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1、Unit 4Period 2 ReadingGLOBAL WARMING What are the main causes of grobal warming mentioned in the video?What are the effects of global warming?Does everyone subscribe to the view that global warming is bad?ReadingThe Earth Is Becoming Warmer But Does It Matter? 1) How many paragraphs does the reading

2、 2) Make a division of the text. text consist of? Please number them.TASK 1Read the passage quickly and do the following tasks:Part1 Part1 (1)(1)Introduces a debate over the issue of_. raising a questionPart2Part2_How global warming comes about.giving examples,using graphs, explanation Main ideas of

3、 each part:(2-5)(2-5)global warmingPart3Part3_Lists two different_among scientists towards global warming.PartPart4 4(7)(7)Its up to readers to_ _whether people should do something about global warming or not.giving examples, making contrastleaving a question(6)(6) attitudes think anddecideTASK 2Rea

4、ding for details Who writes this article?Sophie Armstrong of Earth CareWhat rose about one degree Fahrenheit?The temperature of the earthPart1Part1(1)(1)Introduction of global warming. 2. _1. _Part2Part2(2-5)How global warming comes about?the burning of fossil fuels human activityCarbon dioxide, met

5、hane and water vapor trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth.What kind of the gases warm the earth and how?What are the two graphs about?The first graph shows the temperature increase of one degree Fahrenheit between 1860 to 2000. The second graph shows the carbon dioxide content in the

6、atmosphere from 1957 to 1997.Dr. Janice Foster George HambleyAn increase of five degrees would be a _ and it could be very _. It will cause a _ in the sea level, or predict severe _, _, _, _, the spread of _ and the disappearance of _.We should not _ _ high levels of carbon dioxide in the air. More

7、carbon dioxide is a _ thing,which makes plants grow _, crops _ more and will encourage _ _ _ _ animals.Part3Part3(6)List two different attitudes among scientists towards global warming. catastrophe serious rise storms floods droughts famines diseases species worry about positive produce quicker a gr

8、eater range of Even if we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, the climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries. Does that mean we should do nothing?DebateABA : We shall do something about global warming.B: We shall do nothing about global warming.W

9、hat should we do to protect our earth?Discussion:Its high time that we took immediate measures to protect our earth from being polluted.To begin with, we should not throw any rubbish here and there. Instead, we should pick it up.Besides, we are supposed to ban the abuse of plastic bags. Plastic bags

10、 can make white pollution, which makes the environment worse and worse. Whats more, we should stop factories from producing harmful gases and water.Then we appeal to people to take a bus or bike to go to school or work so as to reduce using private cars which cause air pollution.Finally, it is good

11、for us to care about plants. The more plants we have, the better the environment will become.To begin with, we should not throw any rubbish here and there. Instead, we should pick it up. Besides, we are supposed to ban the abuse of plastic bags. Plastic bags can make white pollution, which makes the

12、 environment worse and worse. Whats more, we should stop factories from producing harmful gases and water. Then we appeal to people to take a bus or bike to go to school or work so as to reduce using private cars which cause air pollution. Finally, it is good for us to care about plants. The more pl

13、ants we have, the better the environment will become.Lets protect our environment together!Homework Preview Using language.DebateABA : We shall do something about global warming.B: We shall do nothing about global warming.Quiz1. Have you _ some new ideas? Yeah. Ill tell you later. 2007 江苏江苏 A. come

14、about B. come into C. come up with D. come out with2. Please tell me how the accident_. I am still in the dark. (2005 江西江西) A. came by B. came out C. came to D. came about3. The accident _ the death of two passengers. A. resulted from B. resulted in C. resulted of D. resulted with I. Choose the prop

15、er answer.4. It is the protection for the trees _ really matters, rather than how many trees are planted. A. what B. that C. / D. which5. _ the people, not things, that are the most important. A. These are B. Those are C. It is D. It isnt1.Although we are burning _ coal every year, we wont _ of it f

16、or centuries.2. If the amount of greenhouse gases continues to _, we could be facing a global catastrophe.quantities ofII. Fill in the blanks using the phrases pared to /with come about quantities of go up result in even if be opposed to build up run outrun outgo up3. Many scientists believe that gl

17、obal warming has _ through the burning of fossil fuels.4. The washing machine uses too much energy, but _ we buy a more economical one, it would still use too much e abouteven if5. The car accident on the main road yesterday _ one drivers death.6. _London, Paris is large.7. Sediment (沉淀物沉淀物) _ on th

18、e ocean floor.resulted inCompared to /withbuilds upIII. Translation1. _(是是人类活动引起人类活动引起) this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.2. _ _ (是一位名叫是一位名叫 Charles Keeling的的科学家科学家) made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997.It is human activity that has causedIt was a scientist called Charles Keeling who3. All scientists agree that _ (正是燃烧越来越多正是燃烧越来越多) fossil fuels _ (导致了导致了) this increase in carbon dioxide. it is the burning of more and morethat has resulted in



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