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1、Lesson3Pleasesendmeacard请给我寄一张明信片 Reviewuntil outsideringauntrepeat1 send send v.寄,送2 postcard pustk:d n.明信片3 spoil spil v.使索然无味,损坏4 museummju:zim n.博物馆5 public pblik a.公共的6 friendly frendli a.友好的7 waiter weit n.服务员,招待员8 lend lend v.借给9 decision disin n.决定10 whole hul a.整个的11 single sigl a.唯一的,单一的 R

2、eviewsend postcardspoilmuseumpublicfriendlywaiterlenddecisionwholesingleListentothetapeandthinkaboutthesequestionsHowmanycardsdidthewritersend?Whatdidhethinkabouteveryday?Didhewriteanycardsornot?usend/send/1)sendsth.tosb./sendsb.sthsendaletter寄信八上U3-SA类似的用法还有give,take,pass,read,sell.3a-P152)send/tak

3、echildrentoschoolsend/take区别:take强调某人亲自送;send则是通过第三人去送,如美国的校车。例如:Tomsfathersendshimtoschooleveryday.Marytookhersontoschoolyesterday.链 接 新 目 标八上U3-SA3a-P15与与send搭配的常用短语搭配的常用短语send for 召唤,派人去叫召唤,派人去叫 Did you send for a taxi? 你刚才叫出租车了吗?你刚才叫出租车了吗?send out 发出,发送发出,发送 遣送,解雇遣送,解雇send back 归还归还 send in 提交提交

4、 派遣派遣send up 发射,使发射,使.上升上升Postcard always spoil my holidays.Last summer, I went to Italy.l visited museums and sat in public gardens.spoilv.损坏,破坏(主要指精神上)过去式,过去分词:spoiledorspoiltDontlethimspoilyournightThebadweatherspoiledmymindv.宠坏,溺爱Heisaspoiledchild.public/p blik/1)应该:publicschool/place/house(pub酒

5、吧)2)反义词:private3)短语:inprivate私下里的-inpublic公开的例如:Whynothaveaconversationinpublic?Wearegoodfriendsinprivate.链 接 新 目 标八下U7P58-S2AfriendlywaitertaughtmeafewwordsofItalian.Thenhelentmeabook.lend1)过去式,过去分词:lentlent2)lend/borrow区别借出:lend;lendsth.tosb=lendsb.sth.例如:Afriendlywaiterlentabooktome.借进:borrow;bor

6、rowsth.fromsb.例如:IborrowedabikefromTed.friendly / frendlI/ adj.友好的1)构词法:名词 friend+ly 构成形容词;类似的词:lovely, fatherly, brotherly2)反义词:unfriendly3)短语:in a friendly way 例如:They talked each other in a friendly way.be friendly to sb. 例如:Mr. Lee is very friendly to us .Ireadafewlines,butIdidnotunderstandaword

7、.EverydayIthoughtaboutpostcards.1)postcard=card2)ID card身份证 credit card信用卡 cash card现金卡 namecard / visiting card名片例如:Here is my name card.Ireadafewlines,butIdidnotunderstandaword.EverydayIthoughtaboutpostcards.think about 考虑,思考 例如:Are you still thinking about the movie?think of 考虑,想起 例如:What do you

8、think of my new car?think over 仔细考虑 例如:Please thinke over what Ive said.think out 想出,想通 例如:At last we thought out the answer of the question.AfriendlywaitertaughtmeafewwordsofItalian.Thenhelentmeabook.lend1)过去式,过去分词:lentlent2)lend/borrow区别借出:lend;lendsth.tosb=lendsb.sth.例如:Afriendlywaiterlentabookto

9、me.借进:borrow;borrowsth.fromsb.例如:IborrowedabikefromTed.各种卡片的英文说法birthdaycard生日卡Christmascard圣诞卡New-Yearcard新年卡Identitycard身份证preferentialcard优惠卡studentcard学生证scorecard积分卡membershipcard会员卡intelligencecardIC智能卡entrycard入境卡Postcard always spoil my holidays.l visited museums and sat in public gardens.Af

10、riendlywaitertaughtmeafew.Thenhe.Ireadafewlines,butIdidnotunderstandaword.EverydayIthoughtaboutpostcards.Postcard always spoil my holidays.l visited museums and sat in public gardens.Afriendlywaitertaughtmeafew.Thenhe.Ireadafewlines,butIdidnotunderstandaword.EverydayIthoughtaboutpostcards.Postcard a

11、lways spoil my holidays.l visited museums and .Afriendlywaitertaughtmeafew.Thenhe.Ireadafewlines,butaword.On the last day I made a big decision.I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards.I spent the whole day in my room,but I did not write a single card!spent v. 用,花销用,花销 spend sth on sth / on doin

12、g sth spend 300 yuan on a new TV-set spend much time on sports I spend 10 years to learn English well.single /sgl/1)唯一的,单一的:反义词唯一的,单一的:反义词 double例如:例如:There wasnt a single bus in the stree2)未婚的,独身的:反义词未婚的,独身的:反义词 married 已婚的已婚的例如:例如:She is stll single now.链 接 新 目 标八上U9-ShelfCheck2-P58.decision /dIsI

13、VEn/ n.决定1)make a big/great decision=make decisions=make up ones mind例如:Today I made a big decision.2)v. decide decide to do sth.例如:I decided to buy a new car.decide / make up oned mind 区别decide 指经过考虑对疑难问题、争端等做出决断,含有下决心取舍的意思。Decide 后常接动词不定式和从句。例如:The boy decided to become a sailor.They couldnt decid

14、e what they should do next.make up ones mind 指毫不犹豫的做出决定,意味着“打定主意,下定决心”。Make upones mind 后常接动词不定式,一般不接从句。例如:Hes made up his mind to be a doctor.Ive made up my mind to buy a new car.whole / hEul/ adj.整个的whole / all 区别whole 和 all 都有“全部的”意思,但其用法有区别:1)whole 和 all 都可用在表示整体的单数名词之前,但限定词的位置不同all+限定词+单数名词;限定词

15、+whole+单数名词例如:The whole dity are busy cleaning the streets.All the city are busy cleaning the streets.2)whole 和 all 可接复数名词,结构也有所不同all+限定词+复数名词;the whole of+复数名词例如:All the students are here.The whole of the students went to the cinema.3)whole 一般不能修饰不可数名词或物质名词。修饰复数名词时,一般其前有数量词。而all能用于各种情况例如:Tom drank

16、all the water in the bottle.My father will stay in bed for three whole days.关于花费的多种方法:1)spend 多用于人作主语,后接金钱或时间。sb. spend 时间 地点 例如:I spend my weekend at my mothers.sb. spend 时间 (in) doing sth. 例如:He spent two hour (in) finishing his work.sb. spend 时间 on sth. 例如:Tom have spent a day on his homework.链 接

17、新 目 标七下U9-SB3a-P57;2)pay 常与 for 连用,表示“付款”sb. pay sm. for sth.例如:How much should I pay for these books?You will have to pay for what you have done.链 接新 目 标七下U2-SA1a-P7;3)cost 常用物作主语,表“价值或花费多少钱”。sth. cost sb. sm.例如:This computer game costs me 30 yuan.How much does the apple cost?链 接新 目 标八下U8Shelf Chec

18、kP65;4)take 常用于 It takes (took) sb. sometime to do sth.句型中例如:It often takes hime half an hour to go to school by bike every day.It will take us a long time to finish the work.链 接新 目 标八上U2-SA2d-P20; Postcards always _ my holidays. Last summer, I went to _. I _ museums and sat in _ gardens. A _ waiter

19、 taught me a few words of _. Then he _ me a book. I read a _ lines, but I did not _ a word. Every day I _ _ my postcards. My holidays passed _, but I did not _ cards to my friends. _ the last day I _ a big _. I got up _ and _ thirty-seven cards. I _ the _ day in my room, _ I did not write a _ card!s

20、poilItalyvisitedpublicfriendlyItalianlentfewunderstandthoughtaboutquicklysendOnmadedecisionearlyboughtspentwholebutsingle1.Its nice of you to _ so much time showing me around your school. (2010 安徽)A. take B. spend C. cost D. have 答案:2.How much does the ticket _ from Shanghai to Beijing? (2010 兰州)A.

21、cost B. took C. spend D. pay 答案:3.Are your shoes expensive? No. I only _ five dollars on them. (2009 成都)A. used B.cost C. spent D. / 答案:4.I paid ¥25 _ the beef, and I only got a little. (2009 沈阳)A. for B. on C. in D. to 答案:BACA5.How much money did you _ in fixing your watch? About ten Yuan. (2008 贵阳

22、)A. cost B. pay C. spend D. / 答案:6.How much does the train ticket _ from Harbin to Beijing? (2008 齐齐哈尔)A. cost B. spend C. pay D. / 答案:7.Do you often get online?Yes. I _ lots of time on it. Its a good way to kill time. (2008 厦门)A. cost B. spend C. take D. pay 答案:8.What a nice model ship!Thank you. I

23、 _ me three days to make it. (2008 福州)A. paid B. spent C. took D. wasted 答案:CABC9.She spends much time _ Englsih everyday. (2008 呼和浩特)A. read B. reading C. to read D. have read 答案:10.The funny toy monkey _ Sandy five dollars. (2008 成都)A. cost B. spent C. uesd D. paid 答案:BA中考链接:1.In 2003, Shenzhou V

24、made China the third nation to _ a man into space. (2004 怀化)A. send B. lend C. give D. see 答案:2.Usually John _ to school in his fathers beautiful car. (2010 河南)A. has taken B. is taking C. is taken D. has been taken 答案:AC中考链接:1.Is it polite to speak and laugh loudly _? No, I dont think so. (2009 山西)

25、A. in public B. at least C. on time D. / 答案:A中考链接:1.Bob, may I _ your MP4?Sure. But youd better not _ it to others. (2007 福州)A. lend, lend B. lend, borrow C. borrow, borrow D. borrow, lend 答案:2.He _ me his pen a moment ago. (2004 河南)A. gave B. bought C. lent D. borrowed 答案:DC3.Can I _ your textbook?

26、 I left mine at home.Here you are. Do you remember to bring it eith you next time. (2009 太原)A. borrow B. lend C. keep D. / 答案:4.Mike didnt get wet because his teacher _ him an umbrella. (2009 广东)A. lent B. discovered C. borrowed D. taught 答案:AA中考链接:1.How many of these books have you read? _ of them.

27、 Every one. (2005 江西)A. Many B. Some C.All D. None 答案:B1.Firm = company2. a great number of / a great many of / a great amount of3. go / travel / study / live / abroad4. find + 宾语+ 宾语补足语 find the trip exciting5. has never been abroad / has gone to 现在完成时1.spoil the pleasure / child 2. public gardens

28、/ park / private gardens3. friendly / brotherly/ fatherly/ lovely/ lively / motherly4. a few words of Italian / have a word with sb.5. think about / think of / think over6. decide / make a decision / make up ones mind7. spend / cost / take / pay , spend the night / holidays8. single = even one 9. lend sb. sth. = lend sth. to sb. / borrow sb.sth. = borrow sth. from sb.



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