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1、004 Addition in Translation Practice I. Introduction l1. Addition is a skill commonly used in translation practice. It has actually been employed in the skill of extension to preserve the meaning of an image or a metaphor and to reproduce the artistic effect. l2. Translation is a kind of explanation

2、 to some extent, without which the TL version may be difficult to understand. E. Nida uses a figure to suggest the necessity of explaining a text in translation lThe area of the square is equal to that of the rectangle. The channel to readers is too narrow to let the square pass due to linguistic an

3、d cultural diversities. lTherefore, in translation practice, the square must prolonged to be a rectangle for the passing and the area of the rectangle remains the same as that of the square. lThis implies that the original is explained with some additional parts and its total meaning is not changed

4、in the process. l3. Explanation of any type must be different from the original in form, hence the deviation from stylistic features of the original. So it must be adopted with carefulness in translation practice. Here exists the matter of degree. l4. Addition is always to add what is implied but no

5、t explicitly expressed in the form.l5. Addition is also in conflict with conciseness which is one the principles in language use. II. Discussion in Detail lTypes of AdditionlSyntactical addition: to meet the needs of TL syntaxlSemantic addition: for the clearness and completion of meaning in TL vers

6、ionlArtistic addition: for artistic effectlAll these are to improve the readability of the TL version and be faithful to the original.l1. Syntactical additionla. Add what is omitted in the originallHe knows nothing to his fellowmen, breathes nothing to his fellowmen but friendship and brotherly kind

7、ness. l他对自己的同胞只知道朋友之谊和兄弟之情,而且只表示朋友之谊和兄弟之情。lb. Add when a verb or prep is followed by several objectslBut this naval competition strained the Liberal Governments principles as well as their budgets.l但这种海军战备竞赛使自由党政府的原则无法自圆其说,也使其预算捉襟见肘。lIgnorance is the mother of fear as well as of admiration.l无知是羡慕的根源

8、,也是恐惧的根源。lThe early Georgians used to walk in muddy lanes or over blown downs or through dim, green-gray beech-woods or fragrant forests of pine.l早期的乔治亚人或是走过泥泞小路,风积沙丘,或是穿行于青卷幽暗的山毛榉丛与芳馥的松林之间。lPeople forget your face first, then your name.l人们首先忘记你的容貌,接着又忘记你的名字。l2. Semantic additionla. For clarityzeugm

9、a(轭式搭配)= syllepsis(一语双叙法)lShe opened the door and her heart to the homeless boy.l她向这个无家可归的男孩打开了大门,也就向他敞开了心扉。lHe caught a bus and a cold.l他赶上了公共汽车,于是也就赶上了一场感冒。lHe took my advice and my wallet.l他接受了我的建议,也掏空了我的钱包。lHe lost his coat and his temper.l他丢了上衣,便发了脾气。 lwhen I and my sorrows are dust.(The Tale o

10、f Two Cities)l等到我的尸骨化为灰烬,我的悲哀也随风散去时。lweeping eyes and heartsl一双流泪的眼睛,一颗哭泣的心灵 b. Add what is impliedlHe also found the time for carrying out at least two passionate love affairs.l他也忙里偷闲,至少有过两次艳遇。lHe wanted to learn, to know, to teach.l他想学习,增长知识,也想把自己的知识教给别人。l他博览群书,知识渊博,好为人师。lThe sole criterion of the

11、 greatness of art is its eternal power to impress and arouse. l衡量艺术是否伟大的唯一标准,就是看它那产生深刻印象并唤醒人们的永恒力量。 lHe was wrinkled and black, with scant gray hair.l他满脸皱纹,皮肤黝黑,头发稀疏灰白。 lc. Add category words after abstract nounlIn the land of individual freedom of choice the option to escape individualization and r

12、efuse to participate in the individualizing game is emphatically not on the agenda. l在个体的自由选择中,要想逃避分化过程分化过程,拒绝加入分化活动是绝对不可能的。 ld. Add overlapping words or numerals to indicate plurality le. Addition denoting tensecontrast of tense lThey had always been able to control things. Now control was getting

13、away from all of them.l他们以前一向能够控制局面,而现在他们的这一控制正在逐渐丧失。lAnd instead of the raisins (dried grape) they give when a womans lying in, they stuffed my hand full of goat turds.l平日里,要是哪个婆娘坐月子,他们准发些葡萄干。可那回塞了俺满手的羊屎球。 f. Addition denoting tonelAll that made this Christmas Day was my knowing it was.l今天算是圣诞节,只是因

14、为我知道是圣诞节罢了。(weakening the strength of meaning)lThe little boy had brought with him knife, scissors and what not, tinkling in his pocket.l这小孩身带着刀子啦、剪子啦,以及诸如此类的东西,在口袋里丁铃当啷地直响。 g. Addition due to specific background lNixon learned that the country would welcome a presidential visit.l尼克松了解到,该国欢迎美国总统的访问。

15、lThe weak meets the weak; but both feel like Davids fighting Goliaths./galaieth/l弱者与弱者相遇,弱者与弱者对垒;但是两者都感到像是牧羊人大卫与腓力斯巨人歌利亚之间的鏖战。 h. Addition for coherence lThis difference, to be sure, only magnifies the privileges which the attackers in a hit-and-run global war share with the torturer.l当然,两者的这一差异只是让人

16、们更清楚地看到种种特权,打后就逃的全球性战争中的攻击者与施行折磨之人共享这些特权。 lThey are not needed as the would-be producers; but in a society in which consumers are cast as the driving force of economic prosperity, the poor are also worthless as consumer. l不需要他们,因为他们不是未来的生产者;但是,在一个消费者而不是生产者被认做经济繁荣的驱动力量的社会中,穷人作为消费者是毫无价值的。 3. Artistic

17、Addition lMy Solitude being no longer endurable, I went out and walked the town for hours.l寂寞难耐,我随外出,走街串巷走街串巷达数小时之久。lNot to meander at present, I will go back to my birth.l现在不再离题太远,还是言归正传还是言归正传,接着说我是怎样出生的。 l(Tempest)Juno:lHonor riches, marriage blessing,/ Long continuance and increasing,/ Hourly joys be still upon you.l富贵尊荣/美满良姻/百年偕老子孙盈庭/幸福朝朝,欢娱暮暮。lThe innate love of melody gave the simplest music a power which could well-nigh drag her heart out of her bosom at times.l他对音乐的天生爱好使这朴实的乐曲有时具有荡荡气回肠、沁人心脾气回肠、沁人心脾的力量。



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