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1、新目标新目标八年级(上)八年级(上)Unit 2【最新】湖南省郴州市八年级英语上册 Unit 2 What is the matterSection B 1 课件 人教新目标版 课件(section B 1a2c)Whats the matter? Period 3【最新】湖南省郴州市八年级英语上册 Unit 2 What is the matterSection B 1 课件 人教新目标版 课件Whats the matter?A: Whats the matter? Do you have a _?B: No, I dont.A: Do you have a _?B: Yes, I do.

2、A: You should _.sore throat headachelie down and rest名医问诊名医问诊Review【最新】湖南省郴州市八年级英语上册 Unit 2 What is the matterSection B 1 课件 人教新目标版 课件A: Whats the matter?B: Im not feeling well. I have a _.A: You should _. You shouldnt _.coldget some restdrink wine名医问诊名医问诊【最新】湖南省郴州市八年级英语上册 Unit 2 What is the matterS

3、ection B 1 课件 人教新目标版 课件A: Whats the matter?B: I have a _.A: You should _.You shouldnt _.feverdrink lots of watergo out and exercise名医问诊名医问诊【最新】湖南省郴州市八年级英语上册 Unit 2 What is the matterSection B 1 课件 人教新目标版 课件A:Whats the matter?B:I have a _.A:You should _, or _. You shouldnt _ or _.sore throatdrink som

4、e hot tea with honeygo to see the doctoreat dry food such as cookiesspeak too loudlyshouldshouldnt 亲情问候亲情问候【最新】湖南省郴州市八年级英语上册 Unit 2 What is the matterSection B 1 课件 人教新目标版 课件 angryweak thirsty have a coldbe stressed outPresentation【最新】湖南省郴州市八年级英语上册 Unit 2 What is the matterSection B 1 课件 人教新目标版 课件1.

5、How do you feel after you have P.E class? 2.2. How do you feel when you have are in the sun for a long time?3.3. How do you feel when you are having an important exam?4.4. How do you feel when you dont eat anything for ten hours?A testtiredthirsty stressed out hungry【最新】湖南省郴州市八年级英语上册 Unit 2 What is

6、the matterSection B 1 课件 人教新目标版 课件1a Match the words with the pictures.【最新】湖南省郴州市八年级英语上册 Unit 2 What is the matterSection B 1 课件 人教新目标版 课件1 _ tired2 _ hungry3 _ thirsty4 _ stressed outbcda【最新】湖南省郴州市八年级英语上册 Unit 2 What is the matterSection B 1 课件 人教新目标版 课件DiscussWhat should you do if you aretired?hun

7、gry?thirsty?stressed out?【最新】湖南省郴州市八年级英语上册 Unit 2 What is the matterSection B 1 课件 人教新目标版 课件1._ Eat an apple. 3. _ Drink some water.2.2. _ go to bed early. 4. _ Listen to music.adcb1b Match the advice with the people.【最新】湖南省郴州市八年级英语上册 Unit 2 What is the matterSection B 1 课件 人教新目标版 课件【最新】湖南省郴州市八年级英语上

8、册 Unit 2 What is the matterSection B 1 课件 人教新目标版 课件2a Listening. Write the problems in the chart below.ProblemShould ShouldntGinatiredTonyJulieAlanListeningstressed outthirstyhungry【最新】湖南省郴州市八年级英语上册 Unit 2 What is the matterSection B 1 课件 人教新目标版 课件ProblemShouldShouldntGinatiredTonystressed outJuliet

9、hirstyAlanhungrygo to bed earlygo to the party tonightlisten to some musicstudy tonighthave a drinkeat any more dumplingseat an appleplay soccer before dinner2b Listen again and complete the chart.【最新】湖南省郴州市八年级英语上册 Unit 2 What is the matterSection B 1 课件 人教新目标版 课件A: Whats the matter with Gina?B: She

10、s tired.A: Well, she should go to bed early. She shouldnt go to the party.Pair workPractice the conversation. Use the information from the chart above.【最新】湖南省郴州市八年级英语上册 Unit 2 What is the matterSection B 1 课件 人教新目标版 课件2A: Whats the matter with Tony?B: Hes _.A: Well, he should _. He shouldnt _.【最新】湖南

11、省郴州市八年级英语上册 Unit 2 What is the matterSection B 1 课件 人教新目标版 课件3A: Whats the matter with Julie?B: Shes _.A: Well, she should _. She shouldnt _.4 A: Whats the matter with Alan?B: Hes _.A: Well, he should _. He shouldnt _.【最新】湖南省郴州市八年级英语上册 Unit 2 What is the matterSection B 1 课件 人教新目标版 课件1. stress v. “使

12、紧张使紧张”,使有压力,使有压力” stressed adj. “紧张的,有压力的紧张的,有压力的” 一些动词一些动词+ed 变成形容词用于形容变成形容词用于形容_ 一些动词一些动词+ing 变成形容词用于形容变成形容词用于形容_The young man is _ (stress) out. He should listen to some music.The story is very _ (interest).Explanation人人事物事物stressedinteresting【最新】湖南省郴州市八年级英语上册 Unit 2 What is the matterSection B 1

13、 课件 人教新目标版 课件 2. problem & question都是可数名词都是可数名词problem需要动手解决的问题,数学、物需要动手解决的问题,数学、物理等需要计算的问题,常与理等需要计算的问题,常与 _ (解决解决)连用。连用。question 对某事有疑问,等待回答的问对某事有疑问,等待回答的问题,与题,与 _ 连用。连用。E.g.: Can you answer this _? Jim works out the _ himself.work out answerquestionproblem【最新】湖南省郴州市八年级英语上册 Unit 2 What is the matte

14、rSection B 1 课件 人教新目标版 课件HomeworkLook for some ways of healthy lifestyle in the Internet.【最新】湖南省郴州市八年级英语上册 Unit 2 What is the matterSection B 1 课件 人教新目标版 课件1. Please give me a bottle of water. Im _. A、stressed out B、hungry C、thirsty2. I want to improve my English. Can you give me some _? A、answers B

15、、idea C、advice 3. What should I do, doctor? _ healthy, you should take more exercise. A、Keep B、Keeping C、To keep CCC【最新】湖南省郴州市八年级英语上册 Unit 2 What is the matterSection B 1 课件 人教新目标版 课件4. Its a good habit _ breakfast every morning. A、has B、have C、to have5. _ Vegetables _ good for you. A、Eat, also is B

16、、Eating, is also C、Eating, also are 6. When she knows she is going to give a talk in front of the class, she feels _ at once. A、thirsty B、tired C、stressed out 7. Im very _. I think I should stop and have a good rest. A、thirsty B、hungry C、tiredCBCC【最新】湖南省郴州市八年级英语上册 Unit 2 What is the matterSection B 1 课件 人教新目标版 课件



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