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1、2013版七年级英语下册Unit 4 Dont eat in class?Section A (2a-2d)甲吹番便眶真验牟叛疼论纫竣疙桅色塞格末那蛋士咐硷昏抬追瘁肿寻苑绽七年级下册英语UnitSectionA七年级下册英语UnitSectionA1. Dont arrive late for class.2. Dont run in the hallways.3. Dont eat in the classrooms.4. Dont listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways.5. Dont 上课迟到在走廊里听音乐姓齿扶逊大冤纳洽喜氏引

2、泛饺淌赖幽踩拥通穆辗鲤滨豆贰鹤扁项眷奸盖恤七年级下册英语UnitSectionA七年级下册英语UnitSectionA SCHOOL RULES1. Dont arrive late for class. You must be on time.2. Dont run in the hallways.3. Dont eat in the classroom. You must eat in the dining hall.4. Dont listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways.5. Dont fight.1a Write the nu

3、mber of the rule next to the student.2354紫皑泼恒司栖坡股菏呵旨侥搔样五狄酪研莹添驮愉诞孩企蔫登遭份料目怔七年级下册英语UnitSectionA七年级下册英语UnitSectionAPeter _ Amy _Mike _1b Listen. What rules are these students breaking? Write the numbers after the names.234234描蛤拎押抖稼闪砰蠢堪愈昂少娱蹄停谰悟书盒酚础汰板涟骚瞻我往诡膝铺七年级下册英语UnitSectionA七年级下册英语UnitSectionA1c Studen

4、t A is a new student. Students B tells Students A about the rules above.A:What are the rules?B:Well, we cant arrive late for class. We must be on time.到校迟到=be late for class情态动词“必须”+加动词原形准时盐僧接棉禾仰祁菠叶傻贺碉巷袒阴瑞蛰窄靖煮恿耿操拭隶痪坟讯倦鞠训厦七年级下册英语UnitSectionA七年级下册英语UnitSectionA1. 祈使句祈使句是表示请求、命令、叮嘱、号召、是表示请求、命令、叮嘱、号召、劝告

5、等的句子劝告等的句子; 通常省略主语通常省略主语you; 句中谓语句中谓语动词用动词原形动词用动词原形; 句尾一般用降调句尾一般用降调; 祈使句的祈使句的开头是动词原形开头是动词原形。祈使句有祈使句有肯定肯定和和否定否定两种:两种:e.g. Lets go to school! Open the door. Grammar钉弗匿疟褪嗜累瓜酗觉改劲犬挤纱磺腮篇粘酿嚼便拖贾历酸证碗食谅拷乓七年级下册英语UnitSectionA七年级下册英语UnitSectionA Come in, please! 请进!请进! Sit down, please. 请坐。请坐。 Lets go home. 我们回家

6、吧。我们回家吧。 否定否定的祈使句是在动词原形前的祈使句是在动词原形前(即句首即句首)加加Dont. e.g. Dont talk in class! 不要在课常上讲话!不要在课常上讲话! Dont open the window! 别开窗!别开窗! Dont arrive late for school. 上学别迟到上学别迟到 ! Dont smoke! /No smoking ! 别吸烟别吸烟!豆刑伯瀑窖企具华宴厌馁轮疯铃委陇闲仆孙墓咯臼抿窿樟妮埋霸懈航填冶七年级下册英语UnitSectionA七年级下册英语UnitSectionAGrammar祈使句祈使句Example: 肯定祈使句肯定

7、祈使句 否定祈使句否定祈使句1. Sit down.2. Come in.3. Eat at home.4. Open the door.5. Write. Dont sit down.Dont come in .Dont eat at home.Play a gameDont open the door.Dont write. 惨仇措馈鹤簧耿晨忌星伸蛆蘑噬瞥普共钧腺迎孕矿浦茧耳坠笆殴窄姜逮力七年级下册英语UnitSectionA七年级下册英语UnitSectionADont eat in the classroom.Eat in the classroom.(改为否定句)板甫涩佩培矛棱盔挑痕

8、富烹色稗弘傍怖翌痉单拦土秩迅颓糠皖宴非酪大络七年级下册英语UnitSectionA七年级下册英语UnitSectionA1. Sit down.2. Come in.3. Eat at home.Dont sit down.Dont come in.Dont eat at home.1. 把下列祈使句改成否定句把下列祈使句改成否定句Practice:收波阎仆偷根懦讯洪责黎犯毛生眼赵淆势鹃啦痒难弱羹遣豪舟仅眷卿召色七年级下册英语UnitSectionA七年级下册英语UnitSectionA4. Listen to music outside. 5. Do your homework at sch

9、ool.Dont listen to music outside.Dont do your homework at school.哼嫡派倚惧滋亨勺暂寇沮潜砷闭封悍慌蝴屋庐界椎闰舍贰屑埂娃滁砧澜竭七年级下册英语UnitSectionA七年级下册英语UnitSectionA2a Listen. Check the activities Alex and Cindy talk about.Listen. Check the activities Alex and Cindy talk about. .ActivityActivity1._ listen to music in the classro

10、oms or 1._ listen to music in the classrooms or hallwayshallwayscancancantcant2._ listen to music in the music room2._ listen to music in the music roomcancancantcant3._ listen to music outside 3._ listen to music outside cancancantcant4._ eat in the classroom4._ eat in the classroomcancancantcant5.

11、_ eat in the dinning room5._ eat in the dinning roomcancancantcant6._ eat outside6._ eat outsidecancancantcant7._ wear a hat7._ wear a hatcancancantcant8._ fight8._ fightcancancantcant没肪轻戳豺桌选菩钱皆侧彻哦翠攀态洲娜这电布爪肚随句馆挞宽拂温婆熊七年级下册英语UnitSectionA七年级下册英语UnitSectionA2b Listen again. Can Alanand Cindy do these ac

12、tivities? Circle “can” or “cant” above.厄坎卯企百藐耍抄拍筋阀历衡耿贞愤寐越毙苟睹瑟内蛋衍谐饼俩辽造杂斩七年级下册英语UnitSectionA七年级下册英语UnitSectionAA: Can we arrive late for class?B: No, we cant. We cant arrive late for class.Dont arrive late for class.李豢惦触但暑辆凛僻方铸认皂屹鞘价狼蒜柬堡蔫缠桔虱缀柜据荷胳谰昭箩七年级下册英语UnitSectionA七年级下册英语UnitSectionA.A: Can we run i

13、n the hallways?B: No, we cant. We cant run in the hallways.Dont run in the hallways.肖溃涉兼悲洗蔗都典羌柑宏蹈醚冷础荒导篙墓中谐姚难涩兜员昧污幽轨娇七年级下册英语UnitSectionA七年级下册英语UnitSectionA Can we play it in the classrooms? No, we cant .But we can play it outside.(在外面)在外面)Dont play sports in the classrooms.遍栽企残噶解骚渊妄雍鹏超与咆维鞍断订尔骤厕爸殃蒜屉晒鸳

14、席岁书轿桐七年级下册英语UnitSectionA七年级下册英语UnitSectionA2d Role-play the conversation.John: Hi, my names John. Its my first day at school.Alice: Hi, John. Im Alice. This is a great school, but there are a lot of rules.John: Really? What are some of the rules?Alice: Well, dont be late for the class. This is very

15、important. John: OK, so we must be on time. Can we bring music players to school?桨女灶臻杯隔右韩筹欲苗憨烃烂急乐增贯乖象因龟阳函脑搜顷茸允流勒吗七年级下册英语UnitSectionA七年级下册英语UnitSectionAAlice: No, we cant. And we always have to wear the school uniform.John: I see.Alice: Oh, and we also have to be quiet in the library.剔作回矣薄弛奶诡坦诣悯赚贿坞打陆

16、颗渤约喻水仑恕菜焚樊蹄绢笋速效辣七年级下册英语UnitSectionA七年级下册英语UnitSectionAoutside 在外面,外面的在外面,外面的wear 穿,戴穿,戴important重要的重要的bring 带来,取来带来,取来uniform 校服,制服校服,制服quiet 安静安静鬼凋戚仕准眉只讥四摹阶绰蜒御毫啮缚称杆狠彻册项题洪靡贴总碎饱武忿七年级下册英语UnitSectionA七年级下册英语UnitSectionA1. late, dont, for school, arrive 2. music, listen to, in the classroom, dont 3. eat, cant, in the classroom, we Dont arrive late for school.Dont listen to music in the classroom.We cant eat in the classroom. Form sentences. 组句组句 烹脯喀陨盔陈僚良染且士氢备魔群促图蝉嚣伯髓侮取考琅靶卖牡费钞硼蝎七年级下册英语UnitSectionA七年级下册英语UnitSectionA



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