人教版高中英语课件:必修1Unit3 warming up and reading

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1、飞屋环游记飞屋环游记飞屋环游记飞屋环游记是是2009年年皮克斯动画工作室皮克斯动画工作室第第十部动画电影及首部十部动画电影及首部3D电影。影片讲述的是电影。影片讲述的是78岁的岁的 卡尔卡尔老先生老先生,为了信守对爱妻的承诺,决,为了信守对爱妻的承诺,决心带着他与妻子心带着他与妻子艾利艾利共同打造的房屋一飞冲天共同打造的房屋一飞冲天的动人故事。的动人故事。 睡觉前祈祷个梦,如果有个飞屋,带睡觉前祈祷个梦,如果有个飞屋,带你去想去的地方,你希望是?你去想去的地方,你希望是? 旅行,不为浪迹天涯,而是让旅行,不为浪迹天涯,而是让心找个地方小憩心找个地方小憩,只要把自己放在那只要把自己放在那个地方,

2、吸气呼气,就够了。个地方,吸气呼气,就够了。Whats your dream or plan for your holidays?What will you prepare for your travel? Why?LetsLets discuss!discuss!travelplaces of interesttransportationtravel agencysceneryfun culturefareBrainstorming destinationroutineFree timeThere are some famous rivers in China. Do you know th

3、eir names? Famous riversThe Yellow RiverThe Mekong RiverThe Yangtze River LaosVietnamCambodiaThe Mekong RiverBurma ThailandChinaImagine that you have a chance to take a bike trip down the Mekong. what will you choose to take with you? bike money clothes parcel atlas waterReading Fast Reading:True or

4、 False?1.Dao Wei and Yu Huang belong to the Han nationality.2. Some of the Dai live in Western Yunnan.3.The Mekong River is in China and it includes the Lancang River.4. Although it is not easy to travel along the Mekong River, Wang Wei insisted on doing so.5. The Tibetan Mountain where the Mekong R

5、iver begins is 5,000 meters high.( F )( T )( F )( T )( F )1. Who are Wang Kun and Wang Wei?Wang Kun is the author of this article, and Wang Wei is the authors sister.2. What was their dream?Taking a great bike trip.3. Who are Dao Wei and Yu Hang?Wang Kuns cousins.Task1 Read para1para1 and answer the

6、 following questions.Detail reading:Task 2 1.Read 1.Read para2para2 again and again and discuss Wang Weis and discuss Wang Weis and Wang Kuns Wang Kuns different attitudesdifferent attitudes about the trip in about the trip in groups ofgroups of six six. Then add your own opinion. Different attitude

7、sWang Wei believes:1.they must start in _where the river begins2. they dont need to _.Wang Kun believes:1.its too _ to start in Qinghai.2.using an _ is importantQinghaiprepare muchcold and highatlasMultiple Choice1.The Mekong River flows through _ countries.A. 3 B. 4 C. 52. The source of the Mekong

8、River is in _ Province.A. Qinghai B. Yunnan C. Sichuan3. The rivers delta enters _ .A. the East China Sea B. the Yellow Sea C. the South China SeaTask3 Read para3 again Is it easy to travel along the Mekong river? Why?Task3Task3:Read Read para3para3 again and find out again and find out the answer t

9、o the questionthe answer to the questionTips:Source of the river altitude air weather Qinghai ProvinceMore than 5,000 metersHard to breatheVery cold 1. Read the whole article again andMatch each paragraph with the main ideas :Take a great bike trip along the Mekong River. The preparation before the

10、trip & details about Mekong River. Different attitudes between them P1P2P3Homework 1.Make a plan for your trip1.Where are you going to?2.2. How are you going to.?3. When are you leaving?4.Where are you staying? 5. What are you going to take with you?6.How long are you staying in?2.Read the text again and find the useful words and expressions.



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