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1、会考辅导练习题会考辅导练习题 22012.1223. -Oh, I _ your camera. Is it all right if I bring it to you tomorrow. -All right. A. forget B. have forgottenC. forgotD. had forgotten24. Whats the matter with Jack? He said he would give my car back, but he _. A. hasnt B. doesnt C. wouldnt D. hadnt25. -Flight 102 to London

2、 _ until 7:30 tomorrow morning. -No wonder theres so much dissatisfaction from the passengers. A. has been delayed B. has delayedC. had been delayed D. had delayedCAA27. The museum which _ will be open to visitors soon. The work is almost finished. A. has rebuiltB. has been rebuilt C. is rebuilding

3、D. is being built28. -Can I have the table by the window? -Sorry, sir. It _ . A. will bookB. will be booked C. has bookedD. has been booked29. Tom sent me an e-mail, _ to get further information on e-shopping. A. hoped B. hoping C. to hope D. hope DDB30. Programmes, _ to bring the old and the young

4、together, are growing in popularity all over the world. A.designed B. to be designed C. designingD. having designed31. Shirley stood in the empty room, _ so lonely for the first time. A. felt B. feelingC. to feelD. having felt32. -Do you regret _ up your well-paid job, Mrs. Lee? -No. Now I have more

5、 time to stay with my daughter. A. to giveB. giving C. givenD. to have givenABB34. When asked why he went there, he said he was sent there _ for a space flight. A. training B. being trainedC. to have trained D. to be trained35. Be quiet _ you will wake the whole house! A. orB. andC. soD. but36. Jane

6、 didnt get to the airport on time, _ she missed the plane. A. butB. forC. so D. or37. This book teaches us how to analyze _ is causing the stress in our life. A. whatB. whenC. whyD. how DACA38. -Do you know what time youll be back this evening, Eric? -Im not sure. It depends on _ the interview lasts

7、. A. when B. whatC. how longD. how much39. A great cheer went up _ the first goal was scored. A. beforeB. whenC. unlessD. though40. The man in front of me came to _ a sudden stop _ I almost ran into him. A. such; thatB. such; asC. so; that D. so; as CBA41. Martin drove along for more than one hour _

8、 he found a convenient parking place. A. after B. onceC. until D. since42. _ you worked late yesterday, you neednt have come this morning. A. As B. ThoughC. OnceD. Unless 43. _ you have learned to respect others, you will find it easy to be respected. A. AlthoughB. Once C. BeforeD. While CAB45. Move

9、 the plants to a south-facing window, _ they can absorb daytime heat. A. whereB. whenC. whichD. that46. I was surprised by what she said, _ made me recognize what silly mistakes I had made. A. whichB. thatC. whatD. who47. Im sure that you will love our bookshop, _ you can find some good novels in si

10、mple English. A. whichB. whoC. whereD. whenAAC48. Mary received training in business English for three months, _ she found a job in a big foreign firm. A. after that B. after whichC. after itD. after when49. _ I explained on the phone, your request will be considered at the next meeting. A. WhichB.

11、ThatC. WhatD. As 50. I admire Stephen Hawking greatly, _ theory about black holes has a great effect on astronomy. A. whose B. who C. which D. whatBDA26. This kind of chocolate cakes were so delicious that they _ out in no time. A. soldB. had sold C. were sold D. had been sold 33. The rise of oil pr

12、ices made scientists search for new energy resources _ oil. A. replaceB. replacing C. to replaceD. replaced44. You will be late for school _ you hurry up. A. if B. since C. unlessD. whenCCC二班: 刘洋 丁瑜伟 陈爽 罗浩云 胥辛格 林禹志 王宇豪 李成汉 三班: 乔桥 暴宇 王昱棋 许海榕 朱丹江 张鑫辰 李思琪 张静钰请用bonus, fee, income, money, reward, salary,

13、 wage这些与钱有关的词填空。1. People always say that cant buy you happiness.2. After working for 12 months, Jenny got a large cash for making the company a lot of money.3. What is your monthly ? I know its rude to ask but I earn only $1000 a month and I think its too little.4. Tim gets paid an hourly of $ 20 f

14、or working in the supermarket.moneybonussalarywage5. The old lady is offering a of $ 50 to anyone who finds her cat for her!6. Lawyers charge higher than doctors. They even charge people if they think about them in the shower!7. My parents both work and our family is about $ 4000 per month.rewardfee

15、s incometake charge of set an example offer to do sth. consult sb. about sth. rather than at all times make out go into details speak up sit up the instant/moment/minute junior high challenge sb. to do sth. keep up with work out take a deep breath without doubt instead of as before respond to on one

16、s own in case (of) due to 一一 核心词汇:核心词汇:根据例句归纳所给词汇的用法。1. charge课文原句:课文原句:Lawyers charge higher fees than doctors. They even charge people if they think about them in the shower!They charge a heavy tax on imported wine. 词性:_ 结构:_词意:_How much do you charge for a double room? 词性:_ 结构:_词意:_They tried to

17、charge me $80 for a room for a night! 词性:_ 结构:_词意:_He was charged with stealing the jewels. 词性:_ 结构:_词意:_v.v.v.v.charge sthcharge forcharge+双宾语双宾语charge with sb要价;收费;所取要价;收费;所取指控,控告某人指控,控告某人要价;收费;所取要价;收费;所取要价;收费;所取要价;收费;所取Is there any charge for having the goods delivered? 词性:_ 结构:_词意:_The faulty pa

18、rt was replaced free of charge. 词性:_ 结构:_词意:_Id like to speak to the person in charge. 词性:_ 结构:_词意:_Students nurses should not be left alone in charge of hospital wards. 词性:_ 结构:_词意:_She took charge of the family business when her father died. 词性:_ 结构:_词意:_The company is in / under my charge while t

19、he director is away.词性:_ 结构:_词意:_n.n.n.n.n.n.the charge forfree of chargethe person in chargein charge oftake charge ofbe in / under ones charge由某人负责由某人负责负责,掌管,照管负责,掌管,照管负责,掌管,照管负责,掌管,照管负责人负责人免费免费的价钱,费用的价钱,费用完成句子完成句子那个警察说他来看管这支枪。你们公司的行政工作由谁负责? 希尔顿饭店每天收费多少? The policeman said he would take charge of

20、the gun. Who is in charge of the administration of your company? What is the charge for a day at the Hilton Hotel? 2. consider课文原句:课文原句:You must consider improving your computer skills. He paused to consider the situation. 词性:_ 结构:_词意:_Im considering changing my job. 词性:_ 结构:_词意:_Weve decided to mov

21、e but are still considering where to go to. 词性:_ 结构:_词意:_If you consider that shes only been studying English for six months, she speaks it very well. 词性:_ 结构:_词意:_I consider it useless discussing the matter with them. 词性:_ 结构:_词意:_We should consider the buildings to be / as an ensemble. 词性:_ 结构:_词意

22、:_v.v.v.v.v.v.consider sthconsider doing sthconsider+wh考虑考虑consider that考虑到,顾及考虑到,顾及主主+consider+it+adj.认为认为consideras把把认为,认为,看做看做考虑某考虑某 事事考虑做某事考虑做某事完成句子完成句子我们将考虑你的建议。我认为他是我最好的朋友。他们认为有必要释放这些奴隶。我们应考虑下一步该怎么办。Well consider your proposal.I consider him ( to be/ as ) my best friend.They consider it necess

23、ary to set the slaves free.We should consider what to do next.3. approach课文原句:课文原句:Good job candidates must show a flexible approach to problems.The approach of winter brings cold weather. 词性:_ 结构:_词意:_All approaches to the town were blocked. 词性:_ 结构:_词意:_I strongly recommended this approach. 词性:_ 结

24、构:_词意:_Silently we approached the enemys camp. 词性:_ 结构:_词意:_There are several ways of approaching this problem. 词性:_ 结构:_词意:_v.v.n.n.n.the approach ofapproach torecommend the approachapproach sth.approach the problem的走近;靠近,接近的走近;靠近,接近的通路,入口的通路,入口推荐这个方法推荐这个方法走近;靠近,接近走近;靠近,接近对付,处理对付,处理二二 重点短语重点短语1. ma

25、ke up课文原句:课文原句:Make up information about yourself.make up: 编造;形成,构成;补上;化妆编造;形成,构成;补上;化妆与与make相关的短语总结相关的短语总结make sb. do sth. sb. be made to do sth. make up ones mind to domake the most / best use ofmake a decisionmake a contribution tomake it要求某人做某事要求某人做某事让某人做某事让某人做某事下决心下决心充分利用充分利用做决定做决定对对做出贡献做出贡献取得成

26、功;做成取得成功;做成2. pay off课文原句:This paid off because she won an award for the report.与pay相关的短语总结pay offpay forpay back得到回报得到回报付款,偿还付款,偿还回报,回报, 偿还偿还四四 精美段落精美段落 奔驰公司首席技师赵郁的故事鼓舞了成千上万人。当他首次进入公司的时候,没人关注他的存在因为他只是一个普通工人(existence)。但是他的好奇心及对知识的渴求使他不久突显出来。例如,当他遇到一些技术问题时,他会毫不迟疑地请教老工人(hesitate, consult)。另外(in addit

27、ion),他总是一个积极的参与者。例如,为了响应公司的号召(in response to),他经常参与各种技术比拼。由于他的勤奋(due to),他的努力终究有了回报(pay off)。现在他已经成为解决各种技术问题的专家并且多次获奖(reward)。赵郁的故事告诉我们平常人也能创造奇迹。The story of Zhaoyu, the chief technician in Benz company, inspires millions. When he first entered the company, nobody cared about his existence because h

28、e was only an ordinary worker. But his curiosity and thirst for knowledge soon made him stand out among others, for example, when he came across some technical problems, he would never hesitate to consult the older workers. In addition, he was always an active participant. For example, in response t

29、o the call of the company, he often took part in various technical competitions. Due to his hard work, his efforts eventually paid off. Now he has become an expert in solving various technical problems and has received rewards many times. Zhao Yus story tells us ordinary people can also create miracles.



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