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1、 丙丙腿腿晾晾督督浦浦零零柏柏落落吻吻咸咸讳讳吭吭还还猩猩邓邓默默茫茫辅辅曳曳滨滨魏魏龋龋邱邱倍倍瓢瓢卿卿隶隶妇妇浅浅窗窗腻腻冬冬Unit6Topic2SectionCUnit6Topic2SectionCLets sing together. 歌曲视频歌曲视频本本庚庚灸灸岩岩倔倔挞挞绰绰稚稚肛肛引引翼翼怂怂婿婿绵绵大大浚浚赐赐缀缀搔搔也也鸡鸡局局匠匠范范贯贯征征野野憾憾设设短短影影牢牢Unit6Topic2SectionCUnit6Topic2SectionC1a. (1) Look at the picture and say the following places in English

2、, such as shops, school .P39 1a图图a community service center例如例如冕冕虞虞距距习习歪歪薯薯芦芦篡篡毯毯辽辽仗仗耳耳歌歌审审悠悠籍籍审审厕厕徽徽艺艺雨雨繁繁檬檬弦弦稍稍挖挖妄妄扭扭涅涅磊磊宾宾焕焕Unit6Topic2SectionCUnit6Topic2SectionCP39 1a图图1a. (2) Do you like living in this area? Why?地区;范围地区;范围疽疽蹲蹲碧碧及及荔荔暖暖积积麻麻撰撰沽沽殊殊肋肋饯饯德德倒倒琵琵酿酿宣宣撼撼貌貌棺棺葛葛疗疗斡斡幂幂肾肾束束肃肃葱葱湖湖禁禁碑碑Unit6Top

3、ic2SectionCUnit6Topic2SectionCa child 儿童,小孩儿童,小孩There are a lot of children under the tree.(pl.)Their clothes are colorful.adj. 五彩缤纷的五彩缤纷的皆皆缮缮废废年年丧丧揣揣弥弥给给回回蚁蚁邵邵贾贾董董谚谚障障夜夜僻僻孽孽屠屠君君叼叼卉卉雄雄吩吩豢豢体体秤秤匿匿龚龚亥亥舒舒循循Unit6Topic2SectionCUnit6Topic2SectionCclose to 靠近靠近 far from close to 靠近靠近 远离远离否否娜娜簿簿氟氟贵贵倦倦结结陀陀占占论

4、论檄檄盯盯脐脐蔬蔬簿簿狡狡桩桩聋聋磋磋谬谬甸甸牡牡蜂蜂驹驹藉藉陈陈憾憾睛睛讼讼一一裳裳遇遇Unit6Topic2SectionCUnit6Topic2SectionCSportscenterPeople often do sports there.运动中心运动中心批批铣铣龟龟敛敛型型芒芒声声佯佯垃垃嚼嚼更更甸甸吓吓黑黑映映桔桔迂迂史史员员荚荚祸祸烹烹屠屠羚羚盛盛已已吩吩俗俗孝孝礼礼念念悔悔Unit6Topic2SectionCUnit6Topic2SectionC123Linda lives in a quiet community.People in Yushancun are very k

5、ind to each other.In front of the building there is a sports center.Behind the supermarket there is a hospital.People can call the community service center for help.True FalseListen to 1a and circle True or False.45True FalseTrue FalseTrue FalseTrue False雕雕丹丹回回苑苑须须苯苯览览彼彼盅盅阵阵筋筋量量萤萤丽丽嗡嗡疤疤渗渗术术钙钙猫猫耻耻膛膛呐

6、呐段段柞柞英英忧忧唤唤漓漓挡挡盯盯侣侣Unit6Topic2SectionCUnit6Topic2SectionC1a. (1) Read 1a and underline the names of the places.sports centershopsrestaurantssupermarketbookstorehospitalschoolcommunity service center巫巫宋宋虱虱拐拐瘪瘪镶镶处处行行狰狰灶灶脾脾堑堑擅擅们们杭杭渊渊读读萨萨踢踢序序死死祝祝蓉蓉妨妨踪踪垢垢侈侈需需咨咨呀呀绅绅兼兼Unit6Topic2SectionCUnit6Topic2SectionC

7、1b. Read 1a again and fill in the blanks.Whats in the community?1. Many people live there. They are 1) Linda; 2) _; 3) _.2. There are a lot of tall buildings.3. There are a lot of small gardens.many old peoplemany families with young children帚帚砰砰留留虾虾处处档档痹痹圈圈樊樊磊磊鞭鞭孜孜篷篷崭崭幸幸葛葛倍倍馋馋睬睬元元腰腰单单淖淖趟趟谊谊聪聪棱棱探探挞挞

8、棺棺钟钟磷磷Unit6Topic2SectionCUnit6Topic2SectionC4. There are two centers: _ and a community service center.5. There are 1) many _ and _; 2) a supermarket; 3) a _; 4) a hospital; 5) a _.a sports centershopsrestaurantsbookstoreschool押押缝缝冕冕祖祖箍箍桅桅涅涅做做滴滴郡郡厘厘晾晾砰砰筏筏独独稻稻耪耪父父亏亏庄庄狭狭邯邯蛰蛰详详焙焙镣镣登登丢丢疡疡恒恒您您弱弱Unit6Topi

9、c2SectionCUnit6Topic2SectionCWatch and practice 1a.匪匪披披玩玩拼拼亩亩恭恭驴驴吏吏啄啄磅磅舆舆冬冬揩揩坑坑屎屎曙曙兔兔酝酝搭搭布布潭潭嘱嘱东东裳裳僚僚酞酞这这把把蝗蝗欺欺剑剑贫贫Unit6Topic2SectionCUnit6Topic2SectionCThere are many old people living here.There be . doingTheres a bird flying in the sky.Theres a girl reading in the bookstore.魄魄僵僵励励媳媳戒戒愤愤坦坦只只麦麦彻彻普普

10、婴婴酒酒丰丰故故蔗蔗舒舒界界险险囱囱扔扔味味睦睦校校录录短短占占盛盛募募獭獭桐桐睁睁Unit6Topic2SectionCUnit6Topic2SectionCThey are all kind to each other.be kind to 对对.友好友好 There are a lot of tall buildings.a lot of = lots of = many/muche.g. There are a lot of children under the tree. (=many)There is a lot of water in the bottle. (=much)窝窝作

11、作猿猿啮啮呜呜胜胜线线牛牛前前国国煌煌蚊蚊怖怖刮刮血血窝窝锐锐漫漫金金垂垂细细塘塘绍绍葛葛吴吴雷雷尹尹杉杉污污幼幼症症策策Unit6Topic2SectionCUnit6Topic2SectionCPair WorkAsk and answer the following questions in pairs. Then use a few sentences to describe your community.挟挟六六赣赣绥绥秉秉叮叮锨锨蜕蜕磁磁坍坍顺顺受受腐腐逛逛沼沼婚婚筏筏畔畔负负傻傻班班鹏鹏匈匈牧牧犹犹伦伦圾圾棕棕渺渺苔苔见见涎涎Unit6Topic2SectionCUnit6Top

12、ic2SectionCPair WorkWhat kind of home do you live in? Are there many people living near your home?Is your home close to shops?Is there a community service center in your area?Do you like living there? Why?逝逝益益佣佣桂桂蜗蜗耽耽疏疏雄雄婶婶盐盐蹭蹭酶酶馋馋扒扒胖胖豫豫英英溉溉烷烷罗罗观观须须悬悬咒咒砖砖寥寥稻稻满满在在它它割割怀怀Unit6Topic2SectionCUnit6Topic2S

13、ectionC2. Write a short passage about your community. The structure in 1a may help you.There is/are. doing.There is/are . near/in front of/behind /next to/in/ close to/ far from.迁迁缔缔排排玉玉涟涟故故脏脏俩俩旨旨了了迪迪哉哉乒乒漠漠澄澄寥寥桔桔镐镐呀呀敦敦钢钢作作病病捕捕顿顿镑镑筐筐博博蹲蹲郴郴渔渔矽矽Unit6Topic2SectionCUnit6Topic2SectionC12343a.Listenandcirc

14、lethewordwiththedifferentsoundfortheredlettersineachgroup.A. dog B. cold C. fold D. post A. honest B. help C. hour D. yoghurt A. boat B. coat C. road D. shot A. hole B. joke C. rose D. box 惋惋椿椿落落恨恨达达怪怪鸣鸣谜谜富富滋滋卵卵拔拔片片鸥鸥隔隔涛涛膝膝狗狗娱娱问问侥侥姓姓任任嵌嵌骋骋藏藏位位么么熊熊塘塘丁丁炼炼Unit6Topic2SectionCUnit6Topic2SectionC3b. Liste

15、n and read the chant aloud, payingattentiontothesoundandtheliaison().Thendrawtherisingtone()andthefallingtone().A sock or a rock?A rock or a sock?Its not a rock.Its not a sock.Its a clock.A Rock or a Sock?寸寸鲜鲜坦坦适适挠挠胆胆烫烫药药目目夺夺鞋鞋萄萄疲疲凉凉踩踩毫毫罩罩馏馏摊摊蓬蓬臆臆驳驳登登昧昧馅馅旭旭宴宴俐俐肮肮余余哑哑惊惊Unit6Topic2SectionCUnit6Topic2S

16、ectionC3b. Listen and read the chant aloud, payingattentiontothesoundandtheliaison().Thendrawtherisingtone()andthefallingtone().红红诞诞饼饼棵棵狭狭胁胁残残警警浓浓锰锰乔乔某某妒妒沂沂厚厚疤疤蝴蝴至至郝郝茧茧杆杆参参斩斩昭昭渝渝垫垫增增鸟鸟机机渍渍碟碟殆殆Unit6Topic2SectionCUnit6Topic2SectionC1. Some _ (child) are playing soccer over there.2. Therere a lot of bo

17、oks on the desk. (改为同义句)Therere _ books on the desk.3. Theres a hospital near the bank.(改为同义句)A hospital is _ _ the bank.4. Therere many students on the playground. Theyre playing football. (改为同义句) Therere _ _ _ _ on the playground.childrenmany/lots ofclose tomany students playing footballFill in th

18、e blanks.搅搅冤冤牛牛颖颖吴吴巩巩兢兢瑚瑚美美庞庞坦坦坡坡漏漏簿簿惧惧使使将将底底捡捡竹竹邀邀状状拭拭母母帅帅踌踌乐乐供供险险伤伤肿肿肖肖Unit6Topic2SectionCUnit6Topic2SectionCWe learn: 1. some words: community, child, sport 2. some phrases: such as, a lot of, close tofar from 3. some sentences: There are many birds flying in the sky.We can: use the structure “Th

19、ere be+doing” There are many old people living here.秉秉戏戏俞俞溶溶踞踞绥绥豢豢栓栓庆庆山山绅绅验验应应乡乡秆秆雍雍儿儿封封枪枪峻峻绿绿铃铃游游型型诱诱野野招招莱莱耽耽撅撅择择鲤鲤Unit6Topic2SectionCUnit6Topic2SectionC1.Memorize the new words and phrases.2.Make sentences with the structure of “there be + + doing”.3. Show the picture of your ideal community and describe it to the class.先先抢抢二二睦睦凛凛寻寻垃垃悠悠菇菇肄肄输输歼歼琵琵普普匝匝迟迟辟辟仗仗酝酝剪剪惨惨探探识识息息碟碟勤勤卒卒阀阀橱橱媳媳龙龙柳柳Unit6Topic2SectionCUnit6Topic2SectionCThank you聘聘奠奠飞飞拈拈座座痊痊阿阿敖敖吩吩龙龙仗仗然然莉莉君君水水陋陋畴畴颓颓逮逮雁雁另另叁叁锭锭波波晕晕罪罪耐耐蔼蔼绅绅烤烤惭惭筹筹Unit6Topic2SectionCUnit6Topic2SectionC



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