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1、无相关无相关结果果类别:来源来源:难度度:类别:来源来源:难度度:Planetary system is the most basic of Planetary system is the most basic of universeuniverse。 There are eight planets in the There are eight planets in the solar system .Planets have the satellite, a solar system .Planets have the satellite, a satellite of the Earth

2、: the Moon, there are satellite of the Earth : the Moon, there are other planets outside our solar system. other planets outside our solar system. 行星是组成宇宙的最基本系统行星是组成宇宙的最基本系统. . 太阳系中共有八大行星太阳系中共有八大行星, ,行星都有行星都有卫星绕其运转卫星绕其运转, ,地球有一个卫星地球有一个卫星: :月月球球, ,有证据表明有证据表明, ,太阳系外也存在其太阳系外也存在其他行星系统他行星系统. . PlanetPlan

3、etStars like the Sun is itself able to emit light and heat the planet. We have more than 100 billion stars within the Milky Way Galaxy. If even thousands of stars together to form a star, this is the cluster(星团). They found that more than 1000 such clusters in the Milky Way Galaxy. 恒星就是像太阳一样本身能恒星就是像

4、太阳一样本身能发光发热的星球发光发热的星球. . 我们银河系我们银河系内就有内就有10001000多亿颗恒星多亿颗恒星. . 如果如果成千上万颗星聚在一起成千上万颗星聚在一起, ,形成形成一团星一团星, ,这就是星团这就是星团. . 银河系银河系里就发现里就发现10001000多个这样的星团多个这样的星团. .Stars太阳系就是我们现在所在的恒太阳系就是我们现在所在的恒星系统星系统. . 它是以太阳为中心它是以太阳为中心, 8, 8颗行星,至少颗行星,至少165165颗已知的卫星颗已知的卫星, ,和数以亿计的太阳系小天体和数以亿计的太阳系小天体. . Solar SystemSolar Sy

5、stemSolar System is that we Solar System is that we are the stars in our are the stars in our solar system. It is solar system. It is centered on the Sun, centered on the Sun, and 8 Planet at least and 8 Planet at least 165 known moons, and 165 known moons, and billions of solar system billions of s

6、olar system small body.small body.MercuryVenusEarthMarsJupiterSaturnUranusNeptune银河系是太阳系所在的恒星系银河系是太阳系所在的恒星系统统, ,包括一千二百亿颗恒星和大包括一千二百亿颗恒星和大量的星团、星云量的星团、星云. . 它的直径约它的直径约为为100,000100,000多光年多光年, ,中心厚度约中心厚度约为为12,00012,000光年光年 The Milky WayThe Milky WayThe Milky Way Galaxy is the Galaxy star The Milky Way Ga

7、laxy is the Galaxy star system where the solar system, including system where the solar system, including 120 billion stars and plenty of star clusters, 120 billion stars and plenty of star clusters, Its more than 100,000 light years in Its more than 100,000 light years in diameterdiameter(直径)(直径),

8、Center thickness of , Center thickness of about 12,000 light years.about 12,000 light years.Galaxies, is the stars in the universe “ island Galaxies, is the stars in the universe “ island ”, it is one of the largest and most beautiful ”, it is one of the largest and most beautiful celestial systemce

9、lestial system(天体系统(天体系统) ) in the in the universe. To date, about 100 billion galaxies universe. To date, about 100 billion galaxies have been observed in the universe. Some of have been observed in the universe. Some of them we have close, some very far away, the them we have close, some very far

10、away, the furthest galaxy known today almost 15 furthest galaxy known today almost 15 billion light years away from us.billion light years away from us.星系星系, ,是宇宙中庞大的星星的是宇宙中庞大的星星的 岛屿岛屿,它也是宇宙中最大、最美丽的它也是宇宙中最大、最美丽的天体系统之一天体系统之一. . 到目前为止到目前为止, ,人们已在宇宙观测到了约一千亿个星系人们已在宇宙观测到了约一千亿个星系. . 它们中有的离我们较近它们中有的离我们较近,

11、, 有的非常遥远有的非常遥远, ,目前所知最远的星系离我们有目前所知最远的星系离我们有将近一百五十亿光年将近一百五十亿光年. .GalaxiesGalaxiesSpaceSpace there is a difference between the there is a difference between the universeuniverse, the universe contains a space. we , the universe contains a space. we are living in universeare living in universe : The un

12、iverse included all : The universe included all the planets, the milky way, even we are all part of the planets, the milky way, even we are all part of the universe. The world we live in, there is no the universe. The world we live in, there is no question of living in space : Our Earths land, quest

13、ion of living in space : Our Earths land, oceans, air, these are not part of the space, but oceans, air, these are not part of the space, but Earth, you can basically say that all the planets, Earth, you can basically say that all the planets, stars, plus the sum of the space, it means the stars, plus the sum of the space, it means the universeuniverse.



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