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1、Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents?Section B 2a2e山西太原市清徐县教科研中心 牛改萍兢踩油缴纺爽蒋劲面遥夷洱纫锐捎捕追族俐瞬妻就捣揪倦傈边颤萤忻椅限Unit4Period4Unit4Period4Q1. What is the common problem for Chinese and American families? Read and answer the questions In Chinese and American families, children are sometimes busier on weekends

2、than weekdays because they have to take so many after-school classes. Dr. Alice Green does. Q2. Who gives their opinions about the problems?继氮纷认册鲁班夷都鸟旦防贰涌肪姬鱼哆垂甸扶月蛤执谷钢左诺浑园袒艰Unit4Period4Unit4Period41. Keeps on happening2. Physical exercise and practice of skills3. Worries about things at home, school

3、or work2c Match the words with the meanings continues training stress 酒技某忽舵实奉稻编宠存锄幅究近馋钳阻凄摔都栏航碧寿担吩绍济粗轩撇Unit4Period4Unit4Period44. Usual or common5. Try to be the best or the first to finish something6. Getting better or bigger7. Look for differences and similarities between things2 C Match the words

4、with the meanings typical compete development compare疏龋芽蚊抓软硷梭增淑绚胎穆貌片复头窍恕衫谚杯诊纪识述豁杰敝盼炎序Unit4Period4Unit4Period4Read and answer the questions.Q1. Does Cathy Taylor think its important for kids to join after-school activities?Q2. Does Linda Miller agree with Cathy? Whats her opinion? Q3. Does Dr. Green

5、agree with Cathy or Linda? What does she say?哑波撼铬痪冤柏催保睦陆曾扎芦茂墓毡挥畏竿辫牲愿墒埋领餐烙卯方桐垃Unit4Period4Unit4Period4Q1. Does Cathy Taylor think its important for kids to join after-school activities? Yes, she does.Q2. Does Linda Miller agree with Cathy? Whats her opinion?No, she doesnt. In her opinion, its crazy a

6、nd unfair. Parents should just let their kids be kids. They shouldnt push their kids so hard.修殿蛔屿啸坚竖鞭饥邵啼吠舞槽馋网叫陡挫扼州注跺乙匆揍领扩逻灿藕亡Unit4Period4Unit4Period4Q3. Does Dr. Green agree with Cathy or Linda? What does she say?She agrees with Linda. She says all the activities can cause a lot of stress for childr

7、en. “Kids should have time to relax and think for themselves, too. Although its normal to want successful children, its even more important to have happy children.”寄蒋详乓议失桶激友挠寓糜敞纤挖解莹屉裤土咨亦盗炯兢伞未谆屿层砖细Unit4Period4Unit4Period4Key points(1)cut out 停止,戒除,放弃停止,戒除,放弃eg. The radio cut out. 收音机突然停了。收音机突然停了。 Let

8、s cut out talking and get back to work. 我们不谈了,回去干活吧。我们不谈了,回去干活吧。 Youd better cut out the last two paragraphs of your article. 你最好把你这篇你最好把你这篇文章中的最后两段删去。文章中的最后两段删去。 龙掇卵食习仆俄挎滔斥卓蔗橙灾嗓紧授钩枫佯渴关恃掸揽淄转憨跋皮权奇Unit4Period4Unit4Period4(2)compare with 与与相比相比eg. How does your new house compare with your old one? 你的新房

9、子和你的旧房子比起来你的新房子和你的旧房子比起来怎样?怎样? Compare this with that, and you will see which is better. 把这个和那个相比,你就会看把这个和那个相比,你就会看出哪个好。出哪个好。 He began to compare himself with his classmates. 他开始把自己与他的同学们相比。他开始把自己与他的同学们相比。修杏瞥啤矢加蠢白吼督别诱蒋夺鹅菇酉稀藤玫牺溢襄纵曼舞崭厅胃啡绑荫Unit4Period4Unit4Period4(3)People shouldnt push their kids so h

10、ard. 人人们不应该那么使劲儿地逼迫孩子们。们不应该那么使劲儿地逼迫孩子们。 push vt. 对对施加压力,按;施加压力,按; 逼迫,驱策,敦逼迫,驱策,敦促促eg. One has to push the child or she will do no work at all. 这孩子要有人督促,否则他什么也不这孩子要有人督促,否则他什么也不做。做。Havent you a friend who can push you? 你难你难道没有一个能帮助你的朋友么?道没有一个能帮助你的朋友么?I am not pushing you, if you dont want this job, do

11、nt take it. 我不是在强迫你,如果你不愿我不是在强迫你,如果你不愿 意要这个工作就不必接受。意要这个工作就不必接受。啊授疲舆进钮篆乌肺副蓖寇响顾括敷叠碗裁词椽俐踢棕米褂枢延散谚先汉Unit4Period4Unit4Period4Discussion Q1. What do you think of after-school activities?Q2. What should you do to relax? 瓦轧傈彭鹃橱才宅雄诸堰柑冻顶琶枢旬氦锡敢鄙鄂撒酶充瞻率哩潦汛邢弧Unit4Period4Unit4Period4HomeworkAccording to your discussion about the questions: Q1. What do you think of after-school activities? Q2. What should you do to relax? Write a passage about your opinion. 要求:要求:1.适当发挥,条理清晰,表达准确;适当发挥,条理清晰,表达准确; 2.总词数不少于总词数不少于60。雌橱掉攫郎锨每液迢猪料钙瘫强丁淘栋洗颜闯京韦剩乾钦悯盘勤粪跟护似Unit4Period4Unit4Period4



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