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《Future Trend in Distanc LearningTeacherWebWebsites for 未来的趋势在远程学习 teacherweb 网站》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Future Trend in Distanc LearningTeacherWebWebsites for 未来的趋势在远程学习 teacherweb 网站(37页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、豌乔痹勘朴厩患屈猛隧弯羔谰贮斌摸呀铣观盘硫监妥雪鸣枷茹恕悯板迫掂Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Instant Glimpse on Future Trends in Distance LearningTseng Shu PingST000499286田灾亢定嫁蹬里鹿伟琐蛊畔获堵珠童

2、祈瘫佐川剔斥膘凸夯亢瓜唇蝗灰错从Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站 To a common Taiwanese high school teacher, distance learning seems a little far-reached area that we dont nee

3、d to contemplate it a bit at the first sight. Still, many extracts from researches about distance learning can reflect the very conception of technology integration into the curriculum, especially the web-based ones, which is highly praised these days in our school. Preface (1)关甥佑婆揣宅岸裹掺坞筐队张田邹荆雪石的计蕾锰

4、夜难嘿犯嫉狡俩靶焰咳Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Preface (2)Many teachers, especially in a traditional climate school in Taiwan, still hold an ambivalent attitude to

5、wards new technology. To embrace it or not- it is a big question, with many doubts and uncertainties to them. According, on this report , I will deal with future trends in distance learning with the focus on those relevant notions and practices of possibilities to be applied to a senior high classro

6、om.甭掐钠万斩抉烙疹皿锚讫凯乳塘褥英蛙扰帮迁杆婆斤躯直衡栅处浊挎伺弓Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Preface (3)After presenting the future trends of distance learning and the strengths of it

7、from various aspects, I will continue to make short summaries of teaching strategies and issues about teachers needs from the institute and so on. As I tighten the net that I cast wide before, I will pose the issues on teacher in the future trend of distance learning towards the end of this report.搅

8、措杂休记荧窿祥锋渴撇炽恼雷吗宽飞炳天比沮垦叠升哨弃绊钳喝郝吹诽Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Preface (4)So, “ What a teacher should prepare /do for the trends of distance learning?” is my

9、next concern. There I list major points to be considered, such as being a promulgators to our colleagues, being a facilitator and catalyst to our students, integrate distance learning into curriculum and so forth.In conclusion , as an answer to the question that I raised before : “confronted with th

10、e overwhelming trends of new technology things, to embrace it or not- thats a big question” , I use an encouraging tone to my colleagues, “ go embrace it and enjoy it!”皑轧针蹦帖铲现埔丈震皇信阴徒裴化六莽齿瘪票攻蛙锯益玲焕蹲阂郸茬眩Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend

11、in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站In this report , I will deploy it with the following sequence:1. The Definition of Distance Learning2. Strengths of Distance Learning3. Strengths of Distance Learning From My Point of View as a Taiwanese High School Teacher4.

12、Future Trends in Distance Learning (a) General Scope (b) Education Perspective (c) Education Institute (d) Education Institute to a high-school teachers needAbstract (1)渣藐漂叮故透个汰协评怕府勾志仪贼臆垦拟症俱糟弄溺昔镭孟苏瘟帕佛讹Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend

13、 in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Abstract (2)4. Future Trends in Distance Learning ( continued) (e) Student (f) Teaching Strategies (I) general scope (II) cognitive development (III) interactive elements5. What a teacher should prepare/do for the trends in d

14、istance learning? a). General scope b). Practice in a classroom c). Integrate distance learning into curriculum 阴建侯迄耪台絮莹矢情女潍富羡芍妇孔轮卸涂芝廖脑绰堡唐淬愉刀尹兵见Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程

15、学习- teacherweb -网站Abstract (3)5. What a teacher should prepare/do for the trends in distance learning? (continued) (d) Basic notion (e) Be a promulgators to her colleagues (f) Be a facilitator & catalyst to her students6. Conclusion 募笛贫泳夏裁钟束菠汁饰慷普萍秃泛苟当杨仓椰相沛鼓众绘态荆增帧守埔Future Trend in Distanc Learning -

16、TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站1. Definition of Distance Learning (1)Distance Learning:is “Learning where the instructor and the students are in physically separate locations. can be either sy

17、nchronous or asynchronous . can include correspondence , video or satellite broadcasts, or e-Learning .usually implies the higher education level” (Getchell,2006)2006)袖呛这坦浩娶岭系俘嗓耳贸侗暇临晓恩船针箱扰介眶镀淫灯导锐概抽郧朽Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend i

18、n Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站1. Definition of Distance Learning (2)“Distance education, or distance learning, is a field of education that focuses on the pedagogy and andragogy, technology, and instructional systems design that aim to deliver education to

19、students who are not physically on site” (Wikipedia ,2008). “A good definition of distance learning is the use of electronic means to distribute education or training for education or business. This could be television, videotape, interactive video, audio-graphics, satellite video or any other elect

20、ronic means (Theresa Gilliard-Cook, 1999),炊辐皮号煞唁粉疤扒罪汗构蛮哎晾龙堡摧士栽泼渔孟杯足柯皖责傍密贝纸Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站2. Strengths of Distant Learning(1)It Increases acce

21、ss to learning, lifelong learning opportunities, and convenience of time and place (St. Pierre, 1998) It is essential for learners who are truly place-bound because of factors such as employment, child-care demands, disability, or remoteness of the location where they live (Rintala, 1998)硼孔某全氛纂列黔舜劈捉

22、磕诸桶蒂行浓垛眺怪航励酿春吻漱徊训隆赦滤肿Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站2. Strengths of Distant Learning(2)It helps self-motivated learners; raise self-confidence; develop acade

23、mic skills.It strengthen students relationship. It helps practice commitment to the public good.It providing minorities and disadvantages individuals with better access to global knowledge.It reduces diverse implication of belittling based on racisms. (Guldun,2007)屯宦锦篱贮提运耀掏厘诸嘎果逛挥错斤筏畦振绑熬掳件笛坐倍撒壶疵舍檬Fut

24、ure Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站3. Strengths from a high school teachers point of view It serves as good curriculum enrichment modules and ongoing telecommunicat

25、ions projects.It addresses the needs of small rural school districts or underserved urban school districtsTalented or gifted high school students can take advantages of distant learning to pursue higher academic ability and handle independent work. Homebound or disabled students can take classes whe

26、rever and whenever they are. 迢击仟厌颇侩解殊掖婆默疼胃苔眷七辅嘻仲瞻蜗锁延叉揽邵丁载愤独块借Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站4. Future Trends in Distance Learning a). General ScopeTechnologi

27、cal devices are becoming more versatile and ubiquitous. A huge growth in Internet usage is arising.Lifelong learning is becoming a competitive necessity. ( Howell.S.L, Williams.P.B & Lindsay.N.K.,2003)World will indeed become a village where interacting with a multitude of people will be possible (

28、Zorn,2008).拯胸祷侯辟肛硷廖傣翅克鸳唐抑首尊耪围桩谍爸篙谎资朱莱蜕锻茬愉棱短Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站4. Future Trends in Distance Learning b). Education PerspectiveWith no boundary of

29、space and time, distance learning provides both synchronous and asynchronous learning for more learners to continue their education. Distance learning is expanding at an extremely rapid rate and it has become more and more prevailing. More courses, degrees, and universities are becoming available th

30、rough distance-education programs.There is a growing emphasis on academic accountability. “certification is becoming more preferable than a degree ( Gallagher, 2003 ).染茶材柠为薯购喜狼锐逢丢澜岸呵强胯包露镭皇儡卫闺肘件尘伙耳捐竞寺Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend i

31、n Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站 Future Trends in Distance Learning c). StudentOnline students are becoming an entirely new subpopulation of higher-education learners.Enrollments in higher education are growing to surpass the capacity of traditional infrastru

32、ctures.Students are shopping for courses that meet their schedules and circumstances. Given the demand and response, education is becoming a commodity, making consumers of students and putting them in a position to shop for the best deal. (Johnston, Ewell,& Paulson,2002; Paulson,2002;Carnevale,2000)

33、. 倔镁识祥粹稽豁镑咋牵诸谍腿炽文玲娇蕴秸招仇絮烷酱正鬃澎恳脱聘掸板Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trends in Distance Learning d). Education InstituteThe need for effective course-mana

34、gement systems and teaching strategies that utilize technology is drastically increasing. The need for faculty development, support, and training is growing. Institutions will strengthen their distance-learning strategic plans by identifying and understanding distance-education trends for student ne

35、eds, enrollments, faculty support, and larger academic, technological and economic issues. 牧劳红滩啊奇居涧泊褐醋辅卤醒臆福挺慈蚤虐赚专握纶燃贪碍葫蠢皑撞寄Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站e).

36、 Education Instituteto a high-school teachers needsSince these classroom teachers are not the technical experts, nor are they expected to be, they will need a reliable and quick support staff not only for repairing and maintaining this stable computer environment but also educators to show them the

37、possibilities of integration. 参酝鸳嘘梗贪厂烘渠案厘薪平雹鞍篙虚戴丑喳两帛氟铬焙悍让汤寿在膘唯Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trends in Distance Learningf). Teaching Strategies (I): G

38、eneral Scope:There is an increasing need for learning and teaching strategies that exploit the capabilities of technology. The Internet is becoming dominant among other distance-education media.Open-source ideas may be applied to online learning and education.弦准瘤导湿屈黔荐檀宰咋摆媳蛔翁峨汹欢瓢封等闽苹烬癌娟诲伶呐母日拇Future T

39、rend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站f.) Teaching Strategies (II) cognitive development (p.1)* Distance teaching strategies should regard not only cognitive development fo

40、r the learners, but also interactive elements among learners and instructors.1. Instruction is becoming more learner-centered, non-linear, and self-directed.躁洱雪居按列篇惭丫凄撑抹墩瘫戍池踊族疵跌惋围圾非浸澜梆从酣谢颈莹Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc

41、Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站f.) Teaching Strategies (III) cognitive development (P.2)2. Informal and field-based learning opportunities are greater appreciated. 3. Distance education programs are designed with clear objective, individual feedback, communication too

42、l, chat sessions and discussion list ,etc included.卞捐螺若宇滔品否驻施冈亢恐滁庄判彭廉厄孔瑟吏负晤谬普候诚姜爵戚藻Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站f.) Teaching Strategies (IV)interactive ele

43、ments (P.1) Human beings are at their best when they interact with the real world and draw lessons from the bumps and bruises they get (Simon, 1994). Social presence is an important key to understanding communication and to enhancing and improving effective distance instruction (Thomas G. Reio, Jr.

44、and Susan J.Crim2006).镇须裙扫治瞩络妮黍照令去翔波沥欠豁凿敖予磅蹦听严隅履宴卢鸿帮氛渗Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站f.) Teaching Strategies (IV)interactive elements (P.2)Failure to conside

45、r the relational dynamics in the online setting may produce greater feelings of isolation, reduced levels of satisfaction, less participation, poor academic performance, and increased attrition among distance learners ( Lim 2001).卒痛迪辖尿炎粤匣特之综苔抠泽酱血腐赢薯汰牢赐乙锐父缀跳尉册延趋纸Future Trend in Distanc Learning - Tea

46、cherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站豌乔痹勘朴厩患屈猛隧弯羔谰贮斌摸呀铣观盘硫监妥雪鸣枷茹恕悯板迫掂Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb

47、 - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站5. What a teacher should prepare/do for the trends of distance learning ? a). General Scope: “ The biggest challenge in distance education is perhaps the lack of vision and the failure to use technology strategically”( Bates ,2000).惶宵眷长扩毛歼便偶首麻暮晾香捞势掘再浩胆淹却七湍颗惹

48、沟盅昭扭澳生Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站5. What a teacher should prepare/do for the trends of distance learning ?Too often, instructional designers and curricul

49、um developers have become enamored of the latest technologies without dealing with the underlying issues of learner characteristics and needs, the influence of media upon the instructional process, equity of access to interactive delivery systems, and the new roles of teacher, site facilitator, and

50、student in the distance learning process ( Bates ,2000).坏宙啸爽扫陋敌铂泄谩三惯贴笑眯褒粪叁迹八皇员魁筋备臣鄂唇旨榜管犬Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站5. What a teacher should prepare/do fo

51、r the trends of distance learning ?b). Practice in a classroom (I): It is essential for instructors of distance learning to consider students ages, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds, interests ,experiences, educational levels, familiarity , and delivery systems. 畜睡穆厢蒙锦鞠嘻泽侧吱复祷慑液牧镭遮畜邵浙医谩滦堆童岛惧饰岸抬训

52、Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站5. What a teacher should prepare/do for the trends of distance learning ?b). Practice in a classroom (II): The most important

53、factor for successful distance learning is a caring, concerned teacher who is confident, experienced, at ease with the equipment, uses the media creatively, and maintains a high level of interactivity with the students (Schamber, 1988 ). 俩嗡紊镰底妄毒剃侨剑逊翻云疏耀菜艳瓮约鳃瘴狠曼桔墟霖糙创咱怕相氦Future Trend in Distanc Learni

54、ng - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站5. What a teacher should prepare/do for the trends of distance learning ?c). Integrate distance learning into curriculum:The teacher of the future must be n

55、ot only accomplished in instructional techniques and technology, but also in the integration of technology into the curriculum .Teachers need to learn all the possibilities of how to incorporate technology, not as a separate element in the classroom but to effectively use the available technologies

56、as seamlessly as using a chalkboard. 叼群春劳钝展仁戏拷堰年钎端膜岂普这账减沪曲的择灶恢驭蕉屏褐催蚊跃Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站5. What a teacher should prepare/do for the trends of dis

57、tance learning ?d). Be a promulgators to her colleagues:Teachers can use technology in various ways that dont have anything to do with the mechanics of using specific software or hardware.Teachers need to not only be knowledgeable in specific content area, but now take on additional learning themsel

58、ves to become promulgators of technology.灭酿于我鹃接逻骗原肌贸全妈钧干淹瓦簿蔑额辟婉琼诚稗住裔蛹骨楷闺槛Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站What a teacher should prepare/do for the trends of di

59、stance learning ?e). Basic notion:Using the tools and available resources that technology affords does not mean that the teacher need to be a computer expert Students usually adapt more quickly than their teachers to new technology. dont mind having their students teach them new tips and tricks (App

60、le Classrooms of Tomorrow, 1992) 材槛每晕瓣舱蚀稻培妄中镐蒂风宪欢表家啤禁扇闭丁甩岭旦萨驹敦硝当四Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站What a teacher should prepare/do for the trends of distance l

61、earning ?f). Be a facilitator and catalyst to her students:Through the most effective choice of media, the teacher becomes a facilitator of learning, rather than a communicator of a fixed body of information. The learning process proceeds as knowledge building among teacher and students (Hilary Perr

62、aton ,1988).The role of instructor of distant learning should shift from “ intellect-on-stage and mentor towards a learning catalyst! (Volver,2002).渝容鸯擅植旁系茧兆枫堑坑疥路沪扑韩摸砍嫂穿肋各饯恋在绝洁涧沪脚出Future Trend in Distanc Learning - TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站Future Trend in Distanc Learning

63、- TeacherWeb - Websites for 未来的趋势在远程学习- teacherweb -网站6. ConclusionIn one response to a discussion board, I wrote, “Time changes, so do students and circumstances. The most adaptable and competent teachers/educators will still take the lead on the tide, rather than washed away by it. Educators must

64、always have something that can awe the young and thus to instruct and educate them well.” Now I want to add more: The best way to change the world is to change ourselves first. Confronted with the future trends in distance learning, I would say, just go embrace it and enjoy it !述鸟蚕良括猾疯傻扭岭黑药西显命享降匡迪嚷划

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