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1、Unit FiveText I The Lady, or the Tiger? (Part II)vI. Organization of the Textv1. A brief account of the love story between the princess and the courtier and the consequence of the affair (Paragraphs 1 2)v2. The trial (Paragraphs 3 10)I. Organization of the Textv3. The conflicting thought going on in

2、 the mind of the princess (Paragraphs 11 18)II. Key Points of the TextvParagraph 1vfervent and imperious: vehement and overbearingvFervent generally has a positive denotation meaning “earnest, ardent.”vE.g.: Mr. Liu is a fervent (enthusiastic) supporter of our plan.Paragraph 1vimperious, on the othe

3、r hand, has a negative meaning. An imperious person is arrogant and domineering.vimperious: proud and arrogant; domineering; overbearing 傲慢的;飞扬跋傲慢的;飞扬跋扈的;专横的扈的;专横的Paragraph 1vE.g.: an imperious voice 傲慢的口气傲慢的口气v be imperious with somebody 对某人态对某人态度傲慢度傲慢vfineness of blood and lowness of station: exce

4、llent and admirable character and low social positionParagraph 1vardor: intense or passionate feeling (of love); eagernessvE.g.: He loved his new job and worked with ardor.vwaver: be uncertain in making a decision; be unsteady in movement 犹豫犹豫不决,举棋不定;踌躇;动摇;踉跄,蹒跚不决,举棋不定;踌躇;动摇;踉跄,蹒跚Paragraph 1vE.g.: H

5、e wavered between accepting and refusing. 他犹豫不决,不知是接受好,还是他犹豫不决,不知是接受好,还是拒绝好。拒绝好。v Though it is autumn, the temperature still wavers between 33. and 36.v He never wavered in his determination to become a doctor. 他想当医生的决心从未他想当医生的决心从未动摇过。动摇过。Paragraph 1v The couple are wavering over the purchase of a c

6、ar. 夫妻俩在买还是不买小夫妻俩在买还是不买小汽车这件事上举棋不定。汽车这件事上举棋不定。v He wavered out. 他晃晃悠悠地出去了。他晃晃悠悠地出去了。vin / with regard to: regarding; concerning; with reference to; with respect toParagraph 1vpremises: a house or other building with any surrounding land, considered as a particular piece of property; domain; territor

7、y(企业、机构等使用的)房屋连地(企业、机构等使用的)房屋连地基;生产场所;经营场址;领域基;生产场所;经营场址;领域vE.g.: The firm moved to its new premises in 1971. 该公司于该公司于1971年迁至新址。年迁至新址。Paragraph 1v Keep off the premises. 禁止入内。禁止入内。von the premises: 在房屋内;在场所内在房屋内;在场所内vE.g.: The thief was caught on the premises of a fur store. 贼在皮货店的店堂贼在皮货店的店堂里被抓住了。里被

8、抓住了。Paragraph 1v Food bought in this shop may not be eaten / consumed on the premises. 本店本店出售食品概不堂吃。出售食品概不堂吃。vnovel and startling: new and shockingvnovel: interestingly new or unusualvE.g.: He hit upon a novel idea to resolve his difficulty. Paragraph 2vrelentless: without pity 残酷的,无情的,残酷的,无情的,无慈悲心的

9、无慈悲心的 Here, ferocious and bloodthirsty.vE.g.: a relentless enemy 残忍的敌人残忍的敌人v relentless persecution 残酷无情的迫害残酷无情的迫害v relentless criticism 不留情面的批评不留情面的批评Paragraph 2vfitting: (formal) right for the purpose or occasion; suitablevWhat does “an aesthetic pleasure” tell us about the way the king took those

10、 “trials” conducted in the arena?Paragraph 2vHe enjoyed watching such “legal procedures”; to him the pleasure derived therefrom was similar to what he took in watching a performance of dance, or listening to music.Paragraph 3vthrong (v. & n.): go in a crowd; a large crowd of peoplevE.g.: People thro

11、ng the shopping mall on weekends.v Throngs of shoppers crowd the shopping mall on weekends. Paragraph 5vmoiety: (law or literary) a half share or division of something; half 一半;二分之一半;二分之一一vE.g.: a small moiety of college students 一小部分大学生一小部分大学生vpossessed of: (formal and literary) having (a quality,

12、etc.) Paragraph 5vE.g.: a man possessed of more wealth than brains 拥有的财富比智慧多的人拥有的财富比智慧多的人v He was possessed of great self-confidence. 他极有自信。他极有自信。v Anne is possessed of an acid tongue. 安妮说话尖酸刻薄。安妮说话尖酸刻薄。Paragraph 5vpossess oneself of: (old use and formal) become the owner of; take possession of (som

13、ething) (usually simple tenses)vE.g.: At what date do you intend to possess yourself of the house? v They possessed themselves of her money by illegal means. 他们用非法手段他们用非法手段把她的钱占为己有。把她的钱占为己有。 Paragraph 5vlatch: a simple fastening for a door, gate, window, etc., worked by dropping a bar into a U-shape

14、d space 门闩门闩Paragraph 6vradiant: (of a person or his appearance) showing love and happiness 容光焕发的,容光焕发的,喜气洋洋的;洋溢着幸福的喜气洋洋的;洋溢着幸福的vE.g.: The bride looked radiant. 新娘光华照新娘光华照人。人。vaspire to / for / after: direct ones hopes and efforts to something important 渴望;渴望;追求;有志于追求;有志于Paragraph 6vE.g.: He aspired

15、 to the leadership of the corporation.v aspire to succeed 渴望成功渴望成功v What do they aspire for? 他们想望的是什么?他们想望的是什么?v Broadcasters tried to abandon their native regional accents and aspire to BBC pronunciation. 广播员们力图去掉自己的乡音,渴广播员们力图去掉自己的乡音,渴望达到望达到 BBC的发音标准。的发音标准。 Paragraph 6v aspire after knowledge 追求知识追

16、求知识Paragraph 7vlook on / upon: (old use) see; direct ones eyes towards (带着特定目光或情绪带着特定目光或情绪) 看,望看,望vE.g.: He looks on me with suspicion. 他以他以狐疑的眼光看我。狐疑的眼光看我。Paragraph 9vparapet: a low wall at the edge of a roof, bridge, etc.; a protective wall of earth or stone built in front of the holes (trenches)

17、used by soldiers in war 胸墙;胸墙;低矮挡墙,女儿墙低矮挡墙,女儿墙Paragraph 12vdevious: not going in the straightest way; dishonest and secretive 迂回的,曲迂回的,曲折的折的; 不坦率的;不光明正大的,阴险的,不坦率的;不光明正大的,阴险的,狡猾的,欺诈的狡猾的,欺诈的vE.g.: Instead of taking the direct route, she led us by devious ways to the park.v a devious explanation 转弯抹角的解

18、释转弯抹角的解释 Paragraph 12v obtain something by devious means 以以不正当手段获得某物不正当手段获得某物v a calculating, devious person 专为自己专为自己打算的狡诈的人打算的狡诈的人v He is genuinely a person without a devious nature. 他确实是个光明正大的人。他确实是个光明正大的人。 Paragraph 14vgrievous: very serious, severe 难忍受的,难忍受的,极痛苦的;剧烈的极痛苦的;剧烈的vE.g.: a grievous inj

19、ury 重伤重伤v a grievous mistake 大错大错v grievous taxes 重税重税 v a grievous crime 滔天罪行滔天罪行Paragraph 14vreverie: idle and pleasant thoughts 幻想,幻想,空想,遐想;白日梦空想,遐想;白日梦vE.g.: indulge in reveries about the future 沉溺于对未来的想入非非沉溺于对未来的想入非非v be lost in (a) reverie 陷入沉思陷入沉思v come out of ones reverie with a start 从出神遐思中

20、惊醒过来从出神遐思中惊醒过来Paragraph 14v listen in a kind of reverie 出神地听出神地听v The mayors plan is pure reverie. 市长市长的计划纯属虚妄空想。的计划纯属虚妄空想。vgnash: grind (ones teeth) together as a sign of great emotion (因情绪激动因情绪激动) 咬或磨咬或磨牙牙Paragraph 14vhis start of rapturous delight: his sudden movement of surprise because of great

21、 joyvrapturous: expressing great pleasure (使人使人) 欣欣喜若狂的喜若狂的vE.g.: rapturous delight 狂喜狂喜v a rapturous crowd 如痴如狂的群众如痴如狂的群众vrapture (n.)Paragraph 14vkindle: arouse or stimulate (feelings, etc.) 激动起来;煽动激动起来;煽动vE.g.: kindle anger in somebody 点燃某人点燃某人心中的怒火心中的怒火v kindle somebody to passion 使某人产使某人产生激情生激情

22、Paragraph 15vfuturity: future timeParagraph 17vanguished: showing great mental pain; tormentedvdeliberation: careful consideration; thorough examination of a matter 细想,细想,考虑;研究考虑;研究vE.g.: After much deliberation, I decided not to go. 我在再三考虑之后决定不去了。我在再三考虑之后决定不去了。Paragraph 18vpresume: supposevset up:

23、claim (oneself) to be (a certain kind of person) 自称为,自命为自称为,自命为vE.g.: He doesnt set himself up to be an experienced painter, but his work is pleasing to the eye.Paragraph 18v David set himself up as a doctor. 大卫大卫自称是医生。自称是医生。vleave with: allow to remain in the care of vE.g.: Leave the parcel with me

24、, Ill see that it gets delivered.III. Exercise II, Workbook 6vtooth, tusk, fangvtusk: a very large long pointed tooth, usually one of a pair coming out from the closed mouth of certain animals (动物的动物的) 长牙;獠牙长牙;獠牙v The elephant had very large tusks.vfang: one of two teeth in a snake along which its p

25、oison passes; a long sharp tooth, especially of dogs and wolves 毒蛇的毒牙;毒蛇的毒牙;(狼、狼、狗等的狗等的) 尖牙尖牙III. Exercise II, Workbook 6v The wolf showed its fangs in a vicious snarl. 狼凶恶地咆哮起来,露出了尖利的牙狼凶恶地咆哮起来,露出了尖利的牙齿。齿。 III. Exercise II, Workbook 6vbite, gnash, chew, devour, gulp, nibble, munchvgnash: to bite one

26、s teeth as a result of rage, pain or anguish is to gnash:v Their eviction was marked by much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.III. Exercise II, Workbook 6vchew: move and crush something in the mouth with the teeth 嚼碎嚼碎v Always chew well before swallowing. 咽下食物之前要细细咀嚼。咽下食物之前要细细咀嚼。vdevour: su

27、ggest total consumption of something or the rapidity with which it is eaten 狼吞虎咽地吃光;吞食狼吞虎咽地吃光;吞食 The word can III. Exercise II, Workbook 6vhave metaphoric use: v She devoured her French lessons so that she would be proficient by the time of her first trip abroad.vgulp (down): swallow hastily 狼吞虎咽地吃;

28、吞狼吞虎咽地吃;吞食食v gulp down ones dinner 三口两口吃完饭三口两口吃完饭v gulp down the whiskey 把威士忌一饮而尽把威士忌一饮而尽III. Exercise II, Workbook 6vnibble: to bite gently, with small movements of the mouth (一点一点地一点一点地) 咬,细咬咬,细咬 v The rabbit nibbled the leaves. 兔子小口小口地兔子小口小口地咬叶子。咬叶子。 vmunch: to chew with strong movements of the m

29、outh 用力地咀嚼,猛嚼用力地咀嚼,猛嚼v The cattle munched (up) their food. 牛使劲地牛使劲地嚼着饲料。嚼着饲料。Text II Mrs. Packletides TigervI. Organization of the Textv1. Setting of the story (Paragraphs 1- 2)v2. Big-game shooting (Paragraphs 3 13)v3. Aftermath of the shooting (Paragraphs 14 25)II. Key Points of the TextvParagraph

30、 1vWhat made Mrs. Packletide so desirous of killing a tiger? What weakness of her character is Saki satirizing?Paragraph 1vleave: cause to be 使处于某种状态;听任使处于某种状态;听任vE.g.: Fear left her lips stiff. 恐惧使她张口恐惧使她张口结舌。结舌。v Leave the future to take care of itself. 让未来自然发展吧。让未来自然发展吧。v leave things as they are

31、 听任事情自然发听任事情自然发展展Paragraph 1vin sb.s honor: 为了向为了向表示敬意;为庆祝表示敬意;为庆祝;为纪念;为纪念vE.g.: They gave a banquet in honor of the delegation. 他们设宴招待代表团。他们设宴招待代表团。v put up a monument in honor of those killed in battle 为纪念阵亡将士而建造纪念为纪念阵亡将士而建造纪念碑碑Paragraph 1vforeground: the most important or noticeable position (Com

32、pare: background) 最突出的(或令人瞩目的)地最突出的(或令人瞩目的)地位位vE.g.: keep oneself in the foreground 使自使自己处于最突出的地位己处于最突出的地位 Paragraph 1v He has receded from the foreground of public attention. 他已不再是公众所瞩目的他已不再是公众所瞩目的人物。人物。vbrooch: an ornament worn on womens clothes, fastened on by means of a pin 胸胸针;饰针针;饰针Paragraph 2

33、vWhat details of the big-game shooting make it a ridiculous affair?vIt (so) happened that: It happened in such a way that 碰巧,恰巧碰巧,恰巧vE.g.: It so happened that I saw him yesterday. 昨天我碰巧看见他。昨天我碰巧看见他。Paragraph 2vbe in the habit of: be accustomed tovquarters: lodgings, especially for soldiers 住处;(尤指)营房

34、住处;(尤指)营房vE.g.: find quarters at a hotel 在旅馆在旅馆里找到住处里找到住处Paragraph 3vsuch as (= such that): so much so that vtie down: fasten (something or someone) down, as with rope, string, etc.vE.g.: The traveler awoke to find himself tied down with long ropes to the ground.Paragraph 5vatom: a very small bit vE

35、.g.: smash / break / blow something to atoms 将某物打得粉碎将某物打得粉碎v There is not an atom of truth in what he said. 他所说的话没有丝毫真实性。他所说的话没有丝毫真实性。v for a microscopic atom of time 一瞬间一瞬间Paragraph 9vcut short: stop suddenly before the end 中断,打断中断,打断vE.g.: The match was cut short by the rain. 比赛因雨中止。比赛因雨中止。v cut o

36、nes leave short 中止休假中止休假 Paragraph 12vreport: (formal) the noise of an explosion or shot 爆炸声爆炸声; 劈啪声劈啪声vE.g.: reports of gun shells 炮弹爆炸声炮弹爆炸声v rifle reports 步枪声步枪声Paragraph 12vtriumph: joy or satisfaction caused by victory (胜利或成功的)喜悦,狂喜(胜利或成功的)喜悦,狂喜vE.g.: a smile of triumph 欣喜的笑容欣喜的笑容v Great was hi

37、s triumph on hearing this. 听到这事他大喜过望。听到这事他大喜过望。v We could detect no triumph in his eye. 在他眼中我们看不到洋洋得意的喜色。在他眼中我们看不到洋洋得意的喜色。Paragraph 13vrepress: hold back, suppress 抑制,压制;抑制,压制;约束约束vE.g.: repress a sneeze (sigh) 强抑着不打强抑着不打喷嚏(不叹气)喷嚏(不叹气)v repress ones anger 制怒制怒v repress a child 约束孩子约束孩子 Paragraph 13v

38、 I could not repress a shiver whenever I thought about what had happened to him. 每想到他的遭遇,我总是情不自禁地打每想到他的遭遇,我总是情不自禁地打个寒战。个寒战。Paragraph 19vsettle on / upon: land on (a surface) and take a firm position therevE.g.: The bird settled on the branch and folded its wings.v Look at the dust that has settled o

39、n the furniture while weve been away!Paragraph 20vI should like / think: I want (表示委婉、谦表示委婉、谦逊逊) 我倒是想;我可是想我倒是想;我可是想vE.g.: I should like a bath. 我想洗个澡。我想洗个澡。v I should like to know why. 我倒想知道个我倒想知道个中原委。中原委。v Youd better ask her yourself, I should think. 我倒是想你最好自己去问问她。我倒是想你最好自己去问问她。Paragraph 21vgay: b

40、right or attractive, so that one feels happy to see it, hear it, etc. 明亮的,生气明亮的,生气勃勃的勃勃的vE.g.: a gay sunny meadow 生机盎然、充生机盎然、充满阳光的草地满阳光的草地v The fields were gay with flowers. 田野田野长满了生机盎然的鲜花。长满了生机盎然的鲜花。Paragraph 22vtiger lily: a type of tall lily with black spotted orange flowers 卷丹(又名虎皮百卷丹(又名虎皮百合,分布极

41、广。茎高达合,分布极广。茎高达1米以上。花朵繁盛,米以上。花朵繁盛,往往一株可开十多朵花。花被片向后反卷,往往一株可开十多朵花。花被片向后反卷,花口朝下,花色橘红,内有紫黑色斑点。由花口朝下,花色橘红,内有紫黑色斑点。由于卷丹花美丽,而且地下鳞茎富含淀粉,可于卷丹花美丽,而且地下鳞茎富含淀粉,可供食用和药用,所以被广泛地载培于世界各供食用和药用,所以被广泛地载培于世界各地。)地。) Paragraph 22tiger lily卷丹;虎皮百合卷丹;虎皮百合Paragraph 23vmarvel: a wonder; a person or thing that causes surprise f

42、or some reason 令人惊令人惊奇(或不可思议)的事;奇迹;奇特的事例奇(或不可思议)的事;奇迹;奇特的事例(或人物)(或人物)vE.g.: the marvels of science 科学的奇迹科学的奇迹v expect marvels 盼望(出现)奇迹盼望(出现)奇迹v do marvels 创造奇迹创造奇迹Paragraph 23v a marvel of accuracy 精确得出奇的例子精确得出奇的例子v Oh, Tom, youre a marvel! How did you do it? 哦,汤姆,你真了不起!你当时是怎哦,汤姆,你真了不起!你当时是怎么干的?么干的?

43、Paragraph 24vincidental: miscellaneous 附带的,杂的;附带的,杂的;伴随的伴随的vE.g.: an incidental remark 附带的话附带的话v incidental advertisements 附在书首(或附在书首(或书末)的广告书末)的广告v incidental expenses 杂费杂费Paragraph 24vWhat did Mrs. Packletide gain from the shooting of the tiger? How did she pay for her gains?vSatisfaction of her v

44、anity. Eclipse of Lona Bimberton. A thousand rupees to get the tiger, and a hold for Miss Mebbin to blackmail her.Paragraph 24vIs Mrs. Packletide the sole target of Sakis satire? If not, who (what) else does he satirize?vNo. Louisa Mebbin was satirized for her greed for money, and so are the villagers. Loona Bimbertons narrow-mindedness was also satirized.



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