他的项目着重于提高社区服目着重于提高社区服务水平,以提水平,以提高儿童的健康。高儿童的健康。联合国儿童基金会在合国儿童基金会在1965年年获得得了了诺贝尔和平和平奖。 A The work of UNICFA1 Daniel has found some information about UNICF. Read it with him.UNICEF is part of the United Nations. It was set up in Europe in 1946, after World War II. At that time, many children

5、s lives were changed because of the war, and UNICEF wanted to help them. Now UNICEF works in over 190 countries and areas. It helps governments, communities andfamilies make the world a better place for children.A2 Daniel is listening to a radio programme about UNICEF. Help him put the sentences in

6、the correct order. Write the numbers 1-5 in the boxes.UNICEF provides basic education for poor children in many countries. It helps them go to school.UNICEF provides clean water and food. It wants all children to be healthy.You can help by donating money or working as a volunteer.UNICEF raises money

7、 by selling Christmas cards and organizing other activities .UNICEF works all over the world.32541A3 Mr. Wu asked the students to write a report on UNICEF. First, he gave them some questions to help them organize their ideas. Help Daniel answer the questions with the information in Parts A1 and A2.1

8、.What is UNICEF?2. When was UNICEF set up?It is part of the United Nations.It was set up in 1946.3. Why was UNICEF set up?4. Where does UNICEF work?5. What does UNICEF do to help?6. How does UNICEF raise money?Many childrens lives were changed because of the war, and UNICEF wanted to help them. It w

9、orks in over 190 countries and areas. It provides clean water and food and basic education for poor children in many countries By selling Christmas cards and organizing other activities .A4 Daniel is writing the report on UNICEF.Complete his report with the information on page 101. then listen to Da

10、niel and check your answers.UNICEF is part of_. It was set up in Europe in_, after_. At that time, many _were changed because of the war, and UNICEF wanted to help them. Now UNICEF works in over _It helps governments, _andthe United Nations1946World War IIchildrens lives190 countries munitiesUNICEF

11、wants all children to be _, so it provides them with _ and food, and tries to prevent them from getting illnesses. UNICEF also believes that it is important for children to receive _ , so it helpsthem go to school.UNICEF raises money by_and organizing other activities. People can support it by donat

12、ing money or working as volunteers.healthyclean waterbasic educationselling Christmas cardfamilies make the world _for children.a better placeB Speak up: Ive got toothacheA boy goes to a health centre of UNICEF. He is talking to the doctor. Work in pairs and ask your partner about his or her problem

13、. Use the conversation below a model.Doctor: You look pale. Whats the matter?Boy: I dont feel well. Ive got toothache. It hurts.Doctor: How long have you felt like this?Boy: For about two days.Doctor: OK. Open your mouth and let me have a check. . Well, its nothing serious. Take this medicine after meals three times a day. Youll be all right in a few days.Boy: OK. Thanks.Homework Search more information on UNICEF, and share with your classmates.



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