三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Is this your pencil A|译林版

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《三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Is this your pencil A|译林版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Is this your pencil A|译林版(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit3Is this your pencil?IntroduceLook! Whats this? Its a book.Is this an English book? Yes!Whats this?ItsIs this? Wordspencil /pensl/名词,意为“铅笔”。复数:pencils。短语:a pencil 一支铅笔。小练习:给图片选择正确的英文意思。_A. pen B.pencilBExpressionsisnt = is not意为“不是”。课文应用:No, it isnt小练习:( )Is this your book? No,it _. A.isnt B.isA

2、. 与no相对应应有not.Apencil case意为“文具盒”。eg:There is not a rubber in my pencil case. 我的铅笔盒里没有一块橡皮。小练习:( )My rubber is in my _. A.pencil B.pencil caseBExpressionsExpressionsIs this / that your pencil? 这/那是你的铅笔吗?句型结构:问句:Is this / that your + 物品名称 ? 答语:Yes, it is ./ No, it isnt.这是由is引导的一般疑问句。小练习:( )值日生Mary在地上

3、捡到了一支钢笔,Mary想找到它的主人,于是她问Mike:_A.Is this your pen, Mike? B.This is your pen, Mike.A. 询问物品的归属应用Is this / that your + 物品名称 ?这一句型结构。ExpressionsIs this / that your pencil? 这/那是你的铅笔吗?AExpressionsOh, thats my pencil. 哦,那是我的铅笔。句型结构:This / That is my + 物品名称.意为“这/那是我的”。注意此句中的物品名称要用单数形式。小练习:()当你想给朋友介绍你的卧室时,你应该

4、说:_ A.This is my bed. And that is my desk. B.It is my bed.It is my desk.A. 向别人介绍自己的物品的句型是:This / That is my + 物品名称.ADialogue Is this your pencil? No,it isnt. Is that your pencil? Yes,it is. Is this? No,it isnt. Is that ? Yes,it is. Story time 故事时间Expand趣味文具的介绍 随着生活水平与消费能力的大幅度提升,人们(无论是孩子还是大人)在学习中寻找乐趣

5、的意识已经被唤醒,这使得人们对趣味文具的需求也在短时间内飙升,如水果味的橡皮、奶油味的圆珠笔、带荧光粉的蜡笔、卡通胶带等。我们在选用这些趣味文具时,一定要注意他们的安全性和实用性。SummaryOh, thats my pencil. Is this / that your pencil? pencilisnt = is notpencil caseExercise找出对应的译文( )1. Is this your pencil?A:它是你的铅笔吗?B:它是你的铅笔。( )2. Thats my pencil.A它是铅笔。B那是我的铅笔。( )3. No, it isnt.A是,是的。B不,不是。( )4. This isnt my pencil.A这是我的铅笔。B这不是我的铅笔。BBBAExercise选出合适的句子。( ) 1. A.Thank you. B.Its a pen. Whats that ? BIs this your pencil ? ( ) 2. A. Look, my pen. B. Yes, it is.BExerciseHomeworkMake a conversation about“This is”



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