湖北省北大附中武汉为明实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section B课件 新版人教新目标版

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湖北省北大附中武汉为明实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section B课件 新版人教新目标版_第1页
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湖北省北大附中武汉为明实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section B课件 新版人教新目标版_第2页
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湖北省北大附中武汉为明实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section B课件 新版人教新目标版_第3页
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湖北省北大附中武汉为明实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section B课件 新版人教新目标版_第4页
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湖北省北大附中武汉为明实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section B课件 新版人教新目标版_第5页
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《湖北省北大附中武汉为明实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section B课件 新版人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《湖北省北大附中武汉为明实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section B课件 新版人教新目标版(57页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 9Have you ever been to a museum?_the Terracotta Army _ the Great Wall _the Birds Nest _ the Palace Museum1a. Match the pictures with the names.cadb_ Have you visited the Palace Museum? _ Have you been to the Great Wall? _ Have you been to the Birds Nest? _ Have you seen the Terracotta Army?_ Ha

2、ve you tried Chinese food?1b. Listen to a student interviewing a foreign student. Check ( ) th questions you hear. Name:_Country:_How long in China:_Places visited:_ _ _Food: _1c. Listen again and take notes.Peter AustraliaFor two weeksthe Palace Museum; the Great Wall; the Birds Nest;the Terracotta

3、 Army;Beijing Duck1d. What places have you been to? Ask your partner.Have you visited . ? Have you been to ? Have you seen ? Have you tried ?A: Have you visited Xian ?B: Yes, I went there last summer.A: Have you been to the Terracotta Army ? B: Of course. It was fantastic.A: Have you seen ? A: Have

4、you tried ?France: ParisThe United States:New YorkAustralia: SydneyRussia: MoscowWhat do you know about the country?United KingdomFranceWhat do you know about the country?ItalyWhat do you know about the country?ChinaWhat do you know about the country?AmericaWhat do you know about the country?JapanWh

5、at do you know about the country?What do you know about the country?Australia2a. What do you know or want to know about Singapore? Discuss it with your group.What do you know about Singapore? Things Ihave knownThe new things to me Place PopulationLanguageFoodPlaces of interestWeatherSoutheast Asia s

6、outheast wonderful population quarter fear excellent Night SafariNew words and expressions东南部东南部; 东南的东南的极好的极好的人口人口四分之一四分之一害怕害怕, 担心担心卓越的卓越的夜间野生动物园夜间野生动物园 environment natural temperature equator whenever spring autumn season awake type环境环境自然的自然的;自然界的自然界的温度温度赤道赤道无论何时无论何时春天春天秋天秋天季节季节醒着的醒着的类型类型在东南亚在东南亚度假

7、胜地度假胜地超过四分之三的超过四分之三的练习英语的好地方练习英语的好地方中国以外中国以外(的地方的地方)担心担心来自中国的食物来自中国的食物不费劲找到米饭不费劲找到米饭觉得勇敢觉得勇敢一个绝好的地方一个绝好的地方in Southeast Asiaa wonderful place to take a holidaymore than three quarters ofa good place to practice Englishoutside of China fear thatfood from Chinanot have any problem finding ricefeel brav

8、ean excellent place尝试新食物尝试新食物西餐西餐夜间野生动物园夜间野生动物园似乎很奇怪似乎很奇怪天黑天黑在白天在白天如此特殊如此特殊醒来醒来做某事的最好时间做某事的最好时间一个更自然的环境一个更自然的环境try new foodwestern foodNight Safariseem strange Its dark.during the daytimeso specialwake up Its the best time to do.a more natural environment一个普通的动物园一个普通的动物园几乎相同几乎相同一年到头一年到头靠近赤道靠近赤道离离不太远

9、不太远a normal zooalmost the sameall year roundbe close to the equatorbe not too far from2b. Read the article. How many reasons can you find for visiting Singapore?Making NotesAfter reading, write down three or more things you have learned. We always remember things better if we take time to reflect.Ha

10、ve you ever been to Singapore? For thousands of tourists from China, this small island in Southeast Asia is a wonderful and safe place to take a holiday. On the one hand, more than three quarters of the population are Chinese, so you can simply speak Putonghua a lot of the time. On the other hand, S

11、ingapore is an English-speaking country, so its also a good place to practice your English!Singapore A Place You Will Never Forget!东南亚东南亚四分之三四分之三人口人口对于很多中国人来说对于很多中国人来说, ,这个东南亚的小岛这个东南亚的小岛是个非常棒的度假胜地。是个非常棒的度假胜地。Have you ever tried Chinese food outside of China? Maybe you fear that you wont be able to f

12、ind anything good to eat when you travel. In Singapore, however, youll find a lot of food from China; you wont have any problem getting rice, noodles or dumplings. Singapore is also an excellent place to try new food. Whether you like Indian food, Western food or Japanese food, youll find it all in

13、Singapore!也许你会担心人在国外也许你会担心人在国外找不到可以吃的东西。找不到可以吃的东西。担心担心精彩的精彩的, ,优秀的优秀的Most large cities have zoos, but have you ever been to a zoo at night? Singapore has a Night Safari. It might seem strange to go to a zoo when its dark. However, if you go to see lions, tigers or foxes during the daytime, theyll pr

14、obably be asleep! A lot of animals only wake up at night, so this is the best time to watch them. At the Night Safari, you can watch these animals in a more natural environment than in a normal zoo.夜间野生动物园夜间野生动物园但是如果你白天去参观过动物园但是如果你白天去参观过动物园, ,你就会发现这个动物你就会发现这个动物园是多么地特别。园是多么地特别。天色晚的天色晚的, ,黑暗的黑暗的狐狸狐狸睡着

15、的睡着的环境环境One great thing about Singapore is that the temperature is almost the same all year round. This is because the island is so close to the equator. So you can choose to go whenever you like spring, summer, autumn or winter. And, of course, its not too far from China!一整年一整年温度温度几乎几乎赤道赤道无论何时无论何时1

16、.Where is Singapore?2. What languages do people speak in Singapore?3.What kinds of food can we eat in Singapore?It is in Southeast Asia.(para1)Chinese and English.(para1) Chinese/Indian/western/Japanese food.(para2)4. What is the best time to watch animals ? Why?5. Why is the temperature almost the

17、same all year round?At night. Because a lot of animals only wake up at night.Because the island is so close to the equator.(para4)(para3)1. Most people in Singapore only speak English.2. It is not easy to get many different kinds of good food in Singapore.3. It is better to see lions and tigers duri

18、ng the daytime because they will probably be awake.4. It is best to visit Singapore in the autumn.2c. The statements below are false. Use information from the article to correct them.1. Most people in Singapore speak Chinese.2. It is easy to get many different kinds of good food in Singapore.3. It i

19、s better to see lions and tigers during the night because they will probably be awake.4. You can visit Singapore all year round.Correct Answers.A: Im going to Singapore next week. _ you ever _ there before?B: Yes, Ive _ to Singapore many times. Its my favorite country in _ Asia.A: What languages do

20、people _there?B: Mostly Chinese and_ .A: What about the food? Is it good?2d. Fill in the conversation about Singapore using the information from the article.Have beenbeenSoutheast speakEnglish B: Its excellent! _ you ever tried Indian food? Indian food is really good in Singapore.A: I see. Have you

21、_ heard of the Night Safari? Someone told me to go there.B: Yes! I _ been to the Night Safari. It was really exciting to _ the animals in the dark.A: And is it always_ in Singapore?B: All _ round! Its always summer there!Have everhaveseehotyearseem的用法的用法“好像、似乎好像、似乎” , 其后加形容词。其后加形容词。He seems unhappy

22、today.他今天好像不高兴。他今天好像不高兴。She seems sad.她似乎很伤心。她似乎很伤心。Explanation 1) seem +(to be) +n. They seem (to be) doctors. 他们好像是医生。他们好像是医生。2) seem +(to be) +介词介词 It seems like years since I last saw Mr. Green. 从上次遇到格林先生从上次遇到格林先生, 好像与过了许多年。好像与过了许多年。3) seem to do something. He seems to be happy. 他好像很高兴。他好像很高兴。 M

23、y mother seemed to know that. 我妈妈好像知道那件事。我妈妈好像知道那件事。 4) It seems that + 从句从句 It seems that he is happy. = He seems (to be) happy. 他好像很快乐。他好像很快乐。Complete the word map with the words from the reading.names of places China, Singapore, Southeast Asia, zoo, Night Safarilions, tigers, foxes After You Read

24、animalsseasons summer, spring, autumn, winterChinese, Putonghua, Englishrice, noodles, dumplings, Indian/Western/Japanese foodlanguageskinds of food1. Singapore has a special zoo called _. 2. A lot of animals _ at night, so this is _ to watch them.3. At the zoo, you can watch lions, tigers, and foxe

25、s in a _than in a normal zoo.the “Night Safari”wake up more natural environment the best timeFill in the blanks: Why is the zoo so special?2e. Make notes about Singapore. Write down anything that you remember. Do not look at the article._3a. Make a list of facts about your hometown or a place you ha

26、ve been to. Think about these topics. Size and location: _Population:_Weather:_History:_Places to visit: _Things to eat : _1. Singapore is an English-speaking country。 新加坡新加坡 是一是一个说英语的个说英语的国家。国家。此处此处English-speaking的的意意思思是是“说英语的说英语的;英语为母语的;使英语为母语的;使用用英语的英语的”,是由是由 English和和speaking两个两个词组词组成,这是成,这是英语中

27、一种英语中一种常常见的形容词构词形式,即:见的形容词构词形式,即:由名词和由名词和 动词动词的的-ing形式组合而成形式组合而成。再如:。再如: grass-eating animals 食食草草动物动物 an apple-picking trip 一一次采摘苹果之旅次采摘苹果之旅a heartwarming story about a boy who saved his mothers life 一一 个个有有关男孩救母的关男孩救母的暧人心靡的故事暧人心靡的故事Language points2. Singapore has a Night Safari.新加坡新加坡有一有一个夜间野个夜间野生

28、生动物动物。safari指在指在丛丛林及原野上的林及原野上的“野野生生动物观赏或动物观赏或狩猎之旅狩猎之旅” a safari park即是指一种可供驾即是指一种可供驾车车游览的游览的“野野生生动物园动物园”。1) wheres Jim? He _ Guilin.2) She _ the park, she will be back in two hours.3) We have _ the bookshop and bought many books.4) My father _ Beijing twice.5) My parents _ Shandong for 10 years.6) -

29、 Jack, I havent seen your brother for a long time. - He _ shanghai on business for two months.has gone tohas gone tobeen tohas been tohave been inhas been in一一 用用have gone to, have been to 或或have been in 填空。填空。1.He _ ever _ (be) to the History Museum several times.2. - _ you ever _ (be) to the zoo?

30、- Yes. I _(go) there last summer. I _ (see) many kinds of animals there.3. - Where is Mr. Wang? - He _ (go) to the library. He wants to borrow some library books.hasbeenHave beenwentsawhas gone二二 用所给词的正确形式填空。用所给词的正确形式填空。4. Rodgers _ (plant) those trees. He _ (do) it the day before yesterday.5. We _

31、(learn) English for more than two years.6. When he _(finish) his work, he _ (ring) me up.didhave learnedfinisheswill ringplanted1. Write a short ad to introduce Qingdao in 2008 to foreign tourists with the information given by the teacher ( places, people, food, places of interests, weather).Homework 2. Write an article to advertise your hometown or a place you have been to. Have you ever tried /seen /been?If you , you will /canYou should One great thing about is



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