广东省河源市八年级英语下册 写作教程 Unit 2 writing课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、八下Unit 2 Voluntary workVoluntary work(志愿者工作)(志愿者工作) 写写作作话题: Social behavior (社会行为) 1.掌握应用文中申请书的写作方法及技巧,培养在写前分析题目及列提纲的习惯。 2.学会利用自己的特长为社会做点滴贡献,积极参与志愿者工作,培养乐于助人的品德。Writing guidelines( (写写作方法指作方法指导) )应用文的写作线索:应用文的写作线索: 应用文最突出的特点是它的实际应用性。写应用文不但要注重规范语言,重在实用,力求朴实、准确、简洁,而且还注重应用文的格式。 在写申请书时,首先要表达写申请书的目的,然后介绍

2、自己能胜任的原因或能力,最后再次重申自己申请目的并表达能得到批准。2.读写结合型的写作 读写相结合类型的写作,阅读部分是为写作任务服务的,阅读的篇章与写作的任务通常有许多的相关性。因此,要学会从以下的途径分析:(1)首先要分析阅读的主题。(2)分析文章的篇章结构,包括整篇文章的中心句/段、 支撑句/段,总结句/段,同时明晰作者使用的写作 方法。(3)分析文本的语言特征,思考有哪些语言可以灵活迁 移至自己的写作中,包括适切的词块、漂亮的句式 等。( )成为志愿者( )一次很好的经历be a great experience be volunteers名词名词/ /动名词词块动名词词块: : La

3、nguage boxLanguage box(语言工具箱)言工具箱)( )收到某人的来信( )获得机会( )想要做某事( )有能力做某事( )擅长与某人打交道( )志愿做某事( )对感兴趣( )擅长get the chance be good with sb. volunteer to do be good at be interested in be able to do would like to do hear from动词词块:Language boxLanguage box(语言工具箱)言工具箱)( )不但而且,( )一方面,( )在校刊上,( )另一方面,( )例如 in the

4、School Newsletter on the one hand on the other hand such as not onlybut also介介词词块:(2 2)PatternsPatterns(句型)(句型)Id like to/ Im interested in/ I want to volunteer inIm good at/ Im strong in I want to help out as a volunteer because The important thing is thatI am looking forward to doing2. Extensive l

5、anguages(拓展性(拓展性语言)言)(1)The rose is in her hand, the flavor in mine. 赠人玫瑰,手有余香(2) One swallow doesnt make a summer. 一燕不成夏WHAT KIND OF VOLUNTARY WORK DO YOU KNOW ABOUT?give away bloodplay chess with the oldteach the kids to readvisit the sick give money to people in need give out food and water Task

6、1 Read and finish the mind map.Voluntary workThe place the volunteers work_ _ _ Animal center What can volunteers do?_ _ _ _The old peoples homeSchoolsHospitalsTake care of children and help them with homework.Chat and play with the sick to cheer them up.Help care for those dogs and cats without hom

7、es.Make the old happy Who wrote the Wanted?1. A person in _How many kinds of voluntary work are mentioned in the passage.2. _If you are good with the old, where can you go?3. _What can animal lovers do?4. _If you want to be a volunteer, you can e-mail them at5. _ Task 2: Fill in the information. Stu

8、dents center FourThe old peoples home Help care for those dogs and cats without homes. love volunteer .com.While-writingTASK 1 审题 你在校刊上看到这篇学生中心公开招募志愿者的招聘启事,你也很想去帮助需要帮助的人,请写一封回信申请一份你喜欢的志愿者工作。 申请内容:1.写明你要申请的志愿者工作 是什么; 2.说明你有怎样的能力或兴趣爱 好能胜任这份工作。 要求:80字左右,内容充实,结构合理,语 言流畅得体。一般现在时一般现在时应用文应用文第一人称第一人称 体裁体裁:_

9、 人人称称:_ 时态:_(1)Which voluntary work do you want to do? Id like to/ Im interested in/ I want to volunteer in the old peoples home. TASK 2(2)What are your interests and hobbies? How can these help you to do the job?sing and dance for the old Im good at/ Im strong in _. I can/am able to _, so I think I

10、 will be good at this job .singing and dancing(3)Why do you want to do volunteer job? I want to help out as a volunteer in the old peoples home/ school/ museum/ group, because _I m glad that I can make others happy. Task 3 Task 3 写一一写: : 写初稿。初稿。Dear students,_ Yours, xxxAfter-writing Task 1: Self-ch

11、eck篇章方面:布局是否完整?逻辑是否合理?要点是否 齐全/丰富? 句子方面:主谓是否一致?时态、语态是否正确?连 词使用是否正确?句式是否多样?是否用 到好词、好句? 词语方面:代词的主格、宾格等形式使用是否正确? 名词单复数是否准确?动词搭配、动词的 形式等是否正确?形容词、副词的使用是 否达意,与修饰的对象是否相符? 细节方面:单词拼写、标点符号、大小写等是否正确?TASK 2: PEER-CHECK (同伴互改)项目标准自我评价同伴评价教师评价结构(3分)段落合理 (2 分)衔接自然 ( 1分)内容(8分)要点全面 申请的志愿工作(2分)怎样胜任这份工作(4分)拓展合理 ( 2分)语言

12、(3分)词汇丰富 (1 分)句法正确,语言优美 ( 2分)卷面(1分)书写工整( 1分)注意使用修改字符注意使用修改字符: 优美句子;漏美句子;漏词;错处:;去掉;去掉;语法法错 误 G ,G ,人人称称错误 P P,时态错误 T T Task 3 Task 3 参考范文考范文 Dear Students, I have read the volunteers wanted in the School Newsletter. I want to help out as a volunteer in the old peoples home. Here are the reasons. On t

13、he one hand, I am good at singing and dancing. Therefore, I can sing and dance for the old to make them happy. On the other hand, I think I am patient enough to chat with or read newspapers to the old. To be volunteers will be a great experience for me. So I truly hope I can get the chance. I am loo

14、king forward to hearing from you. Yours, XXX在文中能使用在文中能使用“on the on the one hand, on the other one hand, on the other hand, Here are the hand, Here are the reasons.reasons.”等连接词和过等连接词和过渡句,使得行文流畅,层渡句,使得行文流畅,层次清晰次清晰。文章条理清楚,结构完整。第一段直接表明自己申请的目的。第二文章条理清楚,结构完整。第一段直接表明自己申请的目的。第二段写出自己能胜任这项工作的优势,最后一段重申自己的目的并提段写出自己能胜任这项工作的优势,最后一段重申自己的目的并提出希望能得此机会,符合写申请书的写作要求。出希望能得此机会,符合写申请书的写作要求。 The rose is in her hand, the flavor in mine 赠人玫瑰,手有余香人玫瑰,手有余香One swallow doesnt make a summer 一燕不成夏一燕不成夏 Rewrite your article and hand it in.Thank you



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