Code of Hammurabi (Babylon) - Wenzhistory - home汉谟拉比法典(巴比伦)- wenzhistory回家

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1、World HistoryIn the beginningFirst Civilizations: Africa and Asia (3200 B.C. 500 B.C.)AncientSumerSumer, the oldest civilization of the Middle EastFertileCrescentSumerThe Sumerians made great advances in mathematics and astronomy.So you can blame them for algebra and GeometryUsed 6 as their numerica

2、l base SO1.60 minutes in an hours2.360 degrees in a circleEgypt: GiftoftheNileEgyptiancivilizationarosealongthefertilebanksoftheNileRiverinnortheasternAfrica.Nile River MapS E C T I O N 5The World of the HebrewsThe World of the Hebrews began in Ur of the Chaldeans (Sumer)Abram (Patriarch) heard God

3、tell him to go to a Promised LandMesopotamiaslocatedatageographicalcrossroadsfortrade&MigrationincludingBabylonians,Assyrians&Persians!animismThe belief in the existence of individual spirits that inhabit natural objects and phenomena Hammurabi1790BCBabylonianKingConquersmostofMespopotamiaLawCodeofH

4、ammurabiCodeofHammurabi StandardizedLaw=ConsistentCodifiedLaw=WrittenEveryoneknewtheLAWIfnotequaleveryonehadequalprotectionunderthelawevenwomenCode of HammurabiTheCodeofHammurabiwasalistof282lawsbroughttogetherandwrittenonan8foottallstonepillarin1280ADforallthepeopleofBabyloniatosee.Whatismostfamous

5、aboutHammurabi?You probably assume it was one simple law.“Aneyeforaneye.”And although that was a law, and it is famous, Hammurabis code was a set of laws for everyone to follow, with set punishment if not followed. Brilliant Idea? Right?#229Ifabuilderbuildsahouseforamananddoesnotmakeitsconstructions






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