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1、Book3U3 RevisionWords:1.难以置信的难以置信的 _2. 不计报酬的不计报酬的_3. 耐心耐心 _4. 愚蠢无聊的愚蠢无聊的_5.确实确实,真正地真正地_6.鞠躬鞠躬,弯腰弯腰 _incredibleunpaidpatiencesillyindeedbow7.很少的很少的,微少的微少的_8.海湾海湾 _9. 故事故事,传说传说 _10. 出现出现,外貌外貌,外观外观_11. 通道,船费通道,船费 _12. 幽默幽默,诙谐诙谐 _13.孤独孤独,寂寞寂寞 _tinybaytaleappearancepassagehumourloneliness14.人物人物,性格性格,特征特

2、征_15.剧作家剧作家 _16. 十年十年 _17.仅仅仅仅,只不过只不过 _18. 现场现场,场面场面,景色景色_characterplaywrightdecadesimplyscenePhrases: 1. 打赌打赌 2. 处理处理 3. 大量的大量的 4. 前进,往下说前进,往下说5. 事实上事实上6. 偶然,无意中偶然,无意中 make a bet on sth / that do with / deal with a large amount of go ahead as a matter of fact by accident / chance7. 盯着看,凝视盯着看,凝视 8.

3、放弃放弃 9. 导致,作出解释导致,作出解释10. 坦城地说坦城地说 11. 担心,关心担心,关心 12. 送送出去出去stare at give up account for to be honest care aboutshow out 13.冒冒险冒冒险,碰碰运气碰碰运气 14. 衣衫褴褛衣衫褴褛19. 对某人失望对某人失望 20.值得做值得做21. 充当充当take a chance be / dress in ragsbe disappointed in sbbe worth doingwork as 21.以粗暴的方式以粗暴的方式/方法方法22.妒忌妒忌23. 即使即使24. 至于

4、至于25.充满充满 26. 陷入困境陷入困境,惹麻惹麻in a rude mannerbe jealous of even if / thoughas forbe filled with get into troublepermit (doing) sthpermit sb to do sthmind sth / sb. be spotted by be about to dobe/ get lost be patient with27. 允许做某事允许做某事28. 允许某人帮做某事允许某人帮做某事29. 当心,小心某人当心,小心某人/ 物物30. 被认出被认出31. 正要做正要做32. 迷路

5、迷路33. 对某人耐心对某人耐心be patient of sthWords : 1. Youll have to be _ (耐心的) with the young children . 2. To be honest , I don t like him at all because he is always_ (忌妒的)of others success. 3. it happened about four _(十年)ago. - You mean forty years ago . patientjealousdecades4. Its bad _(礼貌)to talk with yo

6、ur mouth full . 5. _(难以置信), he has passed the final exam. 6. stop _(尖叫),we can hear you clearly. 7. Mark Twain had a good sense of _(幽默). 8. You cant get in without a _ .(通行证)mannersUnbelievable screaminghumourpermit翻译翻译 1.1.比尔盖茨非常富裕,他有一大笔钱。比尔盖茨非常富裕,他有一大笔钱。(a large amount of)(a large amount of)2 2他喜

7、欢跟人打赌,但他总是输。他喜欢跟人打赌,但他总是输。(bet)(bet)3 3我以为他是无意中那样做的,不是故我以为他是无意中那样做的,不是故意的。意的。(by accident)(by accident)4 4老实说,她不是个好歌手。老实说,她不是个好歌手。(to be (to be honest)honest)5. 5. 在聚会上别吃得狼吞虎咽,否则别人在聚会上别吃得狼吞虎咽,否则别人会笑你的。会笑你的。(wolf)(wolf)翻译翻译1. Bill Gates is very rich, he has a 1. Bill Gates is very rich, he has a larg

8、e amount of money.large amount of money.2. He likes to make a bet with 2. He likes to make a bet with others,but he always lose the bet.others,but he always lose the bet.3. I think he did it by accident, not on 3. I think he did it by accident, not on purpose.purpose.4. To be honest, she is not a good 4. To be honest, she is not a good singer.singer.5. Don5. Dont eat like a wolf, otherwise, t eat like a wolf, otherwise, people will laugh at you.people will laugh at you.



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