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1、Module 3Interpersonal RelationshipsFriendship 第一板块重点单词第一板块重点单词1. amount n. 数量数量v. 合计合计; 达到达到; (在意义、价值等各方面在意义、价值等各方面)等同等同(1)a large amount of = large amounts of 许多许多, 大量的大量的a small amount of= small amounts of 少量少量in large amounts 大量地大量地to the amount of 总数达总数达(2)amount to总计总计; 达到达到; 等于等于【误区点拨误区点拨】a la

2、rge/small amount of和和large/small amounts of后后面接不可数名词。面接不可数名词。“a large/small amount of+不可数名词不可数名词”作主语时作主语时, 谓谓语常用单数形式。语常用单数形式。“large/small amounts of+不可数名词不可数名词”作主语时作主语时, 谓谓语常用复数形式。语常用复数形式。【即时训练即时训练】完成句子完成句子To decrease _ and to protectthe environment, more governments are requiringpeople to recycle m

3、aterials.为了减少垃圾的数量以及保护环境为了减少垃圾的数量以及保护环境, 越来越多的政府越来越多的政府正在要求人们回收利用材料。正在要求人们回收利用材料。the amount of rubbishWhen an annual leave allowance(补助补助) amounts _only five weeks, there is a need to spread this acrossthe year. (填空填空)to2. raise vt. 筹措筹措(金钱金钱); 提高提高; 饲养饲养; 抚养抚养; 提出提出; 举起举起; 引起引起raise ones hand/eyes

4、举手举手/举目举目raise money/funds筹措资金筹措资金raise ones voice 提高嗓音提高嗓音raise sb. s spirits 鼓起某人的勇气鼓起某人的勇气raise cattle/children 饲养牛饲养牛/抚养孩子抚养孩子raise a question 提出问题提出问题【即时训练即时训练】写出黑体部分的含义写出黑体部分的含义Raised in the poorest area of Glasgow, he had a long,hard road to becoming a football star. ( )When the music finishe

5、d, I asked them all to raisetheir heads slowly so that we could share our musicaljourneys. ( )抚养抚养举起举起, 抬起抬起语境填词语境填词When he _ about how to_ to_, he _.当他提出关于怎样筹集大量的钱养活那些可怜的当他提出关于怎样筹集大量的钱养活那些可怜的孩子这个问题时孩子这个问题时, 他提高了嗓音。他提高了嗓音。raised the questionraise a large amount of moneyraise the poor childrenraised

6、his voice3. regret v. & n. 后悔后悔, 悔恨悔恨; 遗憾遗憾; 抱歉抱歉(1)regret to do sth. 对要做的事或要说的话感到抱歉对要做的事或要说的话感到抱歉regret(doing/having done)sth. 后悔后悔(做了做了)某事某事regret that. . . 很遗憾很遗憾(委婉地表示不能做某事委婉地表示不能做某事)(2)with great/deep regret非常遗憾地非常遗憾地(much)to ones regret令某人令某人(非常非常)遗憾遗憾/后悔的是后悔的是【即时训练即时训练】单句语法填空单句语法填空Jerry did n

7、ot regret _(give) the comment butfelt that he could have expressed it differently. 完成句子完成句子People review the past _.人们很遗憾地回顾过去。人们很遗憾地回顾过去。givingwith great regretI _ him that he had been dismissed. To my surprise, he said to me, “I _. Ionly _ the wrong job. ”我遗憾地告诉他他被解雇了。使我惊讶的是我遗憾地告诉他他被解雇了。使我惊讶的是, 他对

8、我他对我说说“我没有什么遗憾。我唯一后悔的是选错了工作。我没有什么遗憾。我唯一后悔的是选错了工作。”regretted to tellhave no regretregret having taken【知识拓展知识拓展】regret后面既可接动词不定式也可接动词后面既可接动词不定式也可接动词-ing形式形式, 但意思不同但意思不同, 有此用法的其他的动词和动词短有此用法的其他的动词和动词短语语: remember/forget to do记住记住/忘记去做忘记去做, remember/forget doing/ having done记得记得/忘记曾经做过忘记曾经做过; try to do尽力

9、去做尽力去做, try doing试着做试着做; stop to do停下来去做停下来去做, stop doing sth. 停止正在做的事停止正在做的事情情; mean to do打算做打算做, mean doing意味着做某事意味着做某事; go on to do接下来做另一件事接下来做另一件事, go on doing继续做原来继续做原来做的事情做的事情; cant help (to) do不能帮助做某事不能帮助做某事, cant help doing禁不禁不住做某事等。住做某事等。 4. forgive(forgave; forgiven) v. 原谅原谅, 饶恕饶恕, 宽恕宽恕for

10、give sb. sth. 原谅某人某事原谅某人某事forgive sb. for(doing)sth. 原谅某人原谅某人(做做)某事某事【即时训练即时训练】单句语法填空单句语法填空Such a person may _(forgive) if he is late, but not those who are deliberately late to createimpression. Dont forget _(forgive) yourself. be forgivento forgive【知识拓展知识拓展】forgive可以用于可以用于forgive sb. for(doing)sth

11、. , 有此用法的有此用法的其他动词其他动词: blame sb. for sth. 因某事而责备某人因某事而责备某人scold sb. for sth. 因某事而责骂某人因某事而责骂某人punish sb. for sth. 因某事而惩罚某人因某事而惩罚某人praise sb. for sth. 因某事而表扬某人因某事而表扬某人第二板块常考短语句式第二板块常考短语句式1. burst out 突然发生突然发生, 突然突然起来起来; 突然激动地说突然激动地说burstv. (使某物使某物)爆炸爆炸; 胀破胀破; 爆破爆破burst out +v. -ing=burst into +n. 突然突

12、然起来起来burst in突然闯进来突然闯进来【即时训练即时训练】(2015全国卷全国卷)When I handed him the gift card,saying he could use it for whatever his family mightneed, he burst into tears. (句型转换句型转换)When I handed him the gift card, saying he could use it for whatever his family might need, he_. burst out crying完成句子完成句子The police _

13、and arrested the man who wastaking drugs.警察突然闯进来警察突然闯进来, 逮捕了正在吸毒的那个人。逮捕了正在吸毒的那个人。burst in2. in return 作为交换作为交换; 作为回报作为回报in return for. . . 作为对作为对的报答的报答on ones return 某人一回来某人一回来in turn 依次依次; 反过来反过来【即时训练即时训练】完成句子完成句子_, she received a sense of satisfaction andfulfillment.作为回报作为回报, 她得到了满足感和成就感。她得到了满足感和成

14、就感。We find comfort in giving care and receiving care in return.译译: _In return在给予关心和作为回报的被关心中我们得到安慰。在给予关心和作为回报的被关心中我们得到安慰。3. It _ impossible to find my daughter_.要是没有老友重聚网站的帮助要是没有老友重聚网站的帮助, 我就不可能找到我的我就不可能找到我的女儿。女儿。would have beenwithout the help of Friends Reunited(1)由由without构成的介词短语表示含蓄条件构成的介词短语表示含蓄

15、条件, 相当于相当于if引引导的虚拟条件句导的虚拟条件句, 如果该短语表示与过去事实相反的情如果该短语表示与过去事实相反的情况况, 句子的谓语动词用句子的谓语动词用would/could/might have done。如果与现在事实相反如果与现在事实相反, 句子的谓语用句子的谓语用would/could/might+动词原形。动词原形。(2)除了除了without外外, 表示含蓄条件的还有表示含蓄条件的还有but for, otherwise, or, but等。等。【即时训练即时训练】完成句子完成句子Without his wartime experiences, Hemingway_ h

16、is famous novel A Farewellto Arms.如果海明威没有战争经历的话如果海明威没有战争经历的话, 他就不会写出著名的他就不会写出著名的小说小说永别了永别了, 武器武器。wouldnt have writtenWithout wandering minds, we _relativity, Coke or Post-it notes.如果没有幻想如果没有幻想, 我们就不会有相对论、可口可乐和我们就不会有相对论、可口可乐和便利贴。便利贴。But for the safety belt _.假若没有安全带假若没有安全带, 我就活不到今天了。我就活不到今天了。wouldnt

17、haveI wouldnt be alive today【要点拾遗要点拾遗】1. keep in touch 保持联系保持联系be in touch with. . . 和和有联系有联系(状态状态)be out of touch with. . . 和和失去联系失去联系(状态状态)get in touch with. . . 和和取得联系取得联系(动作动作)lose touch with. . . 和和失去联系失去联系(动作动作)【误区点拨误区点拨】keep/be in touch with和和be out of touch with表示状态表示状态, 可以与时间段连用可以与时间段连用; ge

18、t in touch with/lose touch with表表示动作示动作, 一般不能与时间段连用。一般不能与时间段连用。【即时训练即时训练】完成句子完成句子If I succeed in applying for it, first and foremost, Ill_ the poor children frequently bywriting letters, emails or meeting face to face.如果我申请到这份工作如果我申请到这份工作, 首先首先, 通过写信、发电子邮通过写信、发电子邮件或者面对面和那些贫穷的孩子交流件或者面对面和那些贫穷的孩子交流, 我会

19、经常和他我会经常和他们保持联系。们保持联系。keep in touch withDont assume it is OK to be rude if the person youare _ wont recognize you.如果和你有联系的人不会认出你如果和你有联系的人不会认出你, 不要认为粗鲁待他不要认为粗鲁待他是正确的。是正确的。in touch withI have been _ Tom, one of my classmates, for many years but I have _many other classmates.我和我的一位同学汤姆保持联系很多年了我和我的一位同学汤

20、姆保持联系很多年了, 但是我与但是我与许多其他同学失去了联系。许多其他同学失去了联系。in touch withlost touch with2. mention v. 提到提到, 涉及涉及; 说起说起, 谈到谈到 n. 论及论及, 提及提及mention doing sth. 提到做某事提到做某事mention sth. to sb. 向某人提到某事向某人提到某事Dont mention it. 不客气。不客气。not to mentionwithout mentioning更不用说更不用说, 更谈不上更谈不上【即时训练即时训练】单句语法填空单句语法填空As _(mention) in th

21、e passage, Lucy needsto test more elephant groups. On the one hand, the automatic temperature-controlling system _(mention) above canadjust the water temperature. mentionedmentioned句式升级句式升级From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion. Examination is necessary but its method should be improved. 用同位语从句合并上面两个句子用同位语从句合并上面两个句子: _. From what has been mentioned above, we can come tothe conclusion that examination is necessary but itsmethod should be improved



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